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1 hour ago, myblessings4 said:


In a quart sized freezer bag, mix 1C half & half (or milk and heavy cream), 1 tsp vanilla, and 2 T Pyure (stevia - or Sweetener equivalent to 1/4C sugar) .  Place quart sized bag (Air squeezed out and sealed shut) into a gallon sized freezer bag and add about 3C ice cubes and 1/3C salt (any kind).  

Squeeze out extra air and seal shut.  Squish bag with hands for 5-10 minutes.  Wear oven mitts/ove gloves/mittens to keep hands from freezing.  When it is thickened, squeeze it out into a tupperware container and eat it right away or put it in the freezer for a while.  It melts fast!

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1 hour ago, myblessings4 said:

Well.  I did absolutely no curriculum shopping or planner filling today.  We're going to watch Aquaman in a few minutes.  If I hate it, I will curriculum shop while it's on.

I’m still struggling with science. I have struggled with science forever. I like Beautiful Feet Science a lot. In theory. It’s just not working out so well in practice. My whole life is like that.

I should just go back to Apologia.

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43 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

I’m still struggling with science. I have struggled with science forever. I like Beautiful Feet Science a lot. In theory. It’s just not working out so well in practice. My whole life is like that.

I should just go back to Apologia.

I feel like you say this every year... 😉

FTR, I'm horrible with science, too.  I just finished buying the entire elementary Apologia set and we already have the high school books.  My kids are mostly on their own with this.  

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1 hour ago, Junie said:

I feel like you say this every year... 😉

FTR, I'm horrible with science, too.  I just finished buying the entire elementary Apologia set and we already have the high school books.  My kids are mostly on their own with this.  

I do say this every year. (Bangs head against wall) I am just this hopelessly idealistic homeschool mom who chases every shiny thing.... actually, our homeschool is fine. The girls are wonderful and cooperative. 

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Good Morning!

Happy Sunday!

I woke up at 6:30 feeling really good, so I went to ds19's empty room to do my devotions.  I am trying to spend more time in prayer.  I recently picked up Whispers of Hope by Beth Moore, which is kind of a prayer journal.  It helps to keep me accountable.

I'm currently in 2 Corintios in the New Testament and 2 Kings in the Old.  

Also, I am currently reading through You're Already Amazing by Holley Garth.  I really like her writing style.  She is very real and very encouraging.


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Morning. My freshly-shorn children are out watering the garden. We went over to my Mom's last night and she cut their hair. I felt bad for doing it. Both of them were so shaggy and whining, and one of them has curls. Curly hair doesn't cut like straight hair. At all. I'm cutting my own hair in the mirror today. Wish me luck.

Other than that, should be a quiet day here. But if you hear screams and the buzz of the clippers from somewhere in the southern US today, you'll know my hair got the better of me.

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10 minutes ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

It’s actually nice outside. Good morning for taking in the scenery with puppies. And old dogs too. 

Also, I miss church. Online is not the same. 

They should do church outside.

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Good Morning!!!!!




Church!!️  Our church has been meeting outside for a month now. It’s been working well. I did not like on-line church at all.

Neighbor’s party lasted until 1:00+ am. This does not bode well for their standing in the neighborhood,


Edited by KrissiK
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Good morning!

Ugh Loud Parties!  You should start mowing your back yard at 6am.  That'll learn 'em to not party late!

Our power went out some time in the middle of the night and I got up a half hour late, which wasn't too bad.  

We are back from church.  Early service.  We are having services inside with people well spaced out every-other row.  It's a relatively small church and they are having three services instead of the normal two, so not too difficult to manage.  One service is also live-streamed.  

I made some progress on literature yesterday and bought a bunch of literature/novel studies from TeachersPayTeachers and found a couple free online ones.  Today I'll try to get everything down on a workable schedule on EXCEL.


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38 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

First night at home went well. Only one accident that required a full bedding change and it was totally my fault. I'm adjusting to diapering a newborn again. I don't think the others had legs THIS skinny. 

This reminds me of right before I had my first.  Some friends had had their first just a few months before.  They learned the hard way that the ruffles on the disposable diapers needed to go OUT.  They changed crib sheets with every change, all night long the first night home.  Thankfully, they were willing to share their new found knowledge so we didn't suffer the same fate.  🤣

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1 hour ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Man, and wrangling crib sheets is the worst too- especially in the middle of the night.

My Mom taught me the lazy way- put multiple layers of sheets and puddle pads on at once:  mattress and then waterproof Pad/sheet/pad/sheet/pad/sheet. Then when something terrible happened, or it was a few days and you had to change the sheets- just pull off the top layers of sheet/pad and voila! New clean sheet. Of course this was in the day of when we 😱 used bumper pads and had busy boxes on the side of the crib so wrangling that stupid mattress out was an extra 🤬 experience, lol. 

We did the layering of bedding. Much easier in the middle of the night.


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I ran out of literature steam.  Maybe I'll find some more after dinner.

Where's Slachey?

We got vet records and purchase contract for the puppy.  I guess we should email the records to the new vet?  He has been microchipped and we just need to register on the website.  We get to pick him up Thursday morning!

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1 hour ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Yay Chester! (that's the final name pick, right?)

Yes, I'd just email records to new vet and get on the schedule for the next in the shot series (if there is one in the next month- I don't know how old he is.) 

Yep - his full name is Chesterton Keith, but we'll call/register him as Chester.  (Dh likeS the idea of connecting the name to G. K. Chesterton - Gilbert Keith - I balked at going the full Chesterton Keith Gilbert 😄 )

The breeder requires us to take him for a well-puppy visit with the vet within 5 days of getting him, and I'm guessing there will be more shots not long after that - he is 8 weeks old today.

