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:grouphug: Paige :grouphug:


What you're describing sounds awful!  I am so sorry you have to deal with this. 


If you don't want the ENB to stomp on them, I can always put a voodoo curse on them for you where they get sick with the runs before the trip and can not come. 









(I don't really know voodoo.)



But there really are a lot of stubborn bugs going around this year.  Perhaps they shouldn't come.  They could catch something that compromises their own health, and they could spread it to the baby.


What if PAIGE got sick while everyone was there?  What would they all do then?

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:sad: Saw a dead bird on the road today. I thought it was a hawk, but it turned out to be an owl. I didn't want to see it squashed, so I moved it to the side of the road. 

I had no idea how soft barred owls were. Beyond feather soft. Like handling a cloud--no wonder they can be absolutely silent in flight.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:




Hugs for everyone and everything that need them booya(h)!  And the spelling of your choice!  Just imagine the spelling is there.

Edited by AMJ
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I have an interview for a midnights factory job. This way I can still teach the kids and maintain our co op commitment through the end of the semester.



Any time in the schedule for sleep, so you don't drive off the road?

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You know when one of your kids gets stuck in the terriblehorriblenoggodverybaddayishness and you just say, “you must be tired, please go lie down in your bed.†I need a mommy to put me to bed. And then run the house and keep ds from destroying everything and take dd to the doctor.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Jean, you are a good person.




I was thinking snarky things like “rhinocerous tranquilizers†or “your lost sense of purpose.â€




No no no.  Good, healing chocolate.

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But there really are a lot of stubborn bugs going around this year.  Perhaps they shouldn't come.  They could catch something that compromises their own health, and they could spread it to the baby.


What if PAIGE got sick while everyone was there?  What would they all do then?


I'm guessing they would come anyway.  And expect Paige to take care of them.  :glare:


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Maybe it's time to have a good old-fashioned "nervous breakdown". Basically just pitch a hissy-fit, demand some counseling, and have the counselor tell the entire family (your DH, too) that this is FAR TOO MUCH for a post-partum gal to be handling and they all need to BACK OFF.


Where's our island therapist? Pamela is very good about telling families exactly this sort of thing.

I do a very good Pamela impersonation. Let me know who I have to call.


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

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Snappy, snappy turtles,

Look out where you nip,

'Cause Mom is making soup,

And you might take a dip.


Snappy, snappy turtles,

Watch out where you bite,

'Cause Mom is making soup,

And she'll catch you if you fight.


Snappy, snappy turtles,

Be careful now you know,

'Cause Mom is making soup,

And in the pot you'll go!


Random Musings







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I'm guessing they would come anyway.  And expect Paige to take care of them.  :glare:




No no.  Paige needs to be wilting in the bed, unable to stand.  Unable to do anything, and likely to drool or vomit into any comestibles she is attempting to prepare for anyone.  She needs to complain of aches all over, and crushing fatigue.  Obviously someone this bad off needs her Mommy to be a Mommy again.  Mommies clean up the mess their sick daughter makes.  Mommies deal with the drool and snot and vomit and sweaty towels and bedding and laundry.  Mommies bring cool drinks of water, and crushed ice, and make and bring good soup.  Mommies will listen unendingly to the pitiful whine and cries of their besieged offspring, or go insane from having to hear it all and leave (so as not to add to the burden).  But why would her Mommy come and stay so long and then refuse to take care of poor Paige when Paige is in such sorry shape?


Paige could have a bell to ring whenever she needs her Mommy to come fetch the tissue that fell on the floor just out of reach, or adjust the blinds so there's just enough light in the room but not too much because her head hurts, or bring her books or the remote, or turn on the ceiling fan because she's hot or turn it off again two minutes later because now she's cold.


Perhaps when Mommy is asleep Paige might muster just enough strength to go wake Mommy up by breathing heavily in Mommy's face and shaking her.  Paige, after all, would be trying to get needed help but not want to wake anyone else.  Sorry Daddy, didn't mean to jostle Mommy so much and bump you.  Mommy's going to listen to me a while an come help me.  Sorry, other visitors, didn't mean to fall against your doors with such loud thumps.  Guess Paige is still woozy and weak.


Oh, look.  Paige just dropped a bunch of loud, rackety dishes and silverware, trying to take care of everyone else while there are there.

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Paige, will your DH be able to take off most of the week while your family is there? I wonder if he would be willing to take over most of the entertainment, cooking and cleaning options so that you can get out for an evening if you need to, or better yet, he could take them out for an evening when you need some quiet time at home by yourself? He sounds like he really enjoys the whole entertainment scene, and if he could take charge of most of that, it might give you some needed quiet time.


