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I can't find our file with all our identification information in it - birth certificates, social security cards, copies, etc.... The last time I had it was in court sometime in October. I realized it was missing in November before the next court date.


If you were that file, where would you be?

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Good morning. I had nightsweats that probably registered on a Geiger counter or something last night.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

My hot flashes were so bad and continuous I could have baked a loaf of bread last night. Edited by KrissiK
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I can't find our file with all our identification information in it - birth certificates, social security cards, copies, etc.... The last time I had it was in court sometime in October. I realized it was missing in November before the next court date.


If you were that file, where would you be?

In the file cabinet. Under the heading 2015 Taxes.
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Under the seat in the car. Alternatively, under the couch.


Believe it or not, I did check under the car seat, lol! I was hoping dh didn't throw away anything when he cleaned out my car back then. He said he didn't throw away files. I have not checked under the couch though...

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Wow! That's a thing of beauty! Do you happen to have one for Vol 2? 😉


Seriously, though, did you just keep track of what you did for the next time around, or did you come up with that before you did it? We just winged Vol 1 last year, which was fine, but I want to be a bit more purposeful going forward. I'm trying to decide if planning out the whole thing in advance is worth the time investment, or just a handy excuse to indulge my love of planning (at the expense if whatever else I should've been doing during that time).

Well, this was my 4th time through ancient history, so in the summer I just browsed the books we have and looked over various reading lists and checked what is available at the library and made an Excel chart. (I love making charts! :D ) In Vol. 2-4 I think I just wrote the books down in the table of contents. I can check if I did that for vol. 2.

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How long is a post allowed to be?


SOTW Volume 1, Ancient History (1st Edition)


I don't know, but it probably should've been longer, with, say, an Edpo on the first line.  :svengo:


I can't find our file with all our identification information in it - birth certificates, social security cards, copies, etc.... The last time I had it was in court sometime in October. I realized it was missing in November before the next court date.


If you were that file, where would you be?



In court? 

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My list for today includes putting together my SOTW ancient reading list for you.

I didn't mean for you to actually put work into anything.



So been there.


DH is an electrician, and while his job is physically demanding, it also comes with a decent paycheck and great benefits.


DH goes back to work on Monday! Thank You, Jesus!

What does this mean for you?


How long is a post allowed to be?


Edpo Warning! Reported! Avert your eyes!


SOTW Volume 1, Ancient History (1st Edition)


1. Mapwork is done where available from the AG or other sources.

2. Independent Reading continues through unit, many of them have

free literature guides from the web that I print out for them to do.

*=lower elementary **=upper elementary ***=middle school

3. Books listed after the chapter are read as needed and available,

sometimes independently, sometimes aloud to everyone, depending on need.

4. We did RAs during daily story time, not as part of the history lesson.

5. I added short YouTube films of history topics when available.

6. Middle schooler also goes through Streams in Civilization.



IR *Time Warp Trio: Seven Blunders of the World

IR **Hittite Warrior

IR ***Gilgamesh (Ferry) (Omnibus Unit)


week 1:

Intro How do we know what happened?

Ch 1 The earliest people

Film: Is Genesis History

RA Victor Journey Through the Bible (where applicable)

RA Adam and His Kin


week 2:

Ch 7 Hammurabi and the Babylonians

Codes of Hammurabi and Moses (browse)

Tales from the Arabian Nights (pick one or two)

RA Gilgamesh (McCaughrean)


week 3:

Ch 8 The Assyrians

Gilgamesh Trilogy (Zeman)

RA Gilgamesh (McCaughrean)


week 4:

Ch 9 The First Cities of India

Ch 10 The Far East

Maples in the Mist

Story About Ping

Tikki Tikki Tembo

RA The Golden Goblet


week 5:

Ch 11 Ancient Africa

Misos (Aardema)

Anansi the Spider (McDermot)

Zomo (McDermot)

RA The Golden Goblet



IR *Time Warp Trio: Tut Tut

IR *Pepi and the Secret Names

IR **Tirzah

IR **TWT: Tut Tut

IR ***The Cat of Bubastes

IR ***God King


week 6:

