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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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The Husband's got off tomorrow. Woohoo!


History with the olders

Reading with the Ker

Hearing test for the toddler. - DONE!

scour kitchen counters



And now I'm feeling exhausted after just a doctor's appointment. Oh, third trimester, you are brutal! I guess we are doing lunch out and maybe I'll grab something caffeinated.

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Monday, Monday, yuck!  Here's the plan.


ETA:  Kids have another snow day.  Need to change the plan.

  • Take a nap and then do some work in the early a.m.
  • Get kids up & out, including spelling/memory review, breakfast, lunches.
  • Clean kitchen and bathrooms and some clutter.
  • Make list of independent work for each kid. [done]
  • Work until 4:45.  [done]
  • A little exercise.  [done]
  • Fill out summer camp application(s). [done]
  • Personal business (banking etc.)  [done]
  • Update calendars.  [done]
  • Laundry?
  • Review kids' school folders and make them do homework / math review from 4-4:45.
  • Kids to swim at 5pm; take computer and work there.  [done]
  • Dinner on the fly.  [done]
  • Kids to gymnastics at 7:15pm; take computer and work there.  [done]
  • Clean out the car.  [not done]
  • Evening math facts / spelling review / reading / memory if not already done. [done]  Otherwise, read aloud.  [done]
  • Dry swimming clothes & get them ready for Wednesday.  [done]
  • Reorganize TKD bags.  [not done]
  • Clean kitchen and bathrooms and some clutter.  [done]
  • Kids to bed.  [done]
  • A little personal reading.  [done]
  • Work from 10-12.  [done]


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Ah Monday :)


--gym w trainer at 11

--school (my part: math, chem, history, APHG, orally quiz on astronomy topics for Science Olympiad)

--emails (halfway through :lol:)

--daily house things

--special laundry

--book dd's airfare to visit her bestie this summer

--pick up library holds

--some vacation decisions

--continue w school planning for next year


Have a good day :party:

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Help oldest with any last minute Eagle project planning he has (meeting tonight!)

Pick up something off of Craigslist for son

Clean kitchen

Costco trip

Make some calls for appointments (doctors for kids' check ups, dentist, etc....)


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Good morning, no school for dd1 again

- dishes- done

- laundry- load in dryer

- tidy house- round 1 done

- put dd2's car seat back together- done

- attach dd1 mermaid tale to some leggings- done

- play practice- done

- Girl Scouts- done

- dinner- done

- mail out bills- done

- pick up a few things from walmart and get gas- done

- transfer and get $- done

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine- one down one to go

- pray dd1 has school tomorrow, she's going stir crazy (she's a social butterfly)

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Dh goes back to work today so life returns back to normal plus baby! I'm feeling ambitious so here's the list.


- grocery store

- laundry washed, folded, away

- call insurance company

- clean my bedroom

- help kids clean their room

- quick clean computer room

- have kid vacuum upstairs

- make 4 servicing of at least 2 freezer meals for the

- clean kitchen


Most of the cleaning will be quick so its not that much

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I am planning a quiet, lazy day at home. I wasn't able to go to sleep until after 3am. And I am feeling sick today. Not sure if I'm feeling sick because I got 3 hours of sleep, or if I got just 3 hours of sleep because I am sick....

To do:
Tidy up
Order clear elastic that I cannot find in store
Maybe order some fabric
Make a treat for family night tonight
Post up letter to missionary dd's blog



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DH didn't have to be at work untl 8:45 this morning (weather related), so we got off to a late start.


Clean kitchen


Sweep and vacuum

Latin with ds

Start escarole and sorrel

Make a batch of bierrocks


Don't know if ds will have Kung Fu tonight, schools are closed here, so I may or may not go anywhere tonight


Have a good and productive day everyone!

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Happy Monday, all!


We were hit by a rainstorm Saturday/Sunday and we truly enjoyed the break in weather.  A very heavy storm, so heads up to the rest of you.  Looks like one more headed your way.


To do:



take car in for repairs 


mop downstairs

ds to driver's ed

math with dd

softball dd

dinner on the go

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Good morning! I had a slow drive in to pick up dd1, but we are back now. I have had breakfast, read the papers, and am finishing the coffee. The kids need to do a quick snow shovel for the extra couple inches last night. It seems we have a lot to do today, even for a Monday!


To do:

school for all

chores for all


sweep and mop kitchen

pick up master closet

pick up study


school administration

sports administration

update calendar

grocery store during PM practice

PM practice/aikido


Have a great day, everyone!


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Clean bathrooms,

Catch up on laundry.

Post a couple of blog posts

Clean my living room.

Take dd9 to the dentist and maybe the used bookstore if there's time.

Mail letters a post office

dd17 has to work, I wonder how the roads are and whether I will need to drive here there and back?

Vacuum floors.



The house is actually pretty clean because I've not been anywhere in days, so there's noting to do but clean up.

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Human care done

Pet care done

Went to the Y to exercise but I got so exhausted just getting there that I sat in a chair and played Hay Day while dd did her exercise

Took dd to Sport Authority to exchange the too small shoes that she bought just yesterday.

Had lunch.


I have to serve dh some food in a half hour.  And I don't know what.  I'm exhausted and I don't know what I can make with what I have.  I might run down to the grocery store and pick up something but I've been doing an awful lot of that.  

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Wow I really didn't think about how my body would feel after running a few errands! I'm wiped and haven't done any cleaning or laundry. As I take advantage of the baby sleeping I'm going to throw laundry in the washer. Then I'll relax in bed while the kids clean and vacuum their room. I'll do my cleaning after dinner when dh is home and can take all kids into another room and I can knock it out quickly.

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I did not get a nap, and I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything on my list, but I did help my dd who locked her keys in her car, taught two violin lessons, and made chicken noodle soup for dinner.  I think we will have dinner, and then I will go to bed by about 7pm.


Thanks for your kind words.  I am feeling better tonight, but I have a lingering headache.  

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Monday needs to be over now.  Now!  


The key broke off in the car ignition.  It's one of those electronic things that won't work unless attached to the key itself.  20 minutes later with some pliers and a lot of colorful language, I got the car started.  While I was playing around with that, I noticed that my car had been broken into.  Everything had been cleaned out of the glove box, change drawer.   :cursing:


Someone kindly drove ds home from school so he wouldn't miss his driving lesson.  Once I got the car started, I drove straight to the dealer.  Ten minutes later, minus a $100, I drove off for the nearest Starbucks.  I might have dh stop on his way home and make it a double!  


Night all...

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Ran to the store.  Got dh some chili from the deli soup bar.  (And some chicken noodle soup in case he didn't feel like chili.)  


Got chocolate for me.  My Theo's was finally in.  One of the problems of living in a two street town (and not wanting to drive elsewhere) is that if they are out of your favorite chocolate, you have to go without until they get some in again.


Got dh off to work.


Worked with dd on math.  Survived even though we both were a bit short-tempered.  My problem is that I'm at a point where I know how to do it but am not super confident on explaining how to do it.  Dd's problem is that she doesn't want to listen to any kind of an explanation on how to do it from anyone.




Dropped dd off at the Y.


Made myself some dinner despite severe nausea.  (Eating actually helped a bit.)  Took more antibiotic.  


Had two squares of my Theo dark chocolate with salted almonds.  Sipped some echinacea tea.  

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