I'm such an introvert, I've been known to leave a gathering, go home for a while, walk the dogs, write a bit, and then rejoin the gathering when I've decompressed. I like people, and I like being around people, but when there's a lot of noise and stress, I just have to go find a quiet spot for a little while, and then I can rejoin the group.

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That's exactly what I was thinking!!

I think midnights could work, as long as there's a designated time for sleeping. I used to love working at night--so quiet, I could think, I could get stuff done between work, and there was never a lot of stress. But I needed to go to sleep as soon as I was off, get my hours, and then get up in the early afternoon to get around.

Of course now I turn into a pumpkin if I try that.

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Working on that. So far, no.

Be sure you find out at your interview what they will require and when you would have sleeping time. I needed 7 to noon minimum after a midnight to seven. 


ETA: And that was when I was young, and spry and didn't have any children or a husband to take care of, and didn't care if I ate nothing but noodles for every meal.

Edited by Critterfixer
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I don't know why there are two different kinds of cookies with the name macaroons - the coconut kind and the almond flour sandwich cookies filled with icing.  Does anyone know why? 



No clue, but I thought you were talking about the coconut kind, and lavender coconut did NOT sound good.  :lol:


I'm not a huge fan of lavender (or coconut) in general though. 

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When I lived in Brasil we'd go to the corner store and get maracuja smoothie drinks, which is Portiguese for passion fruit. They were really yummy.


Huh, I'd wondered where that word came from. When I was a kid, I'd always get the Pfirsich Maracuja yogurt cups while on vacation in Germany/Austria... but I didn't have a clue why they'd name it something that weird, given that in Dutch it's passievrucht, and in English passion fruit. So, it's Portuguese. 


I am grumpy today, with little patience for drivers doing foolish things.  TURN YOUR HEADLIGHTS ON, DANG IT!  PEOPLE AREN'T LETTING YOU IN BECAUSE THEY CAN'T SEE YOU!  It has been drizzly most of the day, and it was quite dark and slippery on the way home.  Headlights do help!



When I was a truck driver, it was company policy to always have your headlights on while driving, for safety, so I started doing that in our normal car too (because I've experienced one or two situations in which I saw a car only just in time because they didn't have their lights on, while other cars were much more visible (you know, when it's gray and dreary, and maybe at a curve or something as well... headlights help, even when they're not legally required to be on). Most cars today even automatically turn off your lights when you get out of the car, so why not? (even our Kia Rio does, and we don't even have power locks or power windows or anything... but the headlights? The only times I have to turn those on is when I pick up the car from the garage, because those guys always turn the lights off. They also always leave the car in first gear when parked, giving me almost-whiplash every.single.time (WHY?!? the ground is perfectly flat. The car ain't going anywhere with the parking break on)). 

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Maybe it's time to have a good old-fashioned "nervous breakdown".  Basically just pitch a hissy-fit, demand some counseling, and have the counselor tell the entire family (your DH, too) that this is FAR TOO MUCH for a post-partum gal to be handling and they all need to BACK OFF.


Where's our island therapist?  Pamela is very good about telling families exactly this sort of thing.



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I'm guessing they would come anyway.  And expect Paige to take care of them.  :glare:



Exactly.   :glare:


I do a very good Pamela impersonation. Let me know who I have to call.


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If I do the same thing every day, the kids whine they're bored. If I try something new, they whine that they want the stuff they're bored with.  :banghead:




#Icouldbeagreathomeschoolerifnotforthesekids   :grouphug:


I think midnights could work, as long as there's a designated time for sleeping. I used to love working at night--so quiet, I could think, I could get stuff done between work, and there was never a lot of stress. But I needed to go to sleep as soon as I was off, get my hours, and then get up in the early afternoon to get around.

Of course now I turn into a pumpkin if I try that.




Working on that. So far, no.


:eek:  Keep working on it!


Dinner is in the oven (pan seared and roasted chicken, and baked potatoes). I really ought to sweep and get started on my day's quota of writing.


I don't think I can make it there in time.  Save me some leftovers?   :drool5:

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11,722 words now.  Geometry battled through.  Errands run.  Lunch in the oven.  


Can I collapse yet?  Nope, still too much to do....



I think the idea behind collapsing is that it doesn't matter if there's more to do still. Just like nervous breakdowns etc. 

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No no.  Paige needs to be wilting in the bed, unable to stand.



Some suggestions:




Or if you prefer fancier names:




Or if you want to answer questions in order to get an answer:




(I couldn't find one that generates random real diseases...)

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11-7, M-F. And I'm being unfair to DH with my gloom and doom. He totally intends on helping out. I hope it all works out how he envisions.

Now might be a good time to let him start doing that while you job hunt. Then he can get an idea of what he will need to do for a night job to work for you.

