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  • Slache


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  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


I'm not even to the halfway point in this year's schoolwork.  That's why I asked.  I hoped that others would be the same but no such luck!  :lol:



We will be working through the summer to get this school year finished enough for my satisfaction.  You are not alone.

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I am reading the most delightful book. You all must scour the library and get it. "Martha's Vineyard Isle of Dreams." by Susan Branch. It's not a novel, it's just her telling about how she went to Martha's Vineyard, supposedly for just 3 months, to recover from a broken heart and ended up impulsively buying a little cottage....I'm only on chapter 3, so I don't know what else is going to happen, but the whole thing is like having a conversation with your best friend.

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I ended up not napping. DH and I decided that we all needed to go seek riverside therapy. So we are just getting back from that. It was very peaceful today. The possibility of bad weather had scared off everybody, so we had the river all to ourselves. The boys paddled up and down, and I dosed in my chair.

The boys are out taking the dogs for a little walk, and then we are going to try to catch those chickens again. Wish us luck.

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We enjoyed the new church yesterday, too, Krissi. It's really small, but plenty of children. They sing out of a hymn book, and the preacher had no problems veering from his planned message.

Dh talked to the pastor linger than Ive ever seen him talk to anyone! Then we stayed for the potluck lunch. Then left before evening service. I hope we visit again.

Yay!😀 I'm so glad you had a good experience!
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And, Dancer has decided she wants her Associate's in business instead of culinary arts/baking. She's still getting the baking certificate, but since she wants to own her own business, she feels she needs more of those classes. Which is great, I'm just concerned about the math, accounting.  :svengo:



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And, Dancer has decided she wants her Associate's in business instead of culinary arts/baking. She's still getting the baking certificate, but since she wants to own her own business, she feels she needs more of those classes. Which is great, I'm just concerned about the math, accounting.  :svengo:


Okay, I lied.  I thought Lial had a consumer math book, but I was wrong.  So I have no idea what book is ringing bells in my pea-brain.


However, the St. Louis Fed has some free stuff that might make a good starting point.  (There's a bunch; I just linked to a basic one.)


There's even one on entrepreneurship.


(They're in Spanish, too, so you could get language credits also!)

Edited by JoJosMom
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I'm not even to the halfway point in this year's schoolwork.  That's why I asked.  I hoped that others would be the same but no such luck!  :lol:


I would much rather talk about how many days we've had school than how much the kid is retaining....

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I only caught 2 out of 4 chickens. Yes. I'm only 1/2 as agile and smart as a flock of half-wild chickens. :cursing: The other two are roosting pretty well for the night, in a cedar tree surrounded by blackberry brambles. We will try again tomorrow to catch the last of them. If they are there. :glare:

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We are on-time, behind, ahead, ahead, behind, on-time, behind, ahead, ahead, on-time, on-time, on-time, on-time, behind, on-time, on-time, behind, on-time, on-time, behind, on-time, ahead, behind, on-time.



This is clearly a secret code of some kind. If only I were clever enough to decipher it...

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Plan was to do school today.


DS slept in until after noon.

DH suggested a hike to the overlook to see hawks.  It was cold and windy.  DS played at two playgrounds there.

Came home, insinuated it was time for schoolwork.

DS suggested a bike ride.

DH napped for his night shift and DS and I went bike riding to the park.

I again suggested he start his reading.

Got a text  seconds later from DS's friend's mom that they were meeting other friend at park, please join. 

We joined them at park across town.

Stayed until dark.  Again, it was cold, and now I was hungry.

Returned home to cook dinner. 

DS read a chapter in his book and is now asleep on the couch.



Imma gonna wake him up and make him do math in a bit.






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Dinner: https://thedomesticman.com/2015/12/22/pressure-cooker-pot-roast/


Breakfast this week: https://thedomesticman.com/2016/12/20/tortilla-espanola-spanish-tortilla/


Lunch this week: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/14280/fresh-broccoli-salad/?internalsource=search%20result&referringcontenttype=search%20results


You're a good woman!


You're a good person, Rachel.

Bows humbly.




We are on-time, behind, ahead, ahead, behind, on-time, behind, ahead, ahead, on-time, on-time, on-time, on-time, behind, on-time, on-time, behind, on-time, on-time, behind, on-time, ahead, behind, on-time.



