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They also have nearly all half-days on Wednesdays, and because they have less space for the explanation of symbols (due to the ad space) they have shortened the description of what some of the symbols mean.  Consequently they have scheduled "Bad Weather" for two days in late May 2017.  I wish our local meteorologists could be that accurate and confident that far in advance!

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Learnables. DS has learned a lot for a 2nd/3rd grader. He thinks it is funny, since you learn comparison words which make it funny - but be warned that not all may find the same things humorous that we do. For instance - you learn about fat vs skinny, people with long noses, people who climb trees because they are afraid of dogs, that sort of thing. But so far no one is ugly/pretty, at least. There are scenes with dogs and cats, and robbers with guns. So it is right up his alley.


I'm not sure that I would find it thorough enough for high school, but introductory language for elementary/jr high I think it is fine. It's mostly auditory learning and repetition of vocabulary as you go along. There is nothing in the main books explaining grammar. Level 2 has a grammar component that I saved for this year, so we haven't used it yet. I explained some grammar as we went along because I knew it. Lots of pictures, answers are matching, with only a few in each chapter where you write sentences. At least in levels 1 and 2. Again, perfect for DS, who hates to write.



I think for high school I would go with something more along the lines of Deutsch Aktuell (I have books 1 & 2 from high school, and refer to it often) or Komm mit! Deutsch Aktuell is available as an eBook these days, as well:


Sounds fabulous!
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I am trying not to be stressed about seeing my friend.  I really love my friend.  She was one of my housemates when I was in seminary over twenty years ago.  She and her husband followed me here to this area about ten years ago.  My stress is because this will be one more day when I don't get anything done on my camp lessons, not to mention my messy house.  Just driving into the Big City is going to take close to an hour.  And depending on when I leave her house, oy vey, sometimes you go less than ten miles an hour on the freeway! 


(Just being real now so that I can let it go and just enjoy my time with her.  She's one of my friends who I only see "quarterly" during school breaks.  I make it a priority to see them since it's impossible otherwise.) 

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I am trying not to be stressed about seeing my friend. I really love my friend. She was one of my housemates when I was in seminary over twenty years ago. She and her husband followed me here to this area about ten years ago. My stress is because this will be one more day when I don't get anything done on my camp lessons, not to mention my messy house. Just driving into the Big City is going to take close to an hour. And depending on when I leave her house, oy vey, sometimes you go less than ten miles an hour on the freeway!


(Just being real now so that I can let it go and just enjoy my time with her. She's one of my friends who I only see "quarterly" during school breaks. I make it a priority to see them since it's impossible otherwise.)

I have never in my entire life been caught up on housework. I'm not sure that's a thing. There is always something to do. Always. Don't stress over that because you will never be done and that's okay. Blame Eve.

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Consequently they have scheduled "Bad Weather" for two days in late May 2017.  I wish our local meteorologists could be that accurate and confident that far in advance

I will be sure to mark my calendar so that I can prepare the emergency box with plenty of bottled water, notebooks and mechanical pencils with extra lead.


I'm glad you get to go visit with your friend, Jean. I've noticed that when I take a break from creative projects (and I put planning in that category) for some time spent relaxing or reflecting, I come back to the project with a new sense of what might work, and more energy to figure out how to make it happen. Outside activities that are just for pleasure and peace are good for the Muse.


ETA: Points for alliteral alligators?

ETA again: Try saying that three times in a row as fast as you can!

Edited by Critterfixer
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Good morning! I have finished my morning taxi runs, and now must get to work. First task is to finish coffee. Then make a tackle list.


Yeah, I've dropped off dh and dd, had breakfast with Gymnast, and started the slow drip in the garden. Gymnast is currently playing outside, then I think I'll switch the hose to another area and do the dishes. Dishes! And the living room. No matter how much I take out and clean, stuff still manages to migrate right back in here.

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Yeah, I've dropped off dh and dd, had breakfast with Gymnast, and started the slow drip in the garden. Gymnast is currently playing outside, then I think I'll switch the hose to another area and do the dishes. Dishes! And the living room. No matter how much I take out and clean, stuff still manages to migrate right back in here.

When you finish Gymnast's Literature list would you be willing to share it?


Samsung is no longer supporting the Avant. If you have problems that's probably why. Mine stopped ringing and it's not a hardware problem. It also doesn't send out about half my text messages. I hate this. It's the second time they've stopped supporting a perfectly good phone and I've had to get a new one. :(

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I have never in my entire life been caught up on housework. I'm not sure that's a thing. There is always something to do. Always. Don't stress over that because you will never be done and that's okay. Blame Eve.

It's a thing. And my house has me completely overwhelmed. I don't even know where to begin. I think it will have to be our bedroom, since we're going to have to clean it out anyhow so they can put in the new flooring.
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Okay, I have a language arts dilemma.  MCT has snuck in (or I never before noticed) a level of his LA program that focuses on Literature.  Grammar of Lit, Vocabulary of Lit, Poetry of Lit, Writing of Lit.


