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I noticed that both silver maple and sugar maple have an occasional colored leaf now. The poison ivy, however, is beautiful. It's yellow, with red veins and a pink blush at the base of the leaf. I probably ought to hog it out of the flower bed while it's so easy to see.

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Well, yeah! 

Of course, to have a really good one, she needs some nice fangs or shark teeth. 

I think this is what she's wanting - a tooth saver necklace. 

Too bad for her, I'm not buying 144! 


I think I need to meet Riv someday. The girl has a gift.


She is something else. So much imagination, but so literal. It's a really funny mix. 

During swim, her coach said "I want both of your arms out of the water." He was talking about her freestyle stroke and he obviously meant, "when you are doing the stroke, I want both to be coming out of the water." The kid tried desperately to keep both out of the water. lol 

I love that he gets her. He was cracking up and admitted "That was my fault. I was not specific enough for the extremely literal child." 




There are no words.




(And a little teehee.gif  )

Girl, it's a whole lot of teehee.gifteehee.gifteehee.gif!! 


John and I are still laughing. 

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You went to the USSR? Do tell.

My senior year in high school I was in a youth symphony orchestra that went on a tour of the USSR. This was the summer of 1988, so things were loosening up there. The first McDonalds had just opened in Moscow. Anyway, we were in Moscow, Kiev, and Leningrad (St. Petersburg).


We saw Lenin's body and visited a "functioning" Orthodox monastery. We got to take an overnight train from Kiev to Leningrad which was awesome.


I remember noticing that all of their paper products were made of the exact same paper - ballet tickets, bus tickets, toilet paper, money, store receipts. I still have some of them.


Sasha and Tanya were the KGB agents assigned to us, posing as a young couple. (Someone in the orchestra noticed that they attended all our performances and were also staying at our hotels and were also on the train with us.) By the end of the trip we were all very friendly and they helped us load and unload our luggage and get through the airport. :D

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So, TMI, but my daughter walked in on us last night. Like - right in the middle of TeA time. :/

We thought she was asleep. Whoops!


We said, "Hey sweetie. You need to go back to your room."

She said "I know why. It's because you're NAKED!"


:blushing: Sweet Jesus take me now. lol


She tried coming in later, but we had the door locked.

"Ummm, excuse me. The door is locked."

"Yes, baby, go back to bed."

"Really - what ARE you doing in there?"

"We're talking."

"About what?"

"Our hopes and dreams."

"Oh, I hope and dream to have a tooth necklace to wear when I lose my tooth again."


At least we didn't traumatize her too much. Let's just hope she doesn't tell her speech/OT/swim teacher. lol

Yes, but you telling THE ENTIRE INTERNET is fine. ;) Edited by Slache
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I forgot I was fasting and the kids and I had eggnog. :mellow:


John is writing his first book in Spanish. (I do not require him to write books!) He keeps asking me how to spell things and complaining about my handwriting. :glare:


John's Bible handbook comes today! :D

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Yeah... my main point was that once upon a time an 8th grade (or less) education was plenty. What's "enough" wrt to academic outcomes depends on society.



Yes, this, obviously. But also enough that they won't have to spend forever remediating gaps. 


Both of these ideas have spawned some interesting thinking for me today.


ETA: They could get political, so I won't expound, because this is a happy place. 

Edited by Critterfixer
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I'm trying to figure these Phoebes out. Every fall, we have visits, usually from male birds, checking out old nests. I don't know if these are this year's chicks, checking out their old birthplaces for possible use next year in attracting a mate, or if they just like to visit their old home for some unknown reason. I'm guessing the first, because males. Are they locating it before they migrate? They are usually back in March, and the breed early. Maybe it makes sense to really hone in on a potential nest to have an advantage in the spring.

Edited by Critterfixer
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Both of these ideas have spawned some interesting thinking for me today.


ETA: They could get political, so I won't expound, because this is a happy place. 


I'd be interested though, if you want to take it over to the politics group, or PM, or w/e. 


The entire internet didn't see me nekkid. ;)



But, your avatar has your hair, face, and neck exposed! That's highly scandalous (if you believe women should wear burkas... which, I obviously don't). 

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Good morning.  I wish that I still had young kids.  Maybe.  When I had young kids, I wished that they were older kids.  So perhaps I need to work on being content with where I am in life. 



We need to invent Age-Flexible Kids, where you can change their age on a whim. Also, with a special feature that lets you disable tantrums and meltdowns.  

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I'd be interested though, if you want to take it over to the politics group, or PM, or w/e. 


Probably haven't gotten them developed enough to discuss yet. Just more questions than answers. But I like to think things out, so I love when I get more questions to think about.

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Probably haven't gotten them developed enough to discuss yet. Just more questions than answers. But I like to think things out, so I love when I get more questions to think about.



You could still start a thread, and possibly end up with more questions than you want. :)

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I have one set of Corinthian bells on the front porch. My dream is to have one by every window so I can hear them all the time. 

However, we do occasionally get some pretty high winds with spring and summer storms. Might not be as good an idea as I'm thinking. But one day it was snowing, and I went out for a jog up and down the driveway over the packed snow, and the bells kept ringing gently in the wind. Most satisfying run ever. No sounds but scrunching snow, wind and the chimes.



I like windchimes, too.  One of my most favorite was one we had given MIL -- a large Vivaldi's 4 Seasons chime.  

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I have one set of Corinthian bells on the front porch. My dream is to have one by every window so I can hear them all the time. 

However, we do occasionally get some pretty high winds with spring and summer storms. Might not be as good an idea as I'm thinking. But one day it was snowing, and I went out for a jog up and down the driveway over the packed snow, and the bells kept ringing gently in the wind. Most satisfying run ever. No sounds but scrunching snow, wind and the chimes.



