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OK - I went to their website and couldn't find Archimedes.  I hope that means that he was adopted to a nice family.  


And that's a good thing, my friend, because if you had decided to take him yourself, your ITT buddies would have had to stage an intervention.

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I actually thought they were…. utterly impressive.  I can't imagine hatching chicks AND preparing a salmon dinner (with sides!).  


In fact, forget the chicks.  I can't imagine the salmon.  By itself, without the sides.  

What's wrong with making salmon?


Dinner was delish.  THough all my kids only ate 1-2 of the 3 things and then had a sandwich, both girls ate only asparagus and then had a sandwiches, ds11 salmon & a sandwich, ds16 had salmon, potatoes and a sandwich.  I on the other hand enjoyed every bite :P


And despite starving after work and having some massive cravings I stuck to the plan and cooked the meal even though it meant eating dinner at almost 9pm

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I didn't know you could plan like that. I thought you were supposed to plan your curriculum and then start it and do the next thing the next day. I think if I planned a year out I'd be really discouraged if we fell behind. Now I'm confused and slightly frightened.


Yes, you can.  No, you don't have to.  I am getting better.  I used to plan details, now I just plan general timelines in advance, and read through the materials and whatnot to get a feel for the program.  Then I do my particulars the weekend before.  Anything we don't get completed that week just gets bumped to the next week.


I'm anal, though, and make no apologies.  I just wish it would carry over to the housework. :)

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What's wrong with making salmon?


Dinner was delish.  THough all my kids only ate 1-2 of the 3 things and then had a sandwich, both girls ate only asparagus and then had a sandwiches, ds11 salmon & a sandwich, ds16 had salmon, potatoes and a sandwich.  I on the other hand enjoyed every bite :p


And despite starving after work and having some massive cravings I stuck to the plan and cooked the meal even though it meant eating dinner at almost 9pm




And this.


And then there's the fact that I'm insecure about salmon. Just never as delightfully flaky as I'd like it to be.  Plus the fact that the last time I made salmon, the salmon decided to grow wings and fly off of dh's plate while I passed it to him.  (he politely scraped it off the dirty floor and ate it with a smile anyway.)


So next time, a swap.  Your kids pop on over here for sandwiches, while the mommies enjoy salmon at your place.  I'll be there at 9.  

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Good morning all!  I'm sucking down coffee and mentally girding myself for the day.  I am taking DD and a friend to the local (well, regional) amusement park.  It's gonna be a looooooong day.


(Actually, they've reached the age when I am comfortable letting them wander together, tied to me only with a cell phone.  So I will find a central location and work on next year's lesson plans.  For a very long time.)


Wish me luck.

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JoJosMom, nice new avatar!  


I'm researching outdoor rock climbing areas near us. My ds (13) told me he wants to climb buildings (EEK!). We made a deal that he could climb trees and rocks/rock walls. So we're going to go in search of rocks and things this morning. Wish us luck!!

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My bloodsugar is way up.  All because I had some refried beans.  Bah.  I should have at least gone for an Oreo McFlurry with hot fudge.  


Poor Jean!


One of my blood sugar nemeses is oatmeal.  And everywhere you look someone is touting the benefits of oatmeal in maintaining blood sugar balance.  Yeah? No.  If I eat that stuff I am blacking out two hours later.  It's so weird how the same food affects different bodies differently.


And it can be really, really frustrating.  Especially when the peeps around one can eat everything you they want. :sad:


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I'm researching outdoor rock climbing areas near us. My ds (13) told me he wants to climb buildings (EEK!). We made a deal that he could climb trees and rocks/rock walls. So we're going to go in search of rocks and things this morning. Wish us luck!!


You had me at EEK.

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I could not go to sleep until about 2:30 am, and I was up at 8 am.  Took the uncivilized supermodel dog for a walk.  Will go to the chiropractor in a few minutes.  It's my fourth visit this week, and I can tell a big difference in the range of motion of my neck.

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And this.


And then there's the fact that I'm insecure about salmon. Just never as delightfully flaky as I'd like it to be.  Plus the fact that the last time I made salmon, the salmon decided to grow wings and fly off of dh's plate while I passed it to him.  (he politely scraped it off the dirty floor and ate it with a smile anyway.)


So next time, a swap.  Your kids pop on over here for sandwiches, while the mommies enjoy salmon at your place.  I'll be there at 9.  

haha, sounds like a plan.  THough tonight I don't think my kids will leave a bite behind.  Ribs, brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes.  

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Gonna be a long day, work 9-6, licensing is coming to do our renewal at the after school care, and while we do the right things it is still nerve wracking until she signs on the dotted line..  while dinner cooks I need to wrap up a couple small things in my class and then write my final exam.  Once I make it through today I will have no more school until sept, and only 5 days left until sept at the afterschool care.  My chaotic schedule is starting to wind down which is a good thing

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JoJosMom, nice new avatar!  


I'm researching outdoor rock climbing areas near us. My ds (13) told me he wants to climb buildings (EEK!). We made a deal that he could climb trees and rocks/rock walls. So we're going to go in search of rocks and things this morning. Wish us luck!!


Dh has decided that my soccer-challenged son (ds7) should learn rock-climbing instead this coming fall.  Which I totally agree with, except EEEEEK!  Trees and coastal boulders are one thing, but sheer cliffs terrify me.  Hopefully in the fall we will just be sticking with the climbing wall at the gym.  With a trainer.  

