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Good morning! Glad you could sleep late, Lynn!


Another cold day everywhere? It's a good day to stay in and snuggle in blankets. My sympathies to those who must go out!


Dh is trying to wrap a few things up so he can go to the zoo with us tomorrow. I am going to see if he can pick up a couple things today so I don't have to finangle any more shopping. Except for food. We will need more food eventually.


The kids decorated a gingerbread house yesterday from a kit we had in the pantry from who knows when or where. It was cute. We might attempt gingerbread today if we can make it without molassas.



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Posted before I read further. I have edited my post. I meant to go back last night, but my teA was ready. ;)



I was responding to the "nm" you had posted -- so reminiscent of how this thread got started!   :laugh:




(Note to self -- you left off at Dec. 17.)




Hi, Gang!  Sorry I was away so long.  I caught a bug, then DD15 caught it, too.  We cancelled some plans over the weekend and scrambled to meet other plans, and I have been playing catch-up around here ever since.  Of course one plan I had ironed out with MIL has now been unironed by DH and FIL, with no firm alternative ironed out to take its place.  I get to call MIL later today to re-iron out something.  


I got the expected Christmas letter from my Uncle B, and found out that his wife passed away back in early October.  They haven't yet had a funeral or memorial service for family, and I wonder if that is going to happen.  It sounds like my uncle isn't doing so well health-wise, either.  I will write him back and send condolences.  While I am not all that close to this uncle (he and his wife have done some stinky stuff I still haven't forgiven them for) I can still extend some social graces.


I received the other Christmas letter I usually get, from my cousin (no relation to said uncle).  She is doing well and keeping busy; I am always glad to hear from her.  She has sent me stuff she crocheted in the past, so I think I will send her something I crocheted this year -- nowhere near the quality of work she turns out, but decent enough for someone's first year.


What with music lessons and the postponed art class and an orthodontics appointment my three "free" days before out-of-town family arrives (at ILs' house) are pretty fragmented and half eaten up.  We will see how much prep for sleepovers gets done before we start having niblings overnight.  As long as I have food in the fridge that they can eat (some have food allergies) I think we will muddle through just fine.


I must still write in my Dad's Christmas card and get it sent.  He doesn't do electronic forms of communication -- strictly a snail-mail guy.


I will catch up when I can, but I will likely be away from the thread quite a bit.  Hugs for you all.  You are all quite special, and you deserve it!


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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My kids hated them.  We switched to Galore Park Latin Prep (which is now out of print and discontinued).  Ds did those all the way through high school.  Dd switched to Japanese. 


And it's an educational language booyah!


Booyah (alternative spelling booya):  Interjection used on the famous ITT thread to show exuberance at having reached yet another page on our long unending saga of love and support and general silliness. 



I cannot like this post enough!

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I am awake. I was awake much earlier, but found a way to get back to sleep after the synchronized snoring competition between DH and the old cat concluded. Chores are done, I'm starting on a cup of tea and will probably get moving on my scene index in a little while.

My favorite characters aren't speaking to one another right now in the sequel. I hate jealousy. I've never understood it, and I just want to slap the jealous one and tell him to get over it, and then slap the other one and tell him to just apologize already! (But it would destroy the character arc--they are supposed to figure this out for themselves, and it's my job to make it nearly impossible for them.)

I also need to study parallel plots and see if it fits something I'm doing in the first novel or whether I should find a way to incorporate the parallel plot stuff into a subplot.

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I have a sweatshirt and two sweaters on.  I'm still cold. 



DH has been keeping the heating down when home to try to save money.  Downstairs gets quite chilly because all of the heat goes right up the stairs and the stupid 2-story entryway.  The master bedroom (upstairs) gets the most a/c in the summer and the most heat in the winter.  I found him hanging out in the master bedroom the other evening wearing a sweatshirt (for when he had been downstairs earlier), running TWO noisy fans and complaining about how hot he was.


It was bedtime.  I turned off the fans and suggested he try changing his attire.


