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Exercise Thread ~ February 8th - 14th


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I never did the second half of my workout yesterday. I was so tired after the dentist appt. I wonder how many calories one burns by laying stiff with every muscle tensed for an hour. I kept trying to relax my muscles but they'd tense and stiffen again without my knowledge. It was a good practice at mindful breathing and relaxation. I daresay the sound of the drill seems to be a cue for my muscles to scream "Ready for Action....Tense and Coil NOW! Hold it! Attack Imminent!"  So I was exhausted all day after the hour in the torture (aka dentist) chair. I only had 2 fillings replaced that had worn out so it wasn't extensive or major tooth work either. I can't imagine what one feels like after something like a root canal or crown or something. I've never had those but I don't think I'd like it much. I'm glad I ate an apple with a bit of sunbutter before I went because I couldn't eat until 4 in the afternoon.  


That's another reason I didn't work out. I didn't think it was a good idea to workout having only had an apple all day up to that point. I ate a bowl of split pea soup, an orange, and 2 pieces of toast one with nutella and the other with peanut butter/jam. Then it was off to class. Ate a handful of pecans when I got home just for good measure. 


I decided to do yesterday's workout today. So I repeated the kickboxing/abs and did When I Say Jump. The latter workout is so FUN! It's a level 5 (maximum for FB) but you can modify and go at your pace. I encourage everyone to give it a go. Fun, fun, fun. It will have you laughing (or cursing but in a good way). The only time I didn't keep up was the jack knife crunches and getting up. Takes me longer to get off the floor from my back then it does spry, young Kelli.  :lol:



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I have tennis tonight. I hope my "second-day-after-sore-muscles" are recovered fully by then. It's not feeling great right now, though. 


Anyone know the physiology behind why muscles seem to hurt more two days after a really hard work-out, than the day after? It just seems cruel. 

I don't know why I just know it's normal. I did a quick search and read bits about the chemicals in the muscles, but I don't have time to actually read while paying attention. ;) 



I'm one of those weird people who loves the burn and the soreness. Not injury soreness, of course.

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Yesterday I ran for 15 min on the treadmill and then did squats and lunges.  Not much, but was juggling multiple phone calls relating to a family member about to have a medical procedure, and that ate into my workout time.  DH is traveling, so that makes my schedule a little less flexible as well. I was planning on a half hr or 45 mins of cardio and then lunges/squats, but ended up having to stop early and deal with the calls.  I did some of my squats and lunges while on the phone LOL.



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This morning: hour HIIT workout.


Tonight-  martial arts class followed by kettle bell. Followed by buying more epsom salts.

Isn't HIIT supposed to be short? As in shorter than an hour? That's the whole concept of HIIT right? Short bursts of high intensity and not as long as a regular hour long workout. For an hour HIIT there has got be lots of rest in between, yes? 

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Isn't HIIT supposed to be short? As in shorter than an hour? That's the whole concept of HIIT right? Short bursts of high intensity and not as long as a regular hour long workout. For an hour HIIT there has got be lots of rest in between, yes? 


Well- I simplified because I've noticed that I tend to post longer posts than most of y'all.... it was with my Physical Therapist (who is also a sports trainer)- kind of a check up on my healed calf.  He combines a HIIT workout with enforced rest and rolling and then generally throws some weights in and testing on my body coordination, if I'm really really lucky he does (painful) manipulations to my calves.  I stopped seeing him regularly since I was deemed totally healed in November- but I still have some weakness in my right groin and hip (related to a non-sports injury to my right knee 1 1/2 years ago) and I check in with him every once in a while in the hopes that I will reach my martial arts goals and stay out of ortho boots.  


I always leave him completely soaked in sweat and wiped out yet somehow feeling like I could fly if I just concentrated enough.

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I have tennis tonight. I hope my "second-day-after-sore-muscles" are recovered fully by then. It's not feeling great right now, though. 


Anyone know the physiology behind why muscles seem to hurt more two days after a really hard work-out, than the day after? It just seems cruel. 


I did a little reading and found some interested and useful information about recovery, (which I tend to neglect).


After intense/moderately intense muscle work, the muscles sustain microscopic tears and the healing that occurs makes the muscles stronger (this is the pain part, lactic acid build-up also causes pain in the muscles - but this doesn't last 2 days).


To speed up recovery and reduce pain post-work out (hopefully!):


- pre- and post-nutrition and fluids; drinking enough water, eating or drinking carbs and protein post-recovery 

- stretch (and massage)

- light exercise (active recovery) to keep blood flowing

- sleep


I've also tried ice/cold baths after a long run, which aren't relaxing at all but they worked great at reducing immediate muscle pain. Warm baths with epsom salts are really nice, too.


