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Good Morning! I slept in a bit today. Ahhhhh.


But I've got to get moving because someone from Lowe's is coming this morning to measure the cabinet where our oven goes so we can order a new one. Did I not tell you our oven story? I'll spare you the details, but I've had an empty space in my cabinet where the oven goes for about a week now, and a useless oven sitting there about a week before that. So I think they come and measure today and then we wait another week or two for it.


So do you still have to cook? Or do you get a vacation from cooking? Oh, I see, maybe you can't bake, but still have a stovetop?

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So do you still have to cook? Or do you get a vacation from cooking? Oh, I see, maybe you can't bake, but still have a stovetop?


Well, I take every opportunity to get out of cooking that I can.  But, yes I still have the stove top, the crock pot, the George Foreman grill, and the electric skillet.  The kids are missing their opportunity to bake cookies the most. 

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Well, I take every opportunity to get out of cooking that I can. But, yes I still have the stove top, the crock pot, the George Foreman grill, and the electric skillet. The kids are missing their opportunity to bake cookies the most.

I was very hopeful for you, but I should have known better. It's all those pesky gadgets that we think will make our life easier...


I say, KonMari the grill, crock pot, and electric skillet. They can't bring joy.:D (unless your hungry and have no oven).

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I was very hopeful for you, but I should have known better. It's all those pesky gadgets that we think will make our life easier...


I say, KonMari the grill, crock pot, and electric skillet. They can't bring joy. :D (unless your hungry and have no oven).


I LOVE KonMari as a verb.


KonMari the broken ice cream maker!  KonMari the plastic yard toys!  KonMari the hunk of rotten wood in the garage that dh claims was his grandmother's table and can't get rid of for sentimental reasons!  KonMari it all!!!!








I have got to read this book.  

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I have got to read this book.

Yes you do because most people seem to think that KonMari-ing means to declutter, when it's actually an entire method of keeping house. If you follow through with the entire process you will no longer have books in your crawlspace.

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Yes you do because most people seem to think that KonMari-ing means to declutter, when it's actually an entire method of keeping house. If you follow through with the entire process you will no longer have books in your crawlspace.


The only way I will no longer have books in my crawlspace is if I can KonMari my husband.  



Can you KonMari your husband???

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The only way I will no longer have books in my crawlspace is if I can KonMari my husband.



Can you KonMari your husband???

Nope. It's either illegal or against the rules depending on what you have in mind. She will teach you how to purge and ORGANIZE which you actually don't know how to do so that your house functions properly.

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Nope. It's either illegal or against the rules depending on what you have in mind. She will teach you how to purge and ORGANIZE which you actually don't know how to do so that your house functions properly.


I believe you technically can KonMari your husband if you want to, but not his stuff. I hope he sparks joy!

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My problem is purging my dh's stuff...   



I can be a KonMari Nazi with my children and they will get over it, but dh is highly sentimental and also a bit of a hoarder, in spite of the fact that none of his junk brings either of us joy.  He's made great strides since we married, mind you, but still has a very hard time letting go of anything that might possibly be of use in the next ten years (or so).  Or that he's emotionally attached to (which is everything.)


To me, stuff is just that.  Stuff.  Objects.  i can minimize to my heart's content and feel great about the newfound uncluttered spaciousness.  But for dh it feels more like amputation by blunt object.  Bloody.  Messy.  With phantom pains for the rest of his life.  He gets it from his dad, who was an MK in the Congo so I think maybe it all goes back to that... a family history of having very little, never letting anything go to waste, and preserving everything in case you might need it someday.   Which isn't bad, until it becomes an extreme and irrational attachment.


So I think he needs counseling.   From someone not me.    :D


Thankfully he's NOT a consumer.  He hates to spend money and is learning to stop accepting other people's free junk, so that's good at least.  



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I believe you technically can KonMari your husband if you want to, but not his stuff. I hope he sparks joy!

Yep, sure can. One of the testimonies in the book was someone who did just that. Imho, it was a terrible testimony, but it might have helped someone out there.

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The only way I will no longer have books in my crawlspace is if I can KonMari my husband.  



Can you KonMari your husband???




I can KonMari his computer desk, because stuff that's on there isn't only "his." It's bank statements for the group that he's a treasurer for, miscellaneous computer cables and whatnots, random sales slips. The desk isn't totally trashed, you understand, but some of that stuff on there is important, and he cannot find it; most of it has actual storage space in our closet but he's just too, um, well, he cannot seem to get it in there. And there's a table in the office specifically for him to set his computer bag on (long story). He stores the same kind of cr*p on there. I can--and will--KonMari that as well as his desk. I give him lots of warning so he can do something, and then I take care of it. Mostly I don't have to throw anything away; I just have to sort like things together and put them where they belong.


