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Good morning, all!


So far, I've kept to the devotions-instead-of-computer thing and have not broken my diet!  Yay, me!  The outside chores are done and breakfast is in the works (DD starts slowly with fruit, so I'm not starving my child-honest!)


We are slooooowwllly starting back to school out of respect for my student who needs transition time.


So far, so good in 2016.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:  for all in need.  I completely agree; adulting is hard.  I wish someone else would do it for me. :blink:

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Good morning, all!


So far, I've kept to the devotions-instead-of-computer thing and have not broken my diet!  Yay, me!  The outside chores are done and breakfast is in the works (DD starts slowly with fruit, so I'm not starving my child-honest!)


We are slooooowwllly starting back to school out of respect for my student who needs transition time.


So far, so good in 2016.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:  for all in need.  I completely agree; adulting is hard.  I wish someone else would do it for me. :blink:


Looking at this, I am afraid that I am transforming you peeps into some kid of accountability group. Double :blink: :blink: .


And I'm quoting myself. :wacko:

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At the rheumatologists and they have the heaviest door with a stiff handle. What?!!


At least you go to your rheumatologist.  I have no idea what kind of doors mine has.  I haven't seen him in 5 years or so... :leaving:

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Good morning, friends.


Chuck the fix-it floor dude who looks like Uncle Si is here replacing a faucet or two.  


I did not want to start back with school today, but it is inevitable.  Also, life started back.  I have somewhere to be tonight and then two places to be Tuesday and Thursday for the foreseeable future, meaning the month of January.  








College girl called me last night and boyfriend did not leave until 9 pm.  Poor guy had to drive five hours and then go to work early.  He is making plans to come up next weekend, and she is asking if her dad would freak out if she drove down there and stayed in a hotel room.  She said he really likes our family and said to give me a hug from him the next time she sees me.  I have friends in the Austin area and in Houston but not San Antonio.  I will consider going with her and staying, maybe.  I know she's a grown up, but she's my girl and all.  When I suggested that, I think she thought I was kidding.  One weekend at a time.




Glad we are still teaching people to ride without training wheels.





May the Force be with you, Tex.  

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One thing about biologics is that they kill your immune system.  I only started taking it because I couldn't get out of bed in the morning without help.  And I walked with a cane.  


I know several people who take them, but I am leary because of my happy little germ spreaders.

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When I quit Enbrel because of my sweet little dd7, I changed my diet because that's all I could do.


I had read all of the quack literature about "curing your arthritis with diet".  I still don't believe in it, but I decided that it would be good for the baby to go on a Mediterranean diet.


During the pregnancy I continued to do research and concluded that if I had unknown food allergies, that might be contributing to my RA symptoms.


After giving birth I had allergy testing done and found out that I'm allergic to wheat.  I went gluten free and have been med free and cane free (although not pain free) ever since.


My doctor thought that I was nuts, so I got a new doctor.  He wasn't much better, so I haven't been back.


I have joint damage, especially in my hands, that maybe would have been prevented by going back on a biologic.


It's such an individual choice.


Prairiewindmomma, sorry to give you all of this while you're waiting at the doctor.  It's a lot to think about.


Ask me any questions.  

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I am home.  I am tired.  I am hungry.  I am not ready for tomorrow when real back to school starts. 



At the rheumatologists and they have the heaviest door with a stiff handle. What?!!


:confused1:   Do they hate people?



Glad we are still teaching people to ride without training wheels.





May the Force be with you, Tex.  

Parenting college girl is not for sissies.  Fortunately, I am not a sissy.  Also, I practiced for dealing with young adults by being a completely wild young adult.  I know all the tricks.  College girl is walking a better path than I did...not that that is a hard thing to do. :leaving:

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My rheumatologists have all been happy to let me try diet things and praise my use of tumeric and fish oil.


We're just fighting genes at this point. Grr...  The injectables sound better than sitting in an infusion lab.  Because I homeschool, my exposure to the germy world is more limited than most. I've had a neutropenic kid, so I get the issue.

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I am not adulting.  I am plotting how to eat m+m's without anyone else noticing.  I failed once already.  Dd3 caught me and squealed "Hey, I did pee pee in the potty and had dry undies!"   Whereupon my guilty little self was obligated to hand over the chocolate loot.  


The right way to distribute candy is by age:


dd5 gets 5, dd7 gets 7, etc., Mommy gets 40-ish.  :)


The dc tell me it's not fair.  I say that it is very fair -- everyone gets the same as his/her age.  What's not fair about that?

