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Don't go into nursing if you aren't called. It is too hard do do if you are not desperate or in love with the profession.

^This. I've been a nurse for a long time, and it's not easy. Lots of young people jumped into nursing after the 2008ish financial nightmare, and the ones who did it for the money, flexibility, or job security are not working as nurses anymore. If you're not called to be a nurse, it's best to do something else.
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One good thing about being broke is my local employment office will pay for my associate's degree! Now I need to figure out what I'm going for...I'm not totally sold on nursing.

I started off college as a nursing major. I got into the program, went through the pre-requisites and then started my practicum in the hospital, passed out watching them put in an IV and quit the program.😩 sometimes I wish I would have had the.... whatever.... to stick with it because I would love to have some sort of part time job right now, but it just wasn’t for me.
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I read 300 pages today of a 600 page fantasy novel. Should finish it up tomorrow and get after the rest of the stack that needs to go back to the library on Saturday.


ETA: It's epic fantasy--too many characters for me to be very attached to any of them, multiple viewpoints and it's mostly a religious war, but it's okay.

Edited by Critterfixer
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I forgot to call the city court today to cry off of my January jury summons.  Now county court has also decided to summon me, also for the time period in which I'm supposed to be in Colorado.  Why couldn't they have done this all these past years when I have been available?  Why do they wait until I have a very important commitment?  Stinkin' summonses.

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It was very cold here today, so after the funeral for The Grandma Smith, I skipped the graveside service.  Instead, I got to crawl in After-Christmas Traffic on a major highway.  I did make a pit stop for chocolate.   :drool5:  And then I took a nap while dh made dinner.


Also, I found out the other day that my Kindergarten teacher died last week.  She taught kindergarten for 38+ years!  Most (if not all) of those years involved two classes, morning and afternoon.  I'm guessing that she taught at least 2,000 students during her career.  :svengo: She was super sweet and had the patience of a saint.  And she didn't retire after she taught my brother. :)

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I lived in a casita so drafty that I covered the windows with garbage bags and watched as the wind moved them back and forth about 5 inches each way.


I was watching Canada's Worst Handyman yesterday, and the professionals used plastic and sealed it with a blow dryer to insulate the windows. Worth a try.



Yeah, we tried that. Did not work. Something to do with 3-4 inches of wind pushing in on it. But, DW taped it some more, and it seems to be holding now.

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I forgot to call the city court today to cry off of my January jury summons. Now county court has also decided to summon me, also for the time period in which I'm supposed to be in Colorado. Why couldn't they have done this all these past years when I have been available? Why do they wait until I have a very important commitment? Stinkin' summonses.

Ugh! I am so sorry. I’ve been getting summonses more often lately, too. Fortunately, last fall I just had to call in every night for a week.
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It was very cold here today, so after the funeral for The Grandma Smith, I skipped the graveside service.  Instead, I got to crawl in After-Christmas Traffic on a major highway.  I did make a pit stop for chocolate.   :drool5:  And then I took a nap while dh made dinner.


Also, I found out the other day that my Kindergarten teacher died last week.  She taught kindergarten for 38+ years!  Most (if not all) of those years involved two classes, morning and afternoon.  I'm guessing that she taught at least 2,000 students during her career.  :svengo: She was super sweet and had the patience of a saint.  And she didn't retire after she taught my brother. :)



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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(((Junie & Krissi)))


I am so tired

I have been up for hours

Today won't be fun


I still want coffee

Don't want unhealthy creamer

Trying coconut


... milk instead to see if I like it.


We schooled yesterday and Matt's leaving all morning to hang out with friends :glare: so we'll school today.


Self journal starts Monday. Dun dun dun!

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I twisted my ankle pretty bad on the hike. I can still walk on it, but there’s a huge lump on the outside of it. Have a bag of frozen corn sitting on it now.




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AMJ, are you going to be able to get rescheduled? What happens if you just...don't show up?



I'm pretty sure I can get it rescheduled.  Surely they would do that, since I'm not asking for an outright cancellation and I have time-constrained elder care issues conflicting.  I'll call after 9 AM, when I think I stand a chance of getting someone live to talk to.

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Good morning. Art today. My back still hurts, but I don't think it is quite as bad as it was yesterday. 

I hope your ankle is better today, Krissi.

I hope grandma gets to come for a visit, Angi. I've got school planning to get through today.


Also housekeeping planning. I usually revamp the schedule for the darker days of winter but I didn't do it this year. I've been falling into trying to do housework over two time periods in the day, and it's making me grumpy. The boys don't like it either. Not sure what the solution is, but if we could get the bulk of the business done one time a day, I think that would go far to making the rest of the day more pleasant. All three of us would love having a block of three or four hours without housework to do.