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A place to start would be writing out the daily schedule as it currently stands. When do the kids go to co-op? How early does everyone have to be up to get ready? What all has to be brought with them? What are the school duties at home (you won't be teaching mornings--you'll be sleeping), what housekeeping needs to be done on each day, what chores, what errands, when will the cooking be done and what kind of menu will work for all of you. So on and so forth.

Start by getting everything down, and then see where you can simplify, since both of you will really be running on reserve power for a while. 

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If I do the same thing every day, the kids whine they're bored. If I try something new, they whine that they want the stuff they're bored with.  :banghead:





Record them whining for the stuff.  Then when they whine about having to do it again you can play back the recording and say, "See?  You ASKED for this stuff!"

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Oh, and Broccoli had his first violin lesson yesterday, and he's super enthusiastic. A bit too enthusiastic for my ears... there's a limit to how much time in a day I can listen to him play on that thing (and I kind of have to watch him to make sure he holds it correctly etc, so I can't just go hide). Celery had his first guitar lesson with this teacher (he did a little bit of guitar last year), and at first he said it was good, and then switched to his usual gloominess. Oh, and then yesterday evening when Broccoli was practicing violin at home, he wanted to try too, so I let him, and then he wanted to switch to violin. He's out of luck though... I just paid for his lessons, he'd probably change his mind after 2 more days anyway, and right now they have class at the same time in the same place, whereas if he switched to violin that might destroy their schedule (at best, it'd be back-to-back, but that's unlikely... and since it's a 16 min or w/e drive, and I do enough driving, no thanks). 

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Record them whining for the stuff.  Then when they whine about having to do it again you can play back the recording and say, "See?  You ASKED for this stuff!"



Not going to work. They'd just whine that it's less terrible than the other stuff, but not good enough.

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Huh, I'd wondered where that word came from. When I was a kid, I'd always get the Pfirsich Maracuja yogurt cups while on vacation in Germany/Austria... but I didn't have a clue why they'd name it something that weird, given that in Dutch it's passievrucht, and in English passion fruit. So, it's Portuguese. 




When I was a truck driver, it was company policy to always have your headlights on while driving, for safety, so I started doing that in our normal car too (because I've experienced one or two situations in which I saw a car only just in time because they didn't have their lights on, while other cars were much more visible (you know, when it's gray and dreary, and maybe at a curve or something as well... headlights help, even when they're not legally required to be on). Most cars today even automatically turn off your lights when you get out of the car, so why not? (even our Kia Rio does, and we don't even have power locks or power windows or anything... but the headlights? The only times I have to turn those on is when I pick up the car from the garage, because those guys always turn the lights off. They also always leave the car in first gear when parked, giving me almost-whiplash every.single.time (WHY?!? the ground is perfectly flat. The car ain't going anywhere with the parking break on)). 


I always drive with my headlights on as well.  I much prefer it, now that vehicles will turn the headlights off after a spell so they don't drain the battery.

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Not going to work. They'd just whine that it's less terrible than the other stuff, but not good enough.



Well, it's either this or back to the other stuff!  Choose your level of misery!

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I got so tired of whining a few years ago that I made a deal with the boys. I would listen to four free school whines a day (eight whines a day) but anything over four and they had to pay me for my listening time. They decided that fifteen minutes of baseboards was a fair trade for the time.

Sadly, I didn't get my baseboards cleaned very often, because they got to where they would stop at three whines each. :glare:

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Just whining/expressing frustration and this is safe space. Feel free to skip if you want. 

Facebook can be fun, but other times, it's a punch in the gut. 
OT was hard yesterday dealing with some alphabet issues (long story). Confirmed my child doesn't know more than 5 letters of the alphabet, but good Lord, that child has great short term memory (as in, she could identify where every little item was placed on the ABC chart.) I cried on the way home. It was just a hard thing to see, even though she was a trooper. 

Riv's best bud is in school and doing well. Her mom just posted a pic of Lola writing and said "I love hearing her sound out words and writing them down. I love finding notes around the house taped to our wall. I love the innocence of her writing. Watching her grow is such a gift." 

And, I'm happy for her. It's a huge thing to be writing and reading. But, for me, right now, in the midst of dealing with secondary infertility and my child's learning disability - that hit harder than all the pregnancy announcements and baby pics. 

IT SUCKS and I DONT LIKE IT and I want a chocolate cake. 

It's a pouty-pouty Booyah. 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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In happier news - the kid rocked it at swim. She's now swimming in the full-size pool. 
On Tuesdays, the high school girls team as practicing and she watched them diving. She determined right then and there that she would also dive backwards. So, she marched over to her swim coach, pointed, and said "I want to do THAT." 
So, today, she jumped off into 12 feet of water backwards. She also climbed on the aquatic climbing wall and jumped off into the water, then swam the length of the pool multiple times. 

She may not be able to identify the letter B, but she's got a wicked butterfly kick. 

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