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I vote rest. No one ever died from having dirty dishes sit overnight. Take care of yourself.



This reminds me how Dancer said she won the title of best kitchen inspector in her college class the other day. I responded to the effect of, "yeah, then you return home and wonder how we're not all dead yet, huh?"

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Now I am ketchupped. But, I'm on my phone. I know there are responses in other windows on the computer, but I'm getting the computer now. I feel like calling in to work tomorrow. It's supposed to be a full day. I don't know how I'll do. Has anyone ever had an intense cramp in the crotch? I did while driving today (yesterday) and I was gripping the wheel and in angst, almost yelling. Dancer was worried. I've never had that happen before, but knew my cycle was going to start. It did. I was prepared. But that cramp was really weird. It lasted a few seconds and disappeared. Any ideas?

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Happy Thursday!


Ugh. I have to tell ds11 and dd13 that ds was chosen to perform in the opera but dd was not. Sigh.


I'm sorry.   :grouphug:


Like, I got the the quote reference, but not how it relates to finishing Intro to Python...


Monty "Python" and the Holy Grail.  Intro to "Python"   :D


I'm still awake. Maybe I'll try to sleep again now. Sigh.



Hi Renai!  Hope you're sleeping well now and your day goes well.  


Ellie, hope you have a great trip inspite of it's sluggish beginnings.  

Edited by Another Lynn
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Happy Thursday!


Go Ellie, Go! Have a fun trip!


I am not interested in getting dressed today.


I was up extra late because ds21 stopped by for a few minutes to say hello and pick up a few of his things. He had apparently spent the evening finding a medical center/hospital for/with a friend and for some reason ended up in our town. He didn't want to say what was wrong; only that he thought she would be there for a day or two and was going to be OK. I sent a couple bags of groceries home with him. I'm worried about him/his friend. Being a parent to a grownup is hard.



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Our power went off this evening just after I had finished cooking dinner.   :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  The pasta would have been ... interesting ... if it had gone off a few minutes before.


It's back on now.  We're good.   :thumbup1:



Candle- (or lantern-) light dinner!


If you were cooking the pasta in water and the water had already been boiling (or close to) you still could have had your pasta done, it just would have taken a few more minutes of sitting in the hot water.  You can even get the pasta to al dente or soft with cold water, but that would take hours.  As for the sauce -- isn't cold pasta sauce a summertime thing?

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So, we (and by "we," I mean "Mr. Ellie") are finishing up packing for our little trip to San Antonio. I was thinking that when we pull out tomorrow we'd actually be on our way, but no...we have to stop by Mr. Ellie's work to pick up something he left (happily, it's right off the freeway, but still...), and we'll take another side trip to pick up a computer that someone wants him to fix; we have to drive several miles off the freeway to get it. I'm thinking that will add at least half an hour, maybe 45 minutes, to our drive. It just bugs me when stuff like this happens, because often there was lack of planning on someone's part. We don't really have to be there early; it just bugs me. I'm not perfect. :p


And that's all I have to say about that.


Not sure how often I will be able to check in between now and Sunday (I don't use my cell phone for Internet, other than FB).





It's not just the added time to your schedule, it's the added things you must keep track of (mentally and physically) AND the delay to the both of you getting to switch over to trip mode (in which you can leave other concerns on the back burner and focus on the trip's doings).  Errands as you leave have a bigger impact than just a delay to the start.

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"Bring out yer dead! Being out yer dead!" "I'm not dead yet"


So, are you starting her on "The Holy Grail"?



I hear lessons in silly walks are appropriate for ANY age and stage of development!

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This reminds me how Dancer said she won the title of best kitchen inspector in her college class the other day. I responded to the effect of, "yeah, then you return home and wonder how we're not all dead yet, huh?"



Out of likes again, darn it!  I guess I have to wait another hour or so....

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Now I am ketchupped. But, I'm on my phone. I know there are responses in other windows on the computer, but I'm getting the computer now. I feel like calling in to work tomorrow. It's supposed to be a full day. I don't know how I'll do. Has anyone ever had an intense cramp in the crotch? I did while driving today (yesterday) and I was gripping the wheel and in angst, almost yelling. Dancer was worried. I've never had that happen before, but knew my cycle was going to start. It did. I was prepared. But that cramp was really weird. It lasted a few seconds and disappeared. Any ideas?



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Our bodies don't stop changing over the years, so I've learned to expect that I would be surprised from time to time with new behavior.  I wouldn't worry about that cramp if it's a one-off, but if you start having more of them you might want to talk to your GYN.  In the meantime I agree that taking a sick day today might be wise, since when I have had unusual cramps I usually had a particularly unpleasant period.  Sometimes we just need the freedom to curl up into a ball and nap our way through the unpleasant part.

