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I'm feeling too sick to do this right now.  I need to, desperately, but I am more inclined to drink my soup and watch more Murdoch Mysteries.  If the girls watch with me we can count it as dramatic arts AND geography lessons!  I'd be tempted to call it history, too, but I suspect they are playing fast and loose with a few facts.


I never got back to watching Murdoch mysteries.  My soup grew cold while I caught up on yesterday's posts here.  I know have a hope of catching up with today's before Aikido if I keep going!

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It's simple. Susan lets us know what she knows about these creeps, and we go make sure they will never be a problem again. Susan is OURS to stalk, not for them!

That's right! I am very particular about who I want stalking me.


Man, you guys are chatty today. Just. Can't. Keep. Up. (Now picture me flailing my arms in desperation behind Lynn the super runner.)

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Recipe, please!  I love sour cream!


I don't know! I just make it!

Brown bone in chicken pieces in a bit of butter or oil. Pull them out. Brown some onion, garlic, carrot, celery, whatever you like. Throw chicken pieces back in, top with whatever herbage you like. I usually dust it with some thyme, savory, pepper, basil and sometimes I throw dried mushrooms or a parm rind in there. Bake in dutch oven at 300-325 until chicken is tender. (Every now and then I put in some red pepper flakes or a couple of whole cloves.)

Pick chicken. Throw all bones, etc back in the pot, top with chicken stock and cook it down until it tastes good. Reserve your picked chicken. Strain broth. Then throw in potatoes, carrots if you like, whatever you want. Cook that. Throw picked chicken back in. I'll usually add corn, and thicken the whole mess with some milk and cornstarch.

I save the sour cream for adding to individual bowls when served.

Highly tasty.

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That's right! I am very particular about who I want stalking me.


Man, you guys are chatty today. Just. Can't. Keep. Up. (Now picture me flailing my arms in desperation behind Lynn the super runner.)


Yep, chatty!  Because I decided that homeschooling dd7 and dd9 this week wasn't worth it.



ETA:   :willy_nilly:

Edited by Junie
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It's apparently their last tour & the show is ending too. 


I think we're really close to the stage - I bought the tickets so long ago I can't remember what I got LOL 


During the morning news I saw a commercial that Barry Manilow is on his final tour, too!  I'm tempted to pester DH for us to take the kids to see him.  


Honestly?!?  Spell check dictionary didn't know the name "Manilow"!

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I would never make fun of that, Cowboy boots are great. Plus you are from Texas. It is the law that you must own cowboy boots. I have a Frye pair that I have had and will keep forever. I love them.


And moving further back in the time machine, I do think you and Renai should run for president/vp. We would be your cabinet. This country would never be the same. :D


You would get my vote!!!!  THAT would straighten out the politicians!  Go get 'em!

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I'm looking at 6th edition on Amazon. It's... well... it's a phoneme method. So.. OK. :)


I respect what works for people and I'm not out to disrespect, but it's still phonics and English still be crazy.


Colonel.  That is all. :p


Obviously anything is better than sight reading which is a horrible travesty visited upon its poor, poor victims, but there's simply no excuse for English. English is a mess.


Among other things (Michael Clay Thompson) we are using Getting Started With Latin (because of latin roots -- 'scuse me, the up-to-date term is now "stems") and How To Teach Spelling to aid our English Language endeavors.  DD14 seems to be doing better with her spelling since I incorporated varying sources -- it seems to help for her to learn where various spellings came from.

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No it's not. You are ignorant on the English language because you had poor schooling. Get the 4th edition.



Why the 4th edition?  I think there's a 6th out.  I'm not familiar with this book, hence my asking.

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I have caught up on the thread.  I have no more likes.  I just looked up as I typed this and it said "10 new replies".  Ack! 


Yes, every time I get to the bottom of a page there appear to be several more pages!  Aagh!  Must catch up!

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Mostly I'm jealous that she won a creative lottery and was successful with admittedly cute, but not especially difficult art. :p


Not just that, but she appears to have a gift with songs, too!  Go check out Philadelphia Chickens!

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The stupid drunkards upstairs just tried to get into our apartment and woke up the kids. Thanks. Wrong floor, idiot.


We had neighbors like that a long time ago.  The man who lived upstairs was a sailor -- and he had the mouth to prove it.


I used to play classical music at them.


I've got to go to the dentist tomorrow. 

They are going to jump all over me about stains on my teeth. Can't help it. Stupid water. They ought to come see the insides of every cup and glass I own.


Our water is yuck too.  Water residue everywhere, especially on the black refrigerator at the water dispenser.  Sigh.

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I know that. I've studied both too. And German. Japanese is easier than Mandarin though. Which I've also dabbed a toe in.

I'm over eastern languages. I want to become intimately familiar with Greek, perfect my Spanish (yeah right), learn Latin (because children) then Hebrew. Then I'll probably be done. That's a lot of upkeep. I would love to learn some eastern languages, but I also need to eat and sleep.

