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Mine jumps all over people in the back yard and digs 100 holes to China back there, but I don't have the energy to correct this stuff.  I have tried.  My uncle will need to take over from here.  You know, since he is retired and has time on his hands and is so darn good at it.  (head toss)

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My pets are unschooled.

That's fantastic!


My dog can go to [where I point my finger], get under the bed, get down, and sit. Sitting was huge for me. If she's 100 feet away and about to chase a squirrel into traffic and I yell sit she sits right where she is. She's a good girl and I don't care to teach her anything else.

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That's fantastic!


My dog can go to [where I point my finger], get under the bed, get down, and sit. Sitting was huge for me. If she's 100 feet away and about to chase a squirrel into traffic and I yell sit she sits right where she is. She's a good girl and I don't care to teach her anything else.

That is good enough.  Mine cannot be trusted off leash because squirrel.  Or dog.  Or cat.  Or leaf.  It's the breed, which is what I cannot get my dad to really understand.  


Why do I try to get my dad to understand my dog?  Why would I do that?


She's a livestock guardian breed.  They don't obey.  If you're lucky and they respect you enough, they cooperate.  Training cannot undo thousands of years of breeding instincts.  She does sit (in her own good time), and she will come when I tell her to while we are walking on the leash (most of the time).  She is house trained and crate trained and very sweet.  She would tear the limbs off of an animal who tried to hurt any of us.


She's pretty.  I tell people she is an uncivilized super model dog.  A real head-turner.  Kim Kardashian, only with 100 added IQ points.  I will try to add a picture to this thread so you people can see what I am dealing with here.  It is above my pay grade.

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That is good enough.  Mine cannot be trusted off leash because squirrel.  Or dog.  Or cat.  Or leaf.  It's the breed, which is what I cannot get my dad to really understand.  


Why do I try to get my dad to understand my dog?  Why would I do that?


She's a livestock guardian breed.  They don't obey.  If you're lucky and they respect you enough, they cooperate.  Training cannot undo thousands of years of breeding instincts.  She does sit (in her own good time), and she will come when I tell her to while we are walking on the leash (most of the time).  She is house trained and crate trained and very sweet.  She would tear the limbs off of an animal who tried to hurt any of us.


She's pretty.  I tell people she is an uncivilized super model dog.  A real head-turner.  Kim Kardashian, only with 100 added IQ points.  I will try to add a picture to this thread so you people can see what I am dealing with here.  It is above my pay grade.


Mine's a boarder collie cross. She was born to follow orders. She would probably be happier with more.

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All of ya'll have the cute factor. :D


Your dog is little.


She's a beagle boarder collie cross. She's slightly larger than a beagle. We're big dog people. We didn't want her but she would have been put down and she's a good girl. My mother in law was camping and told the stupid 15 year old she was with that she could bring the free puppy home and if her mom said no that *we* would take her. I was so pissed. I knew on first glance that she was a shepherd and needed more than we could give, but she's been a good addition to the family. I was still pissed though.

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We have no dogs, cats, rabbits or fish right now.  (I recently killed a peace plant that lived with us, though.)


After hitting Sea World today, I don't believe we ever will.  My children are now convinced that all dogs can dance, drive, and jump rope.  


NOW.  Onto my gazillion multi quotes:



No one has posted since almost 3 a.m. People are not taking this thread seriously.


Maybe I should wake up everyone. Here you go.




What a flashback!!  I used to play that on my calico-blue record player.  


Whew, I just folded six loads of laundry.  Ugh.


I hate laundry! True confession.


I refuse to fold, at least as far as my kids' clothes are concerned.  It's not as if they stay folded in their drawers for more than 3 hours anyway. Just DITCH IT!!  It is so freeing!!!  


That's impressive!  I've never folded that many loads at once.  I generally have a rule that laundry must be folded hot from the dryer (that's how I avoid ironing).  Of course, that sometimes results in a couple extra fluffing cycles.  (And also explains why I have at least 6 loads waiting to be washed at any given point in time!)


Ditch ironing too.  Really!  


I excel at laundry, and I have a complex system.  True story.  It's the only household duty I usually do not mind.


I excel at laundry too, and I have a streamlined system. (See above.)  


