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Good Wednesday Morning!


Youngest drew on her bunkbed with a dry erase pen.  :cursing:



My church has decided to throw me a baby shower. I think they might not understand the point. So what do I ask for? We need more bibs and towels, just haven't gotten around to actually getting them so I'll ask for bibs, towels and... what? Gift cards for Costco and Target? Is that rude? Can I say no more clothes or toys? We have so many. A gift card to Rainbow Resources? :laugh: Seriously though, what do I want?



Can you ask for a diaper shower?

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Tell her to put on long sleeves.


As someone who is always cold, I say no fair!!  Why should we always have to cover up?  Humph.


'Cause frankly I am sick of having to wear leggings and socks to bed in 90 degree weather because you sweaty people insist on freezing me out.  Go suck on some ice or something.


:lol:  :lol: :lol:  :lol:  

Edited by ikslo
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Well, reading that, I'm still leaning towards it was just the 7 vials of blood they drew from a 75 lb 9 year old, but I will keep this in mind for future blood draws.


7 vials is a LOT.  I would have been surprised if he did NOT feel faint after that!

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My church has decided to throw me a baby shower. I think they might not understand the point. So what do I ask for? We need more bibs and towels, just haven't gotten around to actually getting them so I'll ask for bibs, towels and... what? Gift cards for Costco and Target? Is that rude? Can I say no more clothes or toys? We have so many. A gift card to Rainbow Resources? :laugh: Seriously though, what do I want?


According to the www, that would be a "Sip & See" - because they get to see the baby.

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Here you go:




bibs, especially this one ;)

burp cloths

whatever you use for the bath: shampoo, wash, lotion, etc.

diaper cream (if you use it)


baby smoothies/baby food/baby cereal

a humidifier (if you need one)

safety items (like knob covers for the stove if the knobs are low), outlet covers, etc.

Mylicon, Tylenol (whatever you use)

a thermometer (this is the one we ended up with)

fenugreek drink for you

a teether/necklace so little guy can eat your jewelry

some digital storyteller thing?


And, of course, The Baby Instant Pot!!  Isn't it cute?!

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Note for those who use dry erase boards:  if your markers are "ghosting" (lines drawn won't fully erase afterwards -- provided you are attempting to erase them in a reasonable time frame and not several months later) then they are old and need to be replaced.  Once I found this out I started swapping out "my" markers (reserved for me so the tips aren't mashed) more frequently and letting the kids have a blast with my old ones.


Of course, neither of my kids is prone to mark up stuff they shouldn't anymore.  Markers get put clean away when certain cousins comes over.

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I am hot and whiny.  Dd hates the a/c.  Boo! 


She can put on a sweater.  If one is cold they can always put on more clothing.  If one is overheated there are only so many layers of clothing that can come off.  Overheating is quite bad for brains and computers and healing people.  If you are too hot then you should get to lower the thermostat.

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My church has decided to throw me a baby shower. I think they might not understand the point. So what do I ask for? We need more bibs and towels, just haven't gotten around to actually getting them so I'll ask for bibs, towels and... what? Gift cards for Costco and Target? Is that rude? Can I say no more clothes or toys? We have so many. A gift card to Rainbow Resources? :laugh: Seriously though, what do I want?


I like Lynn's diaper shower idea, though it would be helpful if the diapers came in different sizes.  Babies outgrow newborn sizes so quickly!  If you use washable cloth diapers they can still do a diaper shower with a few fun covers and diaper soap.


I think letting someone who insists on organizing the shower know that bibs, towels, and diaper funds are most needed is appropriate.  You can mention that you have been fortunate in that your other two kids have grown quickly enough to actually outgrow clothing and toys before they were worn out, and so you have plenty of those.  Given that Alex has also already been born you already have the required car seat and furniture.  What's left are the ever-in-demand consumables of bibs, towels, and diapers!


Oh, and mention lanolin wipes.  You NEED lanolin wipes.  Lansinoh makes some, and some stores have store-brand at times.  These are meant for babies' butts, not Mommy's bOOks, but for some reason they are usually stocked with the breast-feeding supplies instead of the rest of the baby wipes.  Lanolin wipes help heal diaper rash quite quickly, and if you only use lanolin wipes on the baby you will likely never have to deal with diaper rash again.  This is the unsolicited baby present and advice I gave every mother-to-be coworker, friend, and daycare worker I encountered.  These wipes ROCK.

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Good morning!


Ds's grade was changed from an Incomplete to an A. Now he can get his scholarship money. Whew.


I have to being dh to work next, then pick up toilet paper and bread, then home.


Hooray for scholarship money!



