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Caylee Anthony update.....it isn't good....

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Did anyone see the update on Caylee.....they think she was dead in her mother's trunk. I just can't imagine how this sort of thing happens.....







Caylee's mother must have some mental issues if she can walk around not grieving for her missing/dead dd or if she knows or think she is alive to be helping in some way. or she's serious believes no body, no crime, no convicition so she just waits it out until she's cleared and goes on with life. How very, very sad for all involved.

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Did anyone see the update on Caylee.....they think she was dead in her mother's trunk. I just can't imagine how this sort of thing happens.....






I'll place my bets on crystal meth. It definitely fits.


I can't even follow the story, it breaks my heart so. I echo your inability to imagine such a thing. What starts someone down a path that leads to something like this? :confused:

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Poor little girl :(

The grandmother must be in denial. Nobody would want to accept having raised a child capable of murdering her own child. Heartbreaking for everyone involved.


Yes. As I just read the grandmother's claims that the child is healthy and walking around somewhere, I thought "If she really believes that she's going to lose her mind when the truth comes out." What a tragic story.

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What I really hope is that the media can give some coverage to some missing children who are not white and camera ready.



I haven't followed this story closely, but hasn't it been the mother's behavior, not the appearance of the girl, that brought so much media attention?

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I cannot imagine the heartache adn denial of the grandmother. FIRST, her daughter, the child she raised, probably in a decent environment, is a murderer (ok, allegedly) and SECOND, her grandbaby has been murdered.


While I think she should have been more honest to begin with, she was probably hoping against hope that none of it was true.


And yes, it would be nice (so to speak) to see OTHER children who have disappeared in the news. Natalie Holloway, while I'm glad the story was out there to warn other parents, got really really old. But she was blonde, well off and had a great set of teeth.


I am certain there are Black, Hispanic and Asian children that get abused, murdered and kidnappped every day. But where are they? I would even bet that somewhere in America there is a minority child who has been killed by their own parent, in the past month. But, um....how would we know?!


On a more personal note. IF that minority child has been killed by their adoptive parent or was homeschooled, they would be in the news. At least a snippet.


Didn't mean to get so fired up. Sorry :rant:

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I got so caught up in my rant that I forgot the original reason for my post. In reference to those who abuse children, I found the following Bible Verse. My friends and I have discussed this at length in reference to some of the sexual abuse cases, where the perp forces the children to do things. I guess it really doens't apply to MURDERING them. I have NEVER been able to see ANY justification for murdering a child.



But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe

in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a

large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in

the depths of the sea.


Matthew 18:6



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No question the girl is dead. But I doubt the mother intentionally killed her. I'm betting the mom was driving with the girl in the car, decided to stop and party, left Caylee in the car ("Mommy will be right back, you stay right here") and the mother simply forgot about the girl, maybe went off to do drugs or with a guy. Left the poor little girl in the car, who knows, maybe a day or longer. She came back and found the girl dead. Put her body in the trunk, disposed of her somewhere. Most likely buried, or in a dump somewhere.


Grandma knows perfectly well what happened. I would guess she's in a huge level of denial, but also knows that she lost her granddaughter, and will be losing her daughter to jail. Maybe she figures that she'd rather have her daughter, even with what she did, out of jail. After all, the little girl is not coming back either way.


A horribly sad case.

Michelle T

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It seems lots of missing child cases don't get much media coverage. I am not sure how much race plays into it. I know the Bradley sisters still get coverage 7 or 8 years later. They were not high income, had a single mom. . . They were adorable, camera-ready kids though. I would like to think that every child would be valued equally. It is heartbreaking when any of them go missing.

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