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Good Tuesday Morning!


I ketch upped rather quickly, but consider everything liked.


Slache, I also need the "dead test" except I'm pretty sure I'm not because I still have too much to do.  Don't forget to call again today.


I have only been to Ulta once - for a good round brush.  I never wear perfume, but sometimes think about it when I catch a whiff of one that my Grandmother used to wear.  


We have a new violin student in our home.  She practiced holding it correctly twice last night.  


Hope everyone has a great day!

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I had to nurse my baby, which resulted in somewhat overdone scrambled eggs. I should just put some cheese on them, right?


Good morning! I want you to know I love this thread!


Welcome, Stefanina!  Come play with us!

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I'm so glad! I have a crazy love affair with these flowers. They make me happy.




Now you must go back and BOOYA.


Please note the spelling of the above-mentioned "BOOYA."  Misspelling "BOOYA" is a terrible thing and will result in many, many demerits.



(As for the eggs, feed them to the dog and eat chocolate.)




((Perhaps it is now time to mention the cranky pants...))

Edited by JoJosMom
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I had a ridiculously busy weekend.  and then I turned in the shower, and BAM!, there went my back.  I am owie and cranky.  And at 3 in the morning realized that I did not check the short person's accomplishments yesterday and she failed to accomplish something critical to the successful completion of the day.


I want chocolate.  And wine.


I'm guessing it's a wee tad early for that.


I hope that I have attracted the crankies so that everyone else is free.

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Good morning!


Three cheers for Lynn's budding violinist! Getting the hold right is the hardest part, so super job on that! I need to practice today, too.


The ITT orchestra is growing by leaps and bounds! (AMJ, we will need you and your oboe to help us tune. Junie, don't you play oboe too?)



I can't even get a consistent note out of just the reed yet.  "Tuning" is still out of my reach.

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I'm so glad! I have a crazy love affair with these flowers. They make me happy.



A thread tradition:  When your post is the first post on a page you edit said post to include "Booya(h)".  The "h" is optional, no matter what anyone says.


You can also dedicate your booya(h), or claim it as a particular kind, or invent song lyrics (We now have several verses sung to the tune of  The Song That Never Ends and other songs, too), party, etc.



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I had a ridiculously busy weekend.  and then I turned in the shower, and BAM!, there went my back.  I am owie and cranky.  And at 3 in the morning realized that I did not check the short person's accomplishments yesterday and she failed to accomplish something critical to the successful completion of the day.


I want chocolate.  And wine.


I'm guessing it's a wee tad early for that.


I hope that I have attracted the crankies so that everyone else is free.



We truly appreciate your willingness to take one repeatedly today so the rest of us can have some relief.  Our hero!

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Good morning!


Three cheers for Lynn's budding violinist! Getting the hold right is the hardest part, so super job on that! I need to practice today, too.


The ITT orchestra is growing by leaps and bounds! (AMJ, we will need you and your oboe to help us tune. Junie, don't you play oboe too?)


I wish I played the oboe.  :)  It's on my bucket list:  Learn how to play the oboe.


I let it beat me in 4th grade and I quit.  I would like to conquer it, but time and money are being dedicated to other things right now.  And, since I have arthritis in my hands, I'm not sure that I could even hold one.  :(

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It is another day.


Hugs to JJM. Rest and take it easy. These are non-negotiable. Because back problems are terrible.


I'm in a mood. Not a good one either. A bad one. I will come out of it eventually. It will be fine.


I hope everyone's colds are clearing up, and tummy numbness is disappearing. And all ailments are cured. :grouphug: to all.

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The interruptions and derailments to our schedule have started basically as soon as we started up school this year.  I am therefore seriously considering revamping HOW we will cover our subjects -- basically having fewer subjects that get covered in small bits on a daily basis and doing more days of fewer subjects with more time on them.


History can be done weekly.  I can give them each their assignments and let them choose when to work on them throughout the week.


Science, too, could be done weekly instead of twice weekly.  This would certainly make it more manageable for me.


Vocabulary really needs to stay daily or nearly daily (due to the way one girl learns/retains new stuff).  Grammar might remain daily, and I'm not sure about poetry/writing (doing poetry now and will do writing once we finish poetry).