One of the sounds I miss most is the sound of snow falling.

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I noticed that both silver maple and sugar maple have an occasional colored leaf now. The poison ivy, however, is beautiful. It's yellow, with red veins and a pink blush at the base of the leaf. I probably ought to hog it out of the flower bed while it's so easy to see.



Maybe take a few pictures of it first?  You know, to show others what it looks like at this time of year.  And because there is beauty in everything, even the things we can't keep around.

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I like windchimes, too. One of my most favorite was one we had given MIL -- a large Vivaldi's 4 Seasons chime.

I love my windchime. It is a big triangle thing that sounds like the buoy bells in Bar Harbor, Maine, where we spent our 25th anniversary. You can hear what it sounds like here: https://www.northcountrywindbells.com/index.php/bell-buoys/bar-harbor-bell-detail

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We need to invent Age-Flexible Kids, where you can change their age on a whim. Also, with a special feature that lets you disable tantrums and meltdowns.  



luuknam's going to start inventing things and make a second squillion $$ for ITT!

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I love my windchime. It is a big triangle thing that sounds like the buoy bells in Bar Harbor, Maine, where we spent our 25th anniversary. You can hear what it sounds like here: https://www.northcountrywindbells.com/index.php/bell-buoys/bar-harbor-bell-detail



How lovely!  I might have to get that for MIL (or myself) for Christmas!


I like the deeper-sounding chimes.  High-pitched chimes hurt my head, unfortunately.

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I love the sound. Of course mostly what I hear has a ping-sound, because there is always sleet mixed in.



There have been times on the farm in Minnesota, and again at a guest ranch I worked at in the mountains of Colorado, when I could go out walking in the snowfall.  No wind, just big flakes falling.  If you stand still long enough you can hear the shluff sound the flakes make as they land.  When you start walking all you hear are the crunch of the snow under your feet, and your breathing.  When you stop again if you hold your breath you can hear the sound of the breeze your movement caused, just for a moment.

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I've only experienced a snowfall once in my life. It doesn't snow here.



It doesn't snow here, either.  I miss it.  DH does not, and the kids are acclimated to here so they don't miss it, either.  Boo-hooey, no snow for me.   :(

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Edpo (sort-of)



Remember back when I said I thought maybe I should have DS undergo a COVD eye exam.  Yea, well, I never scheduled it.  Because life. 


Today I was talking to a co-worker and somehow I remembered I had to schedule that, so I just called and the optometrist I wanted had just gotten a cancellation in his schedule for...wait for it...











I'm taking PTO whether my boss likes it or not (he won't care) and getting this thing DONE.

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DD16 and I are struggling mightily in Zumba class.  Each class is an hour long (or 90-minute long on Fridays) workout that is all go go go without stopping.  Unfortunately at this fast pace we just can't seem to learn the steps and moves and how to adapt them to what we CAN handle right now.  We will probably just attend until we use up the sessions I have paid for, and then stop going.  I keep hurting myself (and I'm already doing far less than the class), and DD16 is lost and frustrated most of the time.


If I get an opportunity I'll try to suggest to our instructor that perhaps an additional half-hour instructional period BEFORE each regularly scheduled Zumba workout would be helpful.  I don't know if her schedule will allow this, however.



We are going to have to figure out other daily exercise to get in.  We haven't been that great at it in the past, but we really need to.

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Edpo (sort-of)



Remember back when I said I thought maybe I should have DS undergo a COVD eye exam.  Yea, well, I never scheduled it.  Because life. 


Today I was talking to a co-worker and somehow I remembered I had to schedule that, so I just called and the optometrist I wanted had just gotten a cancellation in his schedule for...wait for it...











I'm taking PTO whether my boss likes it or not (he won't care) and getting this thing DONE.



Argh!  Good for you!

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It doesn't snow often here, Krissi. It's always a big deal when we get some. Sometimes a bigger deal than we like, because we usually get ice first, and I end up cooking in my fireplace.



All-electric house?


Critter's going to write a fireplace cookery book, too!

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But the speech, OT and swim teacher did?

Wait a minute, does this mean the swim teacher DID?!?


Oh, NO!! 


When I read your comment, Slache, I thought you were referring to my embarrassed face, etc. 

I forgot I said "let's hope she doesn't tell". 


I'm the queen of making things confusing. hahaha 


But, yes, I am fine telling y'all because I don't have to look you in the face. The other people, I do!! lol But, they did NOT see me naked. 

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Oh, NO!! 


When I read your comment, Slache, I thought you were referring to my embarrassed face, etc. 

I forgot I said "let's hope she doesn't tell". 


I'm the queen of making things confusing. hahaha 


But, yes, I am fine telling y'all because I don't have to look you in the face. The other people, I do!! lol But, they did NOT see me naked. 



:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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I want to spend my 25th anniversary in Bar Harbor, Maine. It just sounds wonderful.

It really was wonderful! It's a great place if you like to hike or bike or take leisurely walks or ride horses or take scenic drives or eat at fancy or not fancy restaurants or have picnics or shop or try interesting kinds of ice cream or take boat rides or or see seals and whales or kayak or learn about history or learn about cutting edge science (Jackson Lab)...



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It doesn't snow often here, Krissi. It's always a big deal when we get some. Sometimes a bigger deal than we like, because we usually get ice first, and I end up cooking in my fireplace.


We don't get ice, either. But.... we do get fog. Dense Tule Fog, where the best you can do when you're driving in it is turn your lights on low, roll down the windows so you can hear traffic and stay on the road by looking at the lines painted on the road. Sometimes it's so bad I get dizzy and disoriented.

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