OTOH, out in the garage are two or three tool boxes that were his father's. We've had them for, oh, 20 years or more. Mr. Ellie has never.ever. opened them, but he cannot bring himself to get rid of them. Yet. So they stay out there until I can convince him otherwise (which may happen sooner than later, because the garage is calling my name...)

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I'll say this:  While at least 70% of my crawlspace contains stuff I'd love to toss and can't, it is at least all organized.  Normally i can get to anything I need (albeit with a broken back after hunching around in there), but the layers became too deep this past spring with all the house damage.  Our entire school room is in there now so that work can be done on the damaged areas of the house.  And the good news is that while I'm already a minimalist when it comes to school stuff, this has encouraged me to cut out even more.


Maybe KonMari can help me cut even more (at least from my items in there.... if not dh's).  I just put it on hold at the library. :laugh:   



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I can KonMari his computer desk, because stuff that's on there isn't only "his." It's bank statements for the group that he's a treasurer for, miscellaneous computer cables and whatnots, random sales slips. The desk isn't totally trashed, you understand, but some of that stuff on there is important, and he cannot find it; most of it has actual storage space in our closet but he's just too, um, well, he cannot seem to get it in there. And there's a table in the office specifically for him to set his computer bag on (long story). He stores the same kind of cr*p on there. I can--and will--KonMari that as well as his desk. I give him lots of warning so he can do something, and then I take care of it. Mostly I don't have to throw anything away; I just have to sort like things together and put them where they belong.


OTOH, out in the garage are two or three tool boxes that were his father's. We've had them for, oh, 20 years or more. Mr. Ellie has never.ever. opened them, but he cannot bring himself to get rid of them. Yet. So they stay out there until I can convince him otherwise (which may happen sooner than later, because the garage is calling my name...)


Yes!  This.  My life too.


I've actually considered getting a storage unit for his things that are "neither beautiful nor functional."  He does NOT like to spend money at all, so that might encourage him to re-assess the true value of these items.  But of course I wouldn't go rent a unit without his knowledge (though it's tempting).    


Maybe as a mental exercise, though, it would work?  An "Is this worth paying storage for?" kind of game?  

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Yes you do because most people seem to think that KonMari-ing means to declutter, when it's actually an entire method of keeping house. If you follow through with the entire process you will no longer have books in your crawlspace.

Very true. It is a mindset. And as she says, "an event!" You can't do a little at a time as you go. You put all your clothes on the floor, from every single area of the house you keep clothes and deal with them. One time. Same with books. I think the "event" aspect of it makes you realize how much you really have and creates a horror in your mind that "I have that much stuff", which is part of the cure. And it's not just about decluttering. It's about cultivating a lifestyle of "enough." This quote really spoke to me,"As you reduce your belongings through the process of tidying up, you will come to a point where you suddenly know how much is just right for you. You will feel it as clearly as if something has clicked inside your head and said, 'ah! This is just the amount I need to live comfortably. This is all I need to be happy. I don't need anymore!' This satisfaction that envelops your whole being at that point is palpable." I think that you need to get to is point so you don't rebound and just start buying things again.
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Very true. It is a mindset. And as she says, "an event!" You can't do a little at a time as you go. You put all your clothes on the floor, from every single area of the house you keep clothes and deal with them. One time. Same with books. I think the "event" aspect of it makes you realize how much you really have and creates a horror in your mind that "I have that much stuff", which is part of the cure. And it's not just about decluttering. It's about cultivating a lifestyle of "enough." This quote really spoke to me,"As you reduce your belongings through the process of tidying up, you will come to a point where you suddenly know how much is just right for you. You will feel it as clearly as if something has clicked inside your head and said, 'ah! This is just the amount I need to live comfortably. This is all I need to be happy. I don't need anymore!' This satisfaction that envelops your whole being at that point is palpable." I think that you need to get to is point so you don't rebound and just start buying things again.

Yes. Totally. Another aspect of doing it all at the same time is that it ensures it all gets put away in the proper location. She speaks in the book of how we tend to have some things in several places. For instance I had clothes in 5 locations. Now they're in two (nightstand and closet). I also have all of my sewing projects in one spot. I did have my clothes that need to be mended with my clothes, my quilt on the closet floor, and Mary's clothes in her room. Now they're together and they take up much less space. It's the same thing with my papers. Now everything from my filing cabinet, my bill paying station, and my electrical manuals are all in a binder together. It's fantastic.