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14 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Yep - his full name is Chesterton Keith, but we'll call/register him as Chester.  (Dh likeS the idea of connecting the name to G. K. Chesterton - Gilbert Keith - I balked at going the full Chesterton Keith Gilbert 😄 )

The breeder requires us to take him for a well-puppy visit with the vet within 5 days of getting him, and I'm guessing there will be more shots not long after that - he is 8 weeks old today.

Yay for puppies and theologians.

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

Have you read Paul Johnson's Churchill?  Just wondering how they compare.

I have not. I actually don’t have a huge interest in Churchill, but this book keeps showing up in “You Gotta Read This Book” lists, and then it showed up in Al Mohler’s summer reading list, which he finally got out, and I am somehow in this World War II Europe phase, plus it was written by Erik Larson... it’s like the planets all aligned and I bought the book.

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Good Morning!

Happy Monday!

I woke up earlier than I wanted to, but I think I'll survive.  I've got a fresh to-do list.  Time to get started.

A friend from church called to talk to me last night because she missed me.  It was so nice!

Also, dd17 told me that some of her suitemates have been exposed to COVID. 😞  They don't share a room, but they do share a bathroom.  I told her to use hand sanitizer when she comes out of the bathroom, to use another location to put in her contacts, and to buy a new toothbrush and keep it in her room.

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Dd and I are taking a break from working out.  She's really struggling physically with being back at work.  She's on her feet 8 hours a day, probably in heels or at least platforms, stylish shoes regardless.    It's also going to be super duper hot this week.  Today's heat index is 110.  

I have to run out to my storage unit because of course I need something that I hadn't used in ages now that it's not here.   

We pulled up the carpeting and there's old linoleum tile underneath.  Dh is hoping the new flooring can be put right over it but he's checking with the handyman that's going to help him.  Our living room is going to be fun because we have a fireplace hearth, multiple other things projecting into the room, and the walls to our bedroom were actually built over the carpeting so it's going to be hard to cut off evenly.    But it's going to be great when it's done.

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1 hour ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Good morning. I don’t wanna get up. I wish I could ring a bell and have someone bring me a tray of food and caffeine like Downton Abbey. 

You need to take a trip to the ITT Island. They do that there.

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Good morning!  It’s The Queen’s favorite day!

I’m currently at the eye doctor with my three youngest. They are all a little overdue and I was shocked that they were all able to get back-to-back appointments so quickly. 

My goal for the rest of the day is to put away some bins. I have a skype mandolin lesson and zoom tutorial parent meeting later today. 


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Morning at the doctor for insurance physical, then home and catching up on stuff from the weekend. It's hot. Way too hot. I'm ready for October to get here already. My hair cut is AWESOME. I look like an eighties rock star, and I'm completely happy with that. It's shaggy, weird in the back, weird in the front, and completely me. 😂

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4 hours ago, mms said:


I caught the raccoon that’s been eating our chickens! Now to figure out what to do with it... I guess I’ll be calling Fish and Wildlife.

I hate raccoons. We used to live a little closer to the river and had raccoons visit all the time and eat our cat food.  Once we had two adults and two babies in our backyard, scampering up a tree. They look cute on tv, but they are nasty creatures. However, I wouldn’t advocate shooting them. I think finding a place to let him go would be the best idea.

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I'm making progress on the Basement of Continual Disaster but it feels like I'm getting nowhere.  My idea for storing sleeping bags really is not good and I will need to come up with a better idea.  Dh and dd21 are cooking up plans to put the additional thing on the former rats' cage to make it big enough for the bunnies, but really I just want that monstrously huge cage out of the living room.  

Gotta eat something before my mandolin lesson.

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1 hour ago, Servant4Christ said:

My feet are sooo swollen. They literally look unrecognizable to me. Started yesterday and now the swelling has spread upward to about halfway up my calves. I know it's normal and will go away but it's getting painful.

Wait.  Why is this normal?  Have you called your doctor?

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1 hour ago, Slache said:

I'm officially not getting a hysterectomy. He said no promises because "things happen" but everything looks good. He thinks Isaac is about 6 pounds 8 ounces.

Yay!  Slachey is back!  How are you feeling?  I'm not so sure about the hysterectomy..... I think your Inner Xena Warrior wants out!  At least I think she should stop trying to kill you.  

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2 hours ago, Spudater said:

So...looking at my teaching load so far I estimate I’ll need about three clones...🤣😭😱  but, but, I really don’t want to take anything out...

I think you're going to need more - one to feed the empress, one to cook and clean, and two to teach.  

ETA - but that leaves nothing for you to do but sit on the couch and eat bon bons.  Or fly off to the ITT island.  I guess if you're going to keep feeding Empress, three might be enough.  

Edited by Another Lynn
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2 hours ago, Another Lynn said:

Yay!  Slachey is back!  How are you feeling?  I'm not so sure about the hysterectomy..... I think your Inner Xena Warrior wants out!  At least I think she should stop trying to kill you.  

Exhausted. I'm on too many meds now. 

I think I didn't want the hysterectomy. I mean, obviously we all want one, but I think it's best I skip it.

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Good morning!

Critter, surely one of these days the clouds will share with you.

(((Slachey))) I somehow missed the hysterectomy issue.  I'm glad the doctor doesn't think its necessary. 

I'm taking the kids to the county pool this morning.  Might try my new swimsuit.  

I have discovered that if I set up a music stand in front of my glider, I can read books on my iPad with large letter font while exercising. 😎


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