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Exercise Thread ~ March 8th - Saturday 14th


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I did some yoga and mutu today- 30 minutes total. I did my strength training yesterday so I was sore today during some of the moves. Hoping to get in a walk or biking this afternoon, it isn't as sunny today but a warm 56 this afternoon. I heard the birds too, it is a wonderful sound.


Kh- I have to ask what kind of breakfast do you eat after that workout?

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Dh and I went to the gym this afternoon. I did 20 min bike, 20 min elliptical, and then some free weights and push-ups (30 :D) for another 15 min or so. I am so tired right now :lol:


Dinner with extended family here tonight. I will enjoy the time and the wine :)

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My non-walking day didn't quite work out: the dog disappeared and I walked fast all over the village trying to find her.  Finally, Hobbes found her in our own garden/yard.  Little tyke (the dog, not Hobbes).


Then home to the garden: weeding for 2 1/2 hours

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Went for a glorious 29 degree run. So warm and I think I actually heard birds chirping! :party:


I had a similar experience listening to the birds chirp here the other morning. I was happy because it had warmed up to an amazing -5C!!  We live in very different worlds.  :lol:

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Starting a running program.  I am completely intimidated by those of you who are already in shape.


I am committed to running a half marathon in November and am just starting out.  


I plan to do 45 min. on the treadmill today with intervals to try to get up to a 4 mph walking pace......that is my first goal and it may take 2-3 weeks to get to where I can do that for more than a few min. at a time.


I ordered a FitBit with HR (Charge HR) yesterday and will wait for that to come, although if you have any other monitoring device suggestions, I can still return this one.

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Starting a running program.  I am completely intimidated by those of you who are already in shape.


I am committed to running a half marathon in November and am just starting out.  


I plan to do 45 min. on the treadmill today with intervals to try to get up to a 4 mph walking pace......that is my first goal and it may take 2-3 weeks to get to where I can do that for more than a few min. at a time.


I ordered a FitBit with HR (Charge HR) yesterday and will wait for that to come, although if you have any other monitoring device suggestions, I can still return this one.


I like my Fitbit HR - I'm not a runner though, so others will probably have a better idea.

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Starting a running program.  I am completely intimidated by those of you who are already in shape.


I am committed to running a half marathon in November and am just starting out.  


I plan to do 45 min. on the treadmill today with intervals to try to get up to a 4 mph walking pace......that is my first goal and it may take 2-3 weeks to get to where I can do that for more than a few min. at a time.


I ordered a FitBit with HR (Charge HR) yesterday and will wait for that to come, although if you have any other monitoring device suggestions, I can still return this one.


Welcome!  After a few sedentary years and my last 2 children I started getting back into shape with the couch to 5k program in 2012.  It took me months-  but it stuck and snowballed:) Having a marathon to aim for is a great idea.


I have a question:   Do any of you find that on really intense workout days you crave protein and then on rest days you crave carbs?  Yesterday, a very needed modified rest day, I felt like I couldn't possibly eat enough fruit.  When my 15 yo dd returned from a frisbee tournament with a box of fish crackers I practically knocked the luggage out of her hand and ran off with the 1/2 empty box, and I don't even like them.  



Kettlebell's simple and sinister, stretching and rolling


Tonight: double martial art classes

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Do any of you find that on really intense workout days you crave protein and then on rest days you crave carbs?




Yesterday was rest day and I ate waaaay more carbs than I normally do.    I do notice on WO days I do crave more protein, especially on push/pull days.     I just ate 4 eggs, a small bit of chicken, half an avocado and 1 banana for breakfast (and I still feel hungry).

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Kh- I have to ask what kind of breakfast do you eat after that workout?

Yesterday I ate a bowl (just over a cup) of plain yogurt (not Greek as I'm out) and mixed into it I added pecans (2 fist fulls), Tbs of chia seed, and about 2 Tbs of shredded coconut (non sweetened). Then I ate a piece of toast with mustard and sliced roast beef along with a small apple and sunbutter. Then I was very full. 



I have a question:   Do any of you find that on really intense workout days you crave protein and then on rest days you crave carbs?  

I basically crave carbs any day.  :lol:   




Today is rest day. Kind of obvious after yesterday's workout. ;) 

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Oh, I forgot! I wanted to give a PSA to all of you. Be careful doing pull ups with those over-the-door-frame bars. I finally got around to putting mine together, and on my first pull up attempt on it, I pulled myself up too quickly and smacked my head (hard!) on the door frame. I just kind of let go and sat on the floor holding my throbbing head. My 11 yr old ds saw me do it and said, "Wow! That had to hurt." Yep, way to state the obvious. I used an ice pack to calm the throbbing, and amazingly I didn't get a headache. However, this morning I noticed I have a bruise (hidden by my hair). The door frame has a dent in it, but I cannot say that it was my head that did it as I don't know if the dent was there before my head whacked it. 