Because of the poor airflow in this house I had everyone sleep with their bedroom doors open more the past couple of near-freezing nights.  This way more warm air would move into the kids' rooms and out of our room.  I managed to sleep with the light leaking in everywhere, but the fans HAD to stay off.  The noise was too much on top of everything else.



I am making all sorts of notes to myself for later reference on little sticky notes and sticking them to the journal I am setting up to start in January.  I don't think I'll get to them before then, so I won't put them in the current journal.

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I'm really not here, but I had to share something with you.




See #10, on the subject of pantz.


Okay now back to Doing All the Things  Love You  Bye!



:smilielol5:  :smilielol5:  :smilielol5:

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Church is cancelled.


Dinner this week is clam chowder, chicken fried steak with roasted brussels sprouts, and chipotle chicken burrito bowls. Breakfast is breakfast salad and egg foo young.


With breakfast this morning we all had martinellis in wine glasses because princess birthday.



Recipes for breakfast salad and egg foo young, please?  And what are martinellis?

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I worked. I showered. That's about it. It's getting colder, but DH built a fire in the fireplace. I'm beyond tired. And my neck hurts. 



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


I know these are 3 days late, but I believe in the retroactivity of hugs!

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:iagree:  I'm a military brat.


This is not the only student. Surprisingly, I'm coming across this answer often. This was the only one that actually quoted the specific statement in the article and said that wasn't heroic. (btw, the particular vehicle was in the air!) The others are very general and just make me wonder if they actually read the whole thing.  :confused1:


I really can't say too much because of confidentiality (which is why I'm being kinda vague), but this is really driving me crazy.  :willy_nilly:



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Note to self:  you have reached the bottom of page 1502  1501 .  Time to go do some more stuff.  *sigh*


*sigh again*


I was right the first time.  I got to the bottom of page 1502.  *SIGH*

Edited by AMJ
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Good Morning!!




Lynn, glad you had some extra sleep!


AMJ, good to see you! I thought you had fallen into the AFSA!! Hope you are feeling better. Sounds like you are busy!


I have gotten my nails done once, but if Jessica is joining our staff... I hear she's really good.


I'm having breakfast in the Big City this morning with IRL BFF. We met our freshman year in high school. Had band together and PE (we were those girls who were totally unathletic, so we kind of glommed on to each other in PE). We've been each other's maid/matron of honor on our weddings and still text each other every day. We make a point to have breakfast together at least once a year and go shopping.

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I think they saved the hardest responses for last. Or these are the ones that had been put in a queue to get another look because of unsure of how to score. I know I've seen one of these before - I put it in the queue within the past couple of days. I'm one of the lucky ones to get to score them. I hope that means I'm that good...

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At what point did weight gain become so horrid that a doctor would prefer a patient live with the most severe symptoms of an illness then put them back on medicine that prevented all symptoms but caused weight gain when weight does not make the illness worse or cause other problems!? :cursing: :banghead:



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Egg foo young: http://meljoulwan.com/2010/08/08/paleo-egg-foo-yung/


Salad: http://www.theendlessmeal.com/healthy-breakfast-salad/


My leuchtturm got here 4 days ago. I can't play with it yet because it's supposed to be from Santa and has to stay hidden until Christmas. It's hard to not start setting it up.

Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

You can play with it now, just wrap it Christmas Eve. The kids won't notice.   

At what point did weight gain become so horrid that a doctor would prefer a patient live with the most severe symptoms of an illness then put them back on medicine that prevented all symptoms but caused weight gain when weight does not make the illness worse or cause other problems!? :cursing: :banghead:

I'm sorry.
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At what point did weight gain become so horrid that a doctor would prefer a patient live with the most severe symptoms of an illness then put them back on medicine that prevented all symptoms but caused weight gain when weight does not make the illness worse or cause other problems!? :cursing: :banghead:



Hello AMJ!


Hope you have fun Krissi.


Renai, you must be a super awesome grader.


Lana, maybe Santa brought it all set up for you. :leaving:



You are brilliant!   :laugh:

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Oh, my. I am reading a paper that reminds me of the worst time of Dancer's dyslexic life as far as spelling. But, by this age (high school), she was much, much better. It's breaking my brain.