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My rheumatologists have all been happy to let me try diet things and praise my use of tumeric and fish oil.


We're just fighting genes at this point. Grr...  The injectables sound better than sitting in an infusion lab.  Because I homeschool, my exposure to the germy world is more limited than most. I've had a neutropenic kid, so I get the issue.


Injectables sound better than infusions, imo.  Much easier to schedule.


I'm glad that your doctors are letting you try diet changes.  My doctors have been difficult to work with.


My current doctor (the one I never visit) told me that I shouldn't want to have more children.  He told me to go on meds and be happy with the children I have.  Almost in those exact words.


I feel like sending dd5 into his office some day.  I can just see her and her red hair:  "You didn't want me to exist?!?"   :lol:

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Tooth is done.   :hurray:



Until the 28th, when I have another crown put on a different tooth.  THEN my mouth maintenance should be complete, until these crowns all expire and start falling off.  


Get back, Evil Dentistry post!







(But I am glad for you, Ducky.)

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Everyone is being an adult in this thread. Now I'm left without anyone to play with. . . . :smash: :hat:

I am having coffee. I spent a good bit of time today working on an arrangement of this:



Also worked on emails. Still have more to do.


Next up is to look through the SOTW 3 activity guide and see what books are available in the library for the remainder of the semester.


Ds20 is having his wisdom teeth pulled on Friday. Dd6 has to get her spacer in next week.



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I am having coffee. I spent a good bit of time today working on an arrangement of this:




OK, this post begs a lot of questions.


Why are you arranging music?  For which instruments?


And, what's with the utensils?


I know that some of your kids play strings.  Anything else?


Do you know anything about piccolos?  Dd11 wants one.




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I suppose people are going to want some dinner tonight.



We're going to make pizza tonight.  I'm going to try a cauliflower crust for the Paleo ones among us (ie. me). 


Yeah, my kids want to eat every night, too.  Unless there are vegetables.  Like cauliflower.


So I think I will tell the dc that I'm making cauliflower pizza for dinner.  They won't want it; therefore, I don't need to make it.


Dinner problem solved!












Or not.   :laugh:

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We're going to make pizza tonight.  I'm going to try a cauliflower crust for the Paleo ones among us (ie. me). 


Jean, this actually sounds interesting to me, since I'm gluten free.  Is it as much work as it sounds like?



Do I get points for quoting you twice?

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Jean, this actually sounds interesting to me, since I'm gluten free.  Is it as much work as it sounds like?



Do I get points for quoting you twice?


I have never made it before but this recipe looks easy.  http://www.theluckypennyblog.com/2013/02/the-best-cauliflower-crust-pizza.html


I also clicked on her dairy free version and might make that for dh if he wants a cauliflower crust instead of wheat.  He can't have cheese. 


Don't blame me if you choose to make it and it is hideous because I've never made it before. (standard disclaimers apply)

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I have never made it before but this recipe looks easy.  http://www.theluckypennyblog.com/2013/02/the-best-cauliflower-crust-pizza.html


I also clicked on her dairy free version and might make that for dh if he wants a cauliflower crust instead of wheat.  He can't have cheese. 


Don't blame me if you choose to make it and it is hideous because I've never made it before. (standard disclaimers apply)


It looks good.  This is exactly the kind of recipe that dh likes to make.  

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I just ordered Nom Nom Paleo, Well Fed, and Well Fed 2 from the library.



Did you guys let your kids have books at nap time?


I don't remember.  :lol:   But I think mine stopped napping by the time they were John and Mary's ages because it interfered with a good bedtime.  If letting them have books keeps naptime successful at their ages, I say go for it. 


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I don't remember. :lol: But I think mine stopped napping by the time they were John and Mary's ages because it interfered with a good bedtime. If letting them have books keeps naptime successful at their ages, I say go for it.


Up at 7

Nap from 2:30-4

Down at 8


They sleep a lot. John's been keeping her up but I think he still needs a nap so I gave them both books. She went straight to sleep with Amelia Bedelia and he read from a Disney story book for a while leaving her alone. He often will only sleep for 20 minutes so I think he's phasing them out, but if he doesn't get a nap it's a total disaster. It's our second day with books.

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Dh and I went out for Mexican. Yummy! I take back half the bad things I ever said about him.


I still don't know what I'm reading aloud in morning time tomorrow. Bummer.

You've said that twice. Do you take it all back? I vote for Madeline, but perhaps that's not something I should be responding to.

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