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Ancient Literature is for my upcoming 9th grader. I am using the Vandiver lectures to help me out with Iliad, Odysssey and Aenid.


Dh won't let me use a chainsaw because I am so graceful.


When my dd used oxygen occasionally, she had me try it from time to time. This was pre-oxygen bar days.

I have the Vandiver lectures for all three of those.  I fear we will not get to them.  Sigh.  I hope to choose one and do it.


The boys have pushed history to the summer, and the ancient lit lectures went along with it.  I painstakingly made a perfect schedule meshing SWB's book and those lectures in conjunction with their bball schedule, and then it has all gone by the by.  


I wish I could forbid dh from using a chainsaw. :leaving:

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I want this. I think I might ask Matt and the kids to make it for me as a mother's Day gift. What do you think? $50? Keep it on the dinning room table? It looks simple.

I'm hard on plants so I would not spend $50 for one.  All of my plants have come to me free except for an aloe vera I paid about $2 for.  It is pretty, but I would want the $50 to spend on something else.

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I am sitting here shaking with cold reading about cry-o-therapy or whatever you call it.  It reminds me of Han Solo.  :) 


And I'm really surprised no one has tried to push this on me to "cure" my RA.  Someone recommended bee stings once, though.  Um, no.

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I am sitting here shaking with cold reading about cry-o-therapy or whatever you call it. It reminds me of Han Solo. :)


And I'm really surprised no one has tried to push this on me to "cure" my RA. Someone recommended bee stings once, though. Um, no.

I have heard of bee sting therapy. As a former beekeeper, I can't recommend it.
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I'm hard on plants so I would not spend $50 for one.  All of my plants have come to me free except for an aloe vera I paid about $2 for.  It is pretty, but I would want the $50 to spend on something else.

I don't know how much it would cost. There's a cheapie antique store by the beach I could get the glass at. That would lower the price significantly.


I am sitting here shaking with cold reading about cry-o-therapy or whatever you call it.  It reminds me of Han Solo.   :)


And I'm really surprised no one has tried to push this on me to "cure" my RA.  Someone recommended bee stings once, though.  Um, no.

You never know until you try.

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Cryotherapy sounds both cold and terrifying.

I've heard good things about hyperbaric, but the thing I remember most was when a chamber exploded some years ago that was being used for horses. Heard about it at a meeting.

Many people could benefit from a liberal application of duct tape.

Hugs for Buddy--even if German Shepherd dogs don't generally like me as much as cats do. I always feel like they really want to bark me up a tree.

I was at work, but didn't have much to do and so I finished SWB History of the Renaissance World in about two hours of sustained reading. Now what do I do?

I had a small can of peaches, a handful of pecans and some sharp cheddar cheese for dinner.


My Buddy might surprise you.  He is enormously popular at the vet's office.  More than one employee has told me that he is their favorite GSD ever.  Over the years, he has had to be catheterized NUMEROUS times because of his weird issue; they've never had to give him anesthesia. The consensus is that he is a perfect gentleman.  Even though he has become very anxious-and he will shake and whine a bit-he never shows any aggression.  The most obnoxious thing he does is lick the face of the person who is working on him.


He's a really, really good boy.  :crying:

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Dd13 admitted to me the other day that she licked the orthodontist's finger at her last appointment. She said she was wondering if they ever got their fingers licked, having to work in mouths all day, and decided to try it. I have asked her to refrain from that behavior until the end of time.



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Dd13 admitted to me the other day that she licked the orthodontist's finger at her last appointment. She said she was wondering if they ever got their fingers licked, having to work in mouths all day, and decided to try it. I have asked her to refrain from that behavior until the end of time.



I love this. I can't believe you told her to stop! ROFLOL

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I really really liked being on oxygen when I had pericarditis.  That was the only part I liked. 

I've heard it theorized that the world in it's original state (pre-fall) had significantly more oxygen. There is much evidence to support that. I think it's best that we take care of our bodies the way they're supposed to be taken care of. Organic foods, physical exercise, water, 8-9 hours of sleep, observing the sabbath, etc. So, even if there is no reason to think this would help your condition I believe it's likely to help your overall health which would make your condition more bearable. Try it. Check out an oxygen bar if you like. It might be less intimidating.


Thanks for the mold comment. :(

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I've heard it theorized that the world in it's original state (pre-fall) had significantly more oxygen. There is much evidence to support that. I think it's best that we take care of our bodies the way they're supposed to be taken care of. Organic foods, physical exercise, water, 8-9 hours of sleep, observing the sabbath, etc. So, even if there is no reason to think this would help your condition I believe it's likely to help your overall health which would make your condition more bearable. Try it. Check out an oxygen bar if you like. It might be less intimidating.


