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Everyone, we need an intervention for Krissi! She thinks that Rachel is her friend and is trustworthy!

But... But... She was my friend. I told her things I've never told anyone. My social security number. My birth date. My bank account numbers. Credit card numbers.
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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


I hurt my back really bad. I fell to the floor and can't walk. Matt was close and came straight home. He helped me get a shower, dried me off, and put me in bed. He's always been really good when I'm sick or hurt. I'm so grateful for him.


I took one of my last two percocets. I don't think I'll be much fun this time though.

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I hurt my back really bad. I fell to the floor and can't walk. Matt was close and came straight home. He helped me get a shower, dried me off, and put me in bed. He's always been really good when I'm sick or hurt. I'm so grateful for him.


I took one of my last two percocets. I don't think I'll be much fun this time though.


Oh no!!!


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I hurt my back really bad. I fell to the floor and can't walk. Matt was close and came straight home. He helped me get a shower, dried me off, and put me in bed. He's always been really good when I'm sick or hurt. I'm so grateful for him.


I took one of my last two percocets. I don't think I'll be much fun this time though.


Oh, no! 


For back injury, think anti-inflammatory.  Like, 800 mg of ibuprofen, prescription-strength dose.  Every six hours.  Can you get in to see your doctor?  Depending on what you've done, muscle relaxants are more effective than a straight pain reliever.  (I know way too much about back/neck problems.)

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But... But... She was my friend. I told her things I've never told anyone. My social security number. My birth date. My bank account numbers. Credit card numbers.


Maybe she went to Nigeria with my long-lost, never-heard-of-before uncle who was supposed to be wiring me $7 million. :toetap05:

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Oh, no!


For back injury, think anti-inflammatory. Like, 800 mg of ibuprofen, prescription-strength dose. Every six hours. Can you get in to see your doctor? Depending on what you've done, muscle relaxants are more effective than a straight pain reliever. (I know way too much about back/neck problems.)

Thanks. I took 400 MG of ibuprofen. I don't want more drugs right now. I was tearfully in pain so I popped a percocet. That's why I kept them. I'll stick with ibuprofen from here on out and up the dosage if necessary. I'm going to see how I feel in the morning before I make an appointment.

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My throat hurts. Head hurts. I thought I was just exhausted from not sleeping last night, but now I wonder if I am coming down with something.



(But...but...but Vikings NEVER get sick! We are a tough bunch of FABA's!)


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I hurt my back really bad. I fell to the floor and can't walk. Matt was close and came straight home. He helped me get a shower, dried me off, and put me in bed. He's always been really good when I'm sick or hurt. I'm so grateful for him.


I took one of my last two percocets. I don't think I'll be much fun this time though.


Oh, no, that's awful! Take care of yourself.

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But... But... She was my friend. I told her things I've never told anyone. My social security number. My birth date. My bank account numbers. Credit card numbers.




...but wait...I'm your friend, and you've never told *me* any of this. Hmph.

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I am hiding out from my neighbor.  Unfortunately she lives across from me and can see if I'm home.  She's called 3x just today.  I ended up talking to her once because ds forgot to look at call waiting and picked up one of the times.  There is nothing I can do for her.  Today's freak out phrase (repeated rapidly over and over again) is "I don't know what to do".  Even after I told her what I thought she should do and we all know that my advice is like gold!  ;)  

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I am hiding out from my neighbor.  Unfortunately she lives across from me and can see if I'm home.  She's called 3x just today.  I ended up talking to her once because ds forgot to look at call waiting and picked up one of the times.  There is nothing I can do for her.  Today's freak out phrase (repeated rapidly over and over again) is "I don't know what to do".  Even after I told her what I thought she should do and we all know that my advice is like gold!   ;)


Oh brother.


I've had friends like that. Fortunately, though, none of them lived that close to me.

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I hurt my back really bad. I fell to the floor and can't walk. Matt was close and came straight home. He helped me get a shower, dried me off, and put me in bed. He's always been really good when I'm sick or hurt. I'm so grateful for him.


I took one of my last two percocets. I don't think I'll be much fun this time though.


Oh, no!!!  I'm so sorry, Slache!


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I hurt my back really bad. I fell to the floor and can't walk. Matt was close and came straight home. He helped me get a shower, dried me off, and put me in bed. He's always been really good when I'm sick or hurt. I'm so grateful for him.


I took one of my last two percocets. I don't think I'll be much fun this time though.


How did you fall? In what position? You've got a good man.

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My fil died suddenly yesterday.  He had alzheimer's and was living in a care home since April. He was physically in excellent health, was only on psych meds, no bp or cholesterol or any other issues so it's a shock. Sounds like he had a massive heart attack and passed while having a nap in the late afternoon.


