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Snapping Turtles


They crawl out of their ponds in the morning,

They see who can grumble the most,

As they crawl to the table for breakfast,

Where they sun over oatmeal and toast.


They’re generally known as teenagers,

But I know by the shells and the tails,

They swim in emotions grown stagnant,

And are clothed in their tempers like scales.


Still I love them and won’t be dismayed,

When they bite, snap, and splash me with tears,

They’ll be human again, I imagine,

Creeping out of the swamp of their years.


Random Musings

Edited by Critterfixer
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So, I know I do a lot of drive-by postings lately. Such is the nature of my life. :( 

But, I have to share our conversation on the way to speech today. 


Riv: So, funny thing, Mom. I thought that the sun was Jesus. I now he's not. But I mean, I STILL don't understand that. The Bible says that Jesus is the son, but you tell me that he is NOT the sun. So I don't know what he really is.


**we discuss the sun/son confusion**


Riv: So...Jesus is a son. Because he is a boy child of God. He is a son because he was borned.

When was God borned?


Me: God wasn't born, baby. God had just been alive for ever and ever and ever.


Riv: Mom - really. He was borned. Jesus is God and God is Jesus. Jesus was borned, so God is borned and that means God is a son. So, who is God's mom and dad?


Me: umm, Well...That isn't in the Bible.


Riv: So...you don't know. Got it.




Sometimes, I think I need a PhD in theology to raise this child.






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Trigger warning. Edpo. Brag alert:


I've still got a headache... but apparently, Broccoli does not, because while he whined about being tired while doing math earlier today, he did just bring me a long division problem to check while I was on the toilet, and got the correct answer. :) 5383/3=1794R1. And then he proceeded to check his own work by adding, and messed up the addition. :(


ETA: Reported! (gosh, I keep forgetting all the things I need to write)



:hurray:  :hurray:

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Snapping Turtles


They crawl out of their ponds in the morning,

They see who can grumble the most,

As they crawl to the table for breakfast,

Where they sun over oatmeal and toast.


They’re generally known as teenagers,

But I know by the shells and the tails,

They swim in emotions grown stagnant,

And are clothed in their tempers like scales.


Still I love them and won’t be dismayed,

When they bite, snap, and splash me with tears,

They’ll be human again, I imagine,

Creeping out of the swamp of their years.


Random Musings



Oh, HUZZAH!!!!   :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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*sigh*  Poor DD's stuffed toy kitty.  The girls didn't get her pictorial pun (copycat).  DD13 did suggest "cat scan", which the cat did admit was good.  Just not right.


So DH, upon hearing bad cat puns, took the cat, held it out upside-down to DD16, and declaimed, "You're the winner!"  He had to explain his pun -- cat-butt-trophy....

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Is it dangerous to have a fire in a fireplace during wind gusts?



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It would make me a bit nervous.  Try placing a lit candle in the fireplace first, and see how the candle flame behaves.  If all is calm and sedate, and if your fire doesn't send sparks up the chimney, it might be all right.



Or just put a bunch of candles in the fireplace for the evening.  (Though it's still a good idea to keep an eye on them.)



On a camping trip a few years ago we had some battery-operated light sticks of various colors.  It was a windy day, so no fires were permitted in camp.  We took a mug, lit up our light sticks, and stuck them in.  The neighbor campers came over to visit and enjoy our "fire", and we all put marshmallows on sticks to "toast" them.

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I just realized I used the verb crawl twice in the same stanza. Probably go with "slip out of their ponds in the morning".


ETA: This is why I have to edit so many times to get something right. At some point my ear goes, "Wait a minute!" and I see the problem.

Edited by Critterfixer
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Dear Riv.   Jesus is special because He is both God and man at the same time.  Before He became a man, He was God.  He was not born as God because God was always there.  But God had a special job for Jesus that He could only do as a man so He sent Jesus to be born as a baby.  We celebrate the day He was born as Christmas. 


Ummm. Wow. Just so good. I wish I could like this answer more than once. 