Did you know that the Spanish word for puzzle is "rompecabeza" which literally means "break head/brain"?


Yeah, that.

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:grouphug: I don't like that.


I don't like it either.  


At what point did weight gain become so horrid that a doctor would prefer a patient live with the most severe symptoms of an illness then put them back on medicine that prevented all symptoms but caused weight gain when weight does not make the illness worse or cause other problems!? :cursing: :banghead:




(((Junie))) - Go back to Walmart, I mean AFSA?


I get to go to the mall to return some shoes, go to Kohls to return some other stuff (and get some better stuff), and go to the gf-friendly grocery store.  Maybe that will work?


Oh, my. I am reading a paper that reminds me of the worst time of Dancer's dyslexic life as far as spelling. But, by this age (high school), she was much, much better. It's breaking my brain.


Did you know that the Spanish word for puzzle is "rompecabeza" which literally means "break head/brain"?


Yeah, that.


My dd10 isn't dyslexic, but she is auditory and her spelling is very... phonetic.   :laugh:


And I like the word rompecabeza.  Even though my head is already broken, apparently.


Good morning. I got to use my cpap after a week of not getting to use it. Glorious. I sleep so much better with it.



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I take ds to the naturopathic doctor today. He finally agreed to talk to someone about his severe ADD. We drive into the Big City so it will be a most of the day thing.



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:hurray: Hooray for getting help.

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Matt said that I'm getting really fat and then mooed at me. Well, actually he kindly told me that I was gaining weight. But either way I should do something about that.


I'm glad you clarified. I might have started thinking the ENB was needed to break a head.

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Most of the time heroic looks a lot like just doing your job.


ETA: It's a support the heroes of everyday, Booyah!



Working a little a on bit of Christmas heroing:


  • I wrote to Dad in his card, added his gift card (marked as being from my sister as well as all of us here), let him know about recent happenings among extended family, and I MAILED IT IMMEDIATELY.
  • I emailed the local dance place to inquire about dancing lessons come January for a 12-year-old beginner.  DD12 will be happy.
  • I called MIL to clarify and firm up days and times for our Christmas with them and other occurrences.
  • I did not freak out when MIL said she wants to bring visiting family over in the days to come to go caroling in our neighborhood and look at the pretty Christmas lights.  Instead I spent over an hour vacuuming our couch (which has crevasses that would swallow all of Mordor).
  • I reminded DH in time (before he headed out the door) that today is the day to not only pay for Aikido for the coming quarter, but to give Sensei any Christmas presents we have for him.  DH's present is now set and in our possession, along with the payment check.
  • I managed to make a batch of lemon balls to give to Sensei, too.
  • I reminded the girls (several times) to get lunch in time for going to art class.
  • I am getting my own lunch now.
  • I have washed and dried 3 loads of laundry.  We have clean clothes -- they can be put away later.
  • I have a plan for today, and have told the girls we will take Aikido stuff along with us to art class just in case of delays.
  • I have a plan for tomorrow (includes wrapping some presents, and texting my sister).  I have a plan for Thursday, and a partial plan for Friday, too.
  • I can do this.
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The jam session is done.  In order to save college boys from being licked to death by Rocky, I put Rocky in dd's room.  This is the room with the bunny cages but he's been in there many times before and has not bothered them.  We have never allowed him to be with the bunnies without a cage separating them because he has a strong prey drive but he has licked their ears through the bars.  So anyway, I put him in the room, gave him a bone filled with some peanut butter to chew on and checked on him frequently.  No problems.  I went in at the end to let him out and discovered that in the very last 20 minutes of room time, he pushed open one of the walls of the rabbit cages so that he had total access to Bailey.  Bailey was fine and was unconcernedly eating her hay.  :svengo:



Phew!  Good Rocky.  Good Bailey.  Thank you for not eating each other.

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I think so!  All of my teen niblings have loved them, and they love HP, too.


That reminds me, since the Percy Jackson post, I started to read the series. I bought it for Dancer last Christmas, and now she's letting me borrow them. I'm on book 2 as of now. :D


ETA: I apparently can't spell, either.

Edited by Renai
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