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(I've never actually had rabbit...)


Going back 8 pages because that is where I left off yesterday, we raised rabbits for eating in Louisiana. When we moved to NY

when I was 5 we had to sell off the last few and one was a white rabbit with red eyes that we called Strawberry. He was NOT

allowed to be eaten. My parents told me they gave the rabbit to some of ours when we moved but still to this day I think we ate

him for dinner before we left Louisiana. It has scarred me for life. :crying:

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Has everyone here seen SproutMamaK's thread about voting for her dad's picture? He is trying to win a contest so he can go home to Holland to visit family he has not seen in many years. If you haven't yet go check out her thread  and then head over here to vote for her dad's picture. Right now he's in third place, 35 votes behind first. Let's harness the Power of the Hive to make this happen :) You can share her link on facebook or elsewhere as well to get more people involved.

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My apologies!


I can't go back and read 139 pages, are the ground rules just don't call anyone random? Or stupid? I can deal with that.



The rules are much more involved than that, but you are hereby exempt from all rules because I said so.  :coolgleamA:


Well, not exempt from ALL rules, just so you know Slache is not in charge. We love her and all still, and she is still my bestie even if she says she isn't, but she cannot exempt you from all rules. Just sayin'.

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He wants to read and write and I like him playing with math mamanipulatives because it makes him think. I started a thread. I've got it figured out.


I have come to realize how different children are. My oldest daughter did just fine with intermixing play and learning. My youngest is like your John - she needs some type of structure in the day or she just gets in trouble. I have to intermix structured activities with free play with her, so I get where you are coming from. 


I haven't checked your other thread yet because I was not online all day yesterday, but some of the the math things I have available and will do with her, or start her off and then let her play are:

Bambino Luk (http://www.timberdoodle.com/bambinoLUK_Set_A_p/123-801.htm),

pattern blocks,

Critical Thinking Beginning Thinking skills book,

MEP math Reception,

Mighty Mind,

a bunch of the preschool toys from MFW, SL 3/4 and 4/5 (haven't started 4/5 yet),

Basic Builder kit (https://www.timberdoodle.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=745-801)

Language Lessons for Little Ones

and I plan to get a customized prek kit from Timberdoodle. 

I also would like to get cuisenaire rods. There is a free booklet available online for using the rods, different games and such.


I do all language and math things in Spanish. We do not do everything every day. She also wants me to read simple readers to her because she wants to learn how to read, but doesn't always have the patience to learn the letter sounds. I'm not worried about reading, because I didn't teach my oldest until around 5, she took a while with her dyslexia, but is completely fluent now (in reading) in both Spanish and English.

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Nan appears to be in the last stages.  She doesn't eat and drinks only a tiny bit.  She sleeps most of the day.  This is a good thing for Nan.  I think we are looking at a week or two, but no one can predict these things.  She has just taken such a nosedive with the UTI and coming back from respite.  I guess it's possible that she could rally, but for her sake, I hope not.  She would not want to be here like this.


We processed with the kids and learned their thoughts, feelings, and wishes.  The boys are able to manage it pretty well at their ages, but little dd has some fear and does not want to interact with Nan when she is like this or see her body after she passes.  I can send her to a friend's house when the time comes.  Also, Nan is now in a room with the door closed in bed so no one sees her unless they go into the room. 


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Note to self:  take a polite pass on the chicken feet, if you can.


What about pickled pig feet? I remember once seeing a big ole jar of it sitting on my pastor's kitchen cabinet. They are from New Orleans.  :mellow:

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For me: lima beans.  I still haven't found a way to fix them so I like them.  However, DD13 actually does like them, so once in a great while I will heat some up.


Anyone got any good recipes for lima beans?


DH won't eat brussels sprouts, which I love, and doesn't like mushrooms.  He's okay with the flavor of mushrooms and will pick the recognizable pieces out of stuff.  He just doesn't like the texture.  He tastes the bitter in brussels sprouts; I don't.  He also detests any melon except watermelon, and claims it contaminates anything it touches.  As it is he will only eat watermelon cut fresh and completely on it's own, and not mixed in with anything else.


Come to think of it, I don't know how to prepare a palatable bit of eggplant, either.  Any eggplant advice?


I was going to respond, but I think it was hornblower that beat me to it. Ratatouille is good. I have a vegetarian slow cooker book with that recipe.

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He doesn't like math enough for that. That's why I loved the cuisionare rods. I would present a concept and if he didn't get it or like the idea he would do something else. I can't think of many other things he can do that with. He wanted to read at two which is how this whole playing school thing started. Now he's reading well and wants to right. I think I've figured out what to do and we don't need to increase the time to 40 minutes to do it.


Remember, it doesn't have to be 40 minutes at one time. It can be spread out through the day. I prefer at least a 10 minute block of time, depending on child's mood (at this age. It will increase as they get older).

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:lol: :lol: :lol:


Lucky for me DH doesn't end up here.  His mother was the only gal in the household, and she made darned sure her boys not only knew how to cook and clean, but had some sort of clue how to treat a gal.  And a family friend made an impression years ago by insisting that "blenders" (any useful household implement) are not acceptable presents.