You really DO cover all of the bases, don't you?  :laugh:

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I was very good this morning.  After getting dressed I started some laundry and then hit the treadmill -- 3/4 of a mile at 3 mph on a 3% incline.  I was a bit breathless and quite sweaty at that point, so I stopped there to get water and cool down instead of completing a mile.  I'm reminding myself that I'm working my way up to more strenuous and longer exercise; I'm not supposed to just go whole hog right away.


The doctor wants to see me exercising 40-45 minutes per day on cardio and 15-20 minutes per day on strength, though I'm to WORK MY WAY UP TO THIS (note to self again).  I figure by the time we start homeschool again in latter August I should be into a routine that allows 20 minutes cardio in the morning, 20 minutes again later in the afternoon, and 20 minutes of strength workouts in there somewhere.  DH got our Wii Fit set up and the whole family is inclined to use it (when they remember it), so there's that, and I rather like Jessica Smith's kind-to-knees workouts.  Between those and the hand weights and DH's weight machine I should be able to get it done -- just have to build the routines.


Oh, and I've had 3 cups of water so far this morning, too.  See?  I'm being good.


Time for breakfast.  Another yogurt smoothie, I think, since I'm trying to delay grocery shopping until tomorrow, after my dental appointment.

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I like Lynn's diaper shower idea, though it would be helpful if the diapers came in different sizes. Babies outgrow newborn sizes so quickly! If you use washable cloth diapers they can still do a diaper shower with a few fun covers and diaper soap.


I think letting someone who insists on organizing the shower know that bibs, towels, and diaper funds are most needed is appropriate. You can mention that you have been fortunate in that your other two kids have grown quickly enough to actually outgrow clothing and toys before they were worn out, and so you have plenty of those. Given that Alex has also already been born you already have the required car seat and furniture. What's left are the ever-in-demand consumables of bibs, towels, and diapers!


Oh, and mention lanolin wipes. You NEED lanolin wipes. Lansinoh makes some, and some stores have store-brand at times. These are meant for babies' butts, not Mommy's bOOks, but for some reason they are usually stocked with the breast-feeding supplies instead of the rest of the baby wipes. Lanolin wipes help heal diaper rash quite quickly, and if you only use lanolin wipes on the baby you will likely never have to deal with diaper rash again. This is the unsolicited baby present and advice I gave every mother-to-be coworker, friend, and daycare worker I encountered. These wipes ROCK.

I have never heard of them. Thanks!
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Thanks for the cheerleading, ladies. Youngest has been in rare form lately.  She reminds me a lot of ^dd^ at this age, which is both terrifying and wonderful.  We nicknamed ^dd^ Shiva for a time. The wood on the bunk beds is raw pine (IKEA!), so I'm going to give a go at it with isopropyl alcohol and magic erasers this afternoon.


Have an awesome day, ladies!  :hurray:

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She can put on a sweater.  If one is cold they can always put on more clothing.  If one is overheated there are only so many layers of clothing that can come off.  Overheating is quite bad for brains and computers and healing people.  If you are too hot then you should get to lower the thermostat.


I think I just need to stay out of this conversation. 



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It's going on 11, and I've decided to go to bed at an earlier hour. I can't say a decent hour, because it's still not as decent as I would like it to be. :D


Good night all!



I slept almost until 8 this morning. I guess I was tired or something.


So did I! Even though I technically "went to bed" a lot earlier than normal, I didn't wake up until 7:43. I was shocked. I'm just now getting around to breakfast, and haven't even garden communed yet.

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As someone who is always cold, I say no fair!!  Why should we always have to cover up?  Humph.


'Cause frankly I am sick of having to wear leggings and socks to bed in 90 degree weather because you sweaty people insist on freezing me out.  Go suck on some ice or something.


:lol:  :lol: :lol:  :lol:  


I'm also always cold. It really is easier to put on stuff than take more stuff off. Although, if he's some honey-dipped honey dip, taking things off...   never mind.




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Critterfixer and Renai - I'm super jealous you got to sleep in.


DH didn't like the color or wheels on the Jetta I drove. (I told the salesman I didn't care about the color - birds poop on it no matter what. :lol: )  So he decided to test drive the next model up, which is a platinum (dark grey) with alloy wheels, and he liked it!!  Price was to his liking, so I go in tonight after work to make my deal.  And I just saw an ad on TV last night for 0% plus cash back - the salesman the other days said it was either/or.  I think the deal just started yesterday, so hopefully I can take advantage of it. 



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I'm also always cold. It really is easier to put on stuff than take more stuff off. Although, if he's some honey-dipped honey dip, taking things off...   never mind.





