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I despise my daughter's noisy toys. Her grandmother and aunt buy them. I think they hate me. 

I'm a highly sensitive person, and I detest her presents from them. So far, we have a dog that rolls around and laughs maniacally, a very loud guitar, a piano with a microphone (thank God that is out of batteries!), and a music playing dog that NEVER.SHUTS.UP! 



Hurts my head just thinking about all of those!


My MIL gave both of my kids bunnies that sing "Jesus Loves Me" for Easter. Is it wrong to want to torture them? Remove their stuffing bit by bit, then an arm...maybe a noose out of the second story window.. There's only so much one mind can take. Once you know Jesus loves you, you don't need to hear it 50 billion times a day. 

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Speaking of Nan, I have no Nan sitter today so I will plant my large, sturdy butt on the couch and finish some planning for next year.  Dd's history and lit are almost finished.  Next I will tackle my 9th grade English class for co op, which will be a large undertaking, as I have never used the curriculum.  Also, we will do our summer school.


We took the kittens and cat back to the shelter yesterday, and it was very emotional.  I miss them this morning.   :(  Little dd wanted to keep the little tabby kitten named Marley.  I wanted to keep the mama.  Instead, we kept Nan.  




And when you're done, Tex, please let me know.  I will overnight my 8th grade curriculum choices for you to sort and schedule. So you don't wind up with gaps in your days. Eating and sleeping being so overrated, and all.





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So many great posts, but I hate replying on my phone. Quackers, I'm with you. Doesn't come naturally to me at all. Having kids has helped, but often I'm very slow to process what is needed or how to do it.


Hugs to texasmama.


And hugs to Renai - you're on my heart too today.

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And when you're done, Tex, please let me know.  I will overnight my 8th grade curriculum choices for you to sort and schedule. So you don't wind up with gaps in your days. Eating and sleeping being so overrated, and all.





Oh, do it!  I kinda love scheduling even though it is overwhelming at the beginning. 

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I love scheduling too!  Prepping, planning, choosing…. yee-haw!


I think we should rent a house in the Outer Banks and have a week-long planning retreat.  


"We" being all of US.   The ITT.  Posters, lurkers, and anyone else who can brew a good cup of coffee or bake a decent batch of scones. 

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Nan report:  She has eaten a total of about a third of a banana since June 1.  She drinks some still, water or cherry slush.  MIL brought cherry slush which Nan could not manage (too thick), but after it melted it provided a wonderful overly strong flavored medium for dissolving her twice a day pills in so she could drink them and not taste them.  She is in bed 24/7 and incontinent.  She is fairly alert and talkative all day.  She hallucinates, but this is not unpleasant for her.  She talks to the wall and said, "He has some good ideas".  She says things that make me think she is working out her unfinished business so she can move on.  Yesterday she grabbed my hand and told the caregiver, "This is a nice lady and a good lady".  The other day she told me she loves me and that there had never been anything bad between us.  It is so interesting to watch this process.  The nighttime caregiver said that on Friday she woke up in the middle of the night and Nan was reaching her hand straight up and calling to Jesus and then called for her dad.  She has one foot in this world and one foot in the next.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:


I watched my grandmother pass. I was there to hold her hand as she left.  She too was talking, like she was wrapping things up here. She then started saying she was too full and couldn't eat any more. I started wondering if she was having a Last Supper. It is an amazing thing to be able to spend time with a loved one who is passing on and to know they are at peace. 

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I love scheduling too!  Prepping, planning, choosing…. yee-haw!


I think we should rent a house in the Outer Banks and have a week-long planning retreat.  


"We" being all of US.   The ITT.  Posters, lurkers, and anyone else who can brew a good cup of coffee or bake a decent batch of scones. 


It would have to be at least a two-week event.  One week to decompress from life, a second week to plan.  

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:


I watched my grandmother pass. I was there to hold her hand as she left.  She too was talking, like she was wrapping things up here. She then started saying she was too full and couldn't eat any more. I started wondering if she was having a Last Supper. It is an amazing thing to be able to spend time with a loved one who is passing on and to know they are at peace. 

If one is intuitive, it is possible to separate out the temporal from the eternal business.  Most of the time I can read the subtext, if there is one.  Watching this so closely every day has helped reassure me that at the end of life, the transition can be gentle and not scary.

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I love scheduling too!  Prepping, planning, choosing…. yee-haw!


I think we should rent a house in the Outer Banks and have a week-long planning retreat.  


"We" being all of US.   The ITT.  Posters, lurkers, and anyone else who can brew a good cup of coffee or bake a decent batch of scones. 


And maybe have a hula instructor teach us a thing or two :) 

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Ok, I rarely post, except here. BUT I couldn't take the bashing going on in the "Are your kids addicted to Minecraft?' post (k-8 board). Are the others  (non-ITT posters) usually so quick to jump down each others throats? I'm a little scared after reading it. 

Be afraid.  Be very afraid.




The Chat board should have a disclaimer like this:


"All hope abandon ye who enter here."



Must school the children now.  Sigh.

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I didn't take the test, but I'm sure I'm a 10.



I love to plan too. I even have a rough sketch of what I want to accomplish from K-12. I have no idea what we'll actually do, but I love to look at it.


