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I am so happy I wasn't the only one who asked.

And I had septic growing up. 



I was wondering if it was for a sprinkler system and feeling ignorant for not being familiar with the term.

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I feel like maybe I it's about time I add a signature.  Maybe.


ITT contest:  What should my signature be?  (How well do you gals know me?)



I can't answer that tonight.  My brain is now non-functional from staying in the same room as the kids while they were watching their "stupid kid shows".  Slow motion train wreck doubling as anesthesia.  

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What is with all the August 1 school starts?  Is that really a thing?  In this part of the world school doesn't start until Labor day or the day after. 


Here most schools starts the middle of August. Except the performing arts school which starts earlier because of how their academic and arts schedules coordinate. They still get out at about the same time as the other schools though.

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I had an appointment with my neuro today.  I wish all doctors were as good as he is.  Dh and I walked out of the office 15 minutes after my scheduled appointment time.  My meds seem to be working (at least keeping the pain levels down).  He wants me to continue at the higher dose I just started and come back in a month or so.  And he told me that melatonin might help with the sleeplessness, so I picked up some of that at the grocery store this evening.


I'm no doctor, but I'd suggest starting with a low dose. It can cause nightmares if too much is taken.

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Oops.  Gotta go make a kid's bed so she can sleep in it tonight.  At least her bedding is all clean and dry.



My knee hurts and she already got out a sleeping bag.  We will make up her bed tomorrow.





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I feel like maybe I it's about time I add a signature.  Maybe.


ITT contest:  What should my signature be?  (How well do you gals know me?)


Jetta driver, former chef, work out of the home homeschool mom, lover of all things MCT, Savvy, Witty, Fair, a friend you can always count on.  

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Jetta driver, former chef, work out of the home homeschool mom, lover of all things MCT, Savvy, Witty, Fair, a friend you can always count on.

Waitress, not chef. But like!


Oh, and I mostly work at our offices, not out of the house. Technically I am not supposed to work from home, but my boss lets me sometimes.

Edited by ikslo
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My parents have arrived!


I was on the way to Walgreens at 9pm to get some lemon and lime juice dd16 needs for her custard/meringue pies when my mom called. We went to the store first, stopped by their hotel, and that is when I realized dh had two different shoes on. :lol:  He hadn't bothered telling me until we were getting out the car. My dad was like, "no worries. I went to school (he was a teacher) and had my shirt on backwards. A student told me it was backwards, and I said, 'I know. And?'" He's so funny. I like my family. I told dh that I was going to tell my dad to make sure he uses the bathroom before he comes to my house. Dh gave me the look. I'm like, "Dude, that's how my family is."  :lol:

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Waitress, not chef. But like!


Oh, and I mostly work at our offices, not out of the house. Technically I am not supposed to work from home, but my boss lets me sometimes.


Oh, waitress.  I left out that you were a former magazine cover model.   :D   


I worded poorly (out of the house) - I meant that you work for pay, in addition to homeschooling.  

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Good Morning!


Plumber is coming this morning to fix the long broken shower. I would really like to get a curved shower rod and new Hookless shower curtain, but don't know if I should spend the money. Plus I want them for my bathroom, too. :D We have a lot of big expenses coming up this and next month.


I have coffee and lollipops ready for The Second Day. (Yummy Earth lollipops - not made of dirt. :D )

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I'm off to take kitty to her eye doctor this morning--recheck on an ulcer I picked up last week. Hopefully all healed and we can just wait for the next one to come up.

I discovered that I didn't get one CD with my box, making my French program useless for the moment. Not a big deal. Just aggravating. But it's the very first time RR has messed up my order. 

I am tired. I didn't sleep well, and after being up and down all night I woke up at four and just didn't go back to sleep until the alarm went off this morning. I see a nap in my future.

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(((Critter)))  I was up during the night too for a child, but couldn't go back to sleep until long afterwards.  I don't think a nap is in my future today.  Which reminds me of my friend (((Dawn))) who is fighting sleep deprivation daily right now.  Hope last night was better for you.   :grouphug:

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Good morning, all!


I have already started (a little) on sorting/clearing things from the homeschool room and have bedding in the washer.  DD12 has taken a shower and washed her hair (yay!) and is now walking around in a skirt and t-shirt; her shirt is so long it looks like she's wearing a dress with a little white eyelet (the hem of the skirt) around the bottom.  DD15 is still determinedly asleep.


I need to find where DH put my boxes from recent orders -- I had planned to use those boxes for donatables.  I do have more packages coming in soon (homeschool curricula!), however, so if he already broke the other boxes down I'll just use these next.


I got the girls signed up for music lessons; those start in September.  I've started filling in the monthly calendar pages in my weekly/monthly planner, and have written everything on the year-at-a-glance calendar in the hall.


I've had first breakfast, at least 2 cups of water, and have taken morning meds.  I put away the clean dishes.  I started more bedding in the washer.


I feel at least a little accomplished so far this morning, though I'm still in jammies and loathe to get out of them yet.


Oh, and I'm downstairs in time to catch the morning light, when the sun is still rising in the sky.  It seems when I let myself see that I get going more readily and earlier.  Maybe I need to go sit outside a few minutes.  Ahhhh.....

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Good morning!!


I sat up until 1:30 watching Youtube, took a shower, went to bed at 2, and slept well!! I haven't started the melatonin yet, but my neuro gave me permission to move my 400 mg of gabapentin around, since it seems to be causing (or at least contributing to) my insomnia. I took it earlier last night and it seems to have helped.