Maybe I should strap a small pillow to my head from now on when trying pull ups? 

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Managed Mutu and got in a good session with plenty of extra squats. Now, I'm going to cook supper and collapse into bed and hope that I sleep tonight so I can get in a good workout tomorrow. I had a golden opportunity tonight, since only ds had classes but I was about dead from the lack of sleep.

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So- underwear questions:


I'm frustrated- I have no time to shop but I need a new sports bra- for grappling, so no metal zippers or lots of poky hardware.  Pretty full coverage but I'd like not to merely be squashed to death: any suggestions?  Also, someone posted some Nike underwear, boxer style for women, were they compression shorts or actual underwear?  I cannot remember who posted the link- or when.



This morning kata work and some light grappling practice, stretching.  I hyper-extended my right elbow (with help) during Saturday's jujitsu practice so I'm taking some time off from push-ups and handstand progressions.



martial arts class followed by kettle bell class.

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Low impact to get my sore muscles stretched and back in the game. Guess what!!! I just saw that FB released a new Booty Boot Camp for Butt/Thighs. I have one week left in my current schedule, and then I'm doing it! 



Looks like they have a new 8 week Cross Training program as well. They said it's good to use if you do another sport regularly like running, team sport, etc. This program is 3 days a week to add into your other workout plans.  

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Bras.....first, I am not well endowed so I don't have to worry about bras being able to support a lot of weight and contain a lot of flesh. ;) I get 99% of my sports bras from TJMaxx, Marhsalls, or Target. I've gotten a couple from Athleta and like them but they're not any better than the cheaper ones from Maxx. I have a range from low support for yoga, stretching, low impact days to more support for high impact days. None of mine have any back hooks or underwire, but again I don't need it. 


I've heard great things about Title Nine bras, and I think you can do online chat consulting for your needs and they will give suggestions. 


Oh, Old Navy has some good bras too. 

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I'm using this bra and it works great for me but I'm built small.


The nikes are compression shorts.   I found out other women are wearing underwear under theirs which I think is a little overkill.   The only thing I'll say is to check the inside of undies for seams and where they may be rubbing.     I do like them but still looking for the perfect pair of boyshort undies that are comfortable, don't ride up and don't stick to you when sweaty.


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Short and Sweet Yoga and Mutu this am, (40 min total) slept a bit better so I had a bit more energy and had a good workout.  I'm considering going to do some weights this afternoon but I really wanted to do it with dh and he has a cold and can't make it this evening, so I have to decide if I want to try it by myself tonight or wait until tomorrow and try to do it with him later in the week. However, I'll have to see if the gym has childcare at the time I would have free because if they don't it is moot point anyway. 


My bras are all heavy duty nursing bras right now. I need to buy new bras but I thought I would wait a bit after weaning to see if my size changes. I used an Enell bra befre and it works well if your bigger chested and need everything to stay in place, they are very tight though. My current nursing bras are pretty high support so they generally keep me contained.

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Starting a running program.  I am completely intimidated by those of you who are already in shape.


I am committed to running a half marathon in November and am just starting out.  


I plan to do 45 min. on the treadmill today with intervals to try to get up to a 4 mph walking pace......that is my first goal and it may take 2-3 weeks to get to where I can do that for more than a few min. at a time.


I ordered a FitBit with HR (Charge HR) yesterday and will wait for that to come, although if you have any other monitoring device suggestions, I can still return this one.



I've been running for over 7 years, but I still don't think I'm in "great" shape.  Right now, because I was working on coming back from an injury, I'm doing run/walk intervals again.  I run for 3 mins then walk for 1 min.  


You can totally be ready for 13.1 miles by November.  Don't worry about speed, and don't worry about how often you have to walk.  Have fun.

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Monday-5 mile run and some core work


Tuesday- 60 minutes of yoga, then 4 sets of 10 push-ups, 5 pull-ups and 100 kettlebell swings.  I did the sets throughout the day, not all at once.  I felt good to swing the bell.  I haven't done that in a few weeks.


Rieshy, I don't need much when it comes to support for bras, but my oldest dd has always loved Moving Comfort bras.  To get support without wires you are going to get a bit squished.  You may want to go to a running store and try some on. 

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I forgot to post, I am sorry!


Last friday I DID get my workout in, so yay!  I didn't workout on Sunday b/c I was in bed with a sick tummy..boooo!  Monday I felt better and I did 30 min tracy anderson matt workout. I wasn't feeling 100% so I counted walking ds1 to his piano lesson and back as my cardio, lol. It's a mile each way over snowy and now slushy sidewalks and climbing over snowburgs at the corners. We were quite late on our way there so I was pink cheeked and panting when we arrived. We were slower on the way back, but still brisk.  Today I did 30 mins on the nordic track and 30 min mat workout.


