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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


Thank you so much! Who needs Cliff's Notes! I will study and will endeavor to do my best as a participant on this thread, however, I must admit to being severely deficient in the witticisms required as a participant. I will try to learn from you all!


The witticisms come with time.  Be patient, and don't force it. 

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Booya is my word. There is no h. You can say booyah, but it doesn't replace booya and you look foolish doing it.


Another case of a nice young thing thinking she originated something.  Booyah has been around for decades, dearie.


And without the "h" is ONE variation of the main word that is spelled WITH the "h". 



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Another case of a nice young thing thinking she originated something.  Booyah has been around for decades, dearie.


And without the "h" is ONE variation of the main word that is spelled WITH the "h". 




Here's another resource link:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booya_%28ship%29


It turns out your spelling is the name of a ship that sank, Slashiepoo.

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My mom is such a pain. She told me to put ice on my back which is exactly what the doctor told me not to do. Now that it's a week later and it still hurts she's talking down to me like I'm a foolish child and says that if I'd been icing it that it would be better. She ignored me when I told her that ice made it worse and ignored the doctors advice because she knows everything and everyone else is an idiot.

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I know that YOU remembered me, and thank you for that.  But el Quackaroono needs to go back and fix her post in the list in which is was posted.  To fail to do so would leave all of our newbies inadequately edumacated.


El Quackaroono??  EL QUACKAROONO????





And to think I went and ETA-ed you, and all that.  Hmph.  




ETA:  Actually, I kinda like the nickname.  Makes me feel loved.   :001_wub: 


ETA again:  Moreover, since you've come over to my side on the proper spelling of booyah, I will find it in my heart to forgive you.  

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My mom is such a pain. She told me to put ice on my back which is exactly what the doctor told me not to do. Now that it's a week later and it still hurts she's talking down to me like I'm a foolish child and says that if I'd been icing it that it would be better. She ignored me when I told her that ice made it worse and ignored the doctors advice because she knows everything and everyone else is an idiot.



So sorry, Slache.


How's it feeling today??


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Here are the important notes, but you must still read the entire thread to get full credit.


  • Slache is pronounced "Slash" here, and she is the Booya Babe.  Note: this does NOT mean that there is no "h" in Booyah.  It just means she leads the camp that prefers the shorter spelling.  It's like the second "a" in archaeology -- perfectly correct and even more classical to have it.
  • Ellie is The Queen, and benevolently posts clips of significant cultural value.  These must all be watched.
  • Ranai is Master of Icons and continues to amaze us with what she can find.
  • Texasmama is utterly amazing and an example we should all strive to emulate.
  • Jean is Thread Grandma, and passes out treats as she sees fit.
  • I am Thread Matriarch, and the Elephant Ninja.  As Matriarch I will step in whenever I deem it necessary.  Also, I give the quiz.
  • We have in the past and might in the future award points.  Just like in Who's Line the points don't matter.
  • We have many, many more important participants in this thread, most of whom haven't yet adopted or acquired thread titles yet.  THEY ARE ALL IMPORTANT.  Every single one of them.
  • I'm tired and have a headache and am sure I have forgotten to list some specific people.  I APOLOGIZE PROFUSELY.  Please everyone, help me list the others, for Krissi's sake.

The most important point of all:  We play.  We console.  We commiserate.  We lean on each other.  We are family, and are glad you have joined us.


Now go study for your quiz.


:blush:  :001_wub:  :cheers2:

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My mom is such a pain. She told me to put ice on my back which is exactly what the doctor told me not to do. Now that it's a week later and it still hurts she's talking down to me like I'm a foolish child and says that if I'd been icing it that it would be better. She ignored me when I told her that ice made it worse and ignored the doctors advice because she knows everything and everyone else is an idiot.


Hope your back is feeling better soon. ((hugs))  I guess different back issues need different treatment. My lower back pain responds really well to ice. Some moms will try to be fixers for ever and ever amen.

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There was a small gecko on the ceiling. Chaos ensued. It lost its tail. We had to view a video to convince little dd this is okay. I heart geckos.

I love geckos. And lizards. We had a small dead lizard on our patio thanks to our ugly-but-cute teen-age kitten. And his tail was laying (or is it lying) by his side. (That would be the lizard's tail, not the kitten's). I was not happy.
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Here are the important notes, but you must still read the entire thread to get full credit.


