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I was snippy with Ping at the Y tonight when she asked me for the fifty millionth time if I'm ever going to let Dd go to "real school ". I told her that Dd does go to "real school "- at home. She said, "you know what I meant ".. And of course I did. But it goes both ways. She knew what I meant as well. And I am done playing the "I'm going to justify what we are doing" game. Hmm. I guess I'm still a bit snippy.



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Now I have that song from "West Side Story" running through my head... "When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way from your fist cigarette till your last dying day..."

I...have never seen West Side Story.


And do not ask why I'm up at this god-forsaken hour. Because, I don't know.

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Good Friday Morning!  (It is Friday, right?)  


Last night, we went to a birthday party at the roller skating / laser tag place and then ds's basketball game.  We have a birthday party to go to Saturday night.  And a family birthday dinner Sunday evening.  We will be partied out and we haven't even had a welcome home party for dh yet.  I will need another "break" week to recover from this (partial) one, lol.  




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Holy Korean Spam, Batman!



We were all the way in the second page. I think the firewall has been breeched.



I'm puzzled.  Did you get spammed?  Did ITT get spammed?  Who got spammed?

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I was snippy with Ping at the Y tonight when she asked me for the fifty millionth time if I'm ever going to let Dd go to "real school ". I told her that Dd does go to "real school "- at home. She said, "you know what I meant ".. And of course I did. But it goes both ways. She knew what I meant as well. And I am done playing the "I'm going to justify what we are doing" game. Hmm. I guess I'm still a bit snippy.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



Rightfully so.  What she said was rude and judgmental and she needed to be taken to task for it.  Good for you.

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I...have never seen West Side Story.


And do not ask why I'm up at this god-forsaken hour. Because, I don't know.



It's not one of my favorites.


Were you up late or early?  I'm sorry you weren't getting good sleep.   :grouphug:

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I forgot to mention that Alex's favorite weapon is steak knives from an open dishwasher.


My favorite ice cream is salted butterscotch.


It's like old times. :001_wub:





Alex!  Put that down!


Any chance of putting sharp things in the top rack?  Or handwashing them?

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And go to the library, because I didn't get to yesterday. And find everything to go back to the big library tomorrow. I'm sure more things that need to be done will occur to me as the morning goes on.

And make the grocery list.

Yep--more things to do....




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I'm still knocked off of my usual morning routine.  Oh, well, I will use today and this weekend to tidy certain areas back up so I can resume morning routine come Monday, if not sooner.


I have also decided that grocery shopping MUST be done at least twice a week so we don't have so many perishables going bad.  Therefore after art class will be mid-week grocery shopping, and the girls can just deal with being along.  When I buy groceries twice a week I also tend to buy less overall.


I think it's going to be reliably pleasant temps most days for the next several weeks, so I also need to schedule in some daily box time and daily crochet or other project time.




The yard guys are back again.  They were just here a day or so ago, and they do several yards on the street.  Why are they back, and why are they blocking MY driveway?  


Oh, wow.  They apparently came down the wrong (dead-end) street, and have now backed out of the street the entire way.  There must be too many cars parked in our turn-around at the end of our street again.  I wish they would have just borrowed our driveway -- it's plenty wide enough, and my truck and our trailer are just as heavy as theirs -- but I think they have rules against that.

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We never leave the dishwasher open. It's just cute how his eyes get all big and he crawls over to the weaponry at super speed. He gets it from JJM.



Yeah, we have had some very fast babies in this clan, too, and one that I swear was trying to become the next Houdini/David Copperfield.  Oh, what a cute dance!  Wait a minute, how did you get ahold of THAT? I was watching you EVERY SECOND!  It was out of reach!  Behind a locked door!  Chained into place!

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It's not one of my favorites.


Were you up late or early? I'm sorry you weren't getting good sleep. :grouphug:

Early. Read a few threads, went back to sleep after an hour or so, and now back up. :D


I'm starting to think that maybe walking dogs early morning could be a great thing for me to do. Critterfixer, get out of my head!

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Susan are you feeling better?

Yes, doing better, thanks. I realized this morning that my birdfeeders have been empty all week, so I think I'll spend some time in the sun (yay, sun!) cleaning and filling them.


I am currently helping dd10 struggle with calculating the area of a rectangle and no one is in tears and I haven't had to put myself in Time Out yet so that's progress. 🙂

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I...have never seen West Side Story.

And do not ask why I'm up at this god-forsaken hour. Because, I don't know.


It's not one of my favorites.


Were you up late or early?  I'm sorry you weren't getting good sleep.   :grouphug:

Honestly, it's not one of my favorites, either, because it is so sad. But it is definitely worth watching at least once.
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JJM, did your cwowd fowow you home?


It followed me East to Nana's house, pouring forth fluffy snowflakes upon my head.


Then it went to Montana, and we went to dinner.


We never leave the dishwasher open. It's just cute how his eyes get all big and he crawls over to the weaponry at super speed. He gets it from JJM.




Yes, doing better, thanks. I realized this morning that my birdfeeders have been empty all week, so I think I'll spend some time in the sun (yay, sun!) cleaning and filling them.


I am currently helping dd10 struggle with calculating the area of a rectangle and no one is in tears and I haven't had to put myself in Time Out yet so that's progress. 🙂


This post arrived at 6:51 a.m., so there's still time, Susan, there's still time!  :laugh:


Good morning, everyone!

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I'm back form C25K week 2 day 1. If we never did school I could work out every day at 9:00. :laugh:

You know, I say that about a lot of things. 😢 it kind of makes me sad that I have lost my joy and enthusiasm about homeschooling. I'm not saying you have, but for me, I think a lot about the things I could be doing like Joining a Bible Study, or working out, or cleaning the house, or just having a tad bit of leisure time when I am not so dang wore out that all I do is lay on my bed with coffee and watch CSI:NY.
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I didn't have to get up quite so early this morning. DS doesn't have school today - his teachers are at some in-service thing in So. Cal. So, he will be home working on his science project, his history, grammar and Religion stuff, as well as any and all make-up work. 😩😩😩

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I wish. I've gessoed in my bushes and ferns on my rock outcropping and I'd love to paint them today. However, I think the last thing on the list is getting the miter saw set up and making a list of lumber and hardware I need to get started on building the chicken quarantine facility so that these birds can be outside enjoying bug chasing while they serve their 21 day observation period.

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You know, I say that about a lot of things. 😢 it kind of makes me sad that I have lost my joy and enthusiasm about homeschooling. I'm not saying you have, but for me, I think a lot about the things I could be doing like Joining a Bible Study, or working out, or cleaning the house, or just having a tad bit of leisure time when I am not so dang wore out that all I do is lay on my bed with coffee and watch CSI:NY.


I have gone through "lack of joy" and come out on the other side to "post traumatic stress disorder."  LOL.  But, on the plus side, if I didn't have homeschooling to structure my days, I just might not ever get out of bed.   :leaving:

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