Also, can you just ride in the car with us and answer all her theological questions? 


Slacker option: just become an atheist.


(of course, then she'll just ask a zillion questions about other things, some answerable, some not)

Slackest option: become a fundamentalist agnostic, and claim it's impossible to know anything for sure. 

I'm scared of the questions I would still have to answer!! lol 

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(to be clear, he didn't just learn long division today, in case anyone got that impression... we started on Friday. It must've 'clicked' today)

it clicked in less than a week. I'm still impressed.



It's a smarty-pants Booyah!

Edited by ikslo
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it clicked in less than a week. I'm still impressed.



To be clear, I hadn't tried situations with zeros in the middle yet (e.g. if the answer is 1907), though he stumbled on such a situation on his own, and came to ask me how to handle it. But, I haven't seen him do any more of those yet, so, I don't know if that's going to stick just yet. IOW, he's not quite mastered long division yet, imo (I'd definitely want to see at least some problems with answers like 30005 or w/e too). But, I'm pretty happy too with how he's doing thus far. 

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Yay, Junie! I hope that you don’t have a reaction.



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I think I have a little bit of a rash, but nothing major.


I almost never eat a new food unless dh is home, in case something would go horribly wrong.

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Oh, and Broccoli also hasn't long divided by a number greater than 4 yet. I'd want to see him divide by a multi-digit number as well (but, he'd need to be better at multiplication for that). He's only done 2, 3, and 4 (and 1 once, for the heck of it). 






Too early!!!


Don't know why I'm awake, other than I went to bed at a reasonable hour because of headache (migraine? - earlier in the day I thought sinus headache, but just before I went to bed it started to feel more like a migraine... don't know, doesn't matter). I seem to be all better now though!

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Congrats on black belts, long division and toffee bars!

I woke up at two, four, five and six and six-thirty. But I got up at the six-thirty. Every other time I just got back to sleep and dreamed. No clue what my problem was.

I let the boys sleep in. We were going to be up at six-thirty for morning chores, but it was just too dark. Their chore is get around, get dressed, and take care of the chickens before they make their own breakfast. But at six-thirty the owls are still out.

Art today. :hurray:

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Good morning!


Have to bring dd14 to tutorial, stop by bank and library, then home for lessons with everyone else. Must find Pantz!


ðŸ‹ðŸ½ Krissi eats only ONE toffee bar!




Talent show! 🎻


Long division! ðŸ“



Edited by Susan in TN
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Congrats on black belts, long division and toffee bars!

I woke up at two, four, five and six and six-thirty. But I got up at the six-thirty. Every other time I just got back to sleep and dreamed. No clue what my problem was.

I let the boys sleep in. We were going to be up at six-thirty for morning chores, but it was just too dark. Their chore is get around, get dressed, and take care of the chickens before they make their own breakfast. But at six-thirty the owls are still out.

Art today. :hurray:



Just a couple more weeks or so, and then we roll the clocks back and it will be lighter earlier in the morning again for a bit.

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I crawled back into bed to drink my coffee. I don't want to admit that it's time to get up.

The forecast says it's going to rain for 4 days. But not cool rain; hot, muggy rain. Boo.


Hooray for ITT kids doing awesome things! Black belts, recitals, and math! Oh my!


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Just a couple more weeks or so, and then we roll the clocks back and it will be lighter earlier in the morning again for a bit.

Believe me, I'm counting the days. I don't sleep properly until Standard Time comes back. I never adjust.


Today I'm preparing the sheet for lucky draft number 9 as I finish working through number 8. I've got everything ready to go in case I'm picked to work on query and first 250 words with a mentor, but it's always best to just be ready to go it alone just in case. This time, though, I am seriously considering buying some software to help with proofreading and editing. One company I have been looking at has signed up with NaNoWriMo this year, and that means possible discounts with a win. That's how I got my Scrivener at almost half-price. 

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Believe me, I'm counting the days. I don't sleep properly until Standard Time comes back. I never adjust.


