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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Ok, I usually don't do these but Saturday is no problem.


I'm shopping for my honey's birthday and we're going to splurge and buy STEAK and I'm baking a cake.


Maybe I will decide to take up T25 again... I have fallen off the wagon. :P


Other than that I want to play some music with the kids. Fun times.

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Good Morning! :)


Snow should be arriving here in a bit and I love snow ...so that means a good day!



  • quick tidy of main floor while kids are gone to gymnastics with Sophia
  • watch movies w/ my family 
  • be spoiled by my family --it's my birthday 

Have a great day everyone!

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Well the older 2 are sick now! They are quite disappointed because they had an event at the kung fu school to attend tonight that they've been looking forward to for a month. Dh has to go back to work this afternoon to run the event and a weapons seminar so we'll mostly be relaxing in bed today

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Happy birthday Tammy! :party:


Saturday has tackled me with cramps :( Not up to the gym with the Saturday crowd of guys in their 20s, you know?


So a mellow day ahead:

--some house stuff

--decide on a new recipe to try for dinner

--some school planning for next year

--order more pointe shoes for ds

--some pilates stretching, I think

--quality time with a library book :D

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Tammy-Happy birthday!!!!


hjffkj-so sorry, I hope all feel better soon!


You, too, Lucky!



I've not made it over to the tackle thread for several days. My dad came into town to see my son's last basketball game, so I've been busy visiting with him. My older sister's husband is 17 years older than her and has grown children, some of whom are in their 40s. His middle daughter was found unresponsive and not breathing. She's in a coma and on a respirator. She seems to be having internal bleeding but they can't find the source. She has a 9 year old child. I am praying she can be saved. She is the daughter that my b-i-l has the closest and best relationship with and another death affecting our family is going to be so difficult if she can't be. 



Dropped off dd at a theater meeting

picked up a few groceries

started a load of laundry


To Do:


go to ds' game

see Daddy off

tidy house

more laundry


plan school for next week





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Grrrr dd1's play director is a ding dong. She isn't doing another one with this lady. The play is on Friday and now she's being fussy about costumes. We each had to make our own (which is fine, but now she's wanting certain things to match and it's not going to happen). I just had to buy dd1 new shoes because she didn't like the ones dd1 had.

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Must be on this thread today to keep myself accountable.  My boss is stopping by my house on Monday morning while I am at work to drop off a used couch.  Problem is my house is a sty right now.  SO lots to get done, going to tackle everything in 15 minute bursts alternating between school work and house work and just plain work work.


Pick up mess off livingroom floor
vacuum area rug
sweep and map livingroom floor
dust livingroom furniture
give tortoises running on floor time while I clean out cage
vacuum loveseat
spot wash fingerprints off walls
find library dvds and books and stack by door
shovel path to "front front door" and the steps so boss can go right into livingroom


finish reorganizing the school books I have stacked everywhere
wash dishes (there is a ton)
wash counters/table
wipe cabinet fronts

wipe front of appliances
replace burnt out lightbulbs

spot wash walls
sweep and mop floor



re sort/hang/shelf the coats, boots, mitts etc the kids have scattered all over the space

pick back up and sort the math manips dd7 was playing with in entrance
take bags of goodwill stuff out to trunk finally
sweet and mop floor
spot wash walls



pick up any laundry that the kids had manged to not get into the dryer or out to the table after dry that they just leave laying there

straighten up pantry stuff

haul dollhouse to basement until I have time to fix it up (wooden plan dollhouse I dumpster dived for)

wipe appliances off





scoop litter box

clean sink

clean toilet

clean tub

sweep and mop floor

wipe cabinet fronts

wipe washer

spot wash walls


alcove between bedrooms:

toss toys back into proper rooms

pick up the laundry they toss there and take to bathroom to be washed

spot wash walls




midterm for understanding trauma

midterm for ethics and law

unit 6 curriculum planning II

Finish unit 5 assignment organizational relationships
unit 6 organizational relationships



type up notes from yesterday's conference and write a summary for our PD documentation

organize materials needed to implement this week with specific children (new goals for spec ed students I have)

Do some more work on the prop box planning

email the trainer at the gym about the children's fitness literacy inservice and the yoga inservice

wash the toys I bought for work from the goodwill yesterday



email guy from gym that books the gymnasium again about booking for cadets in march, have tried to contact him a couple times now.

So a ton to do today, tomorrow's list will likely have some of this carried over but I would like to get as much done today as I can as tomorrow will be busy again

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I overdid it a bit yesterday - woke up with a sore throat.  

Went to dd's 10k training.  She ran 5 miles while Rocky and I walked.  Of course I didn't learn from having overdone it and did a personal best on how long I walked down the trail.  I'm so tired now I can hardly move!  I promise to rest this afternoon.  

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Thank you for the prayers and hugs! Things are not going well with my sister's stepdd. She is still on life support. The hospital will keep her on it for 48-72 hours, and then her dh will have to decide what to do. She was not breathing when she was found and the ambulance took at least 10 minutes to get there.



I ended up doing meal planning, grocery sale comparisons, and shopping. School planning and the house will have to be tomorrow because ds and I are watching The Two Towers.

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The cleaning is still a work in progress today.  All my school work is done though.  ds16 and dd7 have been screaming at each other all day and I am going to lose my ever-loving head.  I ended up running to the grocery store for a bit too which was not planned.  It is now 7pm and I am going to get some more done in the livingroom before sending dd7 to bed so maybe then I can have 5 freaking minutes of peace to have a cup of tea before tackling more.  GOod thing I planned to make my list last 2 days.

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Hi guys.  It's late but I'll just list what we did today, because I'm liking these threads.

  • Packed gifts for birthday party of kids' friend.
  • Took kids to horse riding lesson.  Won battle with snow and very slippery roads.
  • Did some fun reading and chatting at the horse barn instead of the work I was supposed to be doing.
  • Took kids to birthday party.
  • Cleaned kitchen, bathrooms, some clutter.
  • Did some work work.
  • Went with friend (and kids) to test drive car she ordered.
  • Went out to dinner.
  • Made the kids do some picking up.
  • Watched movie with kids at home.
  • Did a little exercise and stretching.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Did some fun reading (Return of the Native) and Sunday School reading for tomorrow.
  • Supposed to be working now, hmmm.
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Slept until about 4 pm.  I was so tired!  Then ds wanted me to take him to IKEA.  It was the last thing I wanted to do but since he was actually cleaning his room and I want to encourage such behavior (!) I agreed.  We went to IKEA - got what he needed and then grabbed a bite to eat at a local Hawaiian place.  We agreed never to eat there again!  It was very obvious that they had watered everything down to make it stretch farther.  Anyway. . . I was almost home when  dd texted to ask me to pick her up from her volunteer gig.  So I did that and stopped at the grocery store for her before running home.


I really need to clean the kitchen, pay bills and iron dh's church stuff.  I am soooo tired.  I hurt a lot all over.  I really should go to church tomorrow morning (after all, I've been doing other things) but I really don't want to.  I just want everyone and every thing to go away. . .     Sigh.  

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Good Morning! :)


Snow should be arriving here in a bit and I love snow ...so that means a good day!



  • quick tidy of main floor while kids are gone to gymnastics with Sophia
  • watch movies w/ my family
  • be spoiled by my family --it's my birthday
Have a great day everyone!

Happy Birthday, Tammy! Hope you had a lovely day!

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