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If anyone wants to introduce their kids to scratch coding:


Skip code.org and use the MIT scratch free download with the DK Coding in Scratch Projects book. DS is so much more engaged with the latter than he ever was with code.org. It's fun.


That is all. Carry on.

Edited by ikslo
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If anyone wants to introduce their kids to scratch coding:


Skip code.org and use the MIT scratch free download with the DK Coding in Scratch Projects book. DS is so much more engaged with the latter than he ever was with code.org. It's fun.


That is all. Carry on.



Thank you!  DD12 might be interested.

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Good Morning!


I didn't sleep much last night, and must put on the cranky pants straight away. There was a bug in my water cup this morning. Coffee was particularly bitter, but I will have more as soon as I find the pantz. I need to pay some bills.


Happy happy Friday!


Hope you are feeling better, Renai.

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I am itchy (bug bites) and feeling behind, but I should make it to personal training today.  Park Day also starts up again for the school year (a twice-monthly homeschool social group), so we will all get some outside time even though it is quite warm, muggy, and supposed to rain this afternoon.  Must remember to take the bug repellent.


I'm eating a leftover stuffed pepper for breakfast and loving it, so I might make stuffed peppers again this next week just because.  I adapted my recipe to meet my current dietary restrictions and am pleasantly surprised that even when reheated the filling isn't dry at all without the cheese topper.


I am so ready for Fall, with cooler and drier air.  Still a bit over a month to go before we get the first whiff of it here.


It will be good to get back to personal training.  It's been over a week what with the trip over the long weekend and me being sick-ish Wednesday, so I will be hurting more today afterwards, but I should be more energetic tomorrow or Sunday as a result.


DD12 is putting away clean dishes without being asked!   :001_wub:  :001_wub:

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Good Morning!


I didn't sleep much last night, and must put on the cranky pants straight away. There was a bug in my water cup this morning. Coffee was particularly bitter, but I will have more as soon as I find the pantz. I need to pay some bills.


Happy happy Friday!


Hope you are feeling better, Renai.



Okay after snapping at the cat I think I can be done with the cranky pants.  Here you go.  (I JUST offered to let the cat outside and she refused.  10 seconds later she wants someone to open the door and let her out.)


I guess I have Ugh boots on, however.  I have declared the weather outside not horribly hot yet, but very uggy (that's muggy and buggy).  I am looking around at what all still needs doing and saying "ugh".  Ugh is happening a lot this morning.


Maybe I'll try "UGH!" at my whiny cat.

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We have frost!


I forgot to set my alarm, so I'm having a bit of a late start here, but it was 30 degrees outside when I checked.  The sun hasn't quite made it over the tree line yet, but it will start warming up rapidly once it does. And we will have 3 minutes and 27 seconds less daylight than we had yesterday (tomorrow will be 3 minutes and 28 seconds shorter.)


I love watching the seasons change! :001_wub:

Edited by JoJosMom
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We have frost!


I forgot to set my alarm, so I'm having a bit of a late start here, but it was 30 degrees outside when I checked.  The sun hasn't quite made it over the tree line, yet, but it will start warming up rapidly once it does. And we will have 3 minutes and 27 seconds less daylight than we had yesterday (tomorrow will be 3 minutes and 28 seconds shorter.)


I love watching the seasons change! :001_wub:



When you can please look at the first rays of the sun setting the grass and plants all a-sparkly for me!  I love watching seasons change, too, and I just don't get much, if any, such show down here.  Please also let me know when you get snow so I can imagine myself wallowing in it.  I love snow, especially watching it fall!  We don't really get snow here.



I am, of course, watching the position of the rising sun change as it moves further south day by day.  I didn't mark our fence with its position during the summer solstice, but I think I will for the autumn equinox and winter solstice.  First I need to decide which window will be my "observatory" (perhaps DD12's bedroom window).  I want to show the girls how far north the sun can be in the summer and how far south it stays in the winter, even as far south as we are.  I also want to measure the directions furthest north and south so I can use the info in playing with house floor plans -- I guess I should measure the angle of the sun at noon (solar noon, not DST or what my timezone says is noon), too, on those days to help determine how much eaves or covered porches I should place on certain sides of my imaginary houses.

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Why, Frosted Flakes, of course!



I dare not, though I would love to.  The kids will forget they are in the pantry and I'll end up eating them, which I really, really shouldn't.  They do sound tempting, though, as does Captain Crunch, for some reason.  I haven't eaten that in years, and I don't think the kids ever have.




What raw veggies do you all like to keep on hand prepped and ready to grab and munch?

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What raw veggies do you all like to keep on hand prepped and ready to grab and munch?


cucumbers, red peppers, sugar snap peas in the pod, and carrots


All are lovely plain or paired with some hummus if I'm needing protein.  I have 3/4 prepped in my fridge right now, although my dd has eaten most of my red peppers.

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Thank the dickens.




Like (it's Friday).  Hush, Alex baby, tooralooraloora, tooralooralai, tooralooraloora, hush now, don't you cry....