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I cannot seem to juggle even the basics around here.  If I get food right, then laundry fails.  And we don't even have school in the mix yet.  


I understand.  I rarely get food right.  I have a better process with laundry, but it's always behind.  (But at least I know what my process is.  I don't have a very good planning and follow through process for food.)  School is usually the priority, but not in the mix yet for us either.  No easy answers.

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I am a little afraid to admit that I need to KonMari some homeschool materials. It is one of the few areas I really struggle letting go in - probably because I still have 5 kids to educate and surely I will need that writing curriculum for one of them some day...

I have that problem, too. And my homeschool stuff is in a lot of different storage places. The idea of hauling all those books from all over the place to one central location does not spark joy.
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I cannot seem to juggle even the basics around here. If I get food right, then laundry fails. And we don't even have school in the mix yet.

I joke with dh about this all the time. If I get three areas right, at least one falls by the wayside. Everyday. I feel like getting the basics done would be like hitting a trifecta (except with more than three things.)


Keep house clean, laundry



TeA time

Working out/self-care (up to and including make-up and hair)


Maybe it is a quinfecta... I just made up a new word. :party:

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I am a little afraid to admit that I need to KonMari some homeschool materials. It is one of the few areas I really struggle letting go in - probably because I still have 5 kids to educate and surely I will need that writing curriculum for one of them some day...


See, that's easy for me.  I get to keep all my homeschooling stuff according to KonMari, since it evokes happiness.  Right?

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Just got done setting up the kids on the Xbox. Ug. You know, I used to work IN TECH, and still the inner workings of kids technology seems to require a disproportionate amount of time to figure out. Apparently, shove in a cartridge and play is too Luddite for the modern world.


I know I could just go completely non-digital, but I do want them to be able to function in the world they have been put in. So we have tech. And a large supply of wine. And whine:-)

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So, apparently, not only do I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease, I also now have diabetes type 2, also an autoimmune disease.




My endo is very concerned at the moment because my thyroid is inflamed (ultrasound yesterday). He's assuming it's that way because when I was on vacation for 10 days I did not avoid gluten. I started an autoimmune protocol diet when I came home, so about two weeks now. Even though all my thyroid numbers are still down, and I still have all the symptoms, he wants to do labs [again] in a couple of weeks, possibly adjust my meds at that time, then see me again in six weeks (which means six weeks grain-free, dairy-free, egg-free).


I did not want to be That Person WRT food. ::face palm:: I'm not too weirded out at the moment about the diabetes, because the Hashimoto's seems to be predominant. But I am not used to having health issues that have scarey names like DIABETES.

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So, apparently, not only do I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease, I also now have diabetes type 2, also an autoimmune disease.




My endo is very concerned at the moment because my thyroid is inflamed (ultrasound yesterday). He's assuming it's that way because when I was on vacation for 10 days I did not avoid gluten. I started an autoimmune protocol diet when I came home, so about two weeks now. Even though all my thyroid numbers are still down, and I still have all the symptoms, he wants to do labs [again] in a couple of weeks, possibly adjust my meds at that time, then see me again in six weeks (which means six weeks grain-free, dairy-free, egg-free).


I did not want to be That Person WRT food. ::face palm:: I'm not too weirded out at the moment about the diabetes, because the Hashimoto's seems to be predominant. But I am not used to having health issues that have scarey names like DIABETES.

:grouphug:  :grouphug: :grouphug:  

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So, apparently, not only do I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease, I also now have diabetes type 2, also an autoimmune disease.




My endo is very concerned at the moment because my thyroid is inflamed (ultrasound yesterday). He's assuming it's that way because when I was on vacation for 10 days I did not avoid gluten. I started an autoimmune protocol diet when I came home, so about two weeks now. Even though all my thyroid numbers are still down, and I still have all the symptoms, he wants to do labs [again] in a couple of weeks, possibly adjust my meds at that time, then see me again in six weeks (which means six weeks grain-free, dairy-free, egg-free).


I did not want to be That Person WRT food. ::face palm:: I'm not too weirded out at the moment about the diabetes, because the Hashimoto's seems to be predominant. But I am not used to having health issues that have scarey names like DIABETES.

This really upsets me for you.   :grouphug:

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Awesome! (Love that Ethel Merman!)


And a Booya!


(This Booya is dedicated to Queen Ellie. Long Live the Queen!)


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they'll continue posting forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that never ends...

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