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 It's not, I'm sure. This guy's an idiot. You missed when he got hired and fired all 3 Mexicans. They're all back now (they were temps).  More hours yes, more pay per hour no.



If Matt is paid by the hour then federal law says that he is to get overtime for anything over 12 hours in one day or anything over 40 hours in one week.  

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Today's cage match bonding picture right before Bailey leaned over and bit Rusty on the nose.  Rusty looks like a bowling ball with his fluffy winter fur.  A18p27V.jpg

Pretty bunnies!  Stop fighting!

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If Matt is paid by the hour then federal law says that he is to get overtime for anything over 12 hours in one day or anything over 40 hours in one week.

He never does because his boss doesn't approve the overtime on the timecard. I don't know the legality of it, I only know he can't find another job that pays as well.

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Except that her knee was perfectly normal on the x-ray.  This has been going on off and on for years -- and only when it rains.


Also, can you take 6 year olds to a chiropractor?


I've taken a 6 week old to our chiropractor. But, I trust him with our lives.

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I want a bagel and cream cheese wiff a green Gatorade. We don't have bagels or cream cheese or green or Gatorade. :(


Dancer can make bagels from scratch, and whatever flavor of cream cheese you want (sweet or savory). You're on your own with the artificially colored and flavored corn syrup water though. Sorry.

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I have created a chocolate lava cake monster.  Just yesterday when we were at Walmart I bought DD12 a little cup for microwaving homemade chocolate lava cake.  I then showed her how to make "self-rising flour" for the recipe.  Now whenever I turn around she's making more chocolate lava cakes, and leaving a big gooey mess.  She is now cleaning up the mess she left before Aikido.  Her supper is in the microwave and she can have it when she's done cleaning up.


I had just cleaned the kitchen a little while before she made more cake.  I was not happy to see my work so undone so quickly.  Besides, the chocolate goo looks very yummy, but I need to not eat any of it.  It's not nice -- in so many different ways -- to leave such a mess for Mom!

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:seeya: Renai!

Back from writers' meeting. I was the only writer who came in with my homework done.  :thumbup1: I'm a good girl, I am! I am! But I didn't get a gold star. Tomorrow I don't have to leave the house. No one can make me! It's going to be cold, and I'm going to teach school in the morning, get my cookery going, and housekeeping done. Then I'm going to write and tend my cozy fire.


The boys have discovered Science of Stupid. All males in the house are front and center grunting, yelling and howling over the escapades. As I knew they would be.

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 I didn't know this was a thing an now we need one.




I could crochet that. I haven't actually made one, but I've crocheted a rattle (https://www.lionbrand.com/crochet-pattern-caterpillar-baby-toy-1.html) and a clown (https://www.lionbrand.com/crochet-pattern-clown-carriage-toy-1.html), so I figure I could hypothetically make that too. I should start crocheting again. It's relaxing. Kind of. Although a bit tedious. But, I like it. 

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Home from city.  ds13 caught someone trying to break into neighbor's house it looks like(talked to neighbors, not sure if they called the police so son may have to do a statement).  Even though it feels like -32C out there right now due to the windchill, I got the garbage can to the road, shovelled the sidewalk and patio. 

Now having a late light supper (ham sandwiches and a veggie tray).  Have to do my workout yet tonight, and prepare for tomorrow which includes meeting with my practicum student who thought it was a good idea to refuse to do as told by the person I had there covering for me.  Lady covering for me is the one that oversees all 3 programs, in otherwords, student pulled a dumbass move refusing to do as told by the big boss lady.  Apparently she also got confrontational with my students again (have called her out on it before including talking to her teacher about it).  Girl is about to learn I can be a great mentor, but cross me and she will fail her practicum.  Also had a staff try to call in sick, so I was in the line at the grocery store in the city 2 hours from home and telling a staff unless they are vomiting or have a fever I don't care how icky they feel, we were already down 2 staff today and have no one else to call in to cover.  I gave consent for him to leave early once some kids go home but not to leave the other 2 scrambling on their own.  He did show up at work, but traded morning shifts with another staff which is fine with me. So yeah even when I am hours away from home and busy with a day I booked off months ago I was still handling work situations.  Being the boss kinda sucks sometimes haha


Oh well, I will crack the whip tomorrow and get everyone properly sorted out again. 

For tonight lots to focus on here as usual.

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I could crochet that. I haven't actually made one, but I've crocheted a rattle (https://www.lionbrand.com/crochet-pattern-caterpillar-baby-toy-1.html) and a clown (https://www.lionbrand.com/crochet-pattern-clown-carriage-toy-1.html), so I figure I could hypothetically make that too. I should start crocheting again. It's relaxing. Kind of. Although a bit tedious. But, I like it.

Dat's berry cute.
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Dancer can make bagels from scratch, and whatever flavor of cream cheese you want (sweet or savory). You're on your own with the artificially colored and flavored corn syrup water though. Sorry.



Hi, Renai!  Glad you are back!  We missed you.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:   (Big enthusiastic hugs because Renai!)


Would Dancer care to share any savory recipes for flavored cream cheese?

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:seeya: Renai!

Back from writers' meeting. I was the only writer who came in with my homework done.  :thumbup1: I'm a good girl, I am! I am! But I didn't get a gold star. Tomorrow I don't have to leave the house. No one can make me! It's going to be cold, and I'm going to teach school in the morning, get my cookery going, and housekeeping done. Then I'm going to write and tend my cozy fire.


