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Please ignore this panicky fit I am having. It will last for another 36 hours.


(I cannot figure out how we will fit everything into the van. And then I remembered that we also need to bring pillows and sleeping bags.)


::heavy sigh::


no booya.


how'm I posed to know if it's a new page when there's no booya????

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Ok, I'm done.


MIL-Dishes she requested

FIL-Gift card for booze he requested

SIL-Running shoes she requested

Mother-Asked for nothing because poor and got us nothing, small amazon gift card because kindle and she won't feel bad because it's small

Father-Purple lava lamp he requested

John(from my dad)-Snap Circuits Jr., my idea

Mary(from my dad)-bike she requested

To kids from us-New water bottle(needed) and more wooden train tracks(requested)


Not bad I'd say. I prefer magnatiles to train tracks, but I think we'll give those to Mary for her birthday in February.

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I now have some tape.

Let me hide it someplace safe

Where they can't find it.


Haiku.   :hurray:

I have not dug the decorations out of my basement for the last 4 years. This year I finally bought a new tree but it is still in the box unopened.  We don't do xmas here so it always seems like too much hassle to decorate.  But we will put this stupid tree up either tonight or tomorrow and I will take it down boxing day.


*here meaning in my house, we go to my folks for xmas haha, realized it sounded like we don't celebrate at all, we do, just not at home haha

I thought you were some sort of Christmas hater. :lol:


So yesterday I was trying to remember where I put a couple of gifts and thought, oh, yeah - under the bed! And then I remembered those were Tex's gifts under Tex's bed. :D

This is a slice of awesome pie topped with awesome sauce.  I will look for your gifts under my bed, though.

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Look at that - the multi quote is working!


Can you rent a tow-behind trailer?


It's supposed to rain, and I worry about towing a trailer behind a 12 passenger van in the rain through the mountains. I just remembered that we have a little rack that can go on the back of the van - if we tarp it well we should be able to keep it dry enough.


But there's no concert. Cheers to that!

No, but we still have to bring a cello and 3 violins for the celebration (Christmas/60th Anniversary) service - we cut it down from giving an entire concert to only doing 4 pieces. Well, except for the duet I'm also apparently playing with my neice-in-law, and the "men's choir" hymn that dh and ds will sing in. I would be annoyed about it, except that this may be the last service we will have with FIL, whose health is starting to fail; he won't likely continue pastoring much longer.


I have managed to fit 2 bushels of citrus fruit in my refrigerator. Go me!

Edited by Susan in TN
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My dh moved my four drawer filing cabinet in the garage and now it will not open.  It has the key in it still, but moving this around does not help.  He claims not to have done anything to it.  My professional stuff is in there, including all of the books from my college teaching career.  I need to put a couple of other books in there and now I can't. :thumbdown:

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I needed an ice cream break.  Yes it is freezing outside, winter weather has truly hit my part of the world.  But I needed ice cream and french vanilla coffee creamer.  So dd16 and I just drove over to the convenience store.  I got an ice cream for me, chips for all the kids, creamer for me, chips for me, bounty bars for me and a lotto scratch ticket (have not bought one of those in a long time).  That's what happens when I have to go and get snack foods while stressed, I over indulge.  On the plus side, the ice cream was yummy and the chips I got had ringalos in it and they make a satisfying crunch when I bite them which is helping lower my stress.  Time to get back to writing the portfolio (serves me right to be stressed, I had a month to do the damn thing, but I have been a bit busy and kept putting it off).


Also I ordered a new printer.  Old faithful here lasted for 10 years but is now dead.  Amazon prime says I will have the new one before xmas...I think it is lying


Yes!  We are on the same wavelength!  I had a drumstick earlier (sundae on a cone - sugar cone, chocolate and nut covered vanilla ice cream - it has all the things!) and decaf with vanilla creamer.  Yum!


Go Brandi Go!  Get it done!  :hurray:


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I'm sorry Susan.



Tex, Magnatiles are geometric shapes with magnets on the end that connect. You can build anything with them. I got them for John's birthday last year. They played with them all day for a week or two and have played with them for at least an hour every day since. I strongly recommend them for your 4 year old daughter. And Gymnast!

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I'm sorry Susan.



Tex, Magnatiles are geometric shapes with magnets on the end that connect. You can build anything with them. I got them for John's birthday last year. They played with them all day for a week or two and have played with them for at least an hour every day since. I strongly recommend them for your 4 year old daughter. And Gymnast!

Ok. I can imagine this. Only my youngest child is 10. Lol
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I am a generally crappy housekeeper.  Laundry is the only thing I'm really good at. That's why I post about dusting the mantel.  It's such a rare occasion I don't recall when I last did it. :leaving:



Me too.  I like laundry better than any other house keeping chore.  Unfortunately, that does not mean that I ever get it all done, lol.  :D :svengo:



I like laundry too. Unfortunately, our washer hasn't worked in 2 years, so laundry is done by hand unless we can get to the laundromat. It's not too bad in spring/summer/fall. It's too cold in the winter. Sigh.



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I'm sorry Susan.



