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Three kids in daycare would cost more than you would bring home. Trust me on this.

You must be new to this. *I* would not pay for daycare. You would. You would pay for my daycare, transportation and food stamps (which we've never had but would need if we both worked FT and couldn't make everything from scratch) so that we could live the way society thinks we should. Seriously. I've actually had two different people (one at church, one WIC employee) explain to me that if we did things right we could afford two cars. These were people who knew I couldn't drive. If we had two cars then Matt could drive the gas efficient one to work and only use the van when we all go out. Because making two car payments and paying insurance on two cars is easy when one is gas efficient. I guess.


I wasn't confused.  I paid attention.  


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Sounds like an alignment problem. When was the last time you had your tires rotated and aligned? It might be time again.

You must really know what you are talking about if you could make sense of the gobbledygook I spewed forth. No worries though; DH will fix it. He doesn't like me driving his car because I spill coffee and the boys leave crumbs. So borrowing his car tonight will ensure fixing mine is at the top of his priority list.


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The thing is I don't think he was trying to be mean. I think that is just honestly how bad I look and people are feeling uncomfortable bc they think there's no way you can have your schmidt together and look like this. Everyone who's said anything to me has acted genuinely concerned.


I am a frump.  I look like a grandma.  I am regularly mistaken for a grandma - even for my 20 year old.  (Many of my peers are grandmas but of toddlers, not 20 year olds.  Though I suppose if I had a child as a teen and they had a child as a teen, it could happen.)  Depending on if I've washed my hair or not, or gotten enough sleep or am feeling unwell, I think that I look like a bag lady.  I figure it keeps me humble.  ;)  I'm not in a position time or money or energy wise where I can devote resources to looking more put together.  So I make sure that when I open my mouth that I sound like a nice friendly well-read bag lady. 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Dutifully checking in. :hat:


So far, I have driven all over the place trying to get where I needed to be. My GPS broke.Literally. I had printed a map before I left home, but when I got to ready to use it, it was actually useless. The address the hotel uses doesn't actually exist. Well, at least, my GPS doesn't know it. Asked random strangers in gas stations how to get to Wilson. Was finally able to reach my sister, who knew exactly where my hotel was and directed me in. Whew.


FYI: In little towns in NC, even Burger King closes at 10. :-o


Backgrounds: these siblings and I have the same father, different mothers. I didn't know they existed until I was about 22 or 23yo. I didn't meet them until a couple of years later, when our father kidnapped them from their mother in NC and drove them to California, where I was living at that time. I didn't see any of them until about 20 years later. I've never had them all in the same place at the same time, which might happen tomorrow at the wedding (one of the sisters). Two of the sisters and I talked about Stuff today The older sister (still younger than I) thinks that my father regretted that he wasn't able to get custody of me when he and my mother divorced. I am glad he didn't. He was not a good father, at all. Anyway. Their story and mine and my mother's make quite a soap opera. We should write a book, lol.


The wedding is tomorrow. On Sunday, I'll meet a friend I have known since VegSource days, who doesn't live too far from here, then I'll drive to Virginia Beach. Monday I'm going to drive up to Richmond, to see if I can find vital records to fill in details of my mother and father's marriage and divorce, and possible her second marriage. Tuesday and Wednesday my cousin and I are going to the OBX; meeting lots of cousins down there, and going to the Christmas Shop in Manteo, and who knows what else. Thursday I'm going to Williamsburg with a friend from high school, and possibly a member from here. :-) Friday or Saturday might be a trip to Roanoke to meet a friend I knew when we were 11 and 12yo in Corpus Christi, Texas, and maybe one other. Sunday, back to Raleigh; Monday, fly home.




So y'all are my witnesses, in case I disappear and the FBI is looking for me. :hat:

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I am a frump.  I look like a grandma.  I am regularly mistaken for a grandma - even for my 20 year old.  (Many of my peers are grandmas but of toddlers, not 20 year olds.  Though I suppose if I had a child as a teen and they had a child as a teen, it could happen.)  Depending on if I've washed my hair or not, or gotten enough sleep or am feeling unwell, I think that I look like a bag lady.  I figure it keeps me humble.  ;)  I'm not in a position time or money or energy wise where I can devote resources to looking more put together.  So I make sure that when I open my mouth that I sound like a nice friendly well-read bag lady. 


I have an aunt who became a grandmother at 34.  She had a baby at 17; my cousin had a baby at 17.  The whole family held its collective breath when the baby turned 17.   ;)


Edited to resurrect a kitten.

Edited by Junie
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We felt like our particular kids would do better being with Mom during the day when they were young and even when older. It's why I stayed home and why I homeschooled. I haven't regretted it. I have found it difficult at times both emotionally and financially. But my kids did well as a result, I think.


Would they have done ok with day care and public school? I think that they would have done ok - though I think that Ds would have had Aspie troubles and Dd's health would have been worse. But it's hard to evaluate a road not taken. (Other families don't have my kids and they aren't Dh and me. So I don't evaluate their choices. )



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I'm worried about this baby!


Relax. Don't do it.

We won't. We contemplated it back in the day of early Babiness but between me not driving and other things it was just dumb. Our lives would have been spent working or getting to work or screaming at the kids because we're both so tired of working.

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This is the first song I remember hearing on a radio.  We were at my mom's friend's house -- I was about 4.  IIRC, the words were different on her radio, though. ;)



Edit:  Nope, I must have been older than 4.  So, either I didn't hear this song at that time or my mom was friends with her later than I thought.  Hmm.

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See! This could only happen if there really WERE people in the speakers singing the songs!! They could change lyrics if they wanted!

I believed there were people in the speakers when I was a kid.


I thought they were at the radio station.

We only had a radio in the car. I didn't think there were people in the car and I didn't realize there was a radio station. I guess I wasn't very smart.

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Good Saturday Morning!




I'b sick.  I hab a cold.


Dd7 was kind enuff to share.



Okay, which one of you got me sick?








I was going to quote more of that song, but then I looked up the lyrics and thought, "hmmm, that's not a very family-friendly song". So I decided not to,


I don't know that song.  





We have double chocolate brownies!

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There's a bathroom on the right!



Antony and Cleopatra were both nuts. For enduring the second half of the play (get on with it!) and the cold, the kids were rewarded with some good death scenes and a live snake.



I thought you were going to say ice cream.  

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