Today I'm preparing the sheet for lucky draft number 9 as I finish working through number 8. I've got everything ready to go in case I'm picked to work on query and first 250 words with a mentor, but it's always best to just be ready to go it alone just in case. This time, though, I am seriously considering buying some software to help with proofreading and editing. One company I have been looking at has signed up with NaNoWriMo this year, and that means possible discounts with a win. That's how I got my Scrivener at almost half-price. 



I had an idea of what I wanted to work on for Nanowrimo, but I think this business with Dad will supersede it.  My writing this year may be mostly exploring details and nuances of moving someone elderly more than 1000 miles into a much smaller place.


I wonder if Dad timed this so that he would have a turn being a Nanowrimo subject?  Mom has been rather dominating my November time for the past few years.



Dad-po, I guess:


I had a talk with DH last night.  Earlier in the evening when I tried to talk to him about yesterday morning's talk with Dad DH was clearly focused on his resentment of Dad's past behavior towards me.  I told DH last night that if he doesn't want to be involved in any way with getting my Dad moved that's fine, I'll handle it, but I need to be able to talk to him about everything I'm going through as I work this.  I need him there for ME, so at times I need him to get beyond his resentment and distrust of my Dad's actions and perceived motives and simply listen to ME, support ME, help ME.  It's a very hard thing to do, looking past resentment, but he's willing to try, for my sake.


I suspect I will be going out to visit Dad between Thanksgiving and Christmas, with power of attorney and other papers to be signed (Dad stated he wants DH and me controlling everything now).  I will insist Dad let me in to the apartment so I can see his current situation and determine how to handle things.  I might end up driving Dad back home with me, for a visit or permanently.  I have a lot of work to do before such a visit, but the girls and I have worked up a typical week schedule so I can see when I have chunks of time in which to do things.  I am starting to figure out chunks of things that need doing, so I can assign some deadlines for some chunks and break the chunks down into steps to get things done.  I'm learning as I go, but I will get this done.

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Good Morning!!!!




Friday Eve!!!ðŸ‘ðŸ‘


Today I gotta call the court @ 11:30am. Can you believe that?? To perhaps be there @ 1:00pm. 😡😡😡😡😡


:grouphug:   I hope you enjoy your day, whatever comes!

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I had an idea of what I wanted to work on for Nanowrimo, but I think this business with Dad will supersede it.  My writing this year may be mostly exploring details and nuances of moving someone elderly more than 1000 miles into a much smaller place.


I wonder if Dad timed this so that he would have a turn being a Nanowrimo subject?  Mom has been rather dominating my November time for the past few years.



Dad-po, I guess:


I had a talk with DH last night.  Earlier in the evening when I tried to talk to him about yesterday morning's talk with Dad DH was clearly focused on his resentment of Dad's past behavior towards me.  I told DH last night that if he doesn't want to be involved in any way with getting my Dad moved that's fine, I'll handle it, but I need to be able to talk to him about everything I'm going through as I work this.  I need him there for ME, so at times I need him to get beyond his resentment and distrust of my Dad's actions and perceived motives and simply listen to ME, support ME, help ME.  It's a very hard thing to do, looking past resentment, but he's willing to try, for my sake.


I suspect I will be going out to visit Dad between Thanksgiving and Christmas, with power of attorney and other papers to be signed (Dad stated he wants DH and me controlling everything now).  I will insist Dad let me in to the apartment so I can see his current situation and determine how to handle things.  I might end up driving Dad back home with me, for a visit or permanently.  I have a lot of work to do before such a visit, but the girls and I have worked up a typical week schedule so I can see when I have chunks of time in which to do things.  I am starting to figure out chunks of things that need doing, so I can assign some deadlines for some chunks and break the chunks down into steps to get things done.  I'm learning as I go, but I will get this done.

In those chunks and deadlines be sure you have chunks for AMJ to be home, AMJ to relax with family and DH, AMJ to exercise, AMJ to eat right, AMJ to rest.

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