Tex, Magnatiles are geometric shapes with magnets on the end that connect. You can build anything with them. I got them for John's birthday last year. They played with them all day for a week or two and have played with them for at least an hour every day since. I strongly recommend them for your 4 year old daughter. And Gymnast!


Magnatiles http://www.amazon.com/Magna-Tiles-Clear-Colors-32-pc-Set/dp/B000CBSNKQ/ref=sr_1_5?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1450661658&sr=1-5&keywords=magnatiles


There are magnatiles in my classroom, and I try not to duplicate toys between home and school for Gymnast.

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This portfolio is so stupid.  Basically I did the whole practicum complete with the same paper work the actual practicum students did.  the only difference was I did not have a supervising teacher and I paid $97 less than the other students.  It is nearly done.  Only 10 activity plans left to go.  Those are annoying but basically easy.  I liked it better when I got to argue  discuss educational methodology and philosophy.  I got 100% in that course.  It was being on the hive for the old discussions, only this time I was the smartest one on the conversation rather than feeling like the stupidest like I did on the hive.  I miss those old days, I felt stupid and inadequate but I learned so much, apparently enough to get 100% on the course focused on the historical background of early childhood education and educational methodology. (we spoke at length about montessori, reggio, waldorf etc- since the focus was on preschools).


This portfolio is just boring me to tears.  But it must be finished.  I hate cleaning and all I want to do is ditch the paper work and clean.  THat is how much it is annoying me.  Maybe the lack of coffee for the last 2 days has something to do with that.  Time to brew a cup and see if it helps.


Go Brandy Go! You will finish this with flying colors!

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This portfolio is so stupid.  Basically I did the whole practicum complete with the same paper work the actual practicum students did.  the only difference was I did not have a supervising teacher and I paid $97 less than the other students.  It is nearly done.  Only 10 activity plans left to go.  Those are annoying but basically easy.  I liked it better when I got to argue  discuss educational methodology and philosophy.  I got 100% in that course.  It was being on the hive for the old discussions, only this time I was the smartest one on the conversation rather than feeling like the stupidest like I did on the hive.  I miss those old days, I felt stupid and inadequate but I learned so much, apparently enough to get 100% on the course focused on the historical background of early childhood education and educational methodology. (we spoke at length about montessori, reggio, waldorf etc- since the focus was on preschools).


This portfolio is just boring me to tears.  But it must be finished.  I hate cleaning and all I want to do is ditch the paper work and clean.  THat is how much it is annoying me.  Maybe the lack of coffee for the last 2 days has something to do with that.  Time to brew a cup and see if it helps.


Go Brandy Go! You will finish this with flying colors!

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Okay, I did a thorough vacuum, dusted the coffee table, moved it back, put the stuff back on it, and went through some homeschool stuff and found stuff to give to a friend.  All laundry is washed, dried, hung or put in its place to be put up.


I'm kind of proud of myself.


I did nothing.

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You took care of a sick kid.  Also, you are not preparing to host so you can feel free to do nothing in the housework department. :D


This primarily consisted of doing practically nothing. I did however catch her as she woke from a dead sleep and jumped off the bed and almost took off across the room. Crazy sleep-walking runs in the family, I'm sure I've mentioned...

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I also hung up some clothes that had been tossed on the floor that were actually clean, and halfway cleaned the living room. It is no longer covered with Gymnast's artwork, toys, Christmas decoration boxes/bags that were left when the rest of the family decorated LAST WEEK.

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Magnatiles http://www.amazon.com/Magna-Tiles-Clear-Colors-32-pc-Set/dp/B000CBSNKQ/ref=sr_1_5?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1450661658&sr=1-5&keywords=magnatiles


There are magnatiles in my classroom, and I try not to duplicate toys between home and school for Gymnast.

Same here. DS plays with those at "after-school" care. Makes it more fun when it's only there.

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I also hung up some clothes that had been tossed on the floor that were actually clean, and halfway cleaned the living room. It is no longer covered with Gymnast's artwork, toys, Christmas decoration boxes/bags that were left when the rest of the family decorated LAST WEEK.

Not nothing.  I rest my case.  I think that when moms say they "did nothing", they mean that they just did the regular stuff that needs to be done to take care of kids and a household.

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What are your favorite things?


Funny enough, most things I have in the classroom are not things I'd buy for my home except legos, pattern blocks, lincoln logs, and ... something else I'm not remembering offhand. Ah, cuisennaire rods, which I still don't have in my classroom but have at home. And blocks. I like blocks. I like Timberdoodle toy ideas for my daughter (and home daycare when I had one). Open-ended stuff, which I do have in the classroom, but there are just some things that aren't open-ended enough for me -for example counting bears. They just don't have much purpose after prek/kinder, kwim?


The district actually just ordered me a set of magnatiles for my class. Gymnast played with them on Friday and enjoyed them. I'll see how my kids like them when they get back from break.