Which made it hard for me to convince DH that sometimes I really do want the useful implement I keep talking about and pointing out.


My dh is really good at choosing clothes that look good on me, so I give him props. He also cooks and cleans. In fact, he cleans better than I do. Which annoys him to no end, because, you, know, I'm "the woman" and supposed to know better. Yep.

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Going back 8 pages because that is where I left off yesterday, we raised rabbits for eating in Louisiana. When we moved to NY

when I was 5 we had to sell off the last few and one was a white rabbit with red eyes that we called Strawberry. He was NOT

allowed to be eaten. My parents told me they gave the rabbit to some of ours when we moved but still to this day I think we ate

him for dinner before we left Louisiana. It has scarred me for life. :crying:


Awww.  :grouphug:

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Peanut sits on the railroad track and his heart was all aflutter

Train came along and smashed him flat

Toot!  Toot!  Peanut Butter!


A lot of interesting variations. I grew up the version on the record, "Songs that Tickle Your Funny Bone." I actually have that record (not the one I grew up with; I purchased another).


A peanut sat on a railroad track;

His heart was all aflutter

Along came the 6:15,

Toot! Toot! Peanut Butter!


Followed by:


Ooey Gooey was a worm;

A mighty worm was he.

He sat upon the railroad track.

The train didn't see.

Ooey, gooeeeeyyyy!


Which is followed by:


Said a thousand-legged worm as he gave a little squirm,

"Has anybody seen a leg of mine?

For if it can't be found, I shall have to hop around

On the other 999?"

Hop around, hop around, on the other 999.

"For if it can't be found, I shall have to hop around

On the other 999!"


Also within this medley is:


I love you, I love you, I love you so well,

If I had a peanut, I'd give you the shell.

I love you, I love you, with all heart and soul.

If I had a donut, I'd give you the hole. (or whole, depending on your mood, I guess).

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I read that as "maple syrup stick-up" and wondered why you didn't just wash your hands....


I'm getting tired.  Should go to bed soon.  Operating on a week-long sleep shortage.


I got home yesterday at around 2:30 in the afternoon and fell asleep for  2 hours. Then, got up to do homework and crashed again. But, I hadn't finished my homework, so woke up around 2am, posted on the discussion board, and went back to sleep. To wake to my 6am alarm. Today, I only took a 35 minute nap.

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Well, not exempt from ALL rules, just so you know Slache is not in charge. We love her and all still, and she is still my bestie even if she says she isn't, but she cannot exempt you from all rules. Just sayin'.

Yes I can.


I have come to realize how different children are. My oldest daughter did just fine with intermixing play and learning. My youngest is like your John - she needs some type of structure in the day or she just gets in trouble. I have to intermix structured activities with free play with her, so I get where you are coming from. 


I haven't checked your other thread yet because I was not online all day yesterday, but some of the the math things I have available and will do with her, or start her off and then let her play are:

Bambino Luk (http://www.timberdoodle.com/bambinoLUK_Set_A_p/123-801.htm),

pattern blocks,

Critical Thinking Beginning Thinking skills book,

MEP math Reception,

Mighty Mind,

a bunch of the preschool toys from MFW, SL 3/4 and 4/5 (haven't started 4/5 yet),

Basic Builder kit (https://www.timberdoodle.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=745-801)

Language Lessons for Little Ones

and I plan to get a customized prek kit from Timberdoodle. 

I also would like to get cuisenaire rods. There is a free booklet available online for using the rods, different games and such.


I do all language and math things in Spanish. We do not do everything every day. She also wants me to read simple readers to her because she wants to learn how to read, but doesn't always have the patience to learn the letter sounds. I'm not worried about reading, because I didn't teach my oldest until around 5, she took a while with her dyslexia, but is completely fluent now (in reading) in both Spanish and English.

That thread was a disaster. I like the look of Building Thinking Skills. I imagine that will do what I want math to do for him without it being math.


Remember, it doesn't have to be 40 minutes at one time. It can be spread out through the day. I prefer at least a 10 minute block of time, depending on child's mood (at this age. It will increase as they get older).

I'm keeping it to 20. We're doing Handwriting Lessons Through Literature (phonogram review), RightStart games, and probably Bible Study Guise For All Ages. I got him a coloring/copywork book he can do whenever he wants and he's going to continue learning the piano (his request) and watching Magic School Bus and various Spanish things.

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What about pickled pig feet? I remember once seeing a big ole jar of it sitting on my pastor's kitchen cabinet. They are from New Orleans. :mellow:

Pickled pigs feet are quite good. So is picke pickled squid :) Chicken feet make good broth but I prefer not to see them floating around, they look to much like hands.

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Thank you for the like, Maize!  


Renai…. SLEEP!


Slache….. Sorry about the thread disaster. I missed it somehow??  


AMJ….. I think it was you who wanted my Fake Steak Bake recipe?  or someone did, anyway.  I must scram to bed but will post it tomorrow.  