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We had neighbors like that a long time ago. The man who lived upstairs was a sailor -- and he had the mouth to prove it.


I used to play classical music at them.


<unladylike snort>


My sister used to own a parrot whose previous owner was a sailor. Fortunately it only spoke in Spanish which she did not understand (much). He would imitate the front door knocker and the microwave ding and then cackle endlessly when she fell for it. Also he would cry like a baby when she was leaving the house.

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Speaking of limits, after requesting, talking, talking seriously, cajoling, imposing groundings, imposing temporary loss of possessions (smartphone), and etc, my oldest still cannot seem to stop leaving laundry, particularly soiled girl things, in the middle of her floor, hanging from her loft bed, and so on, despite the fact that a perfectly serviceable hamper is literally 3 feet away from her dresser and her bed. She will still drop things wherever she happens to be standing, which is usually about 12 inches from the hamper. It's infuriating.


I am seriously considering just picking them up myself and hanging them from the computer monitor on her desk downstairs while she is at school such that they can be a conversation starter for the family until she gets the message.




My DD14 does this sort of thing, too.  Since she has her own room I only get on her case about it when they are in my way, or if she leaves them in the bathroom.  She also does her own laundry (to have less opportunity for Mom to nag her to put away her clothes, or so she thought).  She leaves the clean things wadded up in her laundry basket.  I make her change clothes if we are going out and about, and refuse to take her shopping for new stuff if her current stuff isn't put away properly.  I figure she'll grow out of it sometime.  She's stubborn enough (gets it from both parents) that the more I nagged the more she did it.

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<unladylike snort>


My sister used to own a parrot whose previous owner was a sailor. Fortunately it only spoke in Spanish which she did not understand (much). He would imitate the front door knocker and the microwave ding and then cackle endlessly when she fell for it. Also he would cry like a baby when she was leaving the house.

That's adorable.

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Lynn, thanks. :) My life is super easy now. Good hubby, good kids, and we're poor so I don't have to worry about balancing the checkbook. ;) We're less poor every year though.


Jean, what readers? I think I want the pathway ones. I had originally planned on Muguffey, but I hear bad things.


Phonics Practice Readers



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Maybe you could let Izzy help you.  People seem to love artwork done by precocious 6-year-olds...   :)


I wish I understood art...


I remember reading somewhere of a parent/child team where the parent started the painting, and the kid finished it, or something like that, and they were wildly popular.  It could work.

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My dogs have never been to a groomer. I'm cheap that way...also I don't like how most groomers manhandle dogs. I did have one of my fosters shaved down by a groomer because he was matted to the skin & I was worried I'd cut him with my clippers as I don't have pro quality ones.  There's exactly one groomer I trust in a city of 2.5 million people so I had to drive an hour each way to get it done LOL 


Your in laws would need clippers for the poodle.   It's easy to do them in a little lamb cut yourself. Just put the guide combs on & do it. What's the worse that will happen? the dog will have funny hair for a bit....  The Stuff spray would help keep the coat cleaner as leaves, dirt, twigs would not stick to the fur as much,


My parents have a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - is this the same as your il's dog? My parents' girl is a pita to groom but we do use the Coat King rakes on her to think the coat a lot & tons of silicone spray so all the stuff she sweeps up on her walk falls off more easily. She matts easily behind the ears so they have to be combed out pretty much daily.  


Funny hair is not an issue.  This little white doggy is constantly a dingy grey because she will roll in the mud as soon as she's clean.


The King Charles spaniel is the breed that was bred to lay on King Charles's feet to keep them warm.  My ILs' dog certainly does this.  How about your parents'?  (Another example of the importance of proper punctuation!)

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I'm over eastern languages. I want to become intimately familiar with Greek, perfect my Spanish (yeah right), learn Latin (because children) then Hebrew. Then I'll probably be done. That's a lot of upkeep. I would love to learn some eastern languages, but I also need to eat and sleep.


I would like to take a Spanish writing course. I write pretty well, but I'd like to take a formal class one day. Since I'm not interested (much) in Latin, Greek, or Hebrew, I can continue dabbling in Japanese and German. It's been a while since I've done German.


I now cannot believe how much time I've spent getting my graduate degree. Now that I have time, I realize there really is no time to do the things I want - like languages. A lot needs to be done around here.

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Same here. Plus OPGTTR. And a sight word game from Sonlight. I did use some OG stuff because ds11 has dyslexic tendencies. And I read TWRtR which was very important in my ability to teach.

I hate OPGTTR  :leaving: It uses the Distar alphabet which is not English.  Sorry.  I agree that English is a messy language but don't try teaching it with a different alphabet. 

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<unladylike snort>


My sister used to own a parrot whose previous owner was a sailor. Fortunately it only spoke in Spanish which she did not understand (much). He would imitate the front door knocker and the microwave ding and then cackle endlessly when she fell for it. Also he would cry like a baby when she was leaving the house.


I would so love/hate that parrot!





Edited by JoJosMom
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