Ch 2 Egyptians Lived on the Nile River

Ch 3 The First Writing

Bill and Pete Go Down the Nile

Ancient Egypt (M. Williams)

RA The Golden Goblet


week 7:

Ch 4 The Old Kingdom of Egypt

Adventures in Ancient Egypt

Kids in Ancient Egypt

RA The Golden Goblet


week 8:

Ch 5 The First Sumerian Dictator

Ch 6 The Jewish People

Arabian Nights

RA Mara, Daughter of the Nile


week 9

Ch 12 The Middle Kingdom of Egypt

Ch 13 The New Kingdom of Egypt

Temple Cat

Pyramid (Macauley)

Every Day Life in Ancient Egypt

RA Mara, Daughter of the Nile


week 10

Ch 14 The Israelites Leave Egypt

Ch 15 The Phoenicians

Dance, Sing, Remember (Passover)

RA Mara, Daughter of the Nile


week 11

Ch 16 The Return of Assyria

Ch 17 Babylon Takes Over Again

Wonders of the Ancient World

Sinbad the Sailor (Yeoman)

RA Mara, Daughter of the Nile



Film: Drive Through History: The Greeks

IR *Greek Myths (M. Williams)

IR *TWT: It's All Greek to Me

IR **Theras and His Town

IR **Archimedes and the Door of Science

IR **D'Aulaire's Greek Myths

IR ***Famous Men of Greece

IR ***Children's Homer

IR ***Wonder Book / Tanglewood Tales (if needed)


week 12

Ch 18 Life in Early Crete

Mystery of Atlantis

Greek Myths (Minotaur) (McCaughrean)

RA Iliad & Odyssey (M. Williams)


week 13

Ch 19 The Early Greeks

Trojan Horse (Little) (Hutton)

RA Black Ships Before Troy


week 14

Ch 20 Greece Gets Civilized Again

Archimedes (Fisher)

You Wouldn't Want to be a Greek Athlete

The Librarian Who Measured the Earth

RA Black Ships Before Troy


week 15

Ch 21 The Medes and the Persians

Ch 22 Sparta and Athens

Legend of the Persian Carpet

Queen Esther Saves Her People

RA Black Ships Before Troy


week 16

Ch 23 The Greek Gods

Ancient Greece (See Through History)

RA The Wanderings of Odysseus


week 17

Ch 24 The Wars of the Greeks

Did Greek Soldiers Really Hide Inside the Trojan Horse?

How Would You Survive as an Ancient Greek?

RA The Wanderings of Odysseus


week 18

Ch 25 Alexander the Great

Who Was Alexander the Great"

Alexander the Great (Demi)

The Great Alexander the Great (Laskas)

RA The Wanderings of Odysseus



Film: O Brother, Where Art Thou

(IR = catch-up or choose-your-own)

(RA = catch-up or choose-your-own)


week 19

Ch 26 The People of the Americas

You wouldn't Want to be an Aztec Sacrifice

The Aztecs (See Through History)

The Incas (various)

week 20

Ch 30 The Aryans of India

Ch 31 The Mauryan Empire of India

Buddha / Buddha Stories (Demi)

Ancient India (Dalal or Wood)

World Religions (Bowker)


week 21

Ch 32 China - Writing and the Qin

Ch 33 Confucius

Long is a Dragon

The Great Wall (Fisher)

The Empty Pot / The Greatest Tale (Demi)

Confucious (Freedman)

World Religions (Bowker)



Film: Drive Through History: The Romans

IR *Who Were the Romans

IR *A Triumph for Flavius

IR *TWT: See You Later, Gladiator

IR **Twice Freed

IR **The Ides of April

IR **Beyond the Desert Gate

IR ***Famous Men of Rome

IR ***The Bronze Bow

IR ***Eagle of the Ninth (Omnibus Unit)


week 22:

Ch 27 The Rise of Rome

Roman Mythology: Romulus and Remus

Time trekkers Visit the Romans

RA The Romans (M. Williams)


week 23

Ch 28 The Roman Empire

Rome Antics / City (Macaulay)

100 Things You Should Know...Rome

RA In Search of a Homeland


week 24

Ch 29 Rome's War With Carthage

The Roman Army (Blacklock)

Hannibal of Carthage (Price)

RA In Search of a Homeland


week 25

Ch 34 The Rise of Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar: Life of a Roman

RA In Search of a Homeland


week 26

Ch 35 Caesar the Hero

Roman Numerals

Cleopatra (Stanley)

RA Detectives in Togas


week 27

Ch 36 The First Roman Prince

World of the Roman Emperor

The Story of Clocks / Calendars

RA Detectives in Togas


week 28

Ch 37 The Beginning of Christianity

Ch 38 The End of the Jewish Nation

Behold the Trees

Masada / Last Fortress (? 188 pg)

RA Detectives in Togas


week 29

Ch 39 Rome and the Christians

I Wonder Why Romans Wore Togas?

Pompeii: Buried Alive / Lost and Found

RA Mystery of the Roman Ransom


week 30

Ch 40 Rome Begins to Weaken

Celtic Memories

What Do We Know About Celts?

RA Mystery of the Roman Ransom


week 31

Ch 41 The Attacking Barbarians

Attila the Hun

RA Mystery of the Roman Ransom


week 32

Ch 42 The End of Rome

Review, timeline, maps, etc.

Oh, there it is.


Well, this was my 4th time through ancient history, so in the summer I just browsed the books we have and looked over various reading lists and checked what is available at the library and made an Excel chart. (I love making charts! :D ) In Vol. 2-4 I think I just wrote the books down in the table of contents. I can check if I did that for vol. 2.

I look for what's in TWTM/SOTW AG before reading SOTW so I have some books ready and as I read SOTW I make notes as I read as to what interests him, then search the library. This can have him reading about two rather different time periods at one time (we waited like 2 months for Cat Mummies) but I don't care. He likes history and is learning tons so I figure I win.

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I don't know, but it probably should've been longer, with, say, an Edpo on the first line.  :svengo:




In court? 





No, I had it in a bag and the bag is here at the house. Dancer has found an older file with a xerox copy of Dancer's birth certificate and ss card. We'll see how far that will get us...

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Insurance wouldn't let them do Baby's tongue today. He goes next week; the doctor said his tongue tie is obvious- a textbook case and easy to fix. Poor baby. :crying: They promised me it wouldn't be bad and some babies don't even cry.

That’s frustrating, I’m glad it should be an easy fix.
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Guys, I'm having a rough day. 

DH's endoscopy went well, and that's good. But we got back and MIL's dog was chasing the ducks on the frozen pond last night and fell in. I just spent the last hour up to my waist in icy water trying to chop a path to get his body out of the pond, but I can't swing the splitting maul if the water is much higher than my waist. The danged ice is still about two inches thick where I had to leave off. I'll try to get out further tomorrow--we are supposed to get into the lower forties and I might make more headway.

My dog-loving boy is devastated. He loved that dog. :crying:

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Well, my lunch would have been wonderful and tasty and zero points (black bean soup and a Cutie) if I hadn’t had those two yummy pieces of homemade pizza as an appetizer. I make good homemade pizza. 😩😩😩😩😩 it’s a curse.😩😩😩😩😩

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Trigger Warning!


Copy that.






So, I am sitting down and starting to plot out the rest of the school year. DS’s and DD’s history are fine. If only Susan could get on it right away and pound out SOTW:Middle Ages like the Ancients, then I’d be all set for history for my little girls, too. Science - I think we’ll just keep moseying our way through Apologia Land Animals like we have been doing. We’re sadly behind in Grammar with all the kids.


And Bible Curriculum.... I need suggestions. Oldest DD and DS will finish God’s Great Covenant NT from CAP at the end of this year. It’s the last book in the series. We have loved it. It’s taken about 6 years to get through all 4 books. But I will need to start thinking about next year. We really need something structured and work-bookie. I was looking at Bob Jones’ Bible curriculum. I like the format, but I don’t think I agree with them theologically (we’re Reformed, Presbyterian at heart).

