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My apologies for my oversight, Your Highness.  If I may be so bold, allow me to remind you: it is I, Thread Matriarch, AMJ, who helped establish our honored tradition.  I fear my 2-week absence from the forums and this thread have caused me to fade into distant memory, and perchance my appearance has changed much since we last were together.


My deepest and most sincere profusologies over my forgetitudinousness.  I failed to notice the page status of my reply due to over exuberance in pursuing posts I had missed and responding individually as I saw need.  I shall slow down my catchuposity in hope of preventing future lapses.


My obsequiousest kowtow in gratitude for your kind benevolence in drawing my attention to my error.  My most gracious monarch, I thank thee.


You are most gracious. I can only blame my Hashimoto's thyroiditis flare for such a serious breach of protocol. #whycantdoctorsgetitright #retiringtotheroyalcanopybedtorecover

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I am authorized to distribute them.



And you get 10,000 bonus points if you bring me a latte. Skinny. With biscotti.

And $10,000 in unmarked bills! It will all be waiting for you behind the large rock near the Lake of Shining Waters (can you guess what book we're reading?) tomorrow when the rooster crows twice.
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I'm not sure how they got Booyah from that. . . .  It says "naisu" which is basically the English word "nice" transliterated into Japanese syllables.  




They did say it meant "nice."  They did not say it was a transliteration.  


At least it's not crude or disgusting.   :hurray:


So, hmmm…  a top-o-the-page "Niiiiiiiiiice, baby."


Don't think Slacheypoo will go for that.  

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And $10,000 in unmarked bills! It will all be waiting for you behind the large rock near the Lake of Shining Waters (can you guess what book we're reading?) tomorrow when the rooster crows twice.


The latte AND the cash?  


Or the latte in exchange for the cash??





Because the first I can do.


The second however is even worse than Starbucks. 

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YOu guys always have so much fun while I am stuck at work.  AND it looks like my work schedule in the fall has doubled.  It will be a challenge to keep homeschooling, but ultimately it is a good thing.  We had our year end staff party tonight, a great time ws had by all, though I have to restart my whole30 tomorrow because I was WAY off protocol.  Anyway, currently I work M-F 730-9am and then 230-6pm at the afterschool care, and then Mondays and Fridays I also do 9-1 at the college daycare (owned by some umbrella but very different programs).  Next year things change, and for me it means practically doubling my paycheques.  I will so do 730-9am at the afterschool care, plus 230-6 M-F unless it is a non school day when I will do 9-6.  THis happens roughly every other week or so.  I will be doing 9-2 M-F at the college daycare now.  Meaning I will essentially be doing 10.5 hour work days with only a 30 minute lunch break. Plus my college classes at night.  My kids are on board for it, and while it will be challenging I think I can make it work though I may put the youngest into ps for the year to take the burden of childcare off the big kids.  What it ultimately means is that by the end of the school year I should be able to completely pay off 1 of my 2 student loans and be well on the way of paying off the other and that is without the raise I will get after graduating next spring.

So a ton of work and I will need to book a family vacation at some point in the year, but financially a turning point for us.  I want to do it this year because once my son turns 18 even though he will still be in high school and living at home I know my ex will cut the child support and I will lose his disability benefits and the amount I get from child tax benefit for him, so that is a big reduction in my monthly budget.  SO I figure work my butt off for 10 months to make life easier when that day comes.  I can do anything for 10 months if it means my family will benefit from it.

After how hard the last couple days have been I needed this positive change in my life.  THe whole night ended well.

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I'm not sure how they got Booyah from that. . . .  It says "naisu" which is basically the English word "nice" transliterated into Japanese syllables.  


Yeah, that was interesting. I only know the hiragana (well, I haven't practiced in a while...), and the only thing I'd be able to do would be to write "bu ya", which I don't think means anything...

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Yeah, that was interesting. I only know the hiragana (well, I haven't practiced in a while...), and the only thing I'd be able to do would be to write "bu ya", which I don't think means anything...

Well, I suppose their reasoning is that booyah is (according to the Urban Dictionary) "an expression of joy, especially over a well-played or victorious moment in sports" and saying "Nice!" is also an expression of joy that  you could use in the same circumstances.  Not that I've ever heard anyone yell that out in Japan but I've been away for many years so who knows, perhaps it's the new in thing?  

