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Meanwhile, in Texas, the state homeschool association has thrown homeschoolers under the bus. Its leader claims that 71% of homeschoolers are in favor of accepting government funding in exchange for less freedom. :cursing:



Hmm, Park Day might get interesting this week.  A new family has joined our group, and the mother, as part of introducing herself, mentioned her position with said association.  We meet them in person for the first time this coming Park Day.  I don't know if the topic will come up or what might be said.  We try to keep our Park Days as non-political as possible because we are gathering to play and visit.  

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I dreamed last night that I got back from a hot air balloon ride and then had to coordinate everyone's visit for dd18's graduation and my sister ruined the ice cream cake for my mom's birthday and then I was trying to drive home and the highway was closed and grown over with weeds and the national guard had been called in and they sent me on a detour through the flooding house of an elderly lady who insisted that I explain how we were coordinating everyone's visit for dd18's graduation. Sigh. No wonder I'm exhausted this morning.


Wow, you dreamed you were Dawn.   :laugh:


(That sounds exhausting!!!)

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I'm pretty sure they just made them up, considering Texans don't have to register. There's no possible way they could have statistics for a blanket statement like that.



They likely circulated a questionaire as a so-called survey among a subset of homeschoolers known to them and decided it was representative of the population as a whole.

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Hmm, Park Day might get interesting this week.  A new family has joined our group, and the mother, as part of introducing herself, mentioned her position with said association.  We meet them in person for the first time this coming Park Day.  I don't know if the topic will come up or what might be said.  We try to keep our Park Days as non-political as possible because we are gathering to play and visit.  


Yes, it should be interesting.


I wonder if she has always homeschooled, or if her children had been in school and she withdrew them, and followed THSC's advice to send a copy of her withdrawal letter to THSC. I stalk the Texas Homeschool Support FB page and regularly tell people NOT to do that after someone from THSC has told them to do it.


Thank goodness there is now another Texas state association (Texas Home Educators) and I'm on the board. :D

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I dreamed last night that I got back from a hot air balloon ride and then had to coordinate everyone's visit for dd18's graduation and my sister ruined the ice cream cake for my mom's birthday and then I was trying to drive home and the highway was closed and grown over with weeds and the national guard had been called in and they sent me on a detour through the flooding house of an elderly lady who insisted that I explain how we were coordinating everyone's visit for dd18's graduation. Sigh. No wonder I'm exhausted this morning.


I think you deserve a nap.



Wow, you dreamed you were Dawn.   :laugh:


(That sounds exhausting!!!)

Yes. My life exactly. Even explaining to the nosy busybody why things have to be done a certain way. :lol:

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I dreamed last night that I got back from a hot air balloon ride and then had to coordinate everyone's visit for dd18's graduation and my sister ruined the ice cream cake for my mom's birthday and then I was trying to drive home and the highway was closed and grown over with weeds and the national guard had been called in and they sent me on a detour through the flooding house of an elderly lady who insisted that I explain how we were coordinating everyone's visit for dd18's graduation. Sigh. No wonder I'm exhausted this morning.



Good grief, what an adventure!  Rocko!  Rodrigo!  We need the original team's special fanning and fawning for Susan.  Stat!


And send Hector to help the lady with the flooding house.

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This morning we are going to the funeral home to pre-plan and pre-pay for mom's funeral.


This is going to be loads and loads of fun. (This is dripping with sarcasm)


It is good to get it done and over with. I will be so glad to get it done and over with. Ds21 is going with me. Thank goodness.

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They likely circulated a questionaire as a so-called survey among a subset of homeschoolers known to them and decided it was representative of the population as a whole.

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, d--- lies and statistics". (Benjamin Disraeli)
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Yes, it should be interesting.


I wonder if she has always homeschooled, or if her children had been in school and she withdrew them, and followed THSC's advice to send a copy of her withdrawal letter to THSC. I stalk the Texas Homeschool Support FB page and regularly tell people NOT to do that after someone from THSC has told them to do it.


Thank goodness there is now another Texas state association (Texas Home Educators) and I'm on the board. :D



Thanks for the notice of the other association.  I wasn't aware of it.  I will look into that -- can you provide me with a link, please?


She said they recently moved into the area from Austin, and if I recall correctly she had always been homeschooling.  She left grown kids back in Austin, and has teens and littles with her here that she is homeschooling now.  The very wide age spread of the kids is interesting -- she might be homeschooling grandkids or she might really have that wide an age-spead (we have another family that certainly does).  She says she's on the board of THSC.

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Good grief, what an adventure!  Rocko!  Rodrigo!  We need the original team's special fanning and fawning for Susan.  Stat!


And send Hector to help the lady with the flooding house.



Go fan and fawn over Dawn, too!



Caring for our dearies booya(h)!


More hugs!   :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

Edited by AMJ
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This morning we are going to the funeral home to pre-plan and pre-pay for mom's funeral.


This is going to be loads and loads of fun. (This is dripping with sarcasm)


It is good to get it done and over with. I will be so glad to get it done and over with. Ds21 is going with me. Thank goodness.