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Got an email that my amazon package could not be delivered by the USPS.  They "attempted delivery" at 4 pm, when my entire family was home.  No one rang the bell or knocked - I think they drove slowly past and decided they didn't want to walk that far to our front door.  We live in the country.  No one steals anything off the porch.  This valuable delivery?  Paper towels. :001_rolleyes:

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Not nothing.  I rest my case.  I think that when moms say they "did nothing", they mean that they just did the regular stuff that needs to be done to take care of kids and a household.


I must admit though, the majority of the day was spent in my pjs, sitting next to Gymnast on the bed while she coughed, cried, and said how she was scared. We watched a lot of Netflix on the computer and she slept quite a bit. I poured fluids down her throat, but she was actually requesting a lot of it as she used it as a cough prevention. Smart girl, that one. Now dh is mad because I didn't finish cleaning the living room. Oh well. He can stuff it.

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Got an email that my amazon package could not be delivered by the USPS.  They "attempted delivery" at 4 pm, when my entire family was home.  No one rang the bell or knocked - I think they drove slowly past and decided they didn't want to walk that far to our front door.  We live in the country.  No one steals anything off the porch.  This valuable delivery?  Paper towels. :001_rolleyes:


I got an email like that a couple of weeks ago. I think it was a cover-up or something for a sub driver, because Frank always delivers. The valuable delivery? MLP toothbrushes. 

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Bah humbug on my life. 

:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


I must admit though, the majority of the day was spent in my pjs, sitting next to Gymnast on the bed while she coughed, cried, and said how she was scared. We watched a lot of Netflix on the computer and she slept quite a bit. I poured fluids down her throat, but she was actually requesting a lot of it as she used it as a cough prevention. Smart girl, that one. Now dh is mad because I didn't finish cleaning the living room. Oh well. He can stuff it.

Yes, he can stuff it.  Two throat punches for him.  That is a two throat punch offense.


I got an email like that a couple of weeks ago. I think it was a cover-up or something for a sub driver, because Frank always delivers. The valuable delivery? MLP toothbrushes. 

Because someone wants our paper towels and toothbrushes. :hat:  Not.  I know stuff is stolen off porches, but I am not hoofing it to the post office because someone didn't feel like carrying my paper towels to the porch.

Edited by texasmama
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Sigh. Wrapping is done (except for dd6's socks, which haven't been purchased yet). I think I will sneak a bowl of ice cream before tackling Mount Laundry.


My mom sent a box of wrapped presents. Dd16 was feeling one and said "socks." There were several wrapped packets of sock pairs.  :lol:

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Yes, he can stuff it.  Two throat punches for him.  That is a two throat punch offense.


Because someone wants our paper towels and toothbrushes. :hat:  Not.  I know stuff is stolen off porches, but I am not hoofing it to the post office because someone didn't feel like carrying my paper towels to the porch.


Funny enough, I got the package the next day with no problem. It must have been Frank. :)


Did I tell ya'll about Frank? I was pregnant with Gymnast the same time his wife was pregnant with #8. Yeah, I've told ya'll about him. I heart him and his family (I met his wife once in the store).

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Funny enough, I got the package the next day with no problem. It must have been Frank. :)


Did I tell ya'll about Frank? I was pregnant with Gymnast the same time his wife was pregnant with #8. Yeah, I've told ya'll about him. I heart him and his family (I met his wife once in the store).

Frank was looking out for you.  


Our carrier changes so often that we have no Frank.  The local post office is full of disgruntled people who treat me rudely.  I stopped going there.  I drive ten minutes out of my way if I have to deal with an actual employee.

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UPS once called to refuse to come to our house. The problem was the low hanging cedar limbs and the low water crossing. 

I am too lowly for UPS to visit me. :laugh: We get around it by having packages delivered where there are no terrifying bodies of water to cross and horrible truck grabbing trees to negotiate.

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The shopping is done, I think. I hate it when I feel like I am behind. But with my tooth problem, sick children, the lady I help and all, I got behind.


Oh, tlih gets to come home tomorrow. I have to go to the store for her and get stuff put away. Then pick her up at 1 p.m. and get her settled. It is going to be a long day, but I'm glad she is coming home.

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I'm outta likes.


Like. Like. Like.


Susan, :grouphug: , you are awesome for traveling and playing in the Christmas service, etc. I couldn't do it.


By the way, I think they cut out the marionette scene from Sound of Music. Sacrilege!

Nooooo!!! Say it ain't so!


Glad I snagged my mom's dvd copy.

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I'm outta likes. 


Like.  Like.  Like. 


Susan, :grouphug: , you are awesome for traveling and playing in the Christmas service, etc.  I couldn't do it. 


By the way, I think they cut out the marionette scene from Sound of Music.  Sacrilege! 


There is something inherently not right about this.




ETA:  The hills are alive with the sound of booyahs...

Edited by Junie
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Frank was looking out for you.  


Our carrier changes so often that we have no Frank.  The local post office is full of disgruntled people who treat me rudely.  I stopped going there.  I drive ten minutes out of my way if I have to deal with an actual employee.


Ah, yes, the post office. I misread. Frank is UPS. My USPS carrier is Barbara. I can always tell when she has a sub, too. She gets a card from me every year, too, because I just heart her.

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