I am up, but I feel tired. I hope hot tea will solve this problem. I've got a substantial amount of work that I could get done today, but lack the enthusiasm to get moving.


Same here, so I'm hiding on the thread again until the washer finishes spinning.  Maybe I'll try this tea trick you speak of.



My likes are trickling back in in ones and twos, so sometimes I can like and sometimes I can't.  *sigh*  Like quotas are so unfair.

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In answer to my own question, so far I've flunked him on a biology test, and he's currently redoing his spanish homework to make it legible.  I foresee more issues as he hasn't completed his work for the week and is being a tool with re: to the discussions we're supposed to be having today.


I was up until 1 with Youngest and back up at 5 to take his butt to his activity so I'm not exactly feeling sorry for his tired teen soul.

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cucumbers, red peppers, sugar snap peas in the pod, and carrots


All are lovely plain or paired with some hummus if I'm needing protein.  I have 3/4 prepped in my fridge right now, although my dd has eaten most of my red peppers.



All good things I like to eat and usually have on hand!  My peppers would be safe because I am the only family member inclined to eat them raw.  Thank you for reminding me of these!


Okay, self:  buy AND PREP carrots, celery, jicama, cukes (hide some so the kids don't eat them all), peppers, snacky peas -- all for snacking.


Oh, and pick up more hummus.



Okay, what else can I snack on?


I sound like my sister and her friend.  When they were in college together they'd eat together a lot, but each would have trouble picking out what she herself would eat.  They ordered for each other, since they knew each other's likes and dietary restrictions.  It was easier to think what the other could and should eat than what oneself could and should eat.


I know what I should and shouldn't be eating, but I'm having trouble thinking of specific things to purchase and prepare.  

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So, I went to my chiropractor yesterday and told him all about Mr. Ellie's accident. Dr. C immediately said that Mr. Ellie should come in because he has whiplash (remember his glasses being thrown from his face? When he was struck from behind? Whiplash, even if he isn't feeling it at this moment.), and there needs to be a complete exam right now so that if he has problems in the future as a result, we'll be able to document his condition at the time of the accident. He is also going to recommend a personal injury attorney, because y'all, there will be lawsuits. And he recommended that Mr. Ellie see a counselor, even if it's just his own pastor. Mr. Ellie is on his way there now.


Today is the first week of the next eight-week session of hula. I might have some new students. Or not. :-) We are working on a cute Christmas hula (because it takes a long time for my students to learn a new dance!).


Happy Friday, ITT!!

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In answer to my own question, so far I've flunked him on a biology test, and he's currently redoing his spanish homework to make it legible.  I foresee more issues as he hasn't completed his work for the week and is being a tool with re: to the discussions we're supposed to be having today.


I was up until 1 with Youngest and back up at 5 to take his butt to his activity so I'm not exactly feeling sorry for his tired teen soul.


Sounds quite justified!


I'm planning to die before Mary becomes a teen. She's going to be a total thing.


I'd like this, except you are planning to abandon us in just a few years!  Don't leave us, Slashie!


Coming!  alien-abduction-smiley-emoticon.gif




Duct tape.  Duh.


If it gets really bad:  bazooka.  (I'd blame the child's father, though.  After what I went through to produce my short person, even I couldn't bazooka her. :001_tt2: )


They have really cute duct tapes in the stores now!  It can be the new teen or child accessory, approved by exasperated mothers everywhere!

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So, I went to my chiropractor yesterday and told him all about Mr. Ellie's accident. Dr. C immediately said that Mr. Ellie should come in because he has whiplash (remember his glasses being thrown from his face? When he was struck from behind? Whiplash, even if he isn't feeling it at this moment.), and there needs to be a complete exam right now so that if he has problems in the future as a result, we'll be able to document his condition at the time of the accident. He is also going to recommend a personal injury attorney, because y'all, there will be lawsuits. And he recommended that Mr. Ellie see a counselor, even if it's just his own pastor. Mr. Ellie is on his way there now.


Today is the first week of the next eight-week session of hula. I might have some new students. Or not. :-) We are working on a cute Christmas hula (because it takes a long time for my students to learn a new dance!).


Happy Friday, ITT!!



Liking the hula!


So glad Mr. E is getting checked out.  Earliest spotted earliest treated, and yes, whiplash can take a while to show itself.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:   Lots of love to all of you.

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AMJ, can you have cheese and nuts? I can make a meal of a few slices of cheese and a handful of raw almonds.



I don't get to have much cheese, though I will allow myself a little every couple of weeks or so (like on one slice of pizza, or in something MIL made, or if there's feta on a salad when eating out).  Raw almonds are one of my favorites, though I have to keep the amounts low.  Thanks for that reminder!


Note to self:  purchase raw almonds, portion out and hide SOME (leave some for the kids so they won't hunt down yours)


Oh, and buy more pistachios.  DD15 ate them all.


I need some fresh fruit, too.

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