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Donuts were YUM.  Though I had to go to two separate places for chocolate munchkins because the first one was out of them (donut holes, for those of you not in New England.)  


Now, to math!


btw -- I LOVE CUISINAIRE RODS.    LOVE LOVE LOVE.  Wish I'd bought these years ago!  Ds FINALLY gets math!   

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Yes, you can. No, you don't have to. I am getting better. I used to plan details, now I just plan general timelines in advance, and read through the materials and whatnot to get a feel for the program. Then I do my particulars the weekend before. Anything we don't get completed that week just gets bumped to the next week.


I'm anal, though, and make no apologies. I just wish it would carry over to the housework. :)

Home Ec sweetie. Even *I* know that. ;)

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I could not go to sleep until about 2:30 am, and I was up at 8 am. Took the uncivilized supermodel dog for a walk. Will go to the chiropractor in a few minutes. It's my fourth visit this week, and I can tell a big difference in the range of motion of my neck.

I got 3 hours and 44 minutes of sleep. I win.

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Donuts were YUM. Though I had to go to two separate places for chocolate munchkins because the first one was out of them (donut holes, for those of you not in New England.)


Now, to math!


btw -- I LOVE CUISINAIRE RODS. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Wish I'd bought these years ago! Ds FINALLY gets math!

I'm so glad! And you're happy with the tub right? I want a bunch of kids. Are you going to get Miquon?

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I'm so glad! And you're happy with the tub right? I want a bunch of kids. Are you going to get Miquon?



Sooooo happy!  Best rec ever.   An enormous thank you, Slashaboo.   Honestly, even without a bunch of kids, the tub is great.  Ds likes building mega-stairs so right now he's up to 54, which he couldn't do with a smaller set (he does need to swap out oranges for other bonds now that he's above 40, but that's been good practice too).  He also "discovered" perfect squares and square roots yesterday, which was cool and wouldn't have happened with a smaller set.


Miquon arrived three days ago.   :blush:  :001_wub:

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Gonna be a long day, work 9-6, licensing is coming to do our renewal at the after school care, and while we do the right things it is still nerve wracking until she signs on the dotted line.. while dinner cooks I need to wrap up a couple small things in my class and then write my final exam. Once I make it through today I will have no more school until sept, and only 5 days left until sept at the afterschool care. My chaotic schedule is starting to wind down which is a good thing

My mom is an RN in a nursing home, and she feels the same when the inspectors come!


Three cheers for lighter schedule/breathing room!

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My apologies to everyone who didn't sleep much.  I slept solidly from 12:30 to 6:30.  Got up, dropped ds off at work, went back to sleep at 7 am.  Slept with occasional wake-ups due to an insistent cat who was "making" me pat him by rubbing up against my hand, until 9:30.  All that sleep was great!  What isn't so great is that I can barely hobble around this morning on my very swollen two feet.  It happens.  But I can write it down in my new pain log!  (Why does that make me happy?  I guess because I can finally show a doctor how life can vary from day to day.)    


PS - I'm sure my feet will get better through out the day.  Like I said, things vary a lot around here.

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Donuts were YUM.  Though I had to go to two separate places for chocolate munchkins because the first one was out of them (donut holes, for those of you not in New England.)  


Now, to math!


btw -- I LOVE CUISINAIRE RODS.    LOVE LOVE LOVE.  Wish I'd bought these years ago!  Ds FINALLY gets math!   


I love DD chocolate munchkins!  (I assume you went to DD?)

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Well, I never took home ec, so I am not sure what it is you are referring to that you know ... do you mean cleaning the house?

I mean you put sweeping and moping in the lesson plans for the kids to "learn". My son is 4 and he picks up, loads the dishwasher and washing machine, and mops. It's awesome.


Eta: He's huge. I'm not sure all 4 year olds can do all of that.

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I mean you put sweeping and moping in the lesson plans for the kids to "learn". My son is 4 and he picks up, loads the dishwasher and washing machine, and mops. It's awesome.


Eta: He's huge. I'm not sure all 4 year olds can do all of that.


Oh, my son tries to sweep, and he is very good about putting laundry in the laundry baskets, and fairly good at picking up after himself.  But I don't consider cleaning school.  Ever. 


My cleaning comment was more that I'm just not very anal with cleaning, whereas I am anal about homeschool.  I just don't get the same sort of satisfaction from a clean floor that I get from my scheduling spreadsheets.  I'm weird like that.




ETA:  Totally unexpected Booya! 


This is the thread that never ends...

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Oh, my son tries to sweep, and he is very good about putting laundry in the laundry baskets, and fairly good at picking up after himself. But I don't consider cleaning school. Ever.


My cleaning comment was more that I'm just not very anal with cleaning, whereas I am anal about homeschool. I just don't get the same sort of satisfaction from a clean floor that I get from my scheduling spreadsheets. I'm weird like that.




ETA: Totally unexpected Booya!


This is the thread that never ends...

I don't consider it school but I make a weekly plan for everything including school, chores, dinners and errands all in one place. You could keep your chore list with your school list and delegate appropriately.

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I don't consider it school but I make a weekly plan for everything including school, chores, dinners and errands all in one place. You could keep your chore list with your school list and delegate appropriately.


Oh, it gets done and I do have a "schedule" - I just don't feel the same way about the little details.  My heart just isn't in it. 

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