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I'm up, but tired. I realized that as much as I would like to clean out my closet today, it is probably best if I spend today preparing for the next six weeks of school. So that's what I'll be doing this morning. It's cold, but sunny. I'll go walk the dogs, get my tea and get started. Sooner I start, the sooner I'm done.

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I disagree about the doctors. They might not be doing their jobs, but they probably are and Events Planner is just a difficult case. We know so much less about the human body than we pretend to. Half the problem is health care. They should be able to say "I don't know" and test everything. Full MRI, full blood pannel, sleep testing, allergies, psych eval... but insurance won't cover it and it's over $2,000,000.


I never got a diagnosis for my heart, seizures or mental breakdown at 12. I think they haven't put a name to my 3 conditions that probably plague millions. Humans are complicated and human understand is limited. I wouldn't be surprised if she never gets a diagnosis or if the ones she has are incorrect.

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I'm sorry. (((Junie)))


It's ok.  My dh and I decided before we got married that we would let God plan our family.  His ways are higher than our ways.  *My* way was to have at least 2 boys and 2 girls.  God may still have another baby (or more) planned for us.  It's ok.

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Good morning!


We have to drive into the Big City for a field trip today. If we leave right now, it will take us about 50 minutes to get there, and if we leave at 8 it will probably take us an hour and a half. I'm going to try for 7:50 and see how that works.


Flu is going around. Several school districts have closed school and even our tutorial has sent out a plea to keep kids home if they are sick. I wouldn't mind hibernating for a few days. Actually, I think that's my default position. Boring homebody. :D


After her CC class, Dd18 is driving into the Big City to go to the main library which has books she wants to use for a research paper. This is a really big step for her.




More coffee!!

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That was messed up.



I've known plenty of people who exaggerate the length of something (like fish, or some jump, throw, or kick accomplished).  I might start using the A to Z length reference in the hearing of one or two, just to see if they pick it up.  I especially would like to catch one of the teens with this -- then I can tell them to look at the keyboard.  :smilielol5:   Or I might first catch one of the tweens, who will then gleefully use it on their older sibs.





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We (again) have no milk in the house.   :thumbdown:



That happens a lot here, too.  The responsible party STILL hasn't learned how to write it on the shopping list, or to mention it BEFORE I am out running errands.  I don't drink the milk, so I don't notice when it's gone.

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Good morning!


We have to drive into the Big City for a field trip today. If we leave right now, it will take us about 50 minutes to get there, and if we leave at 8 it will probably take us an hour and a half. I'm going to try for 7:50 and see how that works.


Flu is going around. Several school districts have closed school and even our tutorial has sent out a plea to keep kids home if they are sick. I wouldn't mind hibernating for a few days. Actually, I think that's my default position. Boring homebody. :D


After her CC class, Dd18 is driving into the Big City to go to the main library which has books she wants to use for a research paper. This is a really big step for her.




More coffee!!



In my big city experience down here I notice that the "start" of rush hour traffic creeps earlier and earlier over the school year.  It gets a bit later again over the summer and people get complacent, then lots get caught in a big crush at the start of the school year again.  It starts creeping earlier and earlier as people find their "magic time" when the commute is shorter -- more people start leaving at that time, and so the magic time creeps earlier.


The good thing about this tendency is that the trailing edge of rush hour traffic also tends to start creeping earlier.  Sometimes in the latter half of the school year all I have to do is delay our departure just a little and the commute in is shorter again.

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Good morning.  Today seems to be a bit rocky starting out for us, though it's all minor stuff.  I somehow simply could not get myself out of bed for my morning exercise, so I'm off kilter.  I tried making a breakfast smoothie without all of the ingredients (like bananas), so it's very runny (tastes good, though).  Maybe yogurt instead of almond milk would have helped.  The bottom of my Oster blender carafe wasn't screwed on quite as tightly, so it leaked all over the base and counter until I tightened it.  I was uncoordinated in getting the lid on (though I did muscle it into place before turning on the blender, and mentioned to DD12 the importance of having the lid well placed before turning on the blender).  We had trouble finding DD12's dance shoe bag, hanging right where it should be.


It's colder out today (usual seasonal temps), and we might have to cover the plumeria tonight.  I need to check the supper plan for tonight and get whatever thawed.


All three of us seem to have derpy brains today.  Art lessons today -- we will see how that goes.  Tomorrow the music teacher is coming to our house to record the girls -- he tried to do so Monday at our usual music lessons, but when playing it back it was full of "60 cycle hum" -- not good acoustics for attempts to record.  We will see how it goes here at the house -- I have requested DH not print anything on his 3D printers tomorrow, and if needed I will shut off the central air and any computers I can.  I should learn more about acoustics from this, at least!



The news was full of information on 4 tornadoes that touched down southwest of us.  One mother suffered a broken back protecting her kids when a tornado tumbled their trailer house about.  The kids are unharmed, the mother is stable.  Another girl in another area was driving to school, possibly speeding, collided with a semi, and was killed in the crash.  Hugs and prayers for them all.  Such news stories add to the subdued air here this morning.