Thanks for the mold comment. :(


My CPap isn't an oxygen bar but it does help me breathe better. 


Our moss always did great.  It was the other plants that molded every time we've tried a terrarium.  We probably didn't do enough research on what plants to put in. 

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I believe that I have killed every plant I have ever owned.  We have a houseplant now, but it is dh's.  And I don't do anything with it.


I had a plant one year when I was in college.  I thought my roommate would help me out if the plant started looking sick, but alas, the plant died.  She majored in horticulture!!  For pity's sake, couldn't she help out the English major by watering her plant?  Apparently not.  Humph!

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And I'm really surprised no one has tried to push this on me to "cure" my RA. Someone recommended bee stings once, though. Um, no.

It does work. I had pretty severe shoulder pain once and pruned my way into a wasp nest in the hydrangeas. Got a good ol' sting on the arm I had the pain, and the pain went away, never to return.
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I believe that I have killed every plant I have ever owned.  We have a houseplant now, but it is dh's.  And I don't do anything with it.


I had a plant one year when I was in college.  I thought my roommate would help me out if the plant started looking sick, but alas, the plant died.  She majored in horticulture!!  For pity's sake, couldn't she help out the English major by watering her plant?  Apparently not.  Humph!


I kill plants too.  When my dad died, a friend sent a live plant as a condolence gift.  When the doorbell rang and the kids saw what was being delivered, they said "Oh, great.  It's a death plant that Mom can kill and will make her relive her dad's death."  I am happy to say that it's been almost two years and the Death Plant is still alive. 

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I believe that I have killed every plant I have ever owned.  We have a houseplant now, but it is dh's.  And I don't do anything with it.


I had a plant one year when I was in college.  I thought my roommate would help me out if the plant started looking sick, but alas, the plant died.  She majored in horticulture!!  For pity's sake, couldn't she help out the English major by watering her plant?  Apparently not.  Humph!



I kill plants too.  When my dad died, a friend sent a live plant as a condolence gift.  When the doorbell rang and the kids saw what was being delivered, they said "Oh, great.  It's a death plant that Mom can kill and will make her relive her dad's death."  I am happy to say that it's been almost two years and the Death Plant is still alive. 

:smilielol5:   I love your kids.  They crack me up!


As a fellow plant killer, I love both these stories!  :D

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Good Morning!!!!!


My neck is almost good. I can look up, down, to the right, and a little bit to the left. I slathered it with icy hot before bed last night. So I may not smell great, but I can move my neck. :)


However, I am sick. I haven't said it out loud because then it would be true. A head cold which is in my chest as well. It seems as if every time I take someone to the Dr. I get sick. I have been ill three times this fall/winter. That's more than the last 10-15 years. Why I wonder? Is my immune system not working properly? I am not doing anything different really.


Today, well, I'm not sure what is happening today.

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Good Morning!!!!!


My neck is almost good. I can look up, down, to the right, and a little bit to the left. I slathered it with icy hot before bed last night. So I may not smell great, but I can move my neck. :)


However, I am sick. I haven't said it out loud because then it would be true. A head cold which is in my chest as well. It seems as if every time I take someone to the Dr. I get sick. I have been ill three times this fall/winter. That's more than the last 10-15 years. Why I wonder? Is my immune system not working properly? I am not doing anything different really.


Today, well, I'm not sure what is happening today.

Did you try rubbing your neck on a bee hive?





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I ran.  I ran Tuesday too, but I didn't report it, lol.  Before that, it had been a week and a half - not very good.  I'm losing more ground than I'm gaining.  But, if I could squeeze another one in Sunday afternoon and then again Tuesday morning (while the weather is still in the 40s!!!), that would be nice. 


Dh and all the kids except youngest left an hour ago for a chess tournament.  I have made a nice to-do list.  Youngest is making hers now.  We have fun plans later today.  I feel like the day is really MINE!  I feel like I just broke out of jail, lol. 

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I kill plants too.  When my dad died, a friend sent a live plant as a condolence gift.  When the doorbell rang and the kids saw what was being delivered, they said "Oh, great.  It's a death plant that Mom can kill and will make her relive her dad's death."  I am happy to say that it's been almost two years and the Death Plant is still alive. 


Dh's plant was given to him by his co-workers when my mil passed away, so ours is a death plant, too.   I am so afraid every time dh goes away for a few days that I will kill his plant that reminds him of his mom.

