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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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up before dawn as usual. milk cow and process twins


2 loads of laundry washed and hung out to dry


rush tidy up of house and veranda


ring twins case manager


Had a former next door neighbour pop in for a visit. We haven't seen him for 7 years- he was a wonderful neighbour. He had a new partner and told me the sad sad story of how his former wife died 3 years ago- :crying:


tried unsuccessfully to get ds11 to finish off his daily schoolwork- SIGH- we didn't get science or grammar done


cook corned beef and veggies for tea


now doing some of tomorrows laundry, writing out lesson plans for the rest of the school term for work and getting ready for the big trip tomorrow


Tomorrow I am traveling around 250 km each way for an access visit for the twins. I made such a fuss last time about how ridiculous it was for the twins to travel so far ( round trip of 800 km) that this time the birth parents have to travel part of the way. We were told today that we are meant to bring lunch to share with the birth parents . .. we are a bit peeved by this. As to arrive by train in time I would have to catch a 4 am train ( no other more convenient times) DH is coming with me to drive. Unfortunately the van radiator just decided to spring a leak, so we will have to take the other car.. the car that has a top speed of about 80 km/h and is so noisy that you have to wear ear plugs. sigh




Received a speeding fine in the mail today, the second one in 2 weeks. Agh! there goes my fortnightly wage.





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Good morning everyone!

It's flipping COLD here.  The woodstove is really having trouble getting going this morning.

Finally getting over the flu, still weak but better.

Have to go out today, need food for the cockatiel and youngest has a dentist appointment this afternoon.

The driveway is a skating rink, I am pretty sure I can get out, but getting back up it might be more of a problem.

We shall see.

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It was 6 this morning on the way to the gym. So done with this.


My day:

--exercise at gym w dh

--school stuff (chem, math, history, APHG, some Science Olympiad things)

--daily house stuff

--continue w bio planning for next year (I am increasingly convinced I can do this on my own :))

--book dd's airfare

--emails du jour

--order more pointe shoes

--research hotels in Seattle

--discuss English choice for next year w dd

--vote in the school district referendum

--library for holds


--dd ballet 5:30-7:30


Ok, that's more than I thought :eek:

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Melissa, I'm so sorry! 


Lizzie, glad you are feeling some better!



This morning the machines will be turned off for my sister's step-daughter. She says this time has been good and has given the family a chance to adjust to the suddenness of her passing. She said watching her siblings go through this has made her think she wouldn't survive losing me or our younger sister. I so dread the day that one of us goes first and then the day one of us will be left alone. 





saw dh off and made his breakfast

too much coffee and computer


To Do:

school with the kids


tidy house

make a plan for getting things ready for this weekend (I'm getting my nephew on Saturday and keeping him for 4 days.)




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Good morning! It is cold, but sunny here. I am hoping to have a very productive day. Dh is taking dd1 to get her license (she passed her driving test last week), so now I won't have to drive as much, but get to worry more. I am still wondering if it is a good tradeoff.


To do:

clean master closet (didn't get to this yesterday)

chores for all

school for all

file/pay bills

school administration

sports administration

PM practice


Surely, there is more! Have a great day, everyone!


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Kitchen is cleaned.




Visit my sheep and my nervous cow that I am trying to tame. We've made much progress since it's been so cold that she HAS to depend on me for food and water. Hopefully she will be nice by the time her calf comes and I will be able to milk her.


Start laundry.


Text my friend about some arrangements for my girls' handbell festival this weekend.


Grocery store




Walmart (ugh)


Dust living room since it didn't happen yesterday.


Empty kitchen trash since it's overflowing and I'm the only one who won't continue piling things in it only to have them slide to the floor.


But first....




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Morning all.


-laundry folded and away

-finish cleaning upstairs

- make chicken broth and use some of it for tonight's dinner

- make cookies and enough dough to freeze a batch

- a friend is visiting this afternoon

- kids to kung fu

-kids in bed by 7:30 so we can get back into the normal routine

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Good morning everyone.  It is snowing here again and the woodstove is so cozy that it is hard to get anything done!  Schools have been closed here for 1 1/2 weeks and I am starting to feel like a slave-driver, so I told ds we would do a light day of study today.


Clean kitchen - done

Clean mud room - totally hopeless cause :-)

Bake cookies for the boys - dh and ds

Think of something for dinner so I don't have to go out to the store

Listen to Act 1 of Richard III with ds


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Can you believe the kids are off school again?  This is the 4th "weather day" in a row.  In January they also had some snow days and my kids missed 2 days for vacation and 2 days for sickness/injury.  What a winter!


