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Good Morning!

Happy Tuesday!

Second Pfizer shot went well yesterday.

Not much going on today.  As usual.  I gave the girls light school this week because a) I'm not sure how I'm going to be feeling (side effects of the vaccine) and b) we are doing testing next week.

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Good morning!

We are having a couple beautiful days of weather.  I need to go grocery shopoing this morning, otherwise just regular school lessons and tidying up a bit.  
I finished watching a series called "Them" on Amazon.  If you like scary-creepy-Stephen King, this is the series for you. Very Disturbing.


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We had Panera for dinner.  Because the kids and I are hanging out at the science center.  Because we have no internet service at home.  😞

They are coming to fix it tomorrow.    But I have work to do so I'm still here.   Plus the kids are happier with wifi.   But I'm not sure how much longer I can hang out here.  The chairs are not nearly as comfortable as my lounger at home. 

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Oh my stars, the portal opened. I got in. Glory hallelujah!!

I don’t even know what to say now.

”Hi, everyone!” I am still alive. 
The tree guy is supposed to come tomorrow and take out 5 trees, so we don’t get sued by our neighbor because our tree is damaging his roof.

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Portal is still open. I just kissed the kids tonight, so to speak. DS doesn’t want to be kissed and DD1 kept bugging me about going to her friend’s youth group tomorrow night. I am done with making decisions. I told her to ask DH. Ha!  The little girls are already asleep. 

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Good Morning!

Happy Wednesday!

I have not been sleeping super well.  I think it's because the temperature in the house is cooler.  (The outside temperatures have been warm through the day, so we turned the heat off.)  We're supposed to have cooler weather this week (I think) so I think I'm going to turn the heat back on and hopefully sleep better tonight.

Still no symptoms from the vaccine other than arm soreness.

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Good Morning!!!!

Portal is open!!


School and work. Got an IEP at 8:30 this morning, several parent meetings that I am behind on.😩 Progress reports to get out. Various and sundry other tasks to get done. And edumacating my own chillens.

Tree guy is supposed to come out today. We’ll see.

Jeannie, call the countertop people.

Junie, I am sorry you are not sleeping well.

Edited by KrissiK
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5 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Contacted countertop people.  Not really thrilled with Home Depot.  This is the second thing on this kitchen where they put in duplicate orders, messing everything up.  And then I have to spend time figuring out how to untangle their snafu.

Dh has been going crazy dealing with both Home Depot and Lowe's.  Their sites will say something is in stock, set it for delivery and everything, then a day or two later (sometimes not until delivery day) suddenly it's not available and he has to start all over again.  

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Good Evening!

Alas and alack, I was not destined to join the Nearly Headless Nick Club today.  Surgery went well.  I decided that it's something I don't want to make a habit of.  The pain meds are working, though, and I've got an ice pack on my neck and am sucking on a throat lozenge because it feels like I have strep throat.  Very sleepy.

They gave me a seasickness patch behind my ear.  I've never had one of those before.  Also, the rolling bed was called a Zoom Stryker.  I asked the nurse if they regularly participate in action films. 😂

Chester was so excited to see dh and me when we got home that he pee'd a bit on the floor, silly pup.  The girls cleaned it up for me. I need to do my breathing exercises.


Edited by Susan in TN
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It was absolutely beautiful weather today.  Mid 60's and actually a bit on the hot side when weeding out in the full sun!  I am still slowly chipping away at the Yard of Doom.  I did get one side of the driveway completely weeded!  Of course I've noticed that weeds are starting to grow back where I started the project, so I will start back on maintenance on that again tomorrow.  Maintenance is a lot easier than cutting new ground/ reclaiming ground that's been totally overgrown with grass and weeds. 

My weeding is getting slowed down by friendly neighbors.  I'm only slightly complaining about this.  I don't mind the social interaction at all.  But it just makes it that much more time to actually get the same amount of work done. 

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Good morning!

I have another day of lazing about.  I have my ice pack on.  Did breathing exercises - those hurt.  I have this little device to measure my air capacity and I can only get it to 1000-1250.  It's supposed to be at roughly 2300.  I'm also supposed to breathe deep and cough but that's too painful.

Dh is playing chauffeur today.  It's my high schoolers' last day of tutorial.  Hard to believe.  Graduating girl needs to be there extra early to help set up for a teacher's luncheon that the seniors organize.  Also the senior prank, though dd won't tell me what that is, lol.


Edited by Susan in TN
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Morning.   Another week almost done.   This was a long one.  

I'm hosting a book sale at the center tomorrow.  I really should have started pulling things out and setting up already but I haven't.   I'll have to do it tonight or tomorrow morning since I have class until 30 minutes before it starts.   

dd is having another hang-out with her friend on Saturday so I'll have the chance to get some work done then for next week.  I have 6 weeks left until Memorial Day, then the last week of most classes is the week after Memorial Day week.  I don't have Wednesday or Friday classes that week but all others had a snow day we need to make up. 

I'm going to start advertising for another teacher soon.  I may see if whoever we hire can work some summer camp days too.  My current teacher possibly needs to have surgery over the summer so may not be available.  It would also give me a chance to assess the new teacher easier and see if there's anything I need to address before classes start in the fall. 

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Good Morning!

Happy Thursday!

I didn't sleep well (I was worried about a side effect that might be caused by the vaccine -- bleeding gums).

Then this morning was filled with me giving a spelling test to dd10 and helping dd14 with algebra.

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So (and this will be long) I have been doing research in my quest to get better strength training.  I had resistance bands from all different companies.  What I suspected from use but didn't really know until I started to delve into it today is that while all companies have colors in the same color sequence going from yellow (light) to black (extra heavy), what those colors mean in terms of pounds resistance varies WIDELY.  So I have marked with sharpie the pound range (because it depends on how far you stretch them).

Now I have to take this knowledge and apply it to the exercises assigned by my personal trainer so that I actually get the right poundage for what I am supposed to do in my quest to become Xena Warrior Princess. 

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1 hour ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

So (and this will be long) I have been doing research in my quest to get better strength training.  I had resistance bands from all different companies.  What I suspected from use but didn't really know until I started to delve into it today is that while all companies have colors in the same color sequence going from yellow (light) to black (extra heavy), what those colors mean in terms of pounds resistance varies WIDELY.  So I have marked with sharpie the pound range (because it depends on how far you stretch them).

Now I have to take this knowledge and apply it to the exercises assigned by my personal trainer so that I actually get the right poundage for what I am supposed to do in my quest to become Xena Warrior Princess. 

Sounds like a job for a pie chart! 

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Good morning!

I think it will be a quiet day today.  The girls have zoom music lessons this afternoon, but I think that's all aside from regular school lessons.    

I will probably hang out in bed again for most of the day.  There is a consignmnet sale going on today and tomorrow that I wanted to go to, but I don't think I'm up to it today.  Maybe tomorrow if I can get someone to drive me.


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Good Morning!!!


Friday!!! Woohoo!!

The Portal finally opened for me, I am so glad.

School and work today. It is homecoming at DD’s school (they have one football game this year, tonight) so she is excited about that. I am significantly less than excited. 

The trees are almost done. Those men have worked hard. That’s a fact. It’s been fun to watch. 

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Good Morning!

Happy Friday!

I slept well, but I woke up with a really bad headache.  Ice, caffeine, shower, tylenol -- nothing is touching it.  I have closed my door and turned out the lights.  Also, I put someone else on lunch duty.

Testing next week -- hopefully.  If my head doesn't behave we might have to postpone.

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