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I asked the mad scientists how it was going. Ds said, “Mom, you know how we studied electricity and electronics in 5th grade? Apparently they don’t teach that in public school. “. College Buddy said, “Yeah. He’s teaching me all about it. “. Ds will be running the lightning for safety sake.



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I asked the mad scientists how it was going. Ds said, “Mom, you know how we studied electricity and electronics in 5th grade? Apparently they don’t teach that in public school. “. College Buddy said, “Yeah. He’s teaching me all about it. “. Ds will be running the lightning for safety sake.



In the science section of Celery's 6th grade test prep book there's a question asking him to draw an electric circuit featuring a light bulb. (the only reason I know is because I assigned him the science section today)


We were definitely taught some electricity and electronics stuff in my secondary school. That said, NL and all that. (also, I took physics 1 & 2, which is more physics than you're required to take)

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Alright.  Here are the options:


-Sort all the mixed up Playmobil (which will require entering the crawlspace).

-Label the remaining wrapped gifts and stow them away --- in the crawlspace.

-Find that extra Playmobil knights set that I think I'll give to ds10 (it's in the crawlspace).

-Put away the luggage and backpack I found on sale for ds' birthday (in the crawlspace).

-Clean up the post-Oil-Guy disaster still sitting in the basement (which will involve shoving things into the crawlspace).

-Those seven garbage bags full of kid stuff that I shoved in the crawlspace when we refinished the floors?  KonMari those. 

-Pick up the school room mess and file stuff away and fill in the last two weeks of my planner/journal.

-Type up a Tackle List on ITT

-Pop a bowl of popcorn and hang out here. 


Well, I was going to say to take the bags full of kid stuff to the van so you can Konmari it to the Goodwill tomorrow and feel self-righteous about it, but you got the self-righteous part covered already along with popcorn.









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We were definitely taught some electricity and electronics stuff in my secondary school. That said, NL and all that. (also, I took physics 1 & 2, which is more physics than you're required to take)



To be clear, some electricity and electronics stuff was definitely covered in physics in 8th grade as well, which was required for everyone (though it was the pre-university track). I remember making a radio in shop class in 8th grade (as in, making a coil out of copper wire and I don't know what). I did not create lightning in any microwaves though (or whatever it is y'all are doing). 

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I’m back. We had dinner at my parents’ house. Youngest DD threw up twice. The air quality is so horrible, we are all miserable. I’m not sure if she has a cold or allergies, but whenever she has lots of snot it all goes down her throat into her tummy and makes her sick and she throws up.😩

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In the science section of Celery's 6th grade test prep book there's a question asking him to draw an electric circuit featuring a light bulb. (the only reason I know is because I assigned him the science section today)


We were definitely taught some electricity and electronics stuff in my secondary school. That said, NL and all that. (also, I took physics 1 & 2, which is more physics than you're required to take)

Oh I know that they cover it. Apparently it didn’t stick. I just thought it was funny.

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It is a word. :) I love puppies. Dd and I have been working on Dh but so far no luck.

DH interrupted school tonight to tell us that bulldogs are allergic to soy just like DS. Too much to hope that he is considering getting a puppy for Christmas? I mean, why else would you disturb a child in the midst of learning and fill his head with puppies? Am I right?

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All the gifts that need to be mailed have been wrapped, boxed up, and addressed. Also the remainder of the #%£{& blinking balloons are boxed up with a return label. They'd better refund my money! Also, the bank has refunded all the fraudulant charges on the bank account so we again have enough money to go to Grandma and Grandpa's for Christmas.


We watched the local PBS broadcast of Christmas at Belmont. The children's choir is about 10 minutes into the show, so there's not too much to endure before then. Later on they actually have some nice choral music and sang an Eric Whitacre piece. :wub:


Sleep: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jruSoXH17zY

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Oh I know that they cover it. Apparently it didn’t stick. I just thought it was funny.