This level kind of steps a little aside from the progression of his other levels to look at the components of English as they relate to literature.  The students still get instruction in LA, but all with a focus on Lit.


Not too bad, in and of itself, and I find it quite tempting.  My dilemma arises when looking at the writing component, however.  Do I go ahead and do the Lit level this year and change the focus of the writing the girls have been doing from academic essays to composing literary pieces, or do I follow the old progression which still focuses on student essays and papers but in more thoroughness and complexity?  I can always do the Lit level later, if I go with the old progression.


The girls might like the break and the change of focus, but they will certainly balk at the length of the literature they will end up reading.  I do think it is valuable to cover at some point, however.  I wonder, too, if I go the Lit path this coming year what approach/methods I will end up following for whatever school papers DD15 ends up writing for other topics.


I think I need to ponder this, and I should talk it over with the girls.  This means, of course, that I am NOT going to get the MCTLA stuff ordered today, darn it.

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It's a thing. And my house has me completely overwhelmed. I don't even know where to begin. I think it will have to be our bedroom, since we're going to have to clean it out anyhow so they can put in the new flooring.

I like lists. I walk around the house and make a list of all the little things (dresser top and drawers, silverware drawer, kid's bookshelf) divide them by categories (master, bathroom, hall closet, car) and do everything in one category. While I make the list I carry a bag around for garbage. I actually haven't had to do that since I Konmaried. :coolgleamA:

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Okay, I have a language arts dilemma.  MCT has snuck in (or I never before noticed) a level of his LA program that focuses on Literature.  Grammar of Lit, Vocabulary of Lit, Poetry of Lit, Writing of Lit.


This level kind of steps a little aside from the progression of his other levels to look at the components of English as they relate to literature.  The students still get instruction in LA, but all with a focus on Lit.


Not too bad, in and of itself, and I find it quite tempting.  My dilemma arises when looking at the writing component, however.  Do I go ahead and do the Lit level this year and change the focus of the writing the girls have been doing from academic essays to composing literary pieces, or do I follow the old progression which still focuses on student essays and papers but in more thoroughness and complexity?  I can always do the Lit level later, if I go with the old progression.


The girls might like the break and the change of focus, but they will certainly balk at the length of the literature they will end up reading.  I do think it is valuable to cover at some point, however.  I wonder, too, if I go the Lit path this coming year what approach/methods I will end up following for whatever school papers DD15 ends up writing for other topics.


I think I need to ponder this, and I should talk it over with the girls.  This means, of course, that I am NOT going to get the MCTLA stuff ordered today, darn it.


I noticed, too.

It happened some time in the last year, because last year's catalogue doesn't have it.  I had everything planned out to use MCT through 8th grade (if we don't get sick of it), and now this extra level I need to fit in.  Grrrr.  So I am looking to you to work it out for me, m'kay?  :lurk5:

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I have a list of shows in my head to binge watch on Netflix.  Does that count towards list-making?


I told DH that if he wants a clean house, I'd be happy to quit my job.  Needless to say, he does not expect me to maintain a clean house.  So no lists.  Dishes get done every day, and laundry weekly.  I vacuum occasionally and also before guests.  My kitchen floor might get done if I get a steam mop.  Maybe.  I haven't decided yet.

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When you finish Gymnast's Literature list would you be willing to share it?


Samsung is no longer supporting the Avant. If you have problems that's probably why. Mine stopped ringing and it's not a hardware problem. It also doesn't send out about half my text messages. I hate this. It's the second time they've stopped supporting a perfectly good phone and I've had to get a new one. :(


Wait, I'm supposed to have a literature list???  :huh:  In kindergarten?


I read what's on my shelves - SL books (may or may not follow schedule), thematic books, seasonal books, holiday books, book books, etc. I don't really put together a lit list. The SL schedule (which I may or may not follow) just keeps me reading if I do nothing else, but I'm pretty much a follow-the-child's-lead in early childhood when it comes to books. Oh, and the seasonal thing, because sometimes children lead you nowhere (or everywhere).  :lol: 


I will pull ideas from lists - Ambleside, 1000 Great Books (this used to be The Thing), etc. If the library has it and it seems interesting, I may borrow it. But, I've found that between SL, MFW, and my collection (which pulls from different lists from over the years), I have enough. But, I don't make a list.


You know, when I was cleaning off my book shelves, I found 3-ring binders with previous years' lesson plans. I had book lists for dd16, but she was about 3rd-5th grade or so. I don't know if I ever followed the lists because I was terrible with record-keeping.  :huh:


Thanks for letting me know about the Avant. :(

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I have a list of shows in my head to binge watch on Netflix.  Does that count towards list-making?


I told DH that if he wants a clean house, I'd be happy to quit my job.  Needless to say, he does not expect me to maintain a clean house.  So no lists.  Dishes get done every day, and laundry weekly.  I vacuum occasionally and also before guests.  My kitchen floor might get done if I get a steam mop.  Maybe.  I haven't decided yet.