A note on black chocolate:  when using mix it with lighter chocolate.  Black chocolate is a wonderfully dark color produced by a Dutch process, but it has less overall chocolatey flavor than standard cocoa or standard dutched cocoa.  They use black chocolate in Oreos.  It can lend some satisfying color depth, but it needs augmentation if you want really chocolatey flavor.



Extra hugs for family this morning.  We truly are fortunate.

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Weapon X woke me up this morning saying that Captain Mal is missing. He's sound asleep in his brother's bed, but I was a little worried for a minute. Not cool, kid. Not cool.


I has coffee.☕☕☕

I love coffee. â¤â¤â¤




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Okay, today is going to default to a light day.  Congestion in the inner sinuses is now making me dizzy.  I am NOT driving anywhere, so no art class.  Today's supper plan is ham slabs and tater tots (with green veggies and salads), which is simple enough -- just put on sheet pans and pop in the oven.  


A day for plenty of fluids, I guess.  We can pretend it's the deep mid-winter and all curl up under blankets on the couch when the girls aren't doing other studies.

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Breaking up is hard to do. I probably should have made phone calls, but... I don't make phone calls anyhow, for any reason. I hate making phone calls. So, I e-mailed the kids' Sunday School teachers and told them we were leaving. You know, it would be so much easier if we were... say moving to Tennessee and moving in with Susan's family or something. Then they would have a farewell party for us and it would be sad, but fine. But this way....what we're doing....I hate this. People's feelings will be hurt and they won't understand, I have co-directed VBS for the past 3 years and we've started that up (it isn't fully underway yet, which is why we chose to leave now, before we really got that going).... but... there's no easy way and no good timing. You just have to do it and let the chips fall where they may!


But it's still hard!

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Breaking up is hard to do. I probably should have made phone calls, but... I don't make phone calls anyhow, for any reason. I hate making phone calls. So, I e-mailed the kids' Sunday School teachers and told them we were leaving. You know, it would be so much easier if we were... say moving to Tennessee and moving in with Susan's family or something. Then they would have a farewell party for us and it would be sad, but fine. But this way....what we're doing....I hate this. People's feelings will be hurt and they won't understand, I have co-directed VBS for the past 3 years and we've started that up (it isn't fully underway yet, which is why we chose to leave now, before we really got that going).... but... there's no easy way and no good timing. You just have to do it and let the chips fall where they may!


But it's still hard!



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Good morning.  I appreciate both Susan's sentiment and Dd's doctors.  Does that make sense?  It does in my brain.. . . :zombie:


Life is just so hectic.  But we do 5 hours of school a day now for 9th grade and while I'm not actively teaching all of it, I am constantly getting the "Mom. . . help" beacon that I have to answer.  And I grade it all each day so as not to get into the black hole of grading that I got into when ds was in 9th grade.  Add to that, 3 hours of driving a day, and I have a full day.  In between dd's school stuff I'm trying to do housework but I can't say that I'm really on top of it.  I'm doing enough for the household to function, though.  And then there are meals, and special days like Valentine's day and phone calls and doctor's appointments and errands and. . .


Every day I try to do one "extra" thing to make myself feel like I'm doing something to "get ahead".  Last night at 11:30, I realized that I hadn't done my "extra" thing.  I grabbed one outdated thing out of the kitchen pantry (that I'm slowly trying to reorganize) and threw it out.  There!  Done!  I'm ahead with one less outdated snack box from 7 years ago (yes, it expired 2010). 

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Good morning. I appreciate both Susan's sentiment and Dd's doctors. Does that make sense? It does in my brain.. . . :zombie:


Life is just so hectic. But we do 5 hours of school a day now for 9th grade and while I'm not actively teaching all of it, I am constantly getting the "Mom. . . help" beacon that I have to answer. And I grade it all each day so as not to get into the black hole of grading that I got into when ds was in 9th grade. Add to that, 3 hours of driving a day, and I have a full day. In between dd's school stuff I'm trying to do housework but I can't say that I'm really on top of it. I'm doing enough for the household to function, though. And then there are meals, and special days like Valentine's day and phone calls and doctor's appointments and errands and. . .


Every day I try to do one "extra" thing to make myself feel like I'm doing something to "get ahead". Last night at 11:30, I realized that I hadn't done my "extra" thing. I grabbed one outdated thing out of the kitchen pantry (that I'm slowly trying to reorganize) and threw it out. There! Done! I'm ahead with one less outdated snack box from 7 years ago (yes, it expired 2010).

My grandmother had cancer and I used to spend summers at her place dusting, doing yard work, cleaning the kitchen etc. because she was so feeble. The first time I did it I was maybe 13 and threw out a yogurt that was like 20 years older than I was.


It's a loved my very odd grandmother dearly Booya!

