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Why would you even say this - as though nature knows a thing about candy? If it did, raisins would come automatically covered in dark chocolate and a sprinkle of crushed almonds and toffee.

I am cheering myself up on Healthful Eating.  Healthful eating does include a small amount of dark chocolate but i don't think I can justify toffee.  

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Sugar. Another thing I can't eat. Bah humbug. Which is why I'm back to raisins. Rusty loves raisins. He fights me for them.

I really, really, really like talking rain. It's a carbonated drink with no sugar, no substitutes, no calories. Oh crap. I forgot to get you those recipes. Can you have dairy? I'll post them tomorrow.
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FYI - if you are ever wondering why your child is not scheduled to play in a recital in four days, and the teacher tells you it's because neither you nor your child notified the teacher (i.e. "signed up to play something") despite the several email and classroom announcements that were made giving instructions on the matter, then you need to just shut up about it and follow directions for the spring recital.


Not. Performing. Get over it.


But you did follow directions.  Sounds like elephant ninjas are needed in TN.


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And I'm back from my 30 minute run.  Which I also did on Tuesday.  Yay me. 


This day and time 17 years ago I was being induced to deliver my oldest.  It was a small town with a shortage of OBs, so inductions were, perhaps, statistically higher there and I didn't really know any better.  Plus, I was glad to get on with it!  And I was 3cm and the baby was low, so it wasn't a completely crazy thing to do.  We got started around 6am and he was born around 11am.  Seems like a hundred years ago now.  I'm reminiscing here because I don't think my 17 yo wants to hear about it, lol. 

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Post 20202


I love symmetry.  (slight OCD tendencies, nothing diagnosable, thankyouverymuch)

But toffee is essentially coffee and coffee is essentially water so I think toffee's okay.

I know, right????  


I just responded to a co-worker using "shall."  It fit.  I don't think it came off as pretentious.

I was joking, people!  Tex FTW with the dry humor!  I shall never overcome this.  


Just don't give raisins to a dog. Or grapes. Can do bad things to the kidneys, sometimes. I don't care much for them. I can eat them, up until the point where they start resembling desiccated arachnids. That's usually about a two raisin limit.

Dh says that the dates I sometimes eat look like roaches.  More for me.  :D

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It is time for the reports.  Thank you for joining us.


Sleep report:  Did the same thing.  It worked.  Woke up once but went back to sleep.  WORE EAR PLUGS. This seems important.  However, I will say that I can still hear dh!  


Yesterday, when I was cranky due to lack of sleep, dh and my father joined together to give me a hard time, and I was NOT amused.  It was mostly my odd father's fault, as he compared me to my always perfect aunt, his sister.  


Going to the P.A. at 1:15.  I don't wanna.  <pout>


Question of the day:  Why does adulting involve doing so many things that one does not want to do?  



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Question of the day: Why does adulting involve doing so many things that one does not want to do?

My kids sometimes mention how they can't wait to be grownups because then they can do whatever they want. I avoid lecturing them on the weight/burden/privilege/joy of responsibility - let them dream. :)


On the other hand, they are all dressed and I am still in my pjs and bathrobe.

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The blessing / curse of dh's strange work schedule.  His current days off of Wednesday and Thursday.  He just took 3 dc with him to run an errand and bring back lunch.  Everyone will need me for school work when they get back (since they're not doing it now).  But he's bringing me lunch (which is yummy but luxurious).  And I had to cut morning time short because he was trimming bushes and I couldn't keep reading over the noise.  But YAY bushes are finally trimmed.  See how it is?  Always a plus and a minus.  The real minus is when he's still working on Saturday and Sunday. 

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JoJo's Mom!  You had Quackers in the MC Hammer video!  


I am not stupid.  So there.  Hmpf.   :sneaky2:



(However, you should've seen Baby Boy rockin' away while I played the whole thing to get to the duck.  He had the whole head-chin-shoulder dance thing goin' on.  Golly, I could just eat that kid up.)

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The blessing / curse of dh's strange work schedule.  His current days off of Wednesday and Thursday.  He just took 3 dc with him to run an errand and bring back lunch.  Everyone will need me for school work when they get back (since they're not doing it now).  But he's bringing me lunch (which is yummy but luxurious).  And I had to cut morning time short because he was trimming bushes and I couldn't keep reading over the noise.  But YAY bushes are finally trimmed.  See how it is?  Always a plus and a minus.  The real minus is when he's still working on Saturday and Sunday. 


Oooo, I LOVED days off during the week.  We just changed our schedule to make those days the "weekend" (except for church).  I liked it because running errands was easier and because any fun things were less busy.  Of course, I only have one DD, so flexibility is much easier here!

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Oooo, I LOVED days off during the week.  We just changed our schedule to make those days the "weekend" (except for church).  I liked it because running errands was easier and because any fun things were less busy.  Of course, I only have one DD, so flexibility is much easier here!


Yeah, that would never work here because of various activities, etc, which have events on the weekend.  We would end up with a severe shortage of school days, lol. 


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My report - 


I slept but had troubles with breathing with the CPap.  (It happens sometimes).


I'm all swollen.  Even ds18 noticed - as he was helping me put on my socks because today is one of the "I can't completely dress myself" days.


I go to my sleep specialist in a few minutes.  



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So very real.  I shall not overcome it.  Literalists.  Sigh.

The blessing / curse of dh's strange work schedule.  His current days off of Wednesday and Thursday.  He just took 3 dc with him to run an errand and bring back lunch.  Everyone will need me for school work when they get back (since they're not doing it now).  But he's bringing me lunch (which is yummy but luxurious).  And I had to cut morning time short because he was trimming bushes and I couldn't keep reading over the noise.  But YAY bushes are finally trimmed.  See how it is?  Always a plus and a minus.  The real minus is when he's still working on Saturday and Sunday. 


We have the same issue with work from home dh, who comes into the kitchen and runs the water and makes protein shakes loudly and gets ice while I am reading aloud.  Soon I am shouting poetry from the 1800's.

I have a dentist appointment in a week. Please remind me to floss every day.

Floss every day!

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I still can't get past the kale salad breakfast. Were there raisins? Goat cheese?




This Booya is dedicated to Jean's helpful ds and to flossing daily.


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

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And they'll continue posting forever just because...


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You'd best come join it with your friends

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And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends...

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