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And I need breakfast birthday party ideas.


And orange juice.  Because I want some.   :D


Actually, I just remembered that I have a tropical smoothie downstairs in the fridge.  Anyone want to go get it for me? 









Be right back...

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Fantasy, adventure, mystery, thriller type stuff. I'm not opposed to some good historical fiction or even YA stuff. But for some reason, everything on Overdrive seems poorly written and not engaging. I need engaging. This is my escape from reality.


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Harry Bosch. I was on a Harry Bosch (by Michael Connely) kick for a while. Very engaging. Very escapist.
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Mine only wants Lego, superheroes, and Lego superheroes. His interests haven't changed in....well, ever. Although, I think I can add Sonic the Hedgehog to that list now.

Does he have an awesome train set? Art supplies? A remote-controlled car? 




A stack of donuts instead of cake. Or a big stack of pancakes, and you can hollow out the middle and put in sprinkles or candy or something else edible and confetti-like. Streamers across his door and fill the room with balloons while he's sleeping. Or a trail of balloons with a little surprise in each one. I love birthdays.

He has all of that. Kewl ideas.



It's been a decade since I had a 7 yo boy!  I feel old.  


I think Thomas trains were his favorite at that age.


And I know this post probably isn't felpful at all.

Nope. :lol:



Cinnamon rolls.  Because frosting.  :)

Oh, good idea!



And orange juice.  Because I want some.   :D


Actually, I just remembered that I have a tropical smoothie downstairs in the fridge.  Anyone want to go get it for me? 









Be right back...

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Fantasy, adventure, mystery, thriller type stuff. I'm not opposed to some good historical fiction or even YA stuff. But for some reason, everything on Overdrive seems poorly written and not engaging. I need engaging. This is my escape from reality.


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

Not sure if it's available on Overdrive, but I loved the Spellman Files series by Lisa Lutz. (Language!). More recently I've been enjoying Agatha Christie.

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Any birthday gift ideas for a 7 year old boy?

The "Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction" book. As recommended by Jean (I think). Most of the needed supplies you probably have at home or can get at the dollar store.


Well, there's an interesting Booyah for ya!


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they will keep on posting here forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends

It's better than a Mercedes Benz

It helps with coffee withdrawal and other troubles, too

Eighteen hundred pages of friends all cheering for you


This thread keeps going on and on

with record-setting length and fun

It started twenty-four months ago from curiosity

and all the fun and frolic has shown this is the place to be


This is the thread that never ends...

And the place where one finds special friends,

the kind that have hearts that are strong and true

Yes, ITT ladies, I am talking to you!


This is the thread that never ends....

Edited by Susan in TN
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The "Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction" book. As recommended by Jean (I think). Most of the needed supplies you probably have at home or can get at the dollar store.


Well, there's an interesting Booyah for ya!


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they will keep on posting here forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends

It's better than a Mercedes Benz

It helps with coffee withdrawal and other troubles, too

Eighteen hundred pages of friends all cheering for you


This thread keeps going on and on

with record-setting length and fun

It started twenty-four months ago from curiosity

and all the fun and frolic has shown this is the place to be


This is the thread that never ends...

And the place where one finds special friends,

the kind that have hearts that are strong and true

Yes, ITT ladies, I am talking to you!


This is the thread that never ends....

As much as I like that book, I wouldn’t get it for a seven year old. Mini weapons require a certain manual dexterity that my kids anyway, didn’t have at seven.

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Good morning!


Doctor appointment today.  Since it shifted times we will Refit today instead of Zumba, and then my card of classes should be used up enough for us to end attending classes.  More family visitations over the weekend, then come Monday DD16 and I start exercising at home and nagging each other.  It has a time slot each day on the weekday calendar, so we don't have the excuse of "finding the right time slot".


The purchase alert for the styling charge on my Stitch Fix order has just chimed in.  It's supposed to arrive about Nov. 2!


