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Fafsa audit???? Did you win a lottery? Or is this something we all have to look forward to? <run away! Run away!>


The big day may hit a bit early - like in a couple hours! 😀


Yay, no more beeping smoke alarms!


I mean, yay, dh is coming home!  :party:

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I think I'm on to something here...




Never mind me; I'm just talking to myself.


Am I supposed to sign up for the bear class? We're getting home internet soon. :crying:


Would it be beneficial for you if I signed Mary up? She would get nothing from it, but if it you need numbers I can sign them both up.

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:seeya: Howdy.



I was just reading about chickens and discovered that OSM is textese for awesome.  As in, #jeanisosm.  



Huh.  Who knew. 



Also, there are no lice in my house.  (This after an unexpected encounter followed by 2 hours of lice-checking my children and being louse-checked by dh.)  But I have decided that the #1 reason we homeschool is not some lofty view on classical education or the merits of home-based learning,  it's..... lice.   :zombiechase:






That is all.






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Am I supposed to sign up for the bear class? We're getting home internet soon. :crying:


Would it be beneficial for you if I signed Mary up? She would get nothing from it, but if it you need numbers I can sign them both up.

1. Only if you want to. It's a for-pay class. I added more information to the description if that will help you decide.


2. Not if she'll get nothing from it. (She'll get something, but still). There is never an obligation to pay for something just because you know me. :D

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Also Also....


Is Brown Bear this Friday?? I have not yet signed up because I need to check my calendar and budget. But yes, Renai, I'm interested too.










Yes, it starts this Friday. I hope I'm ready.

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Well, going back to bed failed.  For me, at least.  The sun is up (well, behind a few clouds) and it's COFFEE time!!!!


Maybe i'll catch a nap later today!  


I keep forgetting / putting off several phone calls I need to make.  Feel free to ask me later if I made them.   :leaving:


I am lightening up school work where I can today and tomorrow.  When dh gets up, we'll start unpacking his car, etc.  


Oh, in the midst of everything else I forgot to tell you that 15yo ds earned his probationary Black belt last night.  Yay!  

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Well, going back to bed failed.  For me, at least.  The sun is up (well, behind a few clouds) and it's COFFEE time!!!!


Maybe i'll catch a nap later today!  


I keep forgetting / putting off several phone calls I need to make.  Feel free to ask me later if I made them.   :leaving:


I am lightening up school work where I can today and tomorrow.  When dh gets up, we'll start unpacking his car, etc.  


Oh, in the midst of everything else I forgot to tell you that 15yo ds earned his probationary Black belt last night.  Yay!


Congrats to DS15!


Was last night fabulous? Did everyone cry? I would have cried, because sap. I hope you grossed the kids out with your smooches. :D


How is he?

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Congrats to DS15!


Was last night fabulous? Did everyone cry? I would have cried, because sap. I hope you grossed the kids out with your smooches. :D


How is he?


Um, no.   :lol:   No one cried either, lol.  Sorry, we are very boring, lol.   


He was tired from the drive, but very happy to be home.  Everyone waited up for him except 13yo dd.  Youngest dd had made a poster and we had balloons.  Everyone hung out for a bit together and then headed towards bed.  Youngest wants to make him a cake today, but we'll have to deal with unpacking first.  Everyone is still asleep.   

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Um, no.   :lol:   No one cried either, lol.  Sorry, we are very boring, lol.   


He was tired from the drive, but very happy to be home.  Everyone waited up for him except 13yo dd.  Youngest dd had made a poster and we had balloons.  Everyone hung out for a bit together and then headed towards bed.  Youngest wants to make him a cake today, but we'll have to deal with unpacking first.  Everyone is still asleep.   



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I am trapped in the 9th circle of hell, otherwise known as the 💀FAFSA Audit💀. And here we didn't think there was anything worse than filing multiple FAFSAs. We were wrong. So very wrong.


Lynn, is tomorrow the big day?



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Yay, no more beeping smoke alarms!


I mean, yay, dh is coming home!  :party:



I suspect the battery died completely -- the beeping stopped.  The ladder is still set up, though, and the next battery is set out so DH can change it anyway.  Tomorrow.  He's not due back until after bedtime tonight.  But yes, YAY!  Having him gone messes with my routines.  And we miss him.