I agree to a point.  I mean, most of the time I have 3 extra layers on just so the other person can be comfortable.  We're not talking about dangerous overheating here, we are talking about, "my comfort trumps your comfort" - How about you be hot and uncomfortable for once so I can be comfortable?  Why do I always have to be the one to give up my comfort?  I just think if it is simply throwing on a sweater, sure fine.  But when I am shivering on the couch in the summer with 3 layers on underneath - you can give a little, you know?  When I need a blanket to drive in the car with you...


I miss living in the old house with no AC.  That was the life.  What - you're hot?  Oh, too bad.  I can't tell you how many times I wanted to knock the AC unit out of the 2nd floor bedroom window...


(Yes, I am fully aware I am an anomaly.  Ignore me.  I'm whinging.)

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I agree to a point.  I mean, most of the time I have 3 extra layers on just so the other person can be comfortable.  We're not talking about dangerous overheating here, we are talking about, "my comfort trumps your comfort" - How about you be hot and uncomfortable for once so I can be comfortable?  Why do I always have to be the one to give up my comfort?  I just think if it is simply throwing on a sweater, sure fine.  But when I am shivering on the couch in the summer with 3 layers on underneath - you can give a little, you know?  When I need a blanket to drive in the car with you...


I miss living in the old house with no AC.  That was the life.  What - you're hot?  Oh, too bad.  I can't tell you how many times I wanted to knock the AC unit out of the 2nd floor bedroom window...


(Yes, I am fully aware I am an anomaly.  Ignore me.  I'm whinging.)


We have no AC, so I'm mostly comfortable in our home. I do not miss homes with AC. Except on the hottest of days, which happens about 2 months out of the year. If you're putting on 3 layers, the other person is just selfish.

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We have no AC, so I'm mostly comfortable in our home. I do not miss homes with AC. Except on the hottest of days, which happens about 2 months out of the year. If you're putting on 3 layers, the other person is just selfish.


Yeah, I think he realized that.  We've mostly fixed it to where he just jacks up the AC at night to sleep, and I have my robes and socks and blankets.  But still.  It's summer, you know?


It used to be I thought DS was like DH, but lately he has been expressing more vocally when he is cold - so that works in my favor. :)

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I knew I liked you, Jean. :)


ETA:  It's a Jean's the BOMB! Booyah!


Jean is the bomb! I have always thought so!

Well I've been to the Walmart in a van with no name,

It felt good to get out of the 90% humidity.

In the Walmart you can't remember your name

'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no help...

La laaaaa laaaaa la-la la la la

La laaaaa laaaaa la

that song is amazing!   

And, this, folks is why cell phones are not more important than watching the road. No, he wasn't texting. https://drive.google.com/file/d/16_FkuXW2oXuqsq-JDt_wrV0ssGFPCujddQ/view?usp=sharing . Yes, that is a stone wall.

 oh my! Oh my!


He swerved to avoid an armadillo?

I have never seen an armadillo in the wild.


I will stay out of the temperature of the home environment discussion, but I do agree that Slashie should have a diaper shower! When I'm invited to baby showers I always bring a pack of diapers and wipes. Diapers are expensive and I got so many cute little outfits for dd when we got her and she grew out of them so fast... Some I gave away with the tags still on them. I mean, in the summer, she wore onesies most of the time anyhow.

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I was very good this morning.  After getting dressed I started some laundry and then hit the treadmill -- 3/4 of a mile at 3 mph on a 3% incline.  I was a bit breathless and quite sweaty at that point, so I stopped there to get water and cool down instead of completing a mile.  I'm reminding myself that I'm working my way up to more strenuous and longer exercise; I'm not supposed to just go whole hog right away.


The doctor wants to see me exercising 40-45 minutes per day on cardio and 15-20 minutes per day on strength, though I'm to WORK MY WAY UP TO THIS (note to self again).  I figure by the time we start homeschool again in latter August I should be into a routine that allows 20 minutes cardio in the morning, 20 minutes again later in the afternoon, and 20 minutes of strength workouts in there somewhere.  DH got our Wii Fit set up and the whole family is inclined to use it (when they remember it), so there's that, and I rather like Jessica Smith's kind-to-knees workouts.  Between those and the hand weights and DH's weight machine I should be able to get it done -- just have to build the routines.


Oh, and I've had 3 cups of water so far this morning, too.  See?  I'm being good.


Time for breakfast.  Another yogurt smoothie, I think, since I'm trying to delay grocery shopping until tomorrow, after my dental appointment.


Okay, plan B.  Thank goodness for nagging calendars on smart phones.  I forgot about DD15's fasting blood draw this morning, but was reminded just in time to get her up, dressed, and the lot of us out the door.