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Yes, if we could figure out how to be paid to ITT, that would be great. And if we could do it from the island...even better!


Thanks for the input and support. I think I've narrowed it down to accounting, general business, and radiology. Next step is talking to the college, but not until they open their office again next week.


The Real Housewives of ITT Island.   :svengo:


(Disclaimer: I've not seen the other shows.  I don't think I want to.)

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Good morning. Art today. My back still hurts, but I don't think it is quite as bad as it was yesterday. 

I hope your ankle is better today, Krissi.

I hope grandma gets to come for a visit, Angi. I've got school planning to get through today.


Also housekeeping planning. I usually revamp the schedule for the darker days of winter but I didn't do it this year. I've been falling into trying to do housework over two time periods in the day, and it's making me grumpy. The boys don't like it either. Not sure what the solution is, but if we could get the bulk of the business done one time a day, I think that would go far to making the rest of the day more pleasant. All three of us would love having a block of three or four hours without housework to do.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I have been getting sucked into Amazon, shopping for items for Dad's new apartment.  We haven't even gotten the keys yet, as it's not ours until Dec. 31st.  I plan to pick up keys on Tuesday and measure the walls and floors.  The stuff, in the meantime, can wait in the Dad list I made on my Amazon account.


I found him some aviation-themed wall clocks, shower curtain stuff (DH has already ordered an aviation-themed shower curtain, so I listed a pole and rings), various aviation rugs (taxiway hall runner, arrivals/departures door mats).  I also found a hot water heater (for hot beverages) that dispenses nicely.  Oh, and a USMC bathroom rug.  If I'm not careful Dad's decor will clash wildly.

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Good Morning!!!




Friday Eve..... but it doesn’t matter because everyone is on vacation this week anyway!!ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘


I haven’t looked at my ankle yet. I can walk on it, just not turn it certain ways. I think it’ll be all right. It just makes me mad that i’m Getting old and i’m Getting balance issues and I don’t want to be one of “those†people. DH wants to join a gym and I do, too. Maybe if I can get back to exercising I can strengthen my muscles and work on balance.

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Yes, if we could figure out how to be paid to ITT, that would be great. And if we could do it from the island...even better!


Thanks for the input and support. I think I've narrowed it down to accounting, general business, and radiology. Next step is talking to the college, but not until they open their office again next week.


We may not get paid to ITT, but it does come with some great benefits. Like full-time staff and a stealth copter.

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Good Morning!!!




Friday Eve..... but it doesn’t matter because everyone is on vacation this week anyway!!ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘


I haven’t looked at my ankle yet. I can walk on it, just not turn it certain ways. I think it’ll be all right. It just makes me mad that i’m Getting old and i’m Getting balance issues and I don’t want to be one of “those†people. DH wants to join a gym and I do, too. Maybe if I can get back to exercising I can strengthen my muscles and work on balance.



Please get it checked out, today.  We are headed into a holiday weekend when everyone who can takes time off, and lots of people get injured.  Don't wait for Tuesday, please.


The older we get the more easily seemingly small injuries result in something more unpleasant and longer-lasting.  Please make sure you haven't any small fractures or other issues.  At the very least you can get a good idea of the type of injury and how best it is treated over the long weekend.

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I'm already doing what I want to be doing. Raising my family and educating my kids is all I've ever wanted to do. I was always stumped when I was a kid and they would ask what I wanted to be when I grew up, because it was never enough to say I wanted to be a mom. At this point, it's kind of six of one and half dozen of the other. I just need it to pay some bills and relieve some stress. Maybe support me and the kids if it needs to. I hope it never comes to that, but I have to admit it's in the back of my head. So this is purely practical. What pays most? What will work for the scheduling I need it to work for? This is to make happen what I want to do, so I can keep doing it.


Medical billing can be done at home, but I'm not sure what the pay is like.  I just knew a mom who did that and that's the extent of my knowledge.

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Please get it checked out, today. We are headed into a holiday weekend when everyone who can takes time off, and lots of people get injured. Don't wait for Tuesday, please.


The older we get the more easily seemingly small injuries result in something more unpleasant and longer-lasting. Please make sure you haven't any small fractures or other issues. At the very least you can get a good idea of the type of injury and how best it is treated over the long weekend.

I’m going up to the mountains to see my chiropractor SIL today to pick up her daughter for a sleepover with my oldest. I’ll have her check it out.
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Dd11 sewed a teddy bear for dd7 for Christmas.  She finished the project several months ago and asked me to keep it safe.


I LOST IT!!!  :scared:


And today, as I was Konmariing the all-occasion gift bags, I found a bag that was lumpy.  And had a teddy bear in it.   :001_tt1:

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