Edited by KrissiK
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Trigger Warning!


Copy that.






So, I am sitting down and starting to plot out the rest of the school year. DS’s and DD’s history are fine. If only Susan could get on it right away and pound out SOTW:Middle Ages like the Ancients, then I’d be all set for history for my little girls, too. Science - I think we’ll just keep moseying our way through Apologia Land Animals like we have been doing. We’re sadly behind in Grammar with all the kids.


And Bible Curriculum.... I need suggestions. Oldest DD and DS will finish God’s Great Covenant NT from CAP at the end of this year. It’s the last book in the series. We have loved it. It’s taken about 6 years to get through all 4 books. But I will need to start thinking about next year. We really need something structured and work-bookie. I was looking at Bob Jones’ Bible curriculum. I like the format, but I don’t think I agree with them theologically (we’re Reformed, Presbyterian at heart).


When do you need this by? I need to do it. I was going to pull from TWTM 4th Edition, SOTW AG and some personal preference. I was going to add in Draw & Write Through History.


Explorer's Bible Study

Sword Studies

Positive Action


Eta: It's a Trigger Warning! Copy that. Stat!! Forthwith. BOOYA!

Edited by Slache
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I just spent an hour ordering from Home Science Tools.  I made a list of everything I needed for half of the year (we got started late), found everything on the HST website, researched a couple of specialty items on other sites because I was told that it might be cheaper (it wasn't), typed in the order, tried to order when my computer crashed.  Got the computer working, tried to make the order again and there was a glitch where HST sent me 7 or 8 password changes all in a row.  Got that all sorted out, and made the order.  Then I realized that in the midst of all the chaos, I hadn't applied my discount!  So I called them an a very very nice customer service lady said that she would make it all better for me.  Phew! 

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Trigger Warning!


Copy that.






So, I am sitting down and starting to plot out the rest of the school year. DS’s and DD’s history are fine. If only Susan could get on it right away and pound out SOTW:Middle Ages like the Ancients, then I’d be all set for history for my little girls, too. Science - I think we’ll just keep moseying our way through Apologia Land Animals like we have been doing. We’re sadly behind in Grammar with all the kids.


And Bible Curriculum.... I need suggestions. Oldest DD and DS will finish God’s Great Covenant NT from CAP at the end of this year. It’s the last book in the series. We have loved it. It’s taken about 6 years to get through all 4 books. But I will need to start thinking about next year. We really need something structured and work-bookie. I was looking at Bob Jones’ Bible curriculum. I like the format, but I don’t think I agree with them theologically (we’re Reformed, Presbyterian at heart).


We liked this one:  https://explorerbiblestudy.org/courses


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That moment when you eat a big romaine lettuce salad right before you read about a massive recall. 🤬💩


Chocolate never gets contaminated with e coli.


But chocolate will apparently be extinct by 2020 or something.  :crying:

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Uhhhhh.... tomorrow???

What if I get the first 3 weeks tonight so if you don't like it you know now? There are 105 readings and I have supplemental readings for primary (K-2) and grammar (3-6). Matt's not feeling well and might stay home tomorrow so I could theoretically have it done by tomorrow night if you like it. Do you have a logic kid involved?
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Today's IEW freebie is the first section of Teaching The Classics!  :hurray:  :smash:  :patriot:  :willy_nilly:  :001_tt1:  :leaving:



Go work out.


We had to run around and do other THINGS. My sister has moved the date up for Dancer to leave - in a week and a half.

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What if I get the first 3 weeks tonight so if you don't like it you know now? There are 105 readings and I have supplemental readings for primary (K-2) and grammar (3-6). Matt's not feeling well and might stay home tomorrow so I could theoretically have it done by tomorrow night if you like it. Do you have a logic kid involved?

That would be awesome!! No logic kids involved. Just an older and precocious first grader and a third grader.
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