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  • KrissiK


Good morning all! I just wanted to say that I am very thankful for all of you:-) Laughter is good for the soul, and we sure do a great deal of laughing together.


Happy Thanksgiving!


Cocktails at 4, dinner at 6.


Until then, I will be doing all of the little carp that needs to be done. At least my pies are baked, although they look nowhere near as pretty as Ikslo's. That is a work of art:-)




Hear, hear!!  :cheers2:


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Hey Dawn, did you go to the heated barn with no bathroom?

Yeah, I did. It turns out the vacant farm house next door had been partially renovated, and we were able to use the restroom there. However, it was not heated. We did not stay long, and was home by 2:30. I avoided most people by playing with my great nephews (6 months and 2 months), and singing itsy bitsy spider and this little piggy to them.


I still have not decided about cooking here. My brother is coming Saturday, but Ds20 has to work. I have sent him a text about possibly cooking tomorrow, and I am currently awaiting a reply.


I hope everyone here had a wonderful thanksgiving!

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I survived cooking although we own only two pots, a frying pan, a roaster, two mixing bowls, a small oven, and do a lot of juggling. Dd16 forgot to make the green bean casserole though, so there was a color missing from the neighbors' plates.

Edited by Renai
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This doesn't sound positive.


How were the pies? (Awesome, I'm sure!)


Pies were very good! The creepy glass rim music was due to our inability to get any good tuning from water levels, so we gave up and embraced the eerie. Then we went for a walk at the park and the kids rolled down the hill yelling "aaaaaas yoooooooooou wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish!" :D Edited by Susan in TN
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Watching the Muppets. They have ruined this show! It is so stupid! And inappropriate. Miss Piggy and the crew go to a bar, get drunk, do karaoke and come back the day after all hung over! I'm thinking.... what? This is a kids show? Really?

Edited by KrissiK
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I am not dead.  Because every whim of mine was catered to by the bestest IRL friends imaginable, who refused to allow me to cook or wash so much as a dish (though I did sneak in a little dishwashing when backs were turned, and also brought pineapple au gratin). 


I am utterly unworthy of these friends, and even after 12 years I still pinch myself to see if their unbelievable kindness is just a dream.  



That said, I will be preparing my first ever holiday meal in a month, so maybe then I will finally feel like a grown-up?  


Hugs to all who need hugs... and Happy Thanksgiving to all y'all again!  (note the proper spelling of y'all). And congrats to Tex on taming her Inner Hulk, and to Jean on walking off the sugar numbers.  And a boo to Slache's OBGYN.  Mess with an ultrasound appointment?  Seriously???  


To bed I go because we are up bright and early to snag the bestest tree from the bestest tree farm which unfortunately has gotten a lot of great press since it opened 4 years ago and therefore has people lining up at dawn and is out of trees completely by December.  




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I was thinking about the Ponies shirt. Feel free to disagree, but if you were shopping for me I would like a Ponies sweatshirt more than a shirt. They have them with pony hair on the hood, and in bright colors (if she likes that). She could wear it more often without it wearing out because she wouldn't wash it as often. Personally, I just *enjoy* sweatshirts more. Softer, scushier, more comfy. Just wanted to throw the idea out there. I don't know where I saw the one with the hair on the hood. 'Twas a long time ago, hence thus I don't remember. Sorry.

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Oh! Another gift idea! Then I'm going to sleep. I promise.


I am still really enjoying my silk pillowcase. I truly love it and my face isn't as dry as it was. I used to lotion my face every morning and evening, now I only do it in the evening. Mine's sort of a sham instead of a pillowcase because I have to cram my pillow in it. I like that because I hear silk pillowcases tend to slide off, but mine doesn't. Matt doesn't appreciate it because he has a beard. He said that if he was clean shaven he'd want one too. They come in a variety of colors. I think it was $25. If I'm wrong it's not by much. I didn't spend $100 on a pillowcase and forget.


Ok, goodnight!