This is why I don't do things.
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This is clearly a secret code of some kind. If only I were clever enough to decipher it...


I was answering Jean's post about behind behind in schoolwork.


The six kids are each behind, on-time, or ahead -- depending on which subject we're talking about.  For instance:  dd6 is behind in reading, ahead in math, on-time in geography.  etc.  

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Slache, are there any agencies in your county to help the disabled to which you can refer your neighbor?  She probably doesn't like the poop anymore than you did.  (Very nice of you to help, but I am guessing she needs more help than what you are able to provide.

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I was answering Jean's post about behind behind in schoolwork.


The six kids are each behind, on-time, or ahead -- depending on which subject we're talking about. For instance: dd6 is behind in reading, ahead in math, on-time in geography. etc.

I understood you. It made total sense to me. :D

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I have Poiroted.  I have caught up on ITT.  I am a bit happier now, but still brain-dead, and DD12 has an orthodontics appointment tomorrow.  DH just this evening changed our cell phone plan.


I think I've had enough.  I want bed now.


Good night!

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Slache, are there any agencies in your county to help the disabled to which you can refer your neighbor?  She probably doesn't like the poop anymore than you did.  (Very nice of you to help, but I am guessing she needs more help than what you are able to provide.

She has an aid that comes every day but she uses puppy pads instead of taking him outside and only picks them up once a day.


I understood you. It made total sense to me. :D

Me too.
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Thanks for clarifying. It sounded a lot worse in your first post. Still sad that the dog doesn't get walked. :(

He's 7 pounds, if that helps. He seems like a happy little guy, but if she took him out and lost control of him he'd be run over by a car. She's bound to a wheelchair. Her caregiver ties him up outside on nice days, but if something went wrong he could run after him or drive him to the vet.
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No one wanted to play spy with me.

Good morning. Do you want to come over and help me spy out a couple of chickens in a tree? We'll let the caffeine kick in first.

Rooster was a good boy and didn't crow until I turned on the garage light for him. He was very proud of his ability to make an artificial sun just bolt up like that. 


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Good morning!  Prayers for those affected by last night's tornadoes.  San Antonio got smacked by at least 4, and I heard there were others elsewhere.


Critterfixer and Arkansas buddies, how did you fare?  I know the storm front passed through there yesterday or last night.


Everyone else faring okay weather-wise?



Busy day today.  Shoot, busy week this week.  Hopefully my internet connection behaves for the next few days.  I won't have time to deal with it if it doesn't.



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Just saying:  washing windows is an upper body strength exercise.  I did the windows in the exterior doors (insides only), and the insides of the windows flanking the front door.  My arms are more tired than they are after doing my upper body exercises.


Other windows will wait because they are either upstairs, or require climbing on stools or chairs.  I can find other short tasks to fill the spare minutes here and there this morning.  Maybe mopping the half bath....

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Just saying:  washing windows is an upper body strength exercise.  I did the windows in the exterior doors (insides only), and the insides of the windows flanking the front door.  My arms are more tired than they are after doing my upper body exercises.


Other windows will wait because they are either upstairs, or require climbing on stools or chairs.  I can find other short tasks to fill the spare minutes here and there this morning.  Maybe mopping the half bath....


I read this as: Maybe mopping half the earth...   :laugh:

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I read this as: Maybe mopping half the earth...   :laugh:



Yeah, some days it seems like that.  Especially after people don't wipe feet when coming in from sloppy outside, and walk all over the just-mopped floor.


I cleaned the whole half bath, including the floor and mirror.  And my washer just finished, and there's time for the load to dry before we have to leave the house for the first time.  Back upstairs I go (getting in some step workouts going and coming, of course).


I'm still grumpy.  Working short jobs seems to help just a bit.

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Good Morning!!




It should be illegal to have to get up when it is still dark. Someone call the cops!



I only mind doing that when I don't get to watch the sun rise soon after awakening.  I like the early morning light.

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How are things where you are? Do you have any flooding concerns?

Nah, we're good. We're in Central California (Fresno area) and most of the flooding is Northern California. I'm not sure if any of you heard news of the Oroville Dam's issues, but we're nowhere close to that, either. The foothills in our general area have had some flooding issues, but we're fine. Thanks for asking.
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