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My friend who was hospitalized post heart-valve replacement surgery passed away yesterday.  I would like to share her with my ITT friends.  She was a really amazing lady, and I can say I knew her "when".




What struck me about the FB page that her husband set up for prayers and now remembrances of her is how many people described her as "my best friend".  She was a lovely, encouraging lady.  




Thank you for sharing her with us.  She's sounds like such a beautiful woman... my prayers are with all who are grieving tonight. 

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Sonlight changed their website AGAIN! What's with these people? Don't they realize my life is hard enough as it is? Now we have more books coming in from the library, so that's good.


Both children are totally spazzed. I'm sure one or both will be on the floor bleeding soon. At least they'll sleep well tonight.

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Haven't you ever heard someone try to encourage someone with a daunting task to "eat that elephant one bite at a time"? I was telling myself that this morning as I looked at my tackle list and then it struck me . . . I"m a ninja elephant. Was I contemplating cannibalism? :svengo:

Nope. Never heard that one. Huh.


Definitely cannibalism.

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ITT poll: should a group of three or four 9th graders be expected to able to keep track of time so that they can get to class (which is 20 feet away) on their own without an adult going over and telling them it is time for class? Or am I being unreasonable?



Yes.  No, you are not unreasonable.  We all have clocks on our cell phones these days.


I teach a group of 9th graders, and they are all expected to get their happy butts to class.  I do have two who are chronically a few minutes late, but I start on time.

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ITT poll: should a group of three or four 9th graders be expected to able to keep track of time so that they can get to class (which is 20 feet away) on their own without an adult going over and telling them it is time for class? Or am I being unreasonable?



I'm not sure. John's 5 and he can't do that. I've been told this is the age men stop maturing, so I think you might be asking too much.

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I love coffee.  So my dear, sweet husband bought me some coffee-flavored Chobani to try.


I didn't make it past the first bite.  It's going on my list next to tofu.


I told you folks a couple of hundred pages back that Chobani is gross. Disgusting. Gag-me-with-a-spoon revolting. I have tried more than once with different flavors and get one bite in before I vow (again) not to ever purchase that grotesque concoction of crap again. (Yes, again is used twice in that sentence.)


It's terrible. 


That is all.

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To be fair, older sister is pushing Izzy to improve her art just by being around and doing awesome art. So there's that.


The remainder of her influence, though, is talking back to everybody, whining, way too much screen time, and being a slob... sigh. :)


Sounds like my kids' dynamic. We have a wider age spread though.

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Yup.  I grew up on boneless chicken breasts and really didn't like it much.


Then tried roasting my own whole bird as an adult.... totally different!  


I finally figured out the chicken hater's point of view. Of course, anyone eating boneless, skinless chicken breasts would think chicken is flavorless and gross. Everyone knows the flavor is in the bones and skin. Duh.

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I finally figured out the chicken hater's point of view. Of course, anyone eating boneless, skinless chicken breasts would think chicken is flavorless and gross. Everyone knows the flavor is in the bones and skin. Duh.

Eating chicken bones is not good for one's digestion.

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Dd7 just asked me to add something to her Christmas list:  a key ring.    :confused1:


When I asked her why she wanted a key ring, she just said, "Cuz."


I have no idea.


I use to collect key chains. At the time, I was living in Germany as a teen and we traveled around the country so they were mainly keepsakes. When we got back to the  states, I continued the trend of getting a key ring when we passed through different parts of the states.

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ITT poll: should a group of three or four 9th graders be expected to able to keep track of time so that they can get to class (which is 20 feet away) on their own without an adult going over and telling them it is time for class? Or am I being unreasonable?




1. Yes

2. No

3. Yes, stupid.

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Is it inappropriate for a Ninja Elephant  :ph34r: to "eat that elephant one bite at a time"?


Speaking as Head Ninja Elephant here:


Yes. It is acceptable, and honorable, however, to chop one up into itty bitty bits with a samurai sword in a fight to the death.



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Just got here. It's been a day!


Tex, I'm sorry about your friend. Hugs!


Regarding chicken - my favorite winter meal is chicken quarters, dredged and browned, layered in my dutch oven with onion and Paula Deen House Seasoning and a cup of water. Cook at 250degrees for 5 or so hours.... Moist, delicious and falling off the bone!

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The chicken stew was awesome, just saying. Yes, bones matter. They really add major oomph to the stock. Of course, black trumpet mushrooms, plenty of herbs and my own secret ingredient, well, they all matter too.

I think I might be coming down with a cold. So it is a good thing I made plenty of the stew, since it feels good on a sore throat. Stupid fall weather, hot one day, raining and cold the next.

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I told you folks a couple of hundred pages back that Chobani is gross. Disgusting. Gag-me-with-a-spoon revolting. I have tried more than once with different flavors and get one bite in before I vow (again) not to ever purchase that grotesque concoction of crap again. (Yes, again is used twice in that sentence.)


It's terrible. 


That is all.


I love the blackberry one.  Raspberry is okay.  The others meh.

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I use to collect key chains. At the time, I was living in Germany as a teen and we traveled around the country so they were mainly keepsakes. When we got back to the  states, I continued the trend of getting a key ring when we passed through different parts of the states.


Sounds like a nice thing to collect.  They don't take up a lot of room.


I collect Christmas ornaments.  I get to look at them every year, but I don't have to dust them.

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'Night all.  I have to pack lunches now (grrrr...).   I do not know how public school parents do it.  The lunch thing would do me in in less than a month.  



Baby Boy is still sick, btw.   :crying:   He vomited on the way to the Great Bi-Annual Pediatric Dentist Party (4 kids, in and out in less than 1 hour... I puffy heart this practice).  So tomorrow dh is taking a sick-morning with him while the rest of us go to CC.  I'm hoping we kick this thing quickly; our very first Family Vacation That's Not A Trip To Visit Extended Family is coming up on Sunday.  Well, first such vacation since 2009, but that was 3.5 kids ago... so it really doesn't count.  

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ITT poll: should a group of three or four 9th graders be expected to able to keep track of time so that they can get to class (which is 20 feet away) on their own without an adult going over and telling them it is time for class? Or am I being unreasonable?




Most of the time, yes. They will occasionally totally forget. It is reasonable for them to face consequences when they forget occasionally but it is unreasonable to assume they are not developing normally.


Forgetting every time requires putting in place some "I guess you aren't mature enough to be treated like high schoolers yet" consequences.

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'Night all.  I have to pack lunches now (grrrr...).   I do not know how public school parents do it.  The lunch thing would do me in in less than a month.  



We so po' my kids qualify for free lunch. So, no lunch problems. Breakfast, though. Terrible. Because dd4's allergies.

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Good morning, all!


It's a lovely day. Going to try to function on 5 1/2 hours of sleep. Beginning of the week, so I may be all right. Hopefully.



Oh, day 11. 6 am. Sunrise was a C-. It tried, but fell flat. Someone, somewhere else got my beautiful sunrise. I shall survive; I shan't dwell on it.

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This booyah is dedicated to lunch.

Sing it with me!


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they'll continue posting forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends...

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