The boys have discovered Science of Stupid. All males in the house are front and center grunting, yelling and howling over the escapades. As I knew they would be.



Oooo, that sounds enticing!  I'll have to pull that up next with the kids.


Tonight's entertainment was watching Vin Diesel in The Pacifier.  It had the kids going for a bit.  They didn't know if I was inflicting another MacGyver show on them or making them watch a war movie.   :laugh:

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I could crochet that. I haven't actually made one, but I've crocheted a rattle (https://www.lionbrand.com/crochet-pattern-caterpillar-baby-toy-1.html) and a clown (https://www.lionbrand.com/crochet-pattern-clown-carriage-toy-1.html), so I figure I could hypothetically make that too. I should start crocheting again. It's relaxing. Kind of. Although a bit tedious. But, I like it. 



I am back to working on my coasters in hopes they will be family Christmas presents.  The girls have cookie and monkey bread plans to add to the family presents, so if my coasters bomb we are still covered.


My crocheting garnered a lot of attention at Aikido this evening.  A Mom of mostly young ones promptly cheered at seeing "another crocheter so it's not just me!", then promptly showed me her Etsy store.  A Dad I have known there for a few years complimented me on my artistic interests and talents (this is when I was figuring out how to disguise the fact that I messed up two earlier rounds that I had already tied off).


Crocheting is fun, especially when people are so easily impressed!

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Home from city.  ds13 caught someone trying to break into neighbor's house it looks like(talked to neighbors, not sure if they called the police so son may have to do a statement).  Even though it feels like -32C out there right now due to the windchill, I got the garbage can to the road, shovelled the sidewalk and patio. 


Now having a late light supper (ham sandwiches and a veggie tray).  Have to do my workout yet tonight, and prepare for tomorrow which includes meeting with my practicum student who thought it was a good idea to refuse to do as told by the person I had there covering for me.  Lady covering for me is the one that oversees all 3 programs, in otherwords, student pulled a dumbass move refusing to do as told by the big boss lady.  Apparently she also got confrontational with my students again (have called her out on it before including talking to her teacher about it).  Girl is about to learn I can be a great mentor, but cross me and she will fail her practicum.  Also had a staff try to call in sick, so I was in the line at the grocery store in the city 2 hours from home and telling a staff unless they are vomiting or have a fever I don't care how icky they feel, we were already down 2 staff today and have no one else to call in to cover.  I gave consent for him to leave early once some kids go home but not to leave the other 2 scrambling on their own.  He did show up at work, but traded morning shifts with another staff which is fine with me. So yeah even when I am hours away from home and busy with a day I booked off months ago I was still handling work situations.  Being the boss kinda sucks sometimes haha


Oh well, I will crack the whip tomorrow and get everyone properly sorted out again. 


For tonight lots to focus on here as usual.



You done good and so did your DS.  Pats on back and hugs for you both!   :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Time for bed.  After I let the cat in for the night she decided to expectantly stand at the back door again.  I told her to go to bed.  She turned and headed for the stairs.  Good cat!


DD12 asked me where my reading glasses were.  Why?  Oh, I have to turn her expander.  One more night tomorrow and she won't have to have it turned anymore.  We sure are paying a lot of money for her to get a big mouth!


DD15 gets to look forward to an oral surgeon taking out her wisdom teeth sometime this summer.  After the corkscrew roots mine had I want hers out before the roots all develop.  I saw today's x-rays, and there is not enough room in her lower jaw for those teeth.


Time for bed.  Did I say that already?  I think I am tired.  I told my girls to stop humming earlier because the songs in their heads did not match up with the song in my head.  We need some sleep.



Night-night, all!  Good morning, Isabel!


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I could crochet that. I haven't actually made one, but I've crocheted a rattle (https://www.lionbrand.com/crochet-pattern-caterpillar-baby-toy-1.html) and a clown (https://www.lionbrand.com/crochet-pattern-clown-carriage-toy-1.html), so I figure I could hypothetically make that too. I should start crocheting again. It's relaxing. Kind of. Although a bit tedious. But, I like it.

Yes to the rattle. No thank you to the clown.

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Ugh. Dd7 is coughing up a storm. I gave her decongestant twice today, and her fever is almost down to normal. But she's coughing up so much phlegm that she's asked for a throw-up bowl. I don't think anyone's gonna sleep much tonight.

:grouphug: I hope she starts to feel better soon and that you all get sleep.

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I have a friend who crocheted a baby blanket for each of my kids. They are family treasures!


I also have a crocheted peanut - a darker tan "shell" (looks kind of like a canoe) and two cream peanuts with faces that fit inside. Their names are Ralph and Randy. Ralph has the grease stain by his mouth. I think I must have gotten them when I was about 6 years old.

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Good Morning Prairie!  Good Wednesday Morning, I think.  


Susan, hope dd is feeling better and everyone slept well.


Jean, hope you are toasty warm now.  


I was up once during the night sick at my stomach (fast food too late at night - should have known better), but I'm better now.  Today - school, laundry, the ever growing to-do list, etc.  

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Ugh. Dd7 is coughing up a storm. I gave her expectorant twice today, and her fever is almost down to normal. But she's coughing up so much phlegm that she's asked for a throw-up bowl. I don't think anyone's gonna sleep much tonight.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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