Reading (lit) could be handled weekly.


Math could be done on fewer days each week.  If I can build larger time blocks into 2 or 3 days per week for math it might help DD15 absorb and retain the new concepts better, instead of working at it some each day.  Basically allowing the time blocks to go deeper.


Logic can be done weekly.


PE must be daily, but Music is definitely weekly.



With the exception of the music lessons that JUST started yesterday I had been trying to handle the subjects on a daily or twice-a-week basis.  This worked well for us in the past, but with DD15 now in high school and both kids getting into more complexities I'm not sure it fits us so well anymore, AND there are other considerations now that we didn't have before, AND we need more flexibility to handle unexpected interruptions and derailments.



I'm still thinking it through, but I think this should work better.  One thing I have realized:  I can think better when I visit this thread regularly, and when I can get in some dedicated exercise time away from TVs and other distractions.  This plan germinated when I was visiting the thread yesterday, and really started to gel when I was walking on a treadmill at personal training BEFORE they turned on the TV.

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Good morning.


Both of my sons crawled in bed with DH and me last night. There was no longer any room, so I moved to the couch. Then DH followed me because he wanted to cuddle, and there was no room there either. All these cuddlebugs seriously mess up the amount of sleep I get.



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So far I have managed to spill hot tea and break the cup in the process. I am taking this as a sign that I should not attempt to cook anything today. I must clean the kitchen, however.  :glare:  The boys have caught my cold. I don't know what kind of school we will have today. Probably the kind that gets Math and Latin done, and spends the rest of the day listening to music and writing stories.

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I wish I played the oboe.   :)  It's on my bucket list:  Learn how to play the oboe.


I let it beat me in 4th grade and I quit.  I would like to conquer it, but time and money are being dedicated to other things right now.  And, since I have arthritis in my hands, I'm not sure that I could even hold one.   :(



I am finding it daunting, and I know this is something I need to spend time and attention on to learn it right.  I don't have time and attention to spare, however, and so my oboe has sat in its case next to my ukulele and guitar, both of which I want to learn to play, too.


And I also want a hammered dulcimer, and they had one at the pawn/music store when I stopped to buy oboe reeds.  I didn't get it, but I've always loved those, too!



The music teacher remarked upon how we must be a musical family because of certain traits the kids showed at their lessons yesterday.  We are, sort of.  There are musical ancestors on both sides, and both sides have always been musically inclined.  But both DH and I are infrequent players/singers and the girls have been rather lacking in music lessons in the past due to a lack of confluence of both time and money.  We are haphazardly musical, I guess.   :lol:

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So far I have managed to spill hot tea and break the cup in the process. I am taking this as a sign that I should not attempt to cook anything today. I must clean the kitchen, however.  :glare:  The boys have caught my cold. I don't know what kind of school we will have today. Probably the kind that gets Math and Latin done, and spends the rest of the day listening to music and writing stories.



This sounds like a good plan for the day.

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It is another day.


Hugs to JJM. Rest and take it easy. These are non-negotiable. Because back problems are terrible.


I'm in a mood. Not a good one either. A bad one. I will come out of it eventually. It will be fine.


I hope everyone's colds are clearing up, and tummy numbness is disappearing. And all ailments are cured. :grouphug: to all.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


We love you!

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The cat puked. When I went to get the paper towels, they jumped out of the closet and attempted to brain me. I might take this as a sign that I shouldn't clean anything today either.

The sick boy has flopped on my bed and went limp. I took that as a sign that math and Latin are now off the table. He says he can't concentrate, and that even with the cup shattering and tea going everywhere, he couldn't get very excited about that. I declare that we will write and/or watch science documentaries all day and call it good.


I also claim dibs on the cranky pants with the faux dragon scales. They are my favorite.

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I really ought to organize Ivor, the great white homeschooling cabinet. Today would be a good day to do that, provided I don't stand on any chairs, use strong chemicals to clean, attempt to boil water at the same time, or listen to epic music of the foreboding variety, right?