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Dd13 admitted to me the other day that she licked the orthodontist's finger at her last appointment. She said she was wondering if they ever got their fingers licked, having to work in mouths all day, and decided to try it. I have asked her to refrain from that behavior until the end of time.




:lol:  No more licking the orthodontist!

I really really liked being on oxygen when I had pericarditis.  That was the only part I liked. 

Why can't you get some darn oxygen?  Why can't folks get whatever amount of oxygen makes them feel good?  Have dh steal you some oxygen.


Wouldn't an orthodontist have a gloved finger?  I hope? 

Yes, they do.


I kill plants too.  When my dad died, a friend sent a live plant as a condolence gift.  When the doorbell rang and the kids saw what was being delivered, they said "Oh, great.  It's a death plant that Mom can kill and will make her relive her dad's death."  I am happy to say that it's been almost two years and the Death Plant is still alive. 

Death plant. :lol:   Was it a peace lily?  Those are pretty hardy.  We have two, both from deaths.

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I slept fine but woke up with a start at 6:30.  I think dh was moving around.  It's like a herd of elephants running over the bed when he rolls over.  Still using ear plugs, though, and the white noise machine.  Those are the bomb, only I am bad at putting the ear plugs in and have to take several runs at it before they actually stick and block noise.


bball game later, but now coffee and cleaning up a bit.

Edited by texasmama
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Spider plants are difficult to kill. Fake plants though, I think that can work. I can probably keep those not dead.




Susan, did you intentionally leave the decorations up through January or did you oops?


I've been eyeing this Hebrew curriculum for 1st graders. It has 14 levels, is intended to be independent from pretty early on and is very inexpensive. Perfect, right? I'm thinking I can handle Greek and Hebrew and Spanish if I do them for short periods of time for many years. Here's my question. Can a *child* handle 3 languages? I know many on the hive do but many are not normal kids and maybe it's just the really gifted ones that do it. Or maybe it doesn't go well. Or maybe their parents are slave drivers and the children aren't happy. I'm thinking if I were to do Hebrew I would probably drop creating my own Greek curriculum and use Bright Beginnings Hebrew, Hey Andrew Greek, and homemade Spanish. This would take less than an hour a day. What do you think? For the record I think I would actually have to learn Hebrew for this to work which is a whole monster on its own. We will not start next year so we have time to think.

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I've been eyeing this Hebrew curriculum for 1st graders. It has 14 levels, is intended to be independent from pretty early on and is very inexpensive. Perfect, right? I'm thinking I can handle Greek and Hebrew and Spanish if I do them for short periods of time for many years. Here's my question. Can a *child* handle 3 languages? I know many on the hive do but many are not normal kids and maybe it's just the really gifted ones that do it. Or maybe it doesn't go well. Or maybe their parents are slave drivers and the children aren't happy. I'm thinking if I were to do Hebrew I would probably drop creating my own Greek curriculum and use Bright Beginnings Hebrew, Hey Andrew Greek, and homemade Spanish. This would take less than an hour a day. What do you think? For the record I think I would actually have to learn Hebrew for this to work which is a whole monster on its own. We will not start next year so we have time to think.

Most beginning language curricula are very simple.  The issue would be in confusing the languages, I think.  Hebrew would probably be okay with another language, but Spanish and Latin might get dicey because of the similarities combined with the different pronunciations.  Given a choice, I would do Hebrew and Latin formally and just speak Spanish naturally around the house so the kids pick up on  it.*  When my kids learned Latin at co-op and asked for my help studying, I spoke it with a Spanish accent. :laugh:


*I actually would not do this because I have no desire to learn Hebrew or to teach it to my kids, but you know what I mean. :hat:

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Most beginning language curricula are very simple. The issue would be in confusing the languages, I think. Hebrew would probably be okay with another language, but Spanish and Latin might get dicey because of the similarities combined with the different pronunciations. Given a choice, I would do Hebrew and Latin formally and just speak Spanish naturally around the house so the kids pick up on it.* When my kids learned Latin at co-op and asked for my help studying, I spoke it with a Spanish accent. :laugh:


*I actually would not do this because I have no desire to learn Hebrew or to teach it to my kids, but you know what I mean. :hat:

I have the same concern and want to save Latin for later. I wasn't ever going to tackle Latin until Spanish was solid. I was thinking 6th or 7th. Or never. I think what will happen is that I will give myself permission not to teach it. I speak every foreign language with a Spanish accent including Greek. It's not cute.
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