One free tip tonight, though: do NOT try to whip it together with a screaming baby and bickering children in the background.  You will accidentally throw in dry arborio rice when you thought you were throwing in breadcrumbs, then have to apologize profusely to dh as you discover your mistake 45 minutes later while dashing out the door to a meeting, leaving dh with 5 hungry children and a rather crunchy bean concoction.  





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Yes I can.


That thread was a disaster. I like the look of Building Thinking Skills. I imagine that will do what I want math to do for him without it being math.


I'm keeping it to 20. We're doing Handwriting Lessons Through Literature (phonogram review), RightStart games, and probably Bible Study Guise For All Ages. I got him a coloring/copywork book he can do whenever he wants and he's going to continue learning the piano (his request) and watching Magic School Bus and various Spanish things.


Sory to hear about the thread. I forgot to mention, I also have HWT preschool, Rod & Staff preschool books, and the Rightstart games. I haven't started the games yet. I've had the book and pieces for years, and haven't used it yet. The BTS books is a series, so if he likes the one, you can get more.


ETA: Dd loves Magic School Bus. We put it in Spanish on Netflix. Her favorite episode is Inside Ralphie and she requests it several times a week.

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I had a mammogram today. Yay for diagnostic boob squishing.


I haven't had one of those yet. Maybe I'm  still too young.  :glare:  Not looking forward to it. I'm hoping my  5 years of nursing (4.5 with the current child)  keeps bad stuff away.

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I haven't had one of those yet. Maybe I'm still too young. :glare: Not looking forward to it. I'm hoping my 5 years of nursing (4.5 with the current child) keeps bad stuff away.

That is my cancer prevention plan. Going on 11 years of nursing here...


Have to balance out my higher risk from early menarche (am I remembering that word right?)

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You're doing more important things;)


I'm supposed to start my last semester of school next month. I am not looking forward to it.


I'm in my last semester of school now, and supposed to finish in November. Unless I decide to get a dual concentration which would extend the time another 6 months. Since I'm pretty sure I'm of school, I think I'm going to withdraw from the dual program.

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Sory to hear about the thread. I forgot to mention, I also have HWT preschool, Rod & Staff preschool books, and the Rightstart games. I haven't started the games yet. I've had the book and pieces for years, and haven't used it yet. The BTS books is a series, so if he likes the one, you can get more.


ETA: Dd loves Magic School Bus. We put it in Spanish on Netflix. Her favorite episode is Inside Ralphie and she requests it several times a week.

He doesn't like workbooks. I think he'd like the BTS one though. We watch Inside Ralphie all the time too. I didn't know they were in Spanish. I'll have to look for them.

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"I'm sorry, honey. It must be broken."


I just said no. I was scarred by my mother's constant lies and I've never lied to my children. No Santa, no nothing. There are things I don't tell them, but I've never lied.


Eta: I'm not saying I wouldn't lie to them, just that I never have (that I can remember). God blessed the midwives for lying in Egypt, so I don't think telling an untruth is inherently wrong, I just have a habit of not doing it because I'm a spaz.

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So excited for ds16 and I can't tell anyone irl in case he finds out.  I was approached by the CO at army cadets tonight.  My ds16 is getting an award at the year end ceremony, the CO's award for diversity in cadets.  I have to write a mini bio about ds describing the things he has overcome and struggles with to be a good cadet due to his disabilities etc.  The CO said he is amazed at how much improvement he has seen in ds, and can see he really is working hard to overcome his issues.  (It helps that the CO is on my fb friends list and can see the behind the scenes stuff with our family too to see all that we deal with).  He never wins awards.  WHen I heard that one of my kids was getting an award this year I assumed dd15 for top shot like she got last year because out of the 3 range nights she still had top shot at 2 of them, she missed the third due to illness.  But I was wrong, it's not her getting an award it's him.  Okay totally done bragging, just had to let it out since I know they won't see it here.

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So excited for ds16 and I can't tell anyone irl in case he finds out.  I was approached by the CO at army cadets tonight.  My ds16 is getting an award at the year end ceremony, the CO's award for diversity in cadets.  I have to write a mini bio about ds describing the things he has overcome and struggles with to be a good cadet due to his disabilities etc.  The CO said he is amazed at how much improvement he has seen in ds, and can see he really is working hard to overcome his issues.  (It helps that the CO is on my fb friends list and can see the behind the scenes stuff with our family too to see all that we deal with).  He never wins awards.  WHen I heard that one of my kids was getting an award this year I assumed dd15 for top shot like she got last year because out of the 3 range nights she still had top shot at 2 of them, she missed the third due to illness.  But I was wrong, it's not her getting an award it's him.  Okay totally done bragging, just had to let it out since I know they won't see it here.


That is SO awesome!

:party:  :cheers2:    :patriot:

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Since I have to take dd6 to the Vandy bone and joint clinic in the morning to get her cast off, I am going to casually ask the doctor about my sneeze-induced stabbing chest pain. Hopefully he will just tell me to laze around in bed for a week.


Slache, were you going for nonchalant with that booya?


Time for bed.

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