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I really ought to organize Ivor, the great white homeschooling cabinet. Today would be a good day to do that, provided I don't stand on any chairs, use strong chemicals to clean, attempt to boil water at the same time, or listen to epic music of the foreboding variety, right?

And don't make eggs while you do it either.


I didn't know we were supposed to name our cabinets. Homeschooling is hard.

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I didn't know we were supposed to name our cabinets. Homeschooling is hard. 


Ivor started out as the great white pantry. He lived in the kitchen, and when you came around the corner, there stood Ivor, waiting to spring.

When we had the forced remodel of the kitchen, due to the leaky dishwasher, I decided that it was my durned house, and if I didn't like Ivor waiting to pounce on me whenever I walked it, I'd put him where I could keep an eye on him. We moved Ivor to the dining room, and he now does service as my minion in perpetrating dastardly deeds like teaching Latin and assigning difficult grammar problems for school. He's happy. I'm happy. 

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The cat puked. When I went to get the paper towels, they jumped out of the closet and attempted to brain me. I might take this as a sign that I shouldn't clean anything today either.

The sick boy has flopped on my bed and went limp. I took that as a sign that math and Latin are now off the table. He says he can't concentrate, and that even with the cup shattering and tea going everywhere, he couldn't get very excited about that. I declare that we will write and/or watch science documentaries all day and call it good.


I also claim dibs on the cranky pants with the faux dragon scales. They are my favorite.



My cat decided to lay on the front door rug, right where she blends in so beautifully, and got upset when I stepped on her.  In my defense I did notice that something was underfoot that wasn't rug (barefoot -- more sensitive) and didn't put my whole weight down on that step.  She's not hurt, just irritated.


Other than a little bit of scanning in some math (a prep step to sending it off for grading at Derek Owens) I have decided that today's class time would be spent indulging me as I wear the I've-had-all-I-can-take hat.  I have announced to the girls that we will NOT be doing homeschool "as usual" today because of all these other errands and tasks that must get done, AND one of the errands is picking up a new teacher planner so I can entirely revamp the school year plan.


I have announced that since I don't have enough mindfulness and time for everything on my plate it is past time for me to delegate.  Revamping the school plan for the year delegates to them more of the responsibility of getting their work done, but it lessens the nagging (reminders) from Mom and allows them more freedom to choose when they will work on various subjects.  They will also be getting more household tasks assigned to them, as their Daddy or I think of them.


It is now past time for second breakfast which I really need because first breakfast wasn't as much as it usually is, and then errands must occur.  I DID manage to remember to place my Great Courses order before the Sept. 15th deadline for certain pricing, so I now have more birthday presents for me on their way.  DH paid for my birthday bookshelves this past weekend, so that freed up more birthday money to spend on other stuff I want.  Lectures it is!

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Ok, I am back. Got DS delivered to school, now eating breakfast. Boy, you guys have been having fun this morning!


Steph... Welcome! Great first Booya/h. You'll fit in just fine around here!


Susan, boo on the UTI!


JJM, I hope your back is feeling better!


Junie, I'm glad it was only a dream!


Lana, I, too, have a family who wants to cuddle a little more than I do!


Slashie, I love watching babies sleep. And hiccup. And do all their baby things.


Critter, boo on the broken mug. I hope it wasn't a favorite.


I didn't know we were supposed to name our cabinets. Homeschooling is hard.

Youngest dd has a blanket named Chewy. Because the corners are all chewed up. Since dd is almost 6 she doesn't need Chewy as much anymore, but she feels a strong sense of loyalty. So, she got Chewy a friend to keep her company as she (Chewy) sleeps folded up at the end of her bed. The friend is a scarf.


Ok, I have only edited and modified this post a squillion times. Geez!

Edited by KrissiK
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I really ought to organize Ivor, the great white homeschooling cabinet. Today would be a good day to do that, provided I don't stand on any chairs, use strong chemicals to clean, attempt to boil water at the same time, or listen to epic music of the foreboding variety, right?



I don't know.  Is Ivor anchored to the wall?  Ikea is big on anchoring furniture to the wall so it can't lean menacingly or decide to fall on you.

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