  • Slache is pronounced "Slash" here, and she is the Booya Babe.  Note: this does NOT mean that there is no "h" in Booyah.  It just means she leads the camp that prefers the shorter spelling.  It's like the second "a" in archaeology -- perfectly correct and even more classical to have it.
  • Ellie is The Queen, and benevolently posts clips of significant cultural value.  These must all be watched.
  • Ranai is Master of Icons and continues to amaze us with what she can find.
  • Texasmama is utterly amazing and an example we should all strive to emulate.
  • Jean is Thread Grandma, and passes out treats as she sees fit.
  • I am Thread Matriarch, and the Elephant Ninja.  As Matriarch I will step in whenever I deem it necessary.  Also, I give the quiz.
  • We have in the past and might in the future award points.  Just like in Who's Line the points don't matter.
  • We have many, many more important participants in this thread, most of whom haven't yet adopted or acquired thread titles yet.  THEY ARE ALL IMPORTANT.  Every single one of them.
  • I'm tired and have a headache and am sure I have forgotten to list some specific people.  I APOLOGIZE PROFUSELY.  Please everyone, help me list the others, for Krissi's sake.

The most important point of all:  We play.  We console.  We commiserate.  We lean on each other.  We are family, and are glad you have joined us.


Now go study for your quiz.


There are a couple of mistakes:

1) It's Renai - just one 'a'.

2) I am the head Elephant Ninja. You might have missed this. Please note the awesomeness of me:




The nervous ones:



The fumbler:



The sidekicks:



Me, in my awesomeness:




All of us, tired afterward:





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Slash, don't boycott over the H. It is so not worth missing me over. Just ignore the haters.


Dd called me yesterday and said she was having fun. I was worried because when I left her on Sunday she seemed angry, which means really sad. She said, "I know you won't be happy about this but we stayed up talking really late." I told her I was very happy she did that! She was planning on being a loner (as if!) and wouldn't talk much to her roommates before I left.


I had driven up alone with just the girls and wanted to get back before dark and/or rain hit. I told dh I wanted him gone by the time I got back. It was a minimum 4 hour round trip.

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There are a couple of mistakes:

1) It's Renai - just one 'a'.

2) I am the head Elephant Ninja. You might have missed this. Please note the awesomeness of me:





Argh in frustration and to like.  Sorry about the misspelling -- I knew better, but didn't catch it.  My tired brain's bad.


You can be head Elephant Ninja now if you like because of your sheer awesomeness, but I was the first AND I am Matriarch.  The rest of you are all of my Ninja Elephant's Children.


DDalmost14 thinks that I should have a lecturing icon.  One hand on hip, the other gesticulating with the index finger pointed.  Mouth going "mwa mwa mwamwamwamwa", akin to the adults' voices in the old Peanuts specials.

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My back was 50% better the next day, but has yet to show more improvement. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow.


I'm contemplating boycotting tHis tHread for wHat sHould be obvious reasons.


Ha Ha Ha Ha, as if you could stay away.  You love us too mucH!

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DDalmost14 thinks that I should have a lecturing icon.  One hand on hip, the other gesticulating with the index finger pointed.  Mouth going "mwa mwa mwamwamwamwa", akin to the adults' voices in the old Peanuts specials.



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Argh in frustration and to like.  Sorry about the misspelling -- I knew better, but didn't catch it.  My tired brain's bad.


You can be head Elephant Ninja now if you like because of your sheer awesomeness, but I was the first AND I am Matriarch.  The rest of you are all of my Ninja Elephant's Children.



I came up with the cool icon, I keep it. Thus, I am head ninja elephant. So there.  :001_tt2:

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Slash, don't boycott over the H. It is so not worth missing me over. Just ignore the haters.


Dd called me yesterday and said she was having fun. I was worried because when I left her on Sunday she seemed angry, which means really sad. She said, "I know you won't be happy about this but we stayed up talking really late." I told her I was very happy she did that! She was planning on being a loner (as if!) and wouldn't talk much to her roommates before I left.


I had driven up alone with just the girls and wanted to get back before dark and/or rain hit. I told dh I wanted him gone by the time I got back. It was a minimum 4 hour round trip.


Argh (to like).  See how awesome you are?  Though I bet your DD is just the tiniest bit exasperated that you failed to live up to her expectation of not liking her staying up so late.  Only the tiniest bit, however.  Overall I bet she's quite pleasantly surprised, and feeling just a bit more grown up because someone she loves and trusts approved of a decision she made entirely on her own.

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I have put myself on a plan.  Today, that includes getting a new calendar to plan my summer and taking both dd's to Inside Out.  I'm up for a good cry.


:grouphug: Come on over. I'll make you a cup of tea and get you something GF and chocolate.

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I have put myself on a plan.  Today, that includes getting a new calendar to plan my summer and taking both dd's to Inside Out.  I'm up for a good cry.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:  ::hands Texie a lace hanky to cry into::

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You were sitting down? Because that's the only way to look up to me, considering how short I am.


Yup, I was.  Too tired to keep standing.  I'll catch up some tonight, though.


Everybody on the morning news shows was talking about the Leap Second (an extra second added every 18 months or so to keep the atomic clocks in alignment with the rotation of the Earth).  They were asking how we were going to use our extra second today, and had polls with options including "voting in this poll".