Because  :grouphug: :grouphug:  :grouphug:  just aren't big enough.

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"There are three kinds of lies: lies, d--- lies and statistics". (Benjamin Disraeli)



Exactly!  My statistics prof said if we never learned anything else from his classes he wanted us to remember how easy it is to manipulate statistics to say just about anything.  The biggest value of his classes was learning how to spot problematic usage of stats, which is nearly all usage.

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I'm not a member of any associations. Where do I sign up for yours??



Neither am I.  I'm a reluctant joiner, or I would have been drawn in by THSC back at my completely newbie panicky phase.  It also helped that DH is a very reluctant joiner, too.  We decided to wait until we learned more, and the more I learned the more I decided not to join.  I always had the option to join later if I determined not joining was a mistake (which didn't happen).


I don't know if we will join Ellie's either, but I will certainly read their stuff.  Joining is not ruled out, just not guaranteed.


Though having Ellie on the board is certainly encouraging!

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This morning we are going to the funeral home to pre-plan and pre-pay for mom's funeral.


This is going to be loads and loads of fun. (This is dripping with sarcasm)


It is good to get it done and over with. I will be so glad to get it done and over with. Ds21 is going with me. Thank goodness.

FWIW, this really was a blessing to have all done when my dad died.

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Thanks for the notice of the other association.  I wasn't aware of it.  I will look into that -- can you provide me with a link, please?


She said they recently moved into the area from Austin, and if I recall correctly she had always been homeschooling.  She left grown kids back in Austin, and has teens and littles with her here that she is homeschooling now.  The very wide age spread of the kids is interesting -- she might be homeschooling grandkids or she might really have that wide an age-spead (we have another family that certainly does).  She says she's on the board of THSC.


Texas Home Educators


She's on the board? Oh my. She might be one of the ones I challenged about that whole sending-a-copy-of-your-withdrawal-letter-to-THSC thing.

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I'm not a member of any associations. Where do I sign up for yours??


Texas Home Educators.


FTR, the association is new, but the founders are not new to homeschooling in Texas. Also, I'm making it my personal goal to visit as many support groups as possible, so when we list them on the web site, *I* know who they are and what they do, and if they need anything, they'll know that THE might be able to help.

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From where are they getting their numbers?


Apparently, they hired an outside organization to make phone calls. We still haven't figured out where the telephone contact numbers came from, because not all of the people who received the calls are THSC members. Some publishers and catalog companies sell their lists, so...

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Texas Home Educators


She's on the board? Oh my. She might be one of the ones I challenged about that whole sending-a-copy-of-your-withdrawal-letter-to-THSC thing.



Thank you!


Yeah, I thought she might be.  I will be a bit reticent this next Park Day until I see how things are going.  We tend to be rather protective of our group's gatherings because they are meant to be purely social.  When I wonder about someone new I tend to talk weather and such or just listen to them interact with others until I get a better feel for them.  We will see how they mesh with the purely social nature of our group.


I am slightly concerned even though I don't know these new people from Adam because in the past I have encountered people who insist on being considered big fish right from the start, when they join a group or whatever.  I have no idea if these people will be that type; I'm just noticing similarities to past encounters (not with this group -- other groups/committees).

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I am such a hypocrite! I "like" your post, as you're my friend. When my grandson says that word, I get after him and make him stop.

If it makes you feel any better, I think this is the first time I've ever said it. But my brain isn't working and it seemed appropriate.


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

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Impromptu field trip today.  The Spokane Falls are supposed to peak today and, as you probably don't know because I never ever discuss the weather, we have had MUCH precipitation this year.  It's apparently quite a sight to behold this year!

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I have parsley's cousin - cilantro. It is quite prolific. :D It's too bad our growing season doesn't start until the middle of May. :(

I want to grow cilantro at the same time I grow tomatoes. So I can make pico de gallo. But cilantro doesn't grow here in the summer. Parsley seems a bit more hardy toward the heat and if I wack it back it'll last till the freeze.
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Impromptu field trip today. The Spokane Falls are supposed to peak today and, as you probably don't know because I never ever discuss the weather, we have had MUCH precipitation this year. It's apparently quite a sight to behold this year!

Fun! I love impromptu field trips. Especially since I am not much of an impromptu person. I would like to be, though.
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I want to grow cilantro at the same time I grow tomatoes. So I can make pico de gallo. But cilantro doesn't grow here in the summer. Parsley seems a bit more hardy toward the heat and if I wack it back it'll last till the freeze.

Cilantro is a great reseeder. This is growing from last year's crop. :D I had parsley in the pallet garden, but it dried out. I'll need to plant more.

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Wow! That's brilliant! Such genius in one so young - I foresee you will be a great homeschooler!

I also keep a bag in the car with extra clothes, towels, snacks, etc. so if an opportunity comes up I can say yes. And a list of activity ideas if I find we have some time to kill. I'm not good at being spontaneous unless I plan for it.
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