Time for breakfast, and to make sure I have gathered what I need for the doctor's office.

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Good Morning!!!






Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch this afternoon!!ðŸ‘ðŸðŸ‚🎃🎃


A bit of a weather system is moving through. Windy, a tad bit of rain....💨💦. That's nice for a change, hopefully it's raining a little more in northern Cal to really squelch the fires. They haven't been in the news lately, so I'm thinking they may have a handle on them.

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I wouldn't know what to get a seven year old boy. I don't remember what my boys got at that age. Probably strange things--they have kind of eclectic tastes. 

When the boys were around twelve or so, they decided they didn't want things--they wanted to go do things. We made a trip to a large aquarium that year. This year one of them wants to go play a round of golf at his favorite course, and I think the other one might choose a new lake to explore.

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1) that stuff is dang expensive or at least it is in my little town. $21.99  :crying: 

2) I bought some. 

3) It tastes like prune syrup. 


Well, then you have a good reason to get better soon!  :grouphug:


We used to fit 40-50 people in my grandma’s house at Thanksgiving. We always grabbed dinner and dessert at the same time bc it was such a chore to weave your way back through the crowd. The first homeschool potluck I went to I unthinkingly did the same. The organizer made some rather huffy comments in her “welcoming address†about how SOME people had already started on dessert. Ok then, didn’t realize other families don’t do that. Also last homeschool potluck.


At our homeschool potluck (at the Y), most people grabbed desert at the same time as the other stuff. Nobody ever got criticized for that. Though I did police my kids to not grab 2-3 brownies at the same time on the first go-through (likewise, no going overboard on other stuff on the first go-through either). Except last time, when I had a headache or something and stayed in my chair the entire time. I glared at my kid who did grab 2 hotdogs on the first go-through and told him to think of other people (they make them on the spot, so they're in limited supply but also come out fairly slowly, so if people grab more than one at once the people behind them need to wait longer). I know he wasn't the only kid to grab 2, but still - should've grabbed 1 and gone back for more later if he wanted more. 


True, true. And the other turtle just polished off the ice cream. I've got the water heating up right now.


??? How *do* you make rice pudding?


We're Asian.  I mean, I'm not.  But I was raised in Asia and dh is Asian.  This is like heresy or something.  ;)


Yep... I woke up early one day in Thailand and helped myself to rice, with banana and sugar (no milk) for breakfast, and was perfectly content with that. My sisters about had a fit about not serving me a decent breakfast (their mom had put them in charge of that). 


Do you ever feel like you've read everything worth reading? 


Not that I've read everything worth reading, but it's a lot harder for me to immerse myself in a book these days. 




Fantasy, adventure, mystery, thriller type stuff. I'm not opposed to some good historical fiction or even YA stuff. But for some reason, everything on Overdrive seems poorly written and not engaging. I need engaging. This is my escape from reality.


Yeah, I don't think that's just Overdrive though... I think I've become more critical as I've gotten older. 


I liked Warren Ellis's Normal. Though I guess it's sci-fi. It's too short.


Any birthday gift ideas for a 7 year old boy?


My almost 7yo told me the other day that he wants a 200 piece puzzle for his birthday. Not sure where that number came from, but he helped me put down the border for my 2000 piece puzzle, and is now helping me put in the last 100 or so pieces (didn't help in between). 


Dutch Babies?   :laugh:


We've gone over this before.  :toetap05:





That word offends me. 


(as in 'moist' - no actual real serious offense)

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You can make a crêpes and stack them with stuff in between, e.g. crêpe, thin layer of pudding, crêpe, thin layer of jam, crêpe, etc (other ideas include, for example, nutella - obviously, whatever you pick, it all needs to go together). Then you can cut it like a cake (you could even put candles on the top layer).