The extra second won't be added until midnight tonight, however, delaying midnight by one more second (from 23:59:59 to 23:59:60 to 24:00:00 to 00:00:01, as I understand it in 24-hour time).  Therefore I plan to use my extra second SLEEPING.  And I bet the vast majority of people thinking they will spend it otherwise will actually do the same as me.  Some might stay up to party, some might be working (for no extra pay for the extra second).


I find it interesting that this is the first time I ever heard Leap Second discussed, even though it has apparently been done every 18 months or so since 1972.  Just think -- for those of us who have been alive that long that's an extra 28 seconds of sleep we got over the years!

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I have put myself on a plan.  Today, that includes getting a new calendar to plan my summer and taking both dd's to Inside Out.  I'm up for a good cry.



:grouphug: Come on over. I'll make you a cup of tea and get you something GF and chocolate.



:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:  ::hands Texie a lace hanky to cry into::



A hula for the middle of the day (because I might forget this evening):





No, she needs a Texas sized cotton hanky.  Lace hankies are only good for putting up to your forehead when you are swooning.  



Arghety arggh to all of the above!  Hang in there, Tex.  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I didn't cry as much as I thought I would!  But my right eye did leak a little.  


The  movie will have significance for mamas of growing up kids (aren't they all???).  It was particularly meaningful for me as I sat next to my almost 20 year old and my 9 year old.  I am a mama with one foot in kidland and one foot in young adultland.  We walked out, and I asked little dd if it was sad.  She said no.  She loved it.  I asked college girl if it was sad, and she said that we should all rewatch childhood movies as adults because we really get the meaning then.  And yes, her eyes leaked a bit.  I was all, "You grow up and lose your Bing Bong!!!"  (I won't explain because it's a spoiler.)

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Having one of those "death by papercut" days.  I didn't sleep well and that's 99% the root of my problems.  Well, that and probably the new oral antibiotic I'm on.  I'm not functioning on all cylinders.  I went to pick dd up from the Y and she got in the car and I didn't even notice (I was staring off into the distance probably sleeping with my eyes open) for a couple of minutes.  Good thing she wasn't a car jacker!  Then my computer was crashing repeatedly for some stupid reason or another and I lost all my open tabs (like 15 of them).  I remember about five but can't remember the others and yes, they were important ones having to do with some research I'm doing.  Bah!  

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Having one of those "death by papercut" days.  I didn't sleep well and that's 99% the root of my problems.  Well, that and probably the new oral antibiotic I'm on.  I'm not functioning on all cylinders.  I went to pick dd up from the Y and she got in the car and I didn't even notice (I was staring off into the distance probably sleeping with my eyes open) for a couple of minutes.  Good thing she wasn't a car jacker!  Then my computer was crashing repeatedly for some stupid reason or another and I lost all my open tabs (like 15 of them).  I remember about five but can't remember the others and yes, they were important ones having to do with some research I'm doing.  Bah!  


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Huggie smilies seem so inadequate, but it's all I got, my friend.

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Having one of those "death by papercut" days. I didn't sleep well and that's 99% the root of my problems. Well, that and probably the new oral antibiotic I'm on. I'm not functioning on all cylinders. I went to pick dd up from the Y and she got in the car and I didn't even notice (I was staring off into the distance probably sleeping with my eyes open) for a couple of minutes. Good thing she wasn't a car jacker! Then my computer was crashing repeatedly for some stupid reason or another and I lost all my open tabs (like 15 of them). I remember about five but can't remember the others and yes, they were important ones having to do with some research I'm doing. Bah!

Aww, Jean! I'm sorry! ((Hugs))
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Slash, don't boycott over the H. It is so not worth missing me over. Just ignore the haters.


Dd called me yesterday and said she was having fun. I was worried because when I left her on Sunday she seemed angry, which means really sad. She said, "I know you won't be happy about this but we stayed up talking really late." I told her I was very happy she did that! She was planning on being a loner (as if!) and wouldn't talk much to her roommates before I left.


I had driven up alone with just the girls and wanted to get back before dark and/or rain hit. I told dh I wanted him gone by the time I got back. It was a minimum 4 hour round trip.


I didn't see anyone reply to this, so if I'm out of line or you discussed it elsewhere, let me know.  Is this a "I want a bit of quiet when I get home?" or is this a "Get your sorry behind out of my life - it's over?" kind of thing.  Do you need hugs? chocolate? Ninja Elephants?  We're here for you, friend.  :grouphug:

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I didn't see anyone reply to this, so if I'm out of line or you discussed it elsewhere, let me know.  Is this a "I want a bit of quiet when I get home?" or is this a "Get your sorry behind out of my life - it's over?" kind of thing.  Do you need hugs? chocolate? Ninja Elephants?  We're here for you, friend.  :grouphug:

Pretty much. But it doesn't work anyway.


ETA: Didn't know I got a BOOYA!!


This is the thread that never ends, it just goes on and on my friends...

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