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Time to update siggy.  We have a 12yo today!  Presents quick and then off to the pool for practice.  Party in two weeks combined with younger sister.  Yay! 


Happy Birthday to your dd from the ITT! :party:  :party:  :party:

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So much celebrating to do!!!  


My dd is off for a 4-day camping adventure with a group of homeschool girls. It's organized by the girls for the girls with little-to-no adult interference. They should have a blast. 


Oh, and before dd leaves, dc and I emptied her room and ripped the carpeting to prepare it for new flooring (that doesn't smell of cat pee). It already smells WAY better. That's is worthy of celebrating, too!  :party:


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Oh, and before dd leaves, dc and I emptied her room and ripped the carpeting to prepare it for new flooring (that doesn't smell of cat pee). It already smells WAY better. That's is worthy of celebrating, too!  :party:



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Good morning!!! It's FRIDAY!!!!!


:party: :party: :party:

Good afternoon now! But it still is Friday. And it's hotter than a big dog here. 108 degree projected! I keep telling DH that we need to purchase a summer home in Alaska. He just kind of looks at me when I say that.
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I got offered a job today at the school I was working summer school. I met the principal, we had a conversation, she told me that if I wanted the position to get my application back in to the district and she considered our conversation the interview. So, there's that. I'm just worried about my girls.

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I got offered a job today at the school I was working summer school. I met the principal, we had a conversation, she told me that if I wanted the position to get my application back in to the district and she considered our conversation the interview. So, there's that. I'm just worried about my girls.

Tough decisions.   :grouphug:

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It is 59 degrees in Anchorage with a light rain, or so says Google. I read that out loud to dh but somehow he didn't think we should hop on the next flight out.

I think I really do need a vacation home in Alaska now! Right now we're holed up in the house with the AC on and the curtains all drawn to keep the sun out. Good grief, it is miserable outside!
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I think I really do need a vacation home in Alaska now! Right now we're holed up in the house with the AC on and the curtains all drawn to keep the sun out. Good grief, it is miserable outside!


It's "only" 91 degrees right now, but with no a/c, well, it's hot.

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It's not weird to do lesson planning for the kids and program planning for work in the bathtub is it?  It is hot here today (and this weekend getting hotter).  28C (82F) Which is too danged hot.  It only gets this hot for a couple weeks of the year so almost no one has AC, we just suffer through sweating.  Thank goodness we will be back to crisp fall mornings in only 8 weeks lol

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It's not weird to do lesson planning for the kids and program planning for work in the bathtub is it?  It is hot here today (and this weekend getting hotter).  28C (82F) Which is too danged hot.  It only gets this hot for a couple weeks of the year so almost no one has AC, we just suffer through sweating.  Thank goodness we will be back to crisp fall mornings in only 8 weeks lol


Not at all.  My son thought it was genius of me to suggest I read his history to him when he takes his bath to save time. :)  So it has become a regular occurrence.

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I have never used the ignore feature before. Today I put 17 people on ignore. I wonder if that is a new record for most names added in a day.

What does that do for you? If I ignored you would you be invisible to me? What if I ignored you and you sent me a message?

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What does that do for you? If I ignored you would you be invisible to me? What if I ignored you and you sent me a message?

THere is little spots that you checkmark, so I put them all to ignore posts and signatures, but they could still message me.  Instead of seeing their posts it says so-and-so has written a post you have blocked do you want to see it anyway, or something to that effect.  SO I could still see it if I wanted to, but I don't.  They can still see me.  It makes reading threads weird because I will not even notice someone posted a reply until I see them quoted.

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I *have* pants. I just feel that pants, bras and footwear are optional while I'm home alone and it's 90+ degrees outside.


I *have* clothes. I just feel clothes of any kind, except maybe underwear, optional while I'm home and it's over 90 degrees outside. That is whether anyone is home or not.

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It's not weird to do lesson planning for the kids and program planning for work in the bathtub is it?  It is hot here today (and this weekend getting hotter).  28C (82F) Which is too danged hot.  It only gets this hot for a couple weeks of the year so almost no one has AC, we just suffer through sweating.  Thank goodness we will be back to crisp fall mornings in only 8 weeks lol


82F is hot?  :confused1:  Somebody's spoiled...

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