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2 hours ago, KrissiK said:


DH’s parents are coming over for lunch after church. We are having creamy chicken and wild rice soup. And I made bread yesterday.

Recipe for soup?  I could use a good wild rice soup recipe!

Yay!  It's a Recipe Request Booyah!

Our thread. . .  
is a very very very fine thread    
with nice friends on the Hive    
we help each other to thrive  
and everything is cozy because of you!    
La-la, la-la-la, la . . .

Jean, 6/2023

Edited by Susan in TN
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Good morning!

I am back home from the festival.  It was a lot of fun and I'm proud of myself for not getting homesick and running home in tears before it was over.  Last night they had a dance and I was brave and did three of them even though I didn't know any of the dances.  They did some instruction before each one so we could learn - square dances, I think, but nothing that I remember from my 4th grade square dancing unit, lol.  Very low key and fun.      
On my way out there on Friday morning, I turned on my windshield wipers and the long thing that holds the blade came off.  I spent a couple minutes trying to get it back on without success so if neither of the boys can figure it out I will probably run to the Zone of Autos tomorrow and see if they can help me with it.  I need new blades anyway.  
I had a hotel waffle for breakfast this morning.  I love hotel waffles 😊


Edited by Susan in TN
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Good Morning!!



It also also the only day of the year that is a command.

School for some, work for others.  No family visits today. Just a short staff meeting and lots and lots of paperwork to get started on.

Today is DD’s 18th birthday. Svengo.

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

Some things are on Spring Break this week so no music lessons for the girls or CC for ds19, but we still have choir and scouts.  Dd17 and I will leave in a little while to meet with a park ranger to discuss Eagle projects.  
Dd is getting a little nervous and stressed because she has 5 months to complete a project and get everything done for her eagle rank, though I know once her project is approved by the council it can be easily accomplished in 2 or 3 months.  She has really great support from her troop which helps as well.

Imma try to get the rose bush trimmed before leaving for that meeting.  Hopefully I can find the gardening gloves.


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We met with the park ranger who was awesome and had several potential projects just off the top of his head, so dd is going to write up a proposal today and see if the troop leaders will sign off on it and then she can submit it to the regional council.  She's super excited.  She really wanted to do a park project because David loved hiking in this park.  We've been all around it and have great memories there.  It was a little hard for me driving into the park and I got a little panicky but once we got settled in I was fine.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Good Morning!!



Work for some, school for others.

I don’t think there are any other activities or requirements today. Tomorrow is going to look a little crazy, but today is fine.

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Good morning!

My primary task today is keeping Other People on task.  I may go vote - there are a few local positions being voted on.  Also we are out of milk.  Dd17 will be trying to see if the park ranger is working today so she can get her eagle project signed off and sent to the regional council for approval.

We're having Tachos for dinner tonight 😊


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6 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

oh my word, I have to do something with my ballot. Svengo. I don’t know anyone who’s running for anything. Willy Nilly.

Fortunately there was a sheriff's deputy at scouts last night and he told me his preference for sheriff.  I don't know about anyone else.

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I'm going to vote between grocery pick-up and making dinner. I had to look up a whole bunch of people this weekend and write names down on a piece of paper. There will be 10 questions on my ballot.

We started reading Fahrenheit 451 today. The technology is on point, making it a different experience from the first time I'd read it.

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Good Afternoon!

Happy Tuesday!

Trip to the post office and then I went to vote with dd19 and dd17.  Dd17 will be 18 before the general election in November, so she was allowed to vote in the primary.  The poll workers made a big deal about her being a first time voter.  

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We had a good quick meeting with the park ranger.  Got a couple questions answered and his signature on the form so dd17 was able to send the proposal to her Eagle Mentor.  Then we went to the place to vote and they were not having voting done there.  So I went to the other place where I've always voted and they also were not having voting done there.  Humph.  Meanwhile it's pouring rain.  So I looked it up and found another place close by that hasn't had voting before but does now.  So sloshed through the rain one more time and got it done and then came home.  Tachos turned out yummy.  I know this because ds19 had two helpings which is very rare.  Normally he eats the bare minimum required to avoid questioning looks from Mom. 😂

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On 3/4/2024 at 11:15 AM, Susan in TN said:

We met with the park ranger who was awesome and had several potential projects just off the top of his head, so dd is going to write up a proposal today and see if the troop leaders will sign off on it and then she can submit it to the regional council.  She's super excited.  She really wanted to do a park project because David loved hiking in this park.  We've been all around it and have great memories there.  It was a little hard for me driving into the park and I got a little panicky but once we got settled in I was fine.