All at 6's & 7's here as fil & mil made no arrangements & apparently never even talked about service or burial or anything so dh is trying to figure out what to do today.




Hornblower, sorry for you loss.  :grouphug:


(and sorry for bringing it up a week later, but I wanted to say something)

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Raining Pineapples:  This one is for YOU, bay-bee! 






(This is SO my family tree.)



Quoting myself here:  I ran the one and only DISNEYLAND Marathon.  While training, my late (and dearly beloved) Daddy asked me, "Honey, why are you running?  Nobody is chasing you?"  :lol:

:lol: That would have had me running! Would have set a personal record that ranked above my  walk.


Congrats on running a marathon. A half is next on my list. Forget the full, I saw people crossing the finish line this week with bloody noses and scary limps. 

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So I have been watching mama cat and our foster kittens on the website to see when they are adopted.  Two kittens were adopted, but mama cat's photo disappeared.  So I looked on a FB page, and they euthanized her. :sad:   I cried.  I contacted my friend who works there, and she doesn't know for sure but thinks mama got a cold so they put her down.  She was mad.


I had made myself a deal that if Phoebe got adopted before Marley, I would go back for Marley.  Well, Phoebe is gone, so I went back for Marley.  My heart has been aching for her.  The kids don't know yet.  


Not everything in life has to make sense.


Sorry about the mama cat :(


Yay for getting Marley!


Sometimes the best things in life don't make sense.

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I hurt my back really bad. I fell to the floor and can't walk. Matt was close and came straight home. He helped me get a shower, dried me off, and put me in bed. He's always been really good when I'm sick or hurt. I'm so grateful for him.


I took one of my last two percocets. I don't think I'll be much fun this time though.


Ouch! You weren't on a ladder or anything were you? Hope nothings broken and it'll heal quickly.

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Caught up on the last 10 pages and ran out of likes. That's a first! 


We are on our second round of company with the third arriving Friday. My husband took them camping and fishing tonight, while I stay home and try to get caught up on the important stuff (like this thread!) 


Really, all I want to do is get up one morning and not worry about what everyone is having for breakfast.

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I hurt my back really bad. I fell to the floor and can't walk. Matt was close and came straight home. He helped me get a shower, dried me off, and put me in bed. He's always been really good when I'm sick or hurt. I'm so grateful for him.


I took one of my last two percocets. I don't think I'll be much fun this time though.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: for you...


And three cheers for Matt! :hurray:  :hurray: :hurray:  

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Thanks Jean.


More details.

1 woke up with a sore lower back

2 stretched which caused severe pain and I collapsed

3 husband came home and took care of me and kids

4 got up later > horrible pain/couldn't move

5 called a non emergency ambulance

6 got x-rays and pain meds

7 feeling better

8 more later

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Thanks Jean.


More details.

1 woke up with a sore lower back

2 stretched which caused severe pain and I collapsed

3 husband came home and took care of me and kids

4 got up later > horrible pain/couldn't move

5 called a non emergency ambulance

6 got x-rays and pain meds

7 feeling better

8 more later


Oh my dear friend!!!


If I lived closer, I'd come over and clean and babysit and cook meals and run errands.

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Thanks Jean.


More details.

1 woke up with a sore lower back

2 stretched which caused severe pain and I collapsed

3 husband came home and took care of me and kids

4 got up later > horrible pain/couldn't move

5 called a non emergency ambulance

6 got x-rays and pain meds

7 feeling better

8 more later


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:



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Thanks Jean.


More details.

1 woke up with a sore lower back

2 stretched which caused severe pain and I collapsed

3 husband came home and took care of me and kids

4 got up later > horrible pain/couldn't move

5 called a non emergency ambulance

6 got x-rays and pain meds

7 feeling better

8 more later

FIrst OUCH!, 2nd what on earth is a nonemergency ambulance? I have never heard of that, out here if you call an ambulance it is an emergency.  Glad the pain meds are helping you feel better.

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FIrst OUCH!, 2nd what on earth is a nonemergency ambulance? I have never heard of that, out here if you call an ambulance it is an emergency. Glad the pain meds are helping you feel better.

No lights no siren. I couldn't walk but wasn't having a heart attack.

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This booya is dedicated to The Original Booya Babe.



All together now!

"This is the thread that never ends,

it just goes on and on my friends.


People started posting, not knowing what it was.

And we'll continue posting forever just because


This is the thread that never ends..."

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This booya is dedicated to The Original Booya Babe.



All together now!

"This is the thread that never ends,

it just goes on and on my friends.


People started posting, not knowing what it was.

And we'll continue posting forever just because


This is the thread that never ends..."

You're so sweet.

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