DD12 is composing a tune on the piano and trying to write it down on loose leaf paper.  I told her we can get her a musical notebook so she doesn't have to draw the staves.  I also suggested that she record herself playing her tune while it is still fresh in her head, in case of any transcription errors or other problems later.


I then asked if she had fed the pets yet or fed herself, which she hadn't.  She got up to do so, but I told her to record herself playing her turn first.  I know from experience how quickly such mental creativity can be lost if not captured before distractions.



My computer is acting up again so I might not get to post much today.  It's a big homeschool and housework day, anyway, so if we are good we will be busy busy busy.  


I have also been trying to get some more coasters crocheted before MIL's birthday at the end of the month, and discovering that one new yarn I picked up a few months ago is a big waste of money -- lots of knots in the skeins (where they tied ends together instead of having one uninterrupted run of yarn), and several long runs of yarn already stretched out very thin and with no give left in it.  I left one star reviews on that yarn.


And of course there are the boxes of papers -- I want to get another box sorted through today.


Have a good day, everyone!  I'll check back when I can.

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:seeya: Howdy.



I was just reading about chickens and discovered that OSM is textese for awesome.  As in, #jeanisosm.  



Huh.  Who knew. 



Also, there are no lice in my house.  (This after an unexpected encounter followed by 2 hours of lice-checking my children and being louse-checked by dh.)  But I have decided that the #1 reason we homeschool is not some lofty view on classical education or the merits of home-based learning,  it's..... lice.   :zombiechase:






That is all.



Our two bouts of lice a few years back were after we started homeschooling.  The girls got it from their cousins, who got it at school.  No one recognized it as lice until I took the kids to the doctor for a strange rash, so at first they were convinced our kids infected their cousins.  Nope.  The school had repeated outbreaks stemming from the same room until they got professional cleaners in over the holidays to de-lice the room.  Thanks, school, for not informing parents sooner.

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Remind me to take magnesium in the morning. Then perhaps I can get rid of this leg cramp that I've had for days.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



Have you taken your magnesium today?

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Well, going back to bed failed.  For me, at least.  The sun is up (well, behind a few clouds) and it's COFFEE time!!!!


Maybe i'll catch a nap later today!  


I keep forgetting / putting off several phone calls I need to make.  Feel free to ask me later if I made them.   :leaving:


I am lightening up school work where I can today and tomorrow.  When dh gets up, we'll start unpacking his car, etc.  


Oh, in the midst of everything else I forgot to tell you that 15yo ds earned his probationary Black belt last night.  Yay!  



:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :party:  :party:

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Quoting myself to say that after all that DRAMA, she did just fine on both assignments.  I'm so glad that I didn't cave. 


:grouphug:   My 14-year-old has been doing the spontaneous crying thing.  Me:  "Baby, what's wrong?"  DD:  *shudder**sniffle**gasp*    "I DON'T KNOOOOOOW!"  :mellow:


I am trapped in the 9th circle of hell, otherwise known as the 💀FAFSA Audit💀. And here we didn't think there was anything worse than filing multiple FAFSAs. We were wrong. So very wrong.






Wow. I'm in awe.




Okay.  I just got this.  I had been trying like heck to figure out what "O-S-M" stood for.  :mellow:


I am not dealing with life very well this week, but at least I am out of bed. It's a start.


After I went to the hospital to have a baby and woke up a month later, I developed a new philosophy of life:  Any day that one can make it from horizontal to vertical is a good day.  Yay, Susan!

Edited by JoJosMom
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:grouphug:   My 14-year-old has been doing the spontaneous crying thing.  Me:  "Baby, what's wrong?"  DD:  *shudder**sniffle**gasp*    "I DON'T KNOOOOOOW!"  :mellow:






Okay.  I just got this.  I had been trying like heck to figure out what "O-S-M" stood for.  :mellow:



After I went to the hospital to have a baby and woke up a month later, I developed a new philosophy of life:  Any day that one can make it from horizontal to vertical is a good day.  Yay, Susan!



Poor JJM's DD.  Teen hormones are a beast.



I am typing with my mouth full and I don't care.  Take that, Miss Manners!


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It's Friday Eve. That's what the radio guy said. ðŸ˜


Yay for Susan getting up! Hugs for you my friend!


Yay for Lynn's DH being home!




Hugs for JJM's daughter.


Yay for AMJ's lack of good typing manners. Always chew your for 50 times.


Yay for chai tea!


Yay for Quackers!

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