I'm outta likes.  Like.  That's about how I clean too, except I don't have a job other than homeschooling and car schooling, lol.  Bathrooms - I hit them occasionally too.  

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If your house doesn't have visible mold or smell like rotten milk I'd consider it good. We're pesky about dust and dog hair because my husband is asthmatic*, but really, we're slobs at heart.



*Is a hypochondriac and currently has asthma, restless leg syndrome, nose cancer, athlete's foot and OCD.

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Wait, I'm supposed to have a literature list??? :huh: In kindergarten?


I read what's on my shelves - SL books (may or may not follow schedule), thematic books, seasonal books, holiday books, book books, etc. I don't really put together a lit list. The SL schedule (which I may or may not follow) just keeps me reading if I do nothing else, but I'm pretty much a follow-the-child's-lead in early childhood when it comes to books. Oh, and the seasonal thing, because sometimes children lead you nowhere (or everywhere). :lol:


I will pull ideas from lists - Ambleside, 1000 Great Books (this used to be The Thing), etc. If the library has it and it seems interesting, I may borrow it. But, I've found that between SL, MFW, and my collection (which pulls from different lists from over the years), I have enough. But, I don't make a list.


You know, when I was cleaning off my book shelves, I found 3-ring binders with previous years' lesson plans. I had book lists for dd16, but she was about 3rd-5th grade or so. I don't know if I ever followed the lists because I was terrible with record-keeping. :huh:


Thanks for letting me know about the Avant. :(

You said in the kindergarten thread that you had an English/Spanish literature list.



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I don't think you've shared your purchase yet...


Cursive Alphabet Desk Strip

DK Workbook: Coding in Scratch: Projects Workbook

Essentials in Writing Level 4 Additional Workbook 2nd Edition

History Odyssey - Early Modern (Level 1)

Pictures in Cursive Book E

Python for Kids: Playful Introduction to Programming

Wordly Wise 3000 3rd Edition Key Book 4

Wordly Wise 3000 3rd Edition Student Book 4


I already have:


MCT Level 2 and lit package

Exploration Education Physical Science

German Learnables Grammar Enhancement


Finishing up before I purchase next levels:


AAS Level 4 and All About Homophones

Beast Academy 3D

German Learnables Level 2

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You said in the kindergarten thread that you had an English/Spanish literature list.





I did? I better go back and check. I may have lied.  :leaving:  Or been misunderstood.




Ok, I found it. It says I have an English/Spanish collection. As in, a collection of books. Not a list. 


Glad it was a misunderstanding and I didn't lie. :D

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Cursive Alphabet Desk Strip

DK Workbook: Coding in Scratch: Projects Workbook

Essentials in Writing Level 4 Additional Workbook 2nd Edition

History Odyssey - Early Modern (Level 1)

Pictures in Cursive Book E

Python for Kids: Playful Introduction to Programming

Wordly Wise 3000 3rd Edition Key Book 4

Wordly Wise 3000 3rd Edition Student Book 4


I already have:


MCT Level 2 and lit package

Exploration Education Physical Science

German Learnables Grammar Enhancement


Finishing up before I purchase next levels:


AAS Level 4 and All About Homophones

Beast Academy 3D

German Learnables Level 2

Your kid is so cool.
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Ok, I found it. It says I have an English/Spanish collection. As in, a collection of books. Not a list.


Glad it was a misunderstanding and I didn't lie. :D

Well, at least tell me what your favorite early Spanish books are. Pretty, pretty please with a cherry on top. And whipped cream. And chocolate sauce. And brownies.

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I have gotten a lot done this week while the kids were at VBS:


mopped the foyer and living room

washed the guest daybed bedding

consolidated some binders of reproducibles so that they are actually usable

washed the kids' shower curtain

cleaned out the basket of stained/missing a button/whatever clothes (it had an inch of dust on it in the back --eww!)

cleaned out books

took books to the used book store

took other stuff to Goodwill


Go Me!!


Oh, and I also previewed movies:  Gods and Generals, Gettysburg (not quite done with this one), and the last two Hobbit movies.

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Now I'm hungry.

I've been hungry all morning. I did eat breakfast. I'm making myself a tall cool glass of mint water (sans the umbrellas, I think Rocco and Rodrigo are at Renai's) and I hope that'll hold me till lunch! Edited by KrissiK
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Signing your teen into camp with hair still dripping from the shower is embarrassing. But necessary some days.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Embarrassing?  I thought that was their normal morning state.  There are teens and kids who have dry, clean hair when they have to be someplace?  *amazed*

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I've been hungry all morning. I did eat breakfast. I'm making myself a tall cool glass of mint water (sans the umbrellas, I think Rocco and Rodrigo are at Renai's) and I hope that'll hold me till lunch!


Um, Rocco nor Rodrigo are here. My house would have been spotless, and I would have been served if they'd showed up. As it is, dh is way too jealous have another couple of Hispanic-sounding men over here. Just sayin'.

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