I remember one time in physics the teacher asked if he'd covered something (it was the start of a new year, and he'd covered it right near the end of the previous year), and I was the only person who remembered he'd covered it (out of like 30 people). That was weird. For the record, I have no clue what it was he covered, lol.


ETA: same people in the class, so it wasn't that there were different kids.

Edited by luuknam
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Unrelated: I just checked that science skills test prep Celery did, and one of the questions is about imaginary camera brands, and in the table they have one called QuickPix, but in the answers, it's called Quickie. So, Celery wrote "what happened?" next to that one. Methinks the proofreader told them to change the name of the camera, but it somehow only got changed in the table.  :lol:

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Fire-turtle today: "Grrrr!"

"What's wrong?"

"This fire is burning up all my paper."


"Every time I put a paper wad in the coals light it on fire."

"Why are you putting paper in?"

"So I can get the kindling lit."

"Why don't you just put the kindling on the coals?"




ETA: In his defense, he hadn't had caffeine yet either.

Edited by Critterfixer
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(((Krissi & Family))) Do you know the name of his ship or what battle it was?



His ship was the USS Houston and it was the Battle of Formosa.


If any of you are WWII buffs or you’re studying WWII with the kids, this http://www.hometownheroesradio.com/about/ is an awesome program to listen to. The host is local, but he interviews men (and some women) from all over the country. He is the most amazing interviewer I have ever listened to and the stories are really really good. My uncle never really talked about his experiences, but he was on this show and it’s very interesting. If you’re interested, PM me and I can tell you his name.

Edited by KrissiK
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Good morning. Caffeine.

:grouphug: Krissi. It sounds like your uncle lived a full life. Both of my grandfathers fought in WW2, but neither of them talked much about their experiences.

he did lead a full life and a good life, so I think the funeral, while sad, will be a very nice time of rememberance.
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We are waiting on an excavator this morning. If all goes well, we won't have a low-water crossing by the evening. If it doesn't go well, we will have a giant hole in our driveway.


In anticipation of said giant hole, I have given orders that at least one vehicle (mine) be moved to the road side of the hole so I can actually go to work in the morning.

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Good morning! Coffee! And likes to everybody because I’m on my phone and ain’t nobody got time for that kinda nonsense . (Dd8 stole my laptop so she can practice new magic tricks with her magic set).




Slache- yes, I want Jean to homeschool me too


Jean— I will ship all my children to your house for their lightning lab.



I am now going to conquer that tackle list! And do some other stuff too.

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His ship was the USS Houston and it was the Battle of Formosa.


If any of you are WWII buffs or you’re studying WWII with the kids, this http://www.hometownheroesradio.com/about/ is an awesome program to listen to. The host is local, but he interviews men (and some women) from all over the country. He is the most amazing interviewer I have ever listened to and the stories are really really good. My uncle never really talked about his experiences, but he was on this show and it’s very interesting. If you’re interested, PM me and I can tell you his name.


This is great, Krissi. What a loss for your family (and for our whole society as we lose the Greatest Generation. They have so much to teach us, if we would just shut up and listen.)


In my DA days, there was a judge on the bench who was a cranky, obstreperous liberal. He and I were besties, and no one could figure out why. (The cranky and obstreperous description might, just might, have applied equally to moi, but that last part? Umm, NO.) Despite his horrendous rulings (well, they improved significantly over the course of time, at least when I was in his court  ;) ), he was an amazing man. He came from an old southwest family (one of his ancestors was the subject of a Disney movie) and knew BOATLOADS about the history of the southwest. He was a gunner in WWII in the Pacific and participated in an INCREDIBLE number of combat missions (Guys in the Pacific had a better chance than the guys in Europe.) Oh, the stories he'd tell! I adored him. He passed away a few years ago. Can't wait to meet with him again. He's probably up there giving St. Peter H*ll; "Let 'em in! Let 'em all in!"   :001_wub:  :001_wub:  :001_wub:

Edited by JoJosMom
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