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Good Morning! This is your rise and shine wake up call to get up and eat pie ( or stuffing and cranberries, as the case may be) for breakfast. Unless you're already waiting in line somewhere for some crazy Black Friday deal.

Pie! (Is warming in the oven, though I am still full from yesterday.)


I am alive, and sad to have missed the undead roll call last night. And Monty Python Fun.

So here's some food-related fun for the morning.


My kids are getting up early in anticipation of Christmas decorating. We are furiously looking for the Vince Geraldi Christmas CD.

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Good morning! Time to spend money you don't have for things you don't need to further finance our corporate masters in the name of Santa, or something!


Wake up! Wake up!


Time for pie for breakfast and then I've got hours of latch hooking ahead of me. I really should just try to finish this today, but it's sooooooo tedious. Ugh.

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Watching the Muppets. They have ruined this show! It is so stupid! And inappropriate. Miss Piggy and the crew go to a bar, get drunk, do karaoke and come back the day after all hung over! I'm thinking.... what? This is a kids show? Really?


The Muppets was always edgy, even in the 70s, and was never really a kids' show in the sense that most people think of kids' shows today. Sesame Street, sure, but The Muppets was always just a little more out there.


That said, I do think the new one fails on subtlety a little too often. The writers clearly don't actually understand (or care to understand) the Muppets.

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Good Morning!!!


I was up at 4:45 a.m. and watched a bit of pbs nature. It was about the romantic habits of animals. Very interesting.:)


Ds20 went out early this morning to buy jumper cables. He bought 4 sets at $3 each. That is all, and he is now back in bed. Yesterday after dinner, older dc went shopping, and dd16 found some good deals. A $90 pair of boots for $10 @ JC Penney. They are nice. But now I have to come up with another idea for a gift. She is my easy one to shop for, make-up and clothing. Ds20 is the hardest. Ideas, please??????


I guess I will cook tomorrow. My brother, his wife, dd's friend, my mom and dad (possibly) will be here. And if I cook, I want enough people here to eat. I don't like to cook a bunch of stuff, and then have a lot of leftovers. This has happened a lot lately since ds works 2nd shift.


I hope everyone has a wonderful day. :)

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Does your ds need anything electronic-wise - nice head phones, phone charger (for wall or car), gift cards to i-tunes or amazon music or whatever.  Does he need any new clothes?  Or cold-weather accessories - gloves, hat / ear muffs, long underwear, nice socks, ice scraper.  Does he need anything for work?  If all else fails, go for humor -  a geeky t-shirt from snorgtees.com or fivefingertees.com (warning - some are not family-friendly).  Thinkgeek also has some geeky / movie related clothing and stuff. 

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Vince Geraldi is playing, dishes are done, and I have arranged the Christmas tree toupee. I have to run to the bank and church for a bit and hopefully everything will be done by the time I get back. :D


This year I have persuaded dh to buy a small live tree to put on our front porch. Dd17 wants a Charlie Brown tree. We'll see what we can find for cheap.

Edited by Susan in TN
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He needs clothes, but doesn't want any.:( The humorous t-shirt sounds good. I will check out that website. Since he is working full time now. He buys what he wants/needs. He could really use a couple of pairs of uniform pants like he wears at the correction facility. I could ask where they purchase those. He seems satisfied with his electronics right now, but good ideas. He is really into guns and such, and has just ordered a new hand gun. So maybe a cleaning kit? Thanks for the wonderful ideas though. I will look into the t-shirts.


Eta: BOOYA!!!!!!!

Edited by Openhearted
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The kids love to go out to do Black Friday.  I haven't done it in 14 years because I'd rather hike up an ice cliff naked.  So dh takes them because he is cool like that.  I am cool like, "Brush your teeth!" and I will smack them on the butt as I pass because I can't stop myself.  (Don't worry, they smack me back.)  I am the original unfun, awkward mom.


So I got up at 8 am (they left at 5) and fed and cared for all of the pets.  Now I will have coffee.  Mmmmmm, coffee.


Dh and the kids will finish their rounds and then we will watch movies.

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