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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


We went to a birthday party tonight for the boy of the only Mexican family at our church. Mom and Dad are both Mexican. As soon as we get there they introduce us to everyone. "This my brother and my wife's sister and yadayada..." Everyone was white. He looked at me and said "You're confused because they're all white aren't you?" I nodded, he laughed and walked away. I guess I know why neither of them speak Spanish now.

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Duck was here.  


Pizza and weird movie nite again (we are so boring), so I'm doing a fast catch-up before bed.


Glad dd's moved on from kinetic sand sandwiches, Jean!  

Tex -  you are giving me serious hair envy.  Mine is dark brown except where it's grey, with tight curls.  And weird grey.  My stylist last night has never seen anything like it.  

Mark - Hugs and prayers for the MRI.  Glad you are getting things thoroughly checked out. 

Slache -.........I forget.  So.....hi there! instead. 

Renai - my mother used to do secret labeling too.  I have not attempted it yet; thankfully mine are too little to figure out that the gifts are hidden right under their noses.

And hugs to all.  Good night!

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I'm up before Lynn. :crying:


Renai, by the time I got to bed she was winding down. Everyone should yoga. I hate it passionately, but it's great for you. I would get one focused on fitness and flexibility because it is a spiritual practice and some of the poses are not good for the human body to preform, but the ones that are for fitness skip those poses.

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Two things happened at the party last night worth mentioning. Firstly, a girl about 16 was fascinated with languages. She signed while we spoke for practice. She spoke French and I spoke Spanish and we laughed at not being able to understand each other. Her hunger for language was bigger than her school could satisfy so I showed her a few things including Duolingo and she was thrilled. Cool chick.


Secondly, Matt saw a mother help her son steal from John. I couldn't believe it. It was his winnings from games, so nothing he'll miss, but if I saw it I might have kicked her in the face.

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Good morning! Not a lot going on here today except regular stuff to get done, a boy scout breakfast, and Christmas Parade.


I'm sorry about the bad sleep, Dawn. I didn't sleep well either, but I think it is because our heat was running most of the night and it got too warm and dry and gave me a headache.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Slache, you meant throat punch, right? 


I'm running to the store for things that should have been bought yesterday because we're having friends for dinner tonight.  And 10yo ds has two basketball games in the middle of the day.  The house will look terrible.  Oh well. 

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Slache, you meant throat punch, right?


I'm running to the store for things that should have been bought yesterday because we're having friends for dinner tonight. And 10yo ds has two basketball games in the middle of the day. The house will look terrible. Oh well.

Your house will look like a place where people actually live! :)

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Good morning, ITTers.


May an opportunity for a nap present itself to all who need one.


I'm going to get some coffee and sit front of my tree in my pjs. And then plan school for next week. Because I have no life to get to as of late.


Work. Homeschool. Work. Homeschool. And life is good.

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Good morning, all! I've got a bad cold. Guess I started taking Cold Ease too late. I feel like I've been run over by a bus! Well, the only thing on the docket is a piano recital this morning. I guess I'll decorate for Christmas today, too! I wanted to bake. We'll see. Have a good day, all!

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Now, I'm going back to sleep.

I did the same thing at the same time.  I got up at 6:30 to go to the bathroom when dh got up, and I had terrible vertigo and almost fell over. :confused1:


Just finished reading the chat board. Maybe I'll try to sleep now.

Reading the chat board is the opposite of restful.


Good Morning


I did not sleep well.

Was it due to your bad tooth? :grouphug:


I'm just about to get up. I was reading the artificial tree thread earlier and think I'm going to buy a new one. I've been wanting to for a while now.

We have had a nice, pre-lit artificial tree for a decade.  So worth it.

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I did the same thing at the same time. I got up at 6:30 to go to the bathroom when dh got up, and I had terrible vertigo and almost fell over. :confused1:


Reading the chat board is the opposite of restful.


Was it due to your bad tooth? :grouphug:


We have had a nice, pre-lit artificial tree for a decade. So worth it.

(((Tex))). Hope vertigo is gone.


No kidding about the chat board - depressing, stressful.

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Sorry about all the sleepnessness and brewing illnesses.  I slept like a rock.  Completely spent after a busy week, I think.  Kids are off hiking now with dh, and I'm tackling a long list that I really don't feel like tackling.  Starting with kid clothes, which have overtaken exactly 50% of my bedroom now, in piles to sort for KonMari-ing and storing.  I would rather be at the dentist's.  


Holiday question:  Anyone have a favorite Non-Poultry Non-Swine meal for Christmas? (Oh, and Non-Chinese-Takeout, too, though that option is tempting).  Steaks and/or fish come to mind, but we don't either often so I'm short on recipes for them.  I do have this saved as a potential side dish, largely to appeal to my pickies.  


Starting with a second cup of coffee, now.  Wish I had this to go with it.  

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Sorry about all the sleepnessness and brewing illnesses. I slept like a rock. Completely spent after a busy week, I think. Kids are off hiking now with dh, and I'm tackling a long list that I really don't feel like tackling. Starting with kid clothes, which have overtaken exactly 50% of my bedroom now, in piles to sort for KonMari-ing and storing. I would rather be at the dentist's.


Holiday question: Anyone have a favorite Non-Poultry Non-Swine meal for Christmas? (Oh, and Non-Chinese-Takeout, too, though that option is tempting). Steaks and/or fish come to mind, but we don't either often so I'm short on recipes for them. I do have this saved as a potential side dish, largely to appeal to my pickies.


Starting with a second cup of coffee, now. Wish I had this to go with it.

Crab. Not joking, but have you had duck? It's fantastic and not poultry like.

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Crab. Not joking, but have you had duck? It's fantastic and not poultry like.


As a matter of fact, I have had duck exactly once.  It was good, though a little oily if I remember?  I wouldn't know how to begin preparing a decent duck though, and I'm thinking it wouldn't be cheap.  (Not that I'm aiming for cheap, but I wouldn't want to mess it up on my first attempt.)

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