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Prayers for safe travels and other stuff, please


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My dh and boys just left for Missouri for the homeschool basketball Nationals.  They will be back next Saturday.  One boy has been sad all week about missing me.  Neither of my boys have been separated from me for a solid week ever, and they are 12 and 14.  Yes, they will have fun.  Yes, they will be okay.


Tell that to my sad mama heart.  :(


It would comfort me to know that the Hive was offering up prayers and thoughts for them (and me).  I will be home with little dd all week, and it is already very, very quiet.



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Thank you for the hugs.  I can feel them.  :)  I have stopped crying now so that's good.  I will call dh in a bit to check on them.


I mostly know they will be okay.  It was just really hard to watch them drive away for a week, particular my one son who is so sad.  He is not NT so it is an added layer to this.

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()  Perhaps you can have a routine of phone calls at night before bed.  I know that has helped my kids when dh is gone.  And do something girly with dd.  It won't make you miss your boys less but it can make this week a bit more than just being left at home for the two of you.  


P. S.  I didn't know it would do that special superscript with the TM - see, even the keyboard thinks you're special :)

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I do plan to take dd to Claire's to spend a gift card.  :)  Also, my good friend has invited us to dinner one night. 


I will be at such loose ends without my loud, constantly consuming food boys.  Less laundry, greatly decreased cooking responsibilities and no school this week.  It's not all bad.


My mantra has been that this is good for them to have dude time with dad and to see that they can be separated from me.  My one son has been kinder and more grateful this past week, and I know it is because he is thinking of me not being with him for seven days.  My hope is that he will realize he likes me.  :D  The other son couldn't wait to drive away!  Such different guys, I have.



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It is tough as they age and start doing more without us.  On the one hand it makes us proud to see them flying, on the other we want to hold them close and never let them go saving tons of time in bottles.  It's bittersweet really.


Hugs to you and I hope all of you are able to have a good week.

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Many thanks to all of you.


I am kind of lost here alone with little dd.  She has not been doing her usual talk-a-thon so it's quiet except for her Magic School Bus DVD set that she has rediscovered.  We did take the dog for a walk together.


My one son cried when they left, which made it hard for me.  I have talked to them several times since they left, though, and they are doing well.  I made a huge breakfast to send them off.  They should be about an hour from their destination by now.


I have decided to have a "take it easy" week but I am working on the taxes and have listed a pile of stuff on ebay with more to go.  lol  Tried to get college girl to visit, but she won't come until Friday.  Everyone is growing up and having lives!  Yes, Creekland, that is exactly how it is. I am proud and happy for them but my heart kind of broke a little.

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They have almost made it to the hotel. They had a nice dinner at Cracker Barrel, and dh reports no one being sad.


(I know you all were sitting on the edge of your seats waiting for that. ;) )



It is easier being the one(s) out on the adventure and harder on the one(s) staying home, IMO. When I'm home, I miss the ones that are gone and it seems so different w/o them. They, OTOH, are out on an unusual adventure and I think the novelty helps alleviate the homesickness/loneliness/missing loved ones.

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It is easier being the one(s) out on the adventure and harder on the one(s) staying home, IMO. When I'm home, I miss the ones that are gone and it seems so different w/o them. They, OTOH, are out on an unusual adventure and I think the novelty helps alleviate the homesickness/loneliness/missing loved ones.

Exactly!  I am here with little dd saying she is hungry and has nothing to do with the cat on my lap, per usual.  ;)


It will do one of my sons good to experience that he is okay without mom there.  (It might not be bad for mom, too. )

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I do plan to take dd to Claire's to spend a gift card.  :)  Also, my good friend has invited us to dinner one night. 


I will be at such loose ends without my loud, constantly consuming food boys.  Less laundry, greatly decreased cooking responsibilities and no school this week.  It's not all bad.


My mantra has been that this is good for them to have dude time with dad and to see that they can be separated from me.  My one son has been kinder and more grateful this past week, and I know it is because he is thinking of me not being with him for seven days.  My hope is that he will realize he likes me.  :D  The other son couldn't wait to drive away!  Such different guys, I have.


Watch out! This is how it is in the beginning but by the time they will be back you may be used to less laundry, the blessed quietness and having the bed to yourself.  :) :)

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I kind of hope they miss me just enough to remember they need me but not enough to detract from their fun, if I can put in that request.  :D


Long story, but little dd talked me into sleeping with her in her brother's double bed so the cat would have company at night.  It was NOT restful so we will need to choose a different arrangement going forward.  At one point, I was hugging the side of the bed while she was in the middle shoving stuffed animals and her knees into my back.  I think the cat may have even given up sleeping in the bed with us.

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This gig is not too well-organized, it doesn't seem.  My dh said that he is still not certain if he will be coaching one of the Team USAs.  The boys don't actually play until tomorrow.  They don't have an assigned team yet.  The whole thing seems a bit weird, but I know it is a monster undertaking for the organizers.


The teammate who was going with them was delayed because his mother was diagnosed with pneumonia!  She is going today with her three kids instead of yesterday.  I can't imagine.


My dh reported that the boys woke him up at 3 am arguing about whose knees were in whose back.  Sounds like the night I had.  ;)  They are sharing a queen sized bed, but they are the Odd Couple so that will be interesting.  :D  Dh reported that they ate fruit with their breakfast.  ;)  One of my concerns was that they would eat nothing of nutritional value for a week. 

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