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(((Critter)))  I was up during the night too for a child, but couldn't go back to sleep until long afterwards.  I don't think a nap is in my future today.  Which reminds me of my friend (((Dawn))) who is fighting sleep deprivation daily right now.  Hope last night was better for you.   :grouphug:



Good morning!! I sat up until 1:30 watching Youtube, took a shower, went to bed at 2, and slept well!! I haven't started the melatonin yet, but my neuro gave me permission to move my 400 mg of gabapentin around, since it seems to be causing (or at least contributing to) my insomnia. I took it earlier last night and it seems to have helped.



AND Junie!!!  Glad you slept a little better; hope it continues to improve!   :grouphug:

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Good Morning.


Sigh. Lynn, my night went about the same. Roll and toss til about 3 a.m. Then sleep, but the slightest noise will wake me, but I can fall back to sleep. I slept until 8:30 which is too late. School for dd16 tomorrow. I will have to set an alarm for 6:30 a.m.


Lynn, I hope the child is o.k.? The twins have had a bit of a sore throat and stopped up noses. It doesn't seem to be a virus. I am thinking it is allergies, maybe.


I did get some organizing done yesterday. I think I have all the books out and ready. I need to do some more planning and sorting stuff.


We have had one visitor and two phone calls and ds21's friend here already this morning. I need the secret lair with umbrella drinks.


I hope everyone has a productive day.

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Is this weird?


I was just doing math with littlest dd (my mathy girl).


She had a series of subtraction problems all beginning with 12.  12-8, 12-4, etc.


We were using counters, so we had pulled out 12 and put the rest away.  She was happily taking away kittens when I noticed something... odd.


She looked at the problem 12-9.  She took away a group of cats -- without counting them -- saw how many were left and confidently wrote a 3 in her book.


She put them all back in one pile.  12-7.  Again she took away a group of cats -- and she had taken away exactly 7.  She counted them this time before she wrote her answer, but she had taken away the exact amount that she needed to.


And then it happened again!  Three times in a row she took away the exact amount that she needed!?  Is this weird?  Does she have some kind of heightened number sense that I don't have?  Is she magical?   :lol:

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Is this weird?


I was just doing math with littlest dd (my mathy girl).


She had a series of subtraction problems all beginning with 12. 12-8, 12-4, etc.


We were using counters, so we had pulled out 12 and put the rest away. She was happily taking away kittens when I noticed something... odd.


She looked at the problem 12-9. She took away a group of cats -- without counting them -- saw how many were left and confidently wrote a 3 in her book.


She put them all back in one pile. 12-7. Again she took away a group of cats -- and she had taken away exactly 7. She counted them this time before she wrote her answer, but she had taken away the exact amount that she needed to.


And then it happened again! Three times in a row she took away the exact amount that she needed!? Is this weird? Does she have some kind of heightened number sense that I don't have? Is she magical? :lol:

Yes, she is magical!

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Is this weird?


I was just doing math with littlest dd (my mathy girl).


She had a series of subtraction problems all beginning with 12.  12-8, 12-4, etc.


We were using counters, so we had pulled out 12 and put the rest away.  She was happily taking away kittens when I noticed something... odd.


She looked at the problem 12-9.  She took away a group of cats -- without counting them -- saw how many were left and confidently wrote a 3 in her book.


She put them all back in one pile.  12-7.  Again she took away a group of cats -- and she had taken away exactly 7.  She counted them this time before she wrote her answer, but she had taken away the exact amount that she needed to.


And then it happened again!  Three times in a row she took away the exact amount that she needed!?  Is this weird?  Does she have some kind of heightened number sense that I don't have?  Is she magical?   :lol:



Sounds like a prodigy at playing Jacks!


She's quick to develop a sense of numbers and proportion.  As she gets familiar with the items she's counting she's able to simply and quickly grab the appropriate number.  This is a very useful talent that often goes unrecognized simply because those who don't have/develop it never think of it and for those that do it comes so naturally they never pay any mind to it.


Keep it exercised as she grows -- find ways to allow her to use it.  This is a talent she can be trained out of if she doesn't get to use it, so have her help portion out goodies to others, count heads at group gatherings or events, whatever you can think of that uses this talent.


And let her use manipulatives in math for as long as she likes.


What a cool kid!

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Sounds like a prodigy at playing Jacks!


She's quick to develop a sense of numbers and proportion.  As she gets familiar with the items she's counting she's able to simply and quickly grab the appropriate number.  This is a very useful talent that often goes unrecognized simply because those who don't have/develop it never think of it and for those that do it comes so naturally they never pay any mind to it.


Keep it exercised as she grows -- find ways to allow her to use it.  This is a talent she can be trained out of if she doesn't get to use it, so have her help portion out goodies to others, count heads at group gatherings or events, whatever you can think of that uses this talent.


And let her use manipulatives in math for as long as she likes.


What a cool kid!


Thank you for explaining this.  She definitely has a gift for numbers that I don't have.  I guess I'll have to do a google search to figure out how to encourage her (magical :hat:  ) talent.


And, yes, she's a cool kid!  :)

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I keep getting these bills from Kaiser, anywhere from $5 to over $200, and I ignore them and they go away. What's with that? It's all stuff which is supposed to be covered which is why I ignore them, but why am I getting billed? I think they're hoping I pay them so they can keep the money.


Do you think that if I put them with my other bills that my other bills will learn to go away too?

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