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The kids don't like Thai, and will whine if we go to a Thai restaurant. #notfair


Also, the Thai food here isn't as good as back home in the Isaan. #hardlysurprising

Part 1: WAT?!?! but. But. Curry.


Part 2: of course.

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Meals are called rice in Japanese too. Breakfast is morning rice, lunch is noon rice and supper is night rice.



In Turkish and eastern dialects of Persian everything is osh, meaning, rice.


Also, bread is naan and in some dialects all meals are naan.


And then in some dialects it is all sheep soup.

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Good Saturday Morning!


I am coffee-ing AFTER my shower and taking care of dogs (because dh has drill this weekend...)


It's 12F here, feels like -5.  Tampa's 55, feels like 53.  I'll take that over this.


Amen!   :hurray:


The kids don't like Thai, and will whine if we go to a Thai restaurant. #notfair 


Also, the Thai food here isn't as good as back home in the Isaan. #hardlysurprising


Wait a few more years and you can go without them!   :hurray:


Dh is on a fly hunt. He’s having way to much fun. I am married to a serial fly murderer!

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My dh is the same (in the summer).  I can ignore a couple flies (you know how good I am at ignoring.  maybe.) but dh cannot rest until they are all dead.   :laugh:

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Good morning!


I am eating breakfast (leftover ham with scrambled eggs). Dh took two of the kids to their choir thing and will drop off Epiphany letters at the post office and go on a hike. I need to do something online that rhymes with denter trades that may or may not be education related. Maybe I'll get to the woodburning ornaments today.



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Anytime we have a restaurant to ourselves, within 15-20 minutes, it begins to fill up. It never fails. Maybe we should visit that place so they can get more business...


That's because you and yours are trend setters.  Everyone watches you and copies what you do.  They try to be sneaky about it, but in restaurants that's a little hard to do.



Booyay for Renai!!!!

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The kids don't like Thai, and will whine if we go to a Thai restaurant. #notfair 


Also, the Thai food here isn't as good as back home in the Isaan. #hardlysurprising



I'm going to expand one DD's culinary horizons just a little in a couple of weeks.  A good sushi restaurant in Dad's Colorado town also serves a yummy beef bulgoki (their spelling, and I know, that's Korean).  I'm going to have DD16 try it while she's there.  She's going to love it!


From that and Pad Thai it's not far to getting her to try other Thai foods.  If I'm not careful she and her sister won't have much food-wise to discover on their own when they head off to college.

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Meals are called rice in Japanese too. Breakfast is morning rice, lunch is noon rice and supper is night rice.



I turned yesterday's leftover supper (veggie, potato, and tofu stir fry over rice) into a fried rice for my breakfast this morning.  I did okay, for someone who grew up in Minnesota farm country decades ago.

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Dd doesn't go to Thai food with us.  She's allergic to chili peppers.  It's hard or perhaps impossible to do Thai without chili peppers. 



:grouphug:  :grouphug:   I'm sorry she has to miss out.

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I want Thai food.

I have never had Thai food.


Btw, this just means "Me too. I want to eat rice*".


*eat rice is just generic for eat a meal. Something to do with rice being really common at meals in Thailand. #alsohardlysurprising

I didn’t know this.
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WOW! I didn't know that.

Air quality issues. And if you do have a fireplace, you have to have a permit to use it and there are certain days you can’t if the air quality is bad. I do think there are exceptions if you live in a shack and it is absolutely your only source of heating, but otherwise, no.... there are severe restrctions on fireplaces and ag burning.
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Yesterday we set a record high temperature of 72 degrees.



Can we have some of that, instead of trying for a record low? Any record high will do, i.e., it doesn't have to be 72 - I'm not sure what the record high for today is, but for most days in January the record high is somewhere between 61 and 65. I'm even willing to settle for a near record at just 60 or so.

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So, if you had to read a book about “Current Eventsâ€, what would that mean to you?? How current? Because if it’s a book, the events wouldn’t be that current because of the time it takes to write and publish. Would current events be something that happened in my Lifetime?

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So, if you had to read a book about “Current Eventsâ€, what would that mean to you?? How current? Because if it’s a book, the events wouldn’t be that current because of the time it takes to write and publish. Would current events be something that happened in my Lifetime?


Something currently shaping us or a reflection of something that recently made a huge impact. Matt wants me to read Plunder and Deceit. Current to me means within the last 10 years.

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Something currently shaping us or a reflection of something that recently made a huge impact. Matt wants me to read Plunder and Deceit. Current to me means within the last 10 years.

See, I was thinking in that direction. I recently read this book "The Good Spy: The Life and Death of Robert Ames". https://www.amazon.com/Good-Spy-Life-Death-Robert/dp/0307889769 which was an amazing book. It was about Robert Ames, a CIA Operative in the 60's and 70's, who was killed in the 1983 bombing of the American Embassy in Beirut. And even though the events took place 30 years ago, we are still feeling the repercussions of the events and international policy ( and non-policy  - he established a back channel with Yasser Arafat) that took place back then.  

Edited by KrissiK
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So, if you had to read a book about “Current Eventsâ€, what would that mean to you?? How current? Because if it’s a book, the events wouldn’t be that current because of the time it takes to write and publish. Would current events be something that happened in my Lifetime?



My high school history teacher once said that according to some historians, anything more recent than 30 years ago is too recent for historical analysis, and is current events. So, no, not anything during your lifetime (nor my lifetime). That said, for what you describe, I'd aim for things within the past 5 years. You can find a fair number of books about things within the past year even. 


Ongoing things tend to be great - like, the Israel-Palestine conflict... I don't know what books have been published about that recently, but it's an ongoing issue. Likewise, there should be books about Syria, or you could even get the coffee table photo book What Happened Last Night in Sweden (okay, that one doesn't sound appropriate for the assignment, since it's mostly photos, but, it was published in Sept iirc, and has to do with Trump's tweet in Jan or Feb, and then the actual attack that happened in April). There are probably recently published books about North Korea's nuclear ambitions as well. You could probably already find some book recapping 2017 overall. 

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