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I need to find a way to get more sleep.  The only solutions that come to mind are quitting my job or dropping homeschooling/sending my kid to B&M.  Neither of which is a viable solution. 


Oooh.  Time travel.  Fast forward a few years to when he can direct his own education.  'Cause I won't have to do anything, right?  I can just sleep? 






This, too, shall pass.  If the exhaustion doesn't kill me first. 

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I need to find a way to get more sleep.  The only solutions that come to mind are quitting my job or dropping homeschooling/sending my kid to B&M.  Neither of which is a viable solution. 


Oooh.  Time travel.  Fast forward a few years to when he can direct his own education.  'Cause I won't have to do anything, right?  I can just sleep? 






This, too, shall pass.  If the exhaustion doesn't kill me first. 


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Sometimes we just need the freedom to curl up into a ball and nap our way through the unpleasant part.


I think this should be a valid excuse to get me out of teaching today. Right? 

I ignored the dishes, and when I woke up, they had gone away. :D (DH took pity on me, as I was curled in a ball and whining pretty good about cramps, snakes in the water, and hot days in September where they have no right to be)



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This weekend we are supposed to get a cold front coming in, but the meteorologist sure waffled a LOT on what the forecast for that front is.  We get it, guy, too many factors in play for you to be sure what we will get out of it and when it will hit this far in advance.  You have, however, spent a full 3 minutes restating the same thing 4 times.  Move on and show us more images.


This weekend FIL (probably with DH's help and maybe MIL and me, too) needs to either rebuild some more fence or firm up the interim repairs DH did earlier this week.  We are expecting rain this weekend, but no telling how much or when or for how long.  We will do what we can when we can and call it good.


I have started prodding extended family about Thanksgiving, but in a nice way -- I simply stated one plan I set into motion now as early prep.  The responses back indicate that the intended hosting house has changed -- younger SIL wants to host.  Alrighty then!  DH and I were discussing last night, toying with the idea of baking bread and such on his grill to conserve oven space.  I think we will test this out in the next few weeks, just to get an idea beforehand of how it will work.


Time to move laundry, teach, and watch the gunite workers across the street.  They tarped the entire width of the street to protect it, right in front of the mouth of our driveway.  We don't have to go anywhere until latter afternoon, so I'm not worried.  They are also keeping one guy quite close to the truck, so I won't worry about them blocking the fire hydrant, either.

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Dd7: Mom, I have accomplished my mission. Do you want to know what my mission was?


Me: No, I want you to do your Latin lesson.


(30 seconds later)


Dd7: I had dreams last night.


Me: Were they in Latin?







:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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Dd7: Mom, I have accomplished my mission. Do you want to know what my mission was?


Me: No, I want you to do your Latin lesson.


(30 seconds later)


Dd7: I had dreams last night.


Me: Were they in Latin?










I read this and thought, "Why on earth is Susan torturing that child about her Latin at 6:30 in the morning????"


Can you tell you slept badly?


<<getting coffee...ponies must wait>>

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I need to find a way to get more sleep.  The only solutions that come to mind are quitting my job or dropping homeschooling/sending my kid to B&M.  Neither of which is a viable solution. 


Oooh.  Time travel.  Fast forward a few years to when he can direct his own education.  'Cause I won't have to do anything, right?  I can just sleep? 






This, too, shall pass.  If the exhaustion doesn't kill me first. 


This sounds EXACTLY like my conundrum, my options, and my responses.

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I read this and thought, "Why on earth is Susan torturing that child about her Latin at 6:30 in the morning????"


Can you tell you slept badly?


<<getting coffee...ponies must wait>>

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What do kidney stones feel like?

I thought I had a bladder infection and had a lot of pain toward the side of my lower back. I was pregnant at the time, so I don't know if that makes a difference. I drank water and cranberry juice like crazy all night and it finally passed in the early morning.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Good Morning! It's the first day of Fall.


Oldest son has been delivered to school with his state report completed and neatly pasted on a tri-fold. "Listen to me....that is plagerising. I realize you did not copy the entire sentence word-for-word, but I used to teach junior high English, and I know how 8th grade boys write and this sentence does not sound like an 8th grade boy's writing. It sounds like a text book. Do you even know what that word means?" Rinse. Repeat. Oh, and then there's this one... "You either co-operate with me, or I'm leaving." Child continues to argue his point. "You're not co-operating, I'm leaving." 30 seconds later..... "Mooooom!" I thought life would be easier if he were in a b&m school. Sigh!


But, on the good side, it's supposed to be cooler today and I picked what will probably be my last bouquet of roses for the season. Lovely white ones and I put them in a blue and white vase I bought in Brazil. I love white roses in blue and white vases.

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