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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


Slache, sorry you are in pain (again - first tooth, now back). Hope it heals quickly. :grouphug:

You forgot my foot. 2015 hates me.



I just wanted to pop in and say that meds are doing next to nothing, but Matt's been rubbing my back a lot and it's made a huge difference. Tomorrow... wait... no... later today he's getting me one of those vibrating back things from Walgreens so he can just go at my whole backside for an hour.


That was so hard to type. Nighty night.

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This booya is dedicated to The Original Booya Babe.



All together now!

"This is the thread that never ends,

it just goes on and on my friends.


People started posting, not knowing what it was.

And we'll continue posting forever just because


This is the thread that never ends..."


Well done, friend.  :hurray:


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Hope you are well again soon, Slache. ((hugs)) How is the pain, now?

More manageable. I can sit or lay down and not be in pain. I can't walk or bend over without pain yet, but yesterday I was just laying there crying no matter what I did. It was worse than the end of labor with John. I'm depending on muscle relaxers, heat and massage to correct the problem rather than percocet to mask the pain but I am taking ibuprofen still. Yesterday was really bad, but I think it's just going to get better and better quickly at this point.

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Thanks Jean.


More details.

1 woke up with a sore lower back

2 stretched which caused severe pain and I collapsed

3 husband came home and took care of me and kids

4 got up later > horrible pain/couldn't move

5 called a non emergency ambulance

6 got x-rays and pain meds

7 feeling better

8 more later

Oh, so sorry Slache!!! That sounds awful. Hugs and prayers for a fast recovery.

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You forgot my foot. 2015 hates me.



I just wanted to pop in and say that meds are doing next to nothing, but Matt's been rubbing my back a lot and it's made a huge difference. Tomorrow... wait... no... later today he's getting me one of those vibrating back things from Walgreens so he can just go at my whole backside for an hour.


That was so hard to type. Nighty night.

Totally had a mind in the gutter moment when I read that lol


I hope you get some relief from the back pain sooner rather than later.

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This booya is dedicated to The Original Booya Babe.



All together now!

"This is the thread that never ends,

it just goes on and on my friends.


People started posting, not knowing what it was.

And we'll continue posting forever just because


This is the thread that never ends..."

I'd like this but I can't figure out how to like on my phone. So. LIKE.

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Yes. I've climbed one of them. Why?


I was just thinking that disasters have been stalking you lately.  Perhaps it would be safer to put a little distance between yourself and the explosive mountain...


(This is supposed to be humor.  To make you smile.  Because you don't feel well.  I don't think I did a very good job.  I sorry. :o )

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More manageable. I can sit or lay down and not be in pain. I can't walk or bend over without pain yet, but yesterday I was just laying there crying no matter what I did. It was worse than the end of labor with John. I'm depending on muscle relaxers, heat and massage to correct the problem rather than percocet to mask the pain but I am taking ibuprofen still. Yesterday was really bad, but I think it's just going to get better and better quickly at this point.


<happy face>


<glad it's getting better face>


<get lots of rest face>


<and have dh bring you some totally delish fat free guilt free rich chocolate frozen yogurt face>

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I'm sorry you are hurting, Slache! 


Our AC is still out.  The repair guy said it is a total loss, leaking due to age, and has to be replaced.  The owner needs bids before he can choose a repair company. 


In the meantime, our sweet neighbors let us go swimming in their pool!  Also, I busted out the ice cream maker.  I'm making watermelon sorbet. 

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I'm sorry you are hurting, Slache! 


Our AC is still out.  The repair guy said it is a total loss, leaking due to age, and has to be replaced.  The owner needs bids before he can choose a repair company. 


In the meantime, our sweet neighbors let us go swimming in their pool!  Also, I busted out the ice cream maker.  I'm making watermelon sorbet. 


Losing a/c is not fun. Hope you can get yours replaced quickly. You have great neighbours!  Enjoy the sorbet.

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Tee hee. I'm the center of attention. :D


I'm sorry I missed the volcano joke. I'm on drugs.


Swellmomma, the massager my husband brought home looks like the world's largest vibrat*r so I'm hoping that's not the plan.


I took a shower and have marked improvement in mobility so yay!

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Sola he (I wrote Slache but that's how my auto correct dealt with it! I thought I'd leave it just for kicks), I am glad you're getting better!


And I just need to say this... I am a hoarder. A curriculum hoarder. I am trying to clean stuff out and it is horrible. I must have gone through the Great Depression in a former life because I find myself thinking, "but I may need this some time". For crying out loud, throw it out, girl! Give it away. Sell it! Aughhhh!

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Sola he (I wrote Slache but that's how my auto correct dealt with it! I thought I'd leave it just for kicks), I am glad you're getting better!


And I just need to say this... I am a hoarder. A curriculum hoarder. I am trying to clean stuff out and it is horrible. I must have gone through the Great Depression in a former life because I find myself thinking, "but I may need this some time". For crying out loud, throw it out, girl! Give it away. Sell it! Aughhhh!

I'll take it! You just pay for shipping.

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Ok, sounds good to me! Anything else I can add? Shipping will be the same! :)

I want all the things!



That's people who think they're sick, but aren't.


Munchausen Syndrome

That's what I though, but Matt said that's the one where people hurt their kids.

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Sorry, all.  I was, again, trying to be funny.  Again, I missed.  :wacko:


It's definitely my wallet; somehow I got on an email list.


My 90 year old mother keeps telling me "But they value my opinion.  I have to fill out their survey.  And they need money.  I don't want to make them pay for the stamp."  "Don't give them money, mom."  Over and over and over again. . .    She's pretty savvy too but lately. . . .   

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My 90 year old mother keeps telling me "But they value my opinion.  I have to fill out their survey.  And they need money.  I don't want to make them pay for the stamp."  "Don't give them money, mom."  Over and over and over again. . .    She's pretty savvy too but lately. . . .   

I am impressed that your mom is 90, I don't think my gramma would be 90 yet if she was still alive.  I will have to look into that (she died long ago, but I am not even entirely sure of how old she was when she died).  My mom turns 57 this coming November.

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My first in 150+ pages!! I had one, back in the day, before we had a theme. I feel old.



"This is the thread that never ends,
it just goes on and on my friends.
People started posting, not knowing what it was.
And we'll continue posting forever just because

This is the thread that never ends..." 


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Nice to see you Tex!

Nice to see you, too!  :D


Don't blink or you will miss me because I am off to kids' camp tomorrow through Saturday.  May the force be with me.  Do not worry about me in my absence.  I promise I have not been swept away in a flood, a tornado, or an earthquake.

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