Edited by Slache
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A note on black chocolate:  when using mix it with lighter chocolate.  Black chocolate is a wonderfully dark color produced by a Dutch process, but it has less overall chocolatey flavor than standard cocoa or standard dutched cocoa.  They use black chocolate in Oreos.  It can lend some satisfying color depth, but it needs augmentation if you want really chocolatey flavor.




Maybe this is why I hate Oreos.


(No, I hate the filling even more.)



Good morning.  I appreciate both Susan's sentiment and Dd's doctors.  Does that make sense?  It does in my brain.. . . :zombie:



I wish doctors could live with patients for a while so they could observe the health issues when they actually occur. And see the nuances of symptoms and all the things we forget to tell them at the appointment. And spend a good bit of their time researching and talking with other doctors about what they are finding out. Except they also have to be invisible and clean the house and might as well do the laundry while they're at it.

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I need a new bra. Mine are all evil.

But I think maybe all bras are evil. So new ones won't really help.


I'm also thinking I should maybe teach my kid something today.


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You could teach him how to buy bras online.




Has underwire, but still incredibly comfortable.

Straps don't fall.

Wide sides to prevent lumpiness.

Nice fabric.

My girls look good.



Did you do that fitting test that went viral a few years ago where you bend over? Do that.

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Spelling, Grammar, Composition are done. Lunch...I must have lunch...

So far our school day has consisted of learning about the roots of American country music and instruments and some of the famous and not so famous musicians and their cars and boots and stuff and then went across the street and learned about the symphony hall and stuff.


Dd14 is running a fever and feels generally yucky.


Lunch is done and now we need to clean up and get on with things.

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I wish doctors could live with patients for a while so they could observe the health issues when they actually occur. And see the nuances of symptoms and all the things we forget to tell them at the appointment. And spend a good bit of their time researching and talking with other doctors about what they are finding out. Except they also have to be invisible and clean the house and might as well do the laundry while they're at it.


The nice thing about the cardiologist's office is that they believe us.  And they acknowledge what Slache said - that there is a lot about the human body that doctor's don't know yet and that some people just don't fit in the textbook scenarios complete with lab results.  But. . . this could be something covered by another specialty.  (And when you're dealing with specialists, they really are narrowly focused on that specialty).  Or it could be one of those really life-affecting but untreatable things that she is going to have to live with.  I'm actually glad that dd had a particularly bad episode before going for her last testing and she still felt off while there but they found nothing wrong with the heart.  I mean, that  helps me not to think "well, of course it showed nothing - she felt fine that day!" 

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You could teach him how to buy bras online.




Has underwire, but still incredibly comfortable.

Straps don't fall.

Wide sides to prevent lumpiness.

Nice fabric.

My girls look good.



Did you do that fitting test that went viral a few years ago where you bend over? Do that.

Or if the "old way" of measuring works for you, do that.


Does the lace on this drive you nuts? I don't trust lace that might touch my skin.

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You could teach him how to buy bras online.




Has underwire, but still incredibly comfortable.

Straps don't fall.

Wide sides to prevent lumpiness.

Nice fabric.

My girls look good.



Did you do that fitting test that went viral a few years ago where you bend over? Do that.

That fitting test places me at a 30DD. Where in the world do you even find a 30DD?


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Or if the "old way" of measuring works for you, do that.

Does the lace on this drive you nuts? I don't trust lace that might touch my skin.

Not at all! And I'm a total princess too. Sensitive skin and I get rashes easily.   

That fitting test places me at a 30DD. Where in the world do you even find a 30DD?

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You poor thing! I couldn't imagine. My back hurts as it is!
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Good morning.  I appreciate both Susan's sentiment and Dd's doctors.  Does that make sense?  It does in my brain.. . . :zombie:


Life is just so hectic.  But we do 5 hours of school a day now for 9th grade and while I'm not actively teaching all of it, I am constantly getting the "Mom. . . help" beacon that I have to answer.  And I grade it all each day so as not to get into the black hole of grading that I got into when ds was in 9th grade.  Add to that, 3 hours of driving a day, and I have a full day.  In between dd's school stuff I'm trying to do housework but I can't say that I'm really on top of it.  I'm doing enough for the household to function, though.  And then there are meals, and special days like Valentine's day and phone calls and doctor's appointments and errands and. . .


Every day I try to do one "extra" thing to make myself feel like I'm doing something to "get ahead".  Last night at 11:30, I realized that I hadn't done my "extra" thing.  I grabbed one outdated thing out of the kitchen pantry (that I'm slowly trying to reorganize) and threw it out.  There!  Done!  I'm ahead with one less outdated snack box from 7 years ago (yes, it expired 2010). 



Yes!  But some days the one extra thing gets eaten up by an appt., or the grocery, or both, or a music lesson, or whatever.  


Today I took 8yodd to get her haircut at her request.  She looks so cute.  Well, I think she always looks cute.   :001_wub:  And then we hit Chipotle's on the way home for a treat.  


Hugs to (((Susan's dd)))


Is it nap time?  

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