Eh, you just learn to say, "Thank for the invite!  Wish I could come, but I have x,y,z/busy with this and that/etc".  I don't do those parties where someone is trying to sell you something or improve your health by selling you something, attend get togethers I don't want to (for the most part - some are unavoidable), or do favors for people that involve driving.  I will do other favors.  I will keep your kid for the afternoon here and there.  I will show you my homeschooling curriculum and talk ad nauseum about that if you will come to my house, etc.   I'm not into events really.  Which makes it really hysterical that I am now going to be one of the people running the high school reunion event in two weeks. 

The guilt trips get to me.


"I'm sorry, but not only don't I drive but I have had emergency dental surgery recently and am still dealing with the physical repercussions.  I'm afraid I have to get off the phone now because I'm not allowed to talk for long periods.  I have to rest my jaw."

That would be a lie. I've been working out, swimming, eating whatever I want and using Listerine for 2 weeks.






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Ok, I rarely post, except here. BUT I couldn't take the bashing going on in the "Are your kids addicted to Minecraft?' post (k-8 board). Are the others  (non-ITT posters) usually so quick to jump down each others throats? I'm a little scared after reading it. 

I'm not.   But I am not really dogmatic about any of my choices in life.  I mean, I think I make generally good choices for me and my own but that's enough for me to focus on so I don't really care what anyone else does.  What works for you is great.  (And what works for me tends to be pretty loosey goosey.)  

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Ok, I rarely post, except here. BUT I couldn't take the bashing going on in the "Are your kids addicted to Minecraft?' post (k-8 board). Are the others  (non-ITT posters) usually so quick to jump down each others throats? I'm a little scared after reading it. 


What?? Why are you coming onto OUR thread and COMPLAINING?? Didn't you READ THE RULES??





(Raining Pineapples:  Out of an abundance of caution, I will be explicit: The above is a joke. Which you would know had you read the entire thread.)

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I'm not. But I am not really dogmatic about any of my choices in life. I mean, I think I make generally good choices for me and my own but that's enough for me to focus on so I don't really care what anyone else does. What works for you is great. (And what works for me tends to be pretty loosey goosey.)

:iagree: There are some things I'm sure we'd all agree on as having great significance, but that's just not one of them.


For some reason people here like to be brutally judgemental. I imagine it's because we can't talk to people like that in real life.

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Will I be kicked off the ITT thread if I admit that I no longer plan? I just go by the seat of my pants and my kids are in high school and middle school Gasp!

It's because you have such good faith that God will see you through, not because you're lazy.

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Uh-oh, pirate class is ending.  Back to educating child...


Tell me more about this pirate class. I'm hoping it's for real - I have some boys who are chomping at the bit to use swords and guns and such. ;)   (and they could potentially sleep in our new hammock!)

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Well, technically it is because I no longer have the stamina to do it but somehow it seems to be working out ok. And yes, God has a lot to do with it.

I only just realized how insulting that was. I really didn't mean it that way. I'm sorry.

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I do minimal planning, often in the form of doing what my good friend did/does with her kids and then borrow her books. It's been working out great. Sometimes I get crazy and buy some curriculum and she borrows mine. I don't consider this lazy, just effective use of my time and money! (tongue firmly in cheek)



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It's for real.


And Mango has language instruction in Pirate.


See? I am a wealth of valuable information.  Go, me!


Cool courses!  Looks like I'd have to develop the sword, pistols, sailing, and other hands-on stuff myself, though. Maybe my boys can lend a hand in the development. Could be interesting...  :laugh:

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Will I be kicked off the ITT thread if I admit that I no longer plan?  I just go by the seat of my pants and my kids are in high school and middle school  Gasp!  


Nope.  You rock.  Wish I could be you.




I plan.  Then re-plan.  Then switch things up so I can plan again.  Then I do it all again mid-year.  And I document what we do ad nauseam.


I have a booklist of everything I have either read to my DS or he has read (much smaller list) since we started homeschooling K.  And I have dates.  and hyperlinks.  And their isbn and the library call.  Color-coded.


Want to know what date my DS watched Liberty's Kids episode #10?  I can tell you.  I can also tell you what else we studied that day and whether we went to the library.  And what park he played at.


It's a sickness.

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See?? Again, a newb breaks the rules.




Oh, please.




Except I am not a noob anymore.  AMJ told me so.  :001_tt2:  So I can break the rules if I wanna.

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I just got back from the eye doctor. He numbed my eyes to check the pressure. I hate when they numb my eyes. 
But, I'm very thankful for insurance. My almost $700 glasses (lenses and everything) weren't even $150. Whew. I about choked when they told me the original price. 

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I just got back from the eye doctor. He numbed my eyes to check the pressure. I hate when they numb my eyes. 

But, I'm very thankful for insurance. My almost $700 glasses (lenses and everything) weren't even $150. Whew. I about choked when they told me the original price. 


It's a conspiracy.  $150 is the real price.  The extra $550 is the amount they jack up the cost so they can bill your insurance and pay their over-paid CEO.  And then your insurance jacks up your premiums.  And then they sell it to you like it's an awesome deal, this insurance thing.  You're welcome.

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