I'm great with laundry. I do it throughout the morning, toss it all on my bed which gets made every morning, fold it at nap time, and it gets put away before hubby gets home. I *hate* laundry and I *hate* dishes. Everything else is a piece of cake. Someday I'll have this in my kitchen.


Eta: And yes that's my pinterest, so if you wanna know what kind of person I really am...


That is a thing of beauty. I'm officially stalking you now on Pinterest.   :zombiechase:   


I don't just sit on pinterest. I pin things that I find interesting from amazon etc. and clean it out once a month when I'm cramping and want to lay down. Regularly cleaning it out makes so that I actually implement the ideas.


Mine are all entirely unimplementable (unless we win the lottery), but I like the idea of cleaning it out.  


My prek assistant got me hooked on pinterest when I taught prek, but I've never kept up with it. Here's my boring one: https://www.pinterest.com/sagibug/


Also stalking yours now.   :zombiechase:



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Mine are all entirely unimplementable (unless we win the lottery), but I like the idea of cleaning it out. 


I only pin realistic things. I've literately used over 100 pins between books, organization, fitness info, art projects, etc. It's absolutely perfect for curricula. I've possibly pinned things for my senior that I haven't even conceived. I used to be really stressed out and held tons of information in my head, but I've learned to use notebooks, pinterest, and I'm making a "mom binder". It's all very freeing.

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Good morning!


The cat threw up this morning. She started howling and gagging. I came running in from the laundry room, saw what was happening and grabbed her off the rug and onto the hardwoods to throw up. Dh and my two youngest kids sat a few feet away being gaping gawkers while I rushed in for the save. Then I cleaned it up and started laundry.

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Good morning!


The cat threw up this morning. She started howling and gagging. I came running in from the laundry room, saw what was happening and grabbed her off the rug and onto the hardwoods to throw up. Dh and my two youngest kids sat a few feet away being gaping gawkers while I rushed in for the save. Then I cleaned it up and started laundry.


Good morning!


That's exactly what I do too.

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Ooh, we have the same super power.


As do I. This superpower includes the ability to come up out of a sound sleep at the sound of the cat hawking up a hairball on my bed in the dead of night, and removing the cat to an indestructible surface before the first molecule of hairball touches the floor.

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As do I. This superpower includes the ability to come up out of a sound sleep at the sound of the cat hawking up a hairball on my bed in the dead of night, and removing the cat to an indestructible surface before the first molecule of hairball touches the floor.

You are GOOD.
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Good morning. The next time you feel that you've failed at parenting know that my 21 year old sister in law vomits on the carpet as well and has her mom clean it up because it's "too hard" for her to make it to the toilet. It's funny how when she's sick at my house that she doesn't have that problem. I wonder why that is.

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Good morning. The next time you feel that you've failed at parenting know that my 21 year old sister in law vomits on the carpet as well and has her mom clean it up because it's "too hard" for her to make it to the toilet. It's funny how when she's sick at my house that she doesn't have that problem. I wonder why that is.


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And the day starts with a discussion of vomiting. :huh:  This thread is epic.


I think Lotsoflittleducklings wins the laundry wars. Hers is a system that I can implement.


texasmama, I love your Pyr!  One is on my wish list, just as soon as we get the sheep. (For inside, I have a GSD, a breed that lives to serve. :patriot:  It will be interesting to see if I survive a guardian dog.)

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As do I. This superpower includes the ability to come up out of a sound sleep at the sound of the cat hawking up a hairball on my bed in the dead of night, and removing the cat to an indestructible surface before the first molecule of hairball touches the floor.


I do this too. It truly is a gift. And, it usually takes a lot to make me wake up. But, the sound of a hacking cat (or her catching a mouse) will do it every time.


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I do this too. It truly is a gift. And, it usually takes a lot to make me wake up. But, the sound of a hacking cat (or her catching a mouse) will do it every time.



Get that. A sentence started with And, and another started with But. I'm on a roll.

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Not only that, but sentences starting with "and" and "but" that are improperly punctuated (there should not be commas following them). Awesome!

The only instruction on comma placement I've ever received was that you should place commas anywhere there's a pause and when listing things.

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