Egg & I after the blood draw for breakfast.  Unfortunately, I ordered some limited time items off of their menu, and MyFitnessPal didn't have those items in its food listings.  I searched the website (yay, smart phones!) for it but couldn't find any nutritional info anywhere.  I asked the server for the nutritional info, he asked the manager, and the answer back is "it's on the website".  I told him I already looked and couldn't find it, he promised to ask the manager to come help me find it, and the manager never came.  I have now sent corporate an email (through their website) requesting said info.  This does not impress me favorably, darn it.  I like their food, but I don't want to eat a cold meal simply because I spent 20 minutes picking it apart to figure out what all is in it and then listing the individual ingredients (with guessed-at amounts) in my food tracker.


I'm up to 5 glasses of water, another load of laundry started, and am eyeing the treadmill, ready for another 3 laps.

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I think I just need to stay out of this conversation. 




Caveat:  swimming pool.  If you provide a swimming pool we can use that to cool down, and you can turn the thermostat up to 100 if you like.  :thumbup1:

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Critterfixer and Renai - I'm super jealous you got to sleep in.


DH didn't like the color or wheels on the Jetta I drove. (I told the salesman I didn't care about the color - birds poop on it no matter what. :lol: )  So he decided to test drive the next model up, which is a platinum (dark grey) with alloy wheels, and he liked it!!  Price was to his liking, so I go in tonight after work to make my deal.  And I just saw an ad on TV last night for 0% plus cash back - the salesman the other days said it was either/or.  I think the deal just started yesterday, so hopefully I can take advantage of it. 



The only reason DH and I care about color is for visibility.  Grays and pale blues tend to blend in with the pavement around here, and tend to be run into by other drivers more often.  White works out quite well down here, though if I lived up north I'd want a band of color down the side so it wouldn't blend in against a snow-covered background.  I once had an all-white rental car in Fairbanks, AK in mid-March.  Never again.  That was a VERY interesting and exciting near miss.

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So, I guess the whippersnapper had dropped his phone, and when he bent over to pick it up he veered into the oncoming lane (it's only a two lane road) in front of the city bus. Or something like that. I think the bus side-swiped him trying to dodge, or, I just wasn't too clear of what happened. My retired bachelor neighbor was explaining it to me as I was making war on ants on his side of the yard yesterday.

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Caveat:  swimming pool.  If you provide a swimming pool we can use that to cool down, and you can turn the thermostat up to 100 if you like.  :thumbup1:


Take a shower.  Go play with the hose.  Go grocer shopping and stand in front of an open freezer.  Buy a Slurpee.  Flag down the ice cream truck...

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Renai! Clarify that next time you post a picture like that!


Ikslo, it's not the same.


I fear that after Jean named our van I cannot participate in the totally narly song. Besides, I shop at Target and Costco which do not require lamentation, but shouts of joy.

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I agree to a point.  I mean, most of the time I have 3 extra layers on just so the other person can be comfortable.  We're not talking about dangerous overheating here, we are talking about, "my comfort trumps your comfort" - How about you be hot and uncomfortable for once so I can be comfortable?  Why do I always have to be the one to give up my comfort?  I just think if it is simply throwing on a sweater, sure fine.  But when I am shivering on the couch in the summer with 3 layers on underneath - you can give a little, you know?  When I need a blanket to drive in the car with you...


I miss living in the old house with no AC.  That was the life.  What - you're hot?  Oh, too bad.  I can't tell you how many times I wanted to knock the AC unit out of the 2nd floor bedroom window...


(Yes, I am fully aware I am an anomaly.  Ignore me.  I'm whinging.)


Hmm, at what temperature are you cold?  74 degrees?  DH sleeps cold and is always throwing on another blanket.  I sleep hot and am always kicking off the covers.  We compromise and have the yes-we-are-home-now setting on the thermostat at 74, and I have a remote for the ceiling fan so I can turn it on and off without getting out of bed.  When we are away for the day we let the thermostat go to 80, low enough to keep the fish tank from cooking, but high enough to give the electric bill a break.


At my ILs' house I suffer through being warm because it's their house.  They routinely keep it up around 78.  I think they've gotten to where they feel cold more easily over the years.  I'll turn on a ceiling fan because I'm hot enough to feel nauseous and FIL will come turn it off again because he doesn't like the breeze.

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I knew I liked you, Jean. :)


ETA:  It's a Jean's the BOMB! Booyah!


Likety like like like!  Yes, I have likes and I used one, but this deserves more!

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We have no AC, so I'm mostly comfortable in our home. I do not miss homes with AC. Except on the hottest of days, which happens about 2 months out of the year. If you're putting on 3 layers, the other person is just selfish.


I miss the aridity of the high desert.  SE TX is WAY too humid.  The heat is harder to deal with when sweat just doesn't evaporate.

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