Edited by luuknam
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Rice Pudding


2 cups water

1/2 cup Arborio Rice

1/2 cup Medium or Long-Grain Rice

2/3 cup sugar

2 cups heavy cream

3 cups 2% milk

1/4 tsp salt

2 tsp of vanilla extract


Heat water to boil and add rice an 1/4 tsp salt. Cover, reduce heat and cook until most of the water is absorbed. This typically takes 10-12 minutes on my stove. Add the cream, milk and sugar. Increase heat to medium, get it to a simmer, reduce heat again to maintain a low simmer. Cook until the pudding thickens-this can take 30 minutes or more. Stir to keep it from sticking, but you don't have to stir constantly as long as you keep an eye on it. Once the pudding is almost thick enough that a spoon slumps in it, add your vanilla extract and thicken it up just a little more.


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Btw, I wrote crêpes, but I was actually thinking of Dutch pancakes, which are kind of in-between American pancakes and crêpes, but more like crêpes that are a bit too thick (and slightly less eggy, I think). Also, often the full diameter of a dinner plate. I wouldn't want to make that pancake-tower-cake out of actual crêpes - too much work. It's already a fair amount of work using pancakes. I just didn't want anyone to think of making it out of American pancakes... that wouldn't work. Crêpes would work, but would be a lot of time. 

Edited by luuknam
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I've managed to make most of my kids cry or mad already this morning and I just remembered that there is a field trip we signed up for that we will apparently not be going to today.


I'm going to try Junie's Long Division Method and see if it helps things move along here without the weeping and gnashing of teeth.

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Nuts! They are a bunch of poop-heads anyway.

Hey, one more rejection is a step closer to success. And I learn a lot through these contests, especially about what a bear subjectivity is. I had a friend who didn't get in either, and I know for a fact she has a truly awesome story that will find a publisher one day. It's really good, and I love the main character.

Bottom line--readers are choosy, agents are choosy, and publishers are choosy. Even if I decide to go with self-publishing at some point, I'm learning a lot about writing, editing and the process involved in getting something published. 

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As much as I like that book, I wouldn’t get it for a seven year old. Mini weapons require a certain manual dexterity that my kids anyway, didn’t have at seven.


Yeah... I bought it 1-2 years ago, looked through it, and it's been on my shelf since. I was actually staring at its spine the other day thinking I should maybe pull it down and give it a try. Or maybe not yet.


Rice Pudding


Too much work. Here's my method: follow instructions on a box of dessert rice. Okay, so I don't know what kind of rice that is, but the only ingredient listed is dessert rice, so there are no weird additives. Basically, iirc, bring milk and rice to a boil while stirring, add sugar, simmer for 10 min or something while stirring (basically, till it thickens), done. Serve with butter and brown sugar. The incessant stirring is pretty important. I'm sure about the part where you just boil the rice in the milk, not water - I'm feeling less sure about when to add the rice (I think right from the start, not when it boils), and sugar (I think after it boils, but maybe right from the start), and how long it takes to thicken after it boils. I should probably experiment with different rices to figure out what rice to use. 


I'm going to try Junie's Long Division Method and see if it helps things move along here without the weeping and gnashing of teeth.



Did I miss Junie's Long Division Method? What is it? 

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I should probably experiment with different rices to figure out what rice to use. 



The internet says risotto rice (arborio or carnaroli), or sticky rice, or broken rice. Thanks internet... those were pretty much my guesses... now, which one??? Also, it seems like maybe you do not add any sugar while cooking... I think I may have confused that part from semolina pudding (where you definitely do add sugar while cooking). 

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I'm going to guess the boxes of dessert rice are broken rice. Broken rice is a side product of rice... so would be ideal to repurpose for dessert rice and sell at a higher cost, lol (okay, I don't remember for sure if dessert rice is more expensive than other rice... might be about the same for other boxed rice... but I usually buy rice in a bag, so, it's definitely more expensive per pound than a big bag). I also think it looked more like broken rice than like risotto or sticky rice.

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