As for me, I went back to bed after checking the school closing list, and slept until 10am!  Yikes!  My kids are being so good, they were already reading their AR books when I got up.  :)


My list for today:

  • Do a little exercise.  [done]
  • Clean kitchen, bathrooms, some clutter.  [done]
  • Make list of kids' work for the day.  [done]
  • Work until 5:45.  [done]
  • Scan, email, and mail summer camp applications.  [started]
  • Family TKD.  [done]
  • Quick grocery stop.  [done]
  • Clean out car.  [not done - need a warmer day]
  • Dinner.  [done]
  • Kid baths.  [done]
  • Organize TKD bags.  [started]
  • Review school work so the kids aren't clueless in school tomorrow.  (I do think there will be school tomorrow.)  Re-pack school bags.  [done]
  • Read-Aloud.  [done]
  • Kids to bed.  [done]
  • Clean kitchen & fridge, recycle garbage out, get all garbage ready to go out in the morning.  [done]
  • Do a little fun reading. [done]
  • Work from 10-12.


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Amy,  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Morning, all!


To do:

coffee, getting a later start today


call dd's school;  we are taking her out.  We really wanted this to work, but now with her stomach issues...?  


take dd to Starbucks for breakfast, and a school related chat.  Set goals for math, literature, and writing.  


Banking, pay bills.  UPS business related stuff.

Grocery store





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:seeya: Good Afternoon  :seeya:


Melissa-- :grouphug:  


Amy-- :grouphug:  


Lizzie--glad you're feeling better! 


Luckymama--your dedication to exercise is motivating me to get back at it hard. 


Jean glad you're feeling some better.  


So today I took ds to his biology lab intensives day 2 and came home and cleaned everything, hung some more pictures and puttered.  I'm done the laundry and I need to decide what's going to be dinner tonight after I go and pick him up.    


Other than that...back to normal schedule tomorrow. 





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:grouphug:  Prayers and good thoughts for all who are having troubles.


I always say a prayer when someone asks on this forum, but I usually don't make a post.  I just thought I'd post this time to let you all know that I'm thinking of you and wishing you well.

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My friend messed up my meals for the week!! I love her to death and she did it while trying to be helpful but now I'm at a loss for what to do. When she got here I was ripping the chicken carcass apart so I could save the chicken and and user the carcass for my broth. Baby started crying so she offered to finish starting the broth. I gave her very clear directions about what meat could go into the broth and what needed to get pulled off.


About an hour later I went in the kitchen to get ds a drink and noticed the bowl I gave her to put the chicken in was empty. She put all the chicken in the pot with the carcass!! This was chicken for another dinner and lunches for the week. By the time it comes out of the broth it'll be too cooked for anything other than adding to soup. Its only a huge deal because this was my first attempt back at making freezer meals and planning so I'm in the kitchen less and eating out less.

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Unfortunately no, I've tried doing that before. The chicken is still on the carcass and the amount of time it would take to allow it to cool down enough for me to be able to actually touch the chicken and pull it all off isn't worth the effort. I'll just have extra chickeny soup tonight for dinner and make a batch of rice and beans for lunch for the week.


She also did my dishes so I'm not really upset with her at all!! Just frustrated when things don't go as planned.

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Breakfast - DONE


Catch up on laundry - CAUGHT UP!!


Put away laundry - TOMORROW


Pack 4 boxes (moving in 4 weeks) - DID 1


pick up playroom -TOMORROW


Vacuum playroom - TOMORROW




Lunch - DONE


Dinner - DONE

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Having a very late dinner now (homemade pizza :))


--exercise at gym w dh

--school stuff (chem, math, history, APHG, some Science Olympiad things)

--daily house stuff

--continue w bio planning for next year (I am increasingly convinced I can do this on my own :))

--book dd's airfare

--emails du jour

--order more pointe shoes

--research hotels in Seattle

--discuss English choice for next year w dd

--vote in the school district referendum

--library for holds


--dd ballet 5:30-7:30

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Tried to go to the ILs bank but discovered that they close an hour before mine so I missed them being open by 5 minutes.   :sad: I'll have to go tomorrow now that I know their hours.


I cooked tonight - actual cooking instead of just assembling food. I made "Farmhouse Chicken" which is a casserole of chicken and broccoli in a rice, butternut squash mixture. I'm sure there is a tastier way to describe it but I'm exhausted from actually cooking and so I'm not going to try. 

I have to get some paperwork figured out tonight once I recover a bit of energy. Yes, this fatigue is such that even getting up and rummaging through some files seems overwhelming. 

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Odd thing happened when I was at the grocery store.  I ran into this lady who was my boss 20 years ago.  She was by far the worst boss I ever had.  Anyhoo, she came up and said she'd been surprised to see my photo and name listed as owner of a building, and she wanted to look into having her kid's wedding there.  I guess she assumed I'd still be doing what I was doing 20 years ago ....

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