Tomorrow I will have to walk ds2 to his piano lesson, so another trot across town through the slush.  It was 40 degrees today, and at one point ds2 and I thought it was pouring out b/c all we could hear was water falling outside.  Turns out the snow and ice on everyone's roof was melting so quickly that it created a rain storm. It was intense to see. It's nice that it is warm, but I will be surprised if we don't have flooding and ice jams.


My car was hit a month ago and is still in the shop. We did have money from the insurance company for a rental but that ran out and we couldn't afford to keep the rental. Hence, all the walking to piano lessons etc.


Yay you runners! DH went out for his own 29 degree run. It's still too cold for me to go running!


Bras, well, title IX is the main place for them. But, I have found some good nike ones at Dicks sporting goods, but it is hit or miss there. They never have the same thing twice.


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Hmm, my bras are industrial models called shock absorber. Good coverage and no weird hardware.



Um, shhh, I wear compression shorts or tights and skip the undies. I like Nike and UA.


I ran and did yoga Monday.

Today I did yoga, took a walk and did Rip. Rip will kill ya'


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Starting a running program.  I am completely intimidated by those of you who are already in shape.


I am committed to running a half marathon in November and am just starting out.  


I plan to do 45 min. on the treadmill today with intervals to try to get up to a 4 mph walking pace......that is my first goal and it may take 2-3 weeks to get to where I can do that for more than a few min. at a time.


I ordered a FitBit with HR (Charge HR) yesterday and will wait for that to come, although if you have any other monitoring device suggestions, I can still return this one.

You are hard-core! I love it!


I have a question:   Do any of you find that on really intense workout days you crave protein and then on rest days you crave carbs?

Yes ma'am.


Today is rest day. Kind of obvious after yesterday's workout. ;)

Yeah. I did Insanity every day for two months. I was so impressed with myself as it was probably my biggest physical accomplishment, but I burnt out in an extraordinary way. I think I didn't work out for 3 months strait and slept 10 hours a night the entire time. I wasn't aware that you could do that to yourself.




I did something creative to my heel a few days ago and haven't been able to work out. I did get some weights in today. Go me!

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I've been running for over 7 years, but I still don't think I'm in "great" shape.  Right now, because I was working on coming back from an injury, I'm doing run/walk intervals again.  I run for 3 mins then walk for 1 min.  


You can totally be ready for 13.1 miles by November.  Don't worry about speed, and don't worry about how often you have to walk.  Have fun.



I won't worry YET!  Apparently the race has a 16 min. mile min. speed and if you fall behind the pacers at the end you have to drop out.  YIKES!  I didn't realize that when I agreed to it.  


I did another 2 mile walk/jog today.   I did about 3.0 MPH most of the time, but fell back to 2.5 for about 1/4 of it.


My goal is 2 miles per day for 7 days and then increase the speed a little and distance a little each week.

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I won't worry YET! Apparently the race has a 16 min. mile min. speed and if you fall behind the pacers at the end you have to drop out. YIKES! I didn't realize that when I agreed to it.


I did another 2 mile walk/jog today. I did about 3.0 MPH most of the time, but fell back to 2.5 for about 1/4 of it.


My goal is 2 miles per day for 7 days and then increase the speed a little and distance a little each week.

Just increase slowly. I keep reading most injury happens when you jump mileage too fast. You've got time. Just be consistent.
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Walk yesterday with the girls. No gym, I utterly misestimated the time, there is no way I can make it there and back in the time I have on Tuesday because the girls have to switch, not unless dh can watch them and he had robotics last night. So, as I said we talk a walk to the park which was across the road.  


Slept much better last night, almost back to normal (ya!), getting ready to do yoga and mutu. I think I'll try the yoga class tonight if I don't chicken out.....


eta- Yoga/Mutu done- 40 min total- I attempted crow to plank, didn't quite make it but not bad for the first time I've tried in months.

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Hmm, my bras are industrial models called shock absorber. Good coverage and no weird hardware.




This is it exactly... thanks!


Last night at kettle bell I finally progressed to two-handed work.  At the end we did the 2-1-3 sequence from this article: http://www.strongfirst.com/2-1-3-cpsq/ It was interesting to me that even though my bells combined were only 50 pounds, which I goblet squat easily, using 2 made the squats soooo much harder!  


Today- jujitsu drills at home, stretching, katas, recovery run of 2 miles.  


I hope to walk 2 miles with dh tonight.

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Just got back from a butt-kicking walk, we were gone about 1.5 hrs, although 30-45 min of that was playing at the creek. Thank goodness I at least ate an orange before leaving, I was famished by the time we got back, I don't snack near as much as they do!


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I'm finally get back on track with exercising after breaking my foot a few months ago. I'm walking 3-4 kilometers in the morning and getting on the elliptical for 30 minutes after lunch. I need to add some yoga and strength training in sometime during the day, but just moving more makes me feel better.

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