Gymnast is already talking about being an Eagle Scout, and she's just working on Tenderfoot. 😂 She and the current troop leader have plans to complete every merit badge too...

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5 hours ago, Renai said:

Gymnast is already talking about being an Eagle Scout, and she's just working on Tenderfoot. 😂 She and the current troop leader have plans to complete every merit badge too...

I just love a girl with a plan…..😂

Good for her. DS dropped out of BS after a couple of years, but a friend of his is getting his Eagle Scout, which is awesome.

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7 hours ago, Renai said:

Gymnast is already talking about being an Eagle Scout, and she's just working on Tenderfoot. 😂 She and the current troop leader have plans to complete every merit badge too...

That's awesome!  Let me know when she goes to Philmont. 😊  

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11 hours ago, KrissiK said:

They never call me.


8 hours ago, Ellie said:

Me neither!

You probably need to order more stuff from Etsy - like fabric that comes from Lithuania.  Or maybe it was the puzzles from China.  Someone is passing my phone number around like crazy.

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Good morning!

It's another drizzly morning.  At least it's not cold.  It's gorgeous at the Soggy Dollar Bar.  Sigh.  I've been feeling a bit gassy this morning - probably the Tachos from last night, lol.  Nobody looks gassy at the Soggy Dollar Bar.
Ds29 left for work, the girls have gotten started on their lessons, and I am heading out the door for Aldi in a minute.  
Something out front is about to bloom.  Can anyone remember what I planted there?  It looks like a bulb.  I guess I'll find out soon enough!


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Today, workers are outside my house installing piers to lift the house on one side. It's a Texas thing. ::glares:: We had it done in 2018, on three sides; nothing was done to the south end of the house because it looked good. Turns out. So, after they finish, we'll have to have someone come in and repair cracks in walls and paint the rooms. Oh joy. Isn't home ownership great? /sarcasm

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8 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

That's awesome!  Let me know when she goes to Philmont. 😊  

Not this year, but they'll be at Camp Alexander in July this year. I think Philmont may be planned for next year.

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Good Morning!!!

COFFEE!!~D (is not ready yet because DH made it last night and forgot to do the automatic timer thingie)

Friday Eve!!

School for some, work for others. I am just drowning in paperwork. Stuff takes a lot longer than I think it should. Bleh!!

DD is driving herself and her sisters to school today. Svengo.

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15 hours ago, Renai said:

Not this year, but they'll be at Camp Alexander in July this year. I think Philmont may be planned for next year.

Dd15 is going to Philmont in 2025!  Dd17 and I may also be going in 2025 with the Venture crew.  😊

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Good morning!

I thought I had a plant identifier app on my phone but I can't find it.  Could be buried somewhere in there.  The girls have left for tutorial.  Ds19 leaves for work in an hour and ds29 is working from home.  I will miss orchestra tonight because ds has string quartet rehearsal and dd17 has a scout OA election to run.  

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We do not Philmont.

In local news, a certain town that has in theory been sponsoring a volunteer group for a couple of years but has in practice done almost nothing suddenly, as the group is on the verge of collapse for lack of support, wants lots of interaction with the remaining volunteers in order to publicize it  (and also is putting more rules in place, one of which has provoked a couple of the few remaining volunteers to withdraw). This year is going to make or break this program. *sigh* Wish us luck.

In other news, I can't figure out where ants are getting into the dining room. There are none by the windows.

At least it's not raining today. Blue sky, huzzah!

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On 3/6/2024 at 12:19 PM, Susan in TN said:

Does this look familiar to anyone?



It's called a "bunch-flowered daffodil".  They're so pretty!  I don't remember planting them.  Probably they had a bunch of bulbs at Aldi last fall and I went bananas.  

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Good Morning!!!



School for some, work for others.

We have physical fitness testing today. So, I will be spending a couple hours at the park. DD1 is taking her senior pictures this afternoon. And today is DS’s birthday. He is 20. So, I don’t have all teens anymore. I did for 5 months.

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