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Good morning!  

The questions concerning my impending trip to Aldi are becoming more frequent and urgent, so I think I'd better go this morning.  We've been out of bread and cheese and coconut milk for a few days.  Hopefully I can get ds13 to a thrift store to find a pair of pants or two.  Dd15 has her audition for regional/all-state choir tonight - dh is taking her.  She is nervous.


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18 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!  

The questions concerning my impending trip to Aldi are becoming more frequent and urgent, so I think I'd better go this morning.  We've been out of bread and cheese and coconut milk for a few days.  Hopefully I can get ds13 to a thrift store to find a pair of pants or two.  Dd15 has her audition for regional/all-state choir tonight - dh is taking her.  She is nervous.



I've been trying to cut out grocery spending by stretching out trips to the store, forcing us to cook and eat the less immediately appealing stuff we have around. There is always plenty of food in the house, just not convenient grab and go stuff. I get the same urgent complaints from the kids.

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Good morning, it's Friday!  I'm so happy it's Friday, even though we will be doing science experiments tomorrow.  We have nothing going on today except staying dry and getting as far as possible in our lessons so that we have less to do tomorrow.  


Susan, best wishes to your dd on her audition!

Edited by mama25angels
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14 minutes ago, myblessings4 said:

Prayers would be appreciated.  My boss's house, which is on Lake Whitney, is thiiiiiiiis close to flooding, and we're getting more rain today.  Thanks!

Praying that there's no flooding.  Can we do anything?

11 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

My, how our baby bunny has grown. . .


Wow, she has gotten bigger!  She's beautiful!

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3 hours ago, maize said:


I've been trying to cut out grocery spending by stretching out trips to the store, forcing us to cook and eat the less immediately appealing stuff we have around. There is always plenty of food in the house, just not convenient grab and go stuff. I get the same urgent complaints from the kids.

That's a really good idea!  I am hoping this trip to last through the end of Oct.  I bought an extra loaf of bread (and an extra cream for my coffee, because no one wants me to run out of cream).  I will probably have to get milk, but that's not too bad.

2 hours ago, mama25angels said:

Susan, best wishes to your dd on her audition!

Thanks!  She is not my "singer" and didn't want to do it last year, but this year she did.  So I am proud of her for that.

55 minutes ago, myblessings4 said:

Prayers would be appreciated.  My boss's house, which is on Lake Whitney, is thiiiiiiiis close to flooding, and we're getting more rain today.  Thanks!

What is with Texas lately?  I feel very confused by its weather.

51 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

My, how our baby bunny has grown. . .

She's HUGE!  :wub:

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12 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

I am waiting it out in the car repair shop, trying to understand atomic structure. I struggled with the topic 25 years ago. *brain exploding* Molecular geometry is not my thing.

Any good resources out there?


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56 minutes ago, Another Lynn said:

Wow!  Bunny is huge!

(((M25a and ds)))

(((Prairie and chemistry)))

(((Angi's boss and TX weather)))

Go, Susan's DD, Go!

I went to the AFSA.  I rewarded myself for surviving the incredibly slow check out line with peanut M&Ms.  They were not satisfying.  I should have chosen the swedish fish.  

((Lynn)) for slow lines in the Afsa. 


I love peanut M&Ms.

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10 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

Slachey, someone else died on Mt. St. Helens yesterday....medical event, and then fell.  Between this, the lady with the 300 foot fall in July, and the dude who survived on bees for six days in August.....go prepared, ok? It's been a rough year for hikers.

Oh! So sad.

Is the 300 foot fall the chick who fell in? I'm not going to fall in.

Survived on bees? I would just die.

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Remind me I don't want to visit Mt. St. Helens. 

Dh took dd down to visit his parents for the weekend.  For the first time ever, he allowed ds to make the decision on whether to go or not, and ds chose to stay home with me.   Our wifi is better and evidently Splatfest or something is this weekend.

We just got our car back from oldest dd, who had been borrowing it while her car was at the shop after her fender-bender.  FB didn't do much damage but she thought her brakes and 4wd were acting funky.  Evidently she hit a curb or something (or maybe I did in the past two days and don't remember?) and one (almost brand new!) tire has a bulge in it.    A tire that is almost brand new because I managed to roll over a rock and put a deep gash in my tire a month or so ago. 

I hate cars.  I want to live in a society where cars are unnecessary.

ETA: Forgot to talk about hand-me-down clothes.  Dd 11 gets hand-me-downs from ds 13.  He keeps getting too tall for his pants, and she likes warm fuzzy sweats that run big.

Edited by Where's Toto?
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1 hour ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

But I don’t know molecular geometry 


34 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

It starts with Bonds....unfortunately not James Bond or bon bons.

Covalent bonds. And there’s other kinds of bonds, too. Has to do with electrons and how much they like their nucleus.

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I have done the things.  Also got an email from the children's choir director who granted dd12 an excused absense from a performance due to scheduling conflict with an orchestra concert.  Whew.  Also also got an email from the cello professor about possible recital dates and either of them will work fine.  Double whew.  I now have two gigs next Saturday which means I don't have to go to a social event AND I can buy dh his birthday present earlier than expected.  ?

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1 hour ago, KrissiK said:


Covalent bonds. And there’s other kinds of bonds, too. Has to do with electrons and how much they like their nucleus.

Yes, I think that’s how I am going to have to explain it to my brain...as if the particles are all a dysfunctional family and lay down the rules of pairing up. I will make up stories while listening to “Good Vibrations”.

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2 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Random question for the day.  If someone has confessed to multiple felonies and has been in the county jail since late June, about how long will it take for them to be sent to a federal prison?  Will they ever NOT be in custody?  Does it depend on the crime?

So dependent on location, back log, and crimes.

They could sit in county jail for a year or two if there’s backlog and then depending on where the fall on the sentencing grid be in federal prison for a long time or very little. Early release is also something to factor in.

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7 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Random question for the day.  If someone has confessed to multiple felonies and has been in the county jail since late June, about how long will it take for them to be sent to a federal prison?  Will they ever NOT be in custody?  Does it depend on the crime?

Has there been a trial yet?  Has there been sentencing?  Different felonies have different sentencing guidelines. And depending on things like if it’s first offense etc some sentences are concurrent and some sequential. Whether they will at some point be out of custody will depend on if they are eligible for parole and if they have parole moved up for good behavior. 

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18 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

So dependent on location, back log, and crimes.

They could sit in county jail for a year or two if there’s backlog and then depending on where the fall on the sentencing grid be in federal prison for a long time or very little. Early release is also something to factor in.


8 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Has there been a trial yet?  Has there been sentencing?  Different felonies have different sentencing guidelines. And depending on things like if it’s first offense etc some sentences are concurrent and some sequential. Whether they will at some point be out of custody will depend on if they are eligible for parole and if they have parole moved up for good behavior. 

So probably we should just call the county jail and ask.  (They are not currently in the prison system, at least not according to the state d.o.c. search website.)

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