I guess in my defense for not doing any of these things after skiing is that I didn't realize just how hard my muscles were working. :coolgleamA:  This pain is a good reminder that I should be more diligent about what I do after exercising. ;)

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I did a little reading and found some interested and useful information about recovery, (which I tend to neglect).


After intense/moderately intense muscle work, the muscles sustain microscopic tears and the healing that occurs makes the muscles stronger (this is the pain part, lactic acid build-up also causes pain in the muscles - but this doesn't last 2 days).


To speed up recovery and reduce pain post-work out (hopefully!):


- pre- and post-nutrition and fluids; drinking enough water, eating or drinking carbs and protein post-recovery 

- stretch (and massage)

- light exercise (active recovery) to keep blood flowing

- sleep


I've also tried ice/cold baths after a long run, which aren't relaxing at all but they worked great at reducing immediate muscle pain. Warm baths with epsom salts are really nice, too.


I guess in my defense for not doing any of these things after skiing is that I didn't realize just how hard my muscles were working. :coolgleamA:  This pain is a good reminder that I should be more diligent about what I do after exercising. ;)


Aren't you the one I recommended that recovery drink to? Anyone at GNC or a gym if you belong to one can talk to you about sports nutrition.


Active recovery will prevent pain. I use Yoga, light cardio, or hiking.

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Four mile walk over the hill to the next village, so two miles up hill.  Fitbit thinks I climbed 47 floors and had 45 minutes of cardio.


Skeins of geese were flying overhead in the dusk - we host a lot of Arctic geese in winter.  On the way back in the dark, the owls were waking up.

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I always leave him completely soaked in sweat and wiped out yet somehow feeling like I could fly if I just concentrated enough.

For a second I read that as *he* was the one ending up soaked in sweat, and I thought, "Wow, that IS a tough workout if the trainer is sweating that much."   Sometimes I'm a little slow on the upbeat. 

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I got in a gym workout yesterday afternoon. It felt great. I am not necessarily focused on losing weight but I really need to be dropping some pounds. The scale wasn't moving--for 8 weeks!!! Yesterday morning I weighed and finally, I was down 7 pounds. Overnight!!! But, it's not a weak, tired, hungry loss. I feel strong. I still have a LONG way to go.


So thankful for all of you and the motivation this group provides. 😀

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This morning the wind chill was -9F when we left for the gym. I could kiss my garage :lol:


Did 30 min of cardio and then core work.


My favorite parts to work? Probably core and arms. Core because I seriously can tell the difference after six weeks of focused work (there are muscles under that layer of squish!) and arms because the trainer forces me to keep going by telling me I am so much stronger than I think :)

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I ran. I am cold. I hate February. The end. :closedeyes:


Good for you- I've been too wimpy to run in the cold lately.  


Favorite body part to work out?  Forget the arms and shoulders- It's probably my core. Unfortunately I need the arms and shoulder workout more, definitely my weakest link.


Here's another question:  What's everyone's favorite workout?  Especially if time or money were not an issue. 

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Favorite body part? Arms. Seriously. I LOVE women with sexy arms.


Favorite workout? That's a toughie. It depends on the day. Hiking is pleasant and involves the whole family, P90X makes you really sore in an awesome way, Insanity is fun and e-f-f-e-c-t-i-v-e. Does trying for a baby count?


Yoday is yoga. Ha! I'm leaving it like that.


I learned something and wanted to share. If you do hard core cardio for 10 minutes (you should be sweaty) then stop for 10 minutes your body will release a hormone that tells your body to use fat for further exercise rather than food. I've started implementing this into my workout schedule. I read it in New Rules of Lifting For Women, so I assume it's true.

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Good for you- I've been too wimpy to run in the cold lately.  


Favorite body part to work out?  Forget the arms and shoulders- It's probably my core. Unfortunately I need the arms and shoulder workout more, definitely my weakest link.


Here's another question:  What's everyone's favorite workout?  Especially if time or money were not an issue. 


It was -37 C with the wind chill this morning when I walked the dog. I thought it seemed alright until I turned into the wind, then...  :cursing:    

I'll be playing tennis this evening, followed by wine!!  :hurray:


My favorite body part to work out is my legs - especially in kicking drills (Taekwon-Do), running and running around on the tennis court. I do love the way my arms feel when they have muscle, though! 


My favourite work-out is playing singles tennis against a consistant player at my level. It is so much fun to hit the ball hard, and run around to get some great shots.  If cost were no object, I'd play the tennis in Hawaii!!    :001_tt2:

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Favorite body part? Arms. Seriously. I LOVE women with sexy arms.


Favorite workout? That's a toughie. It depends on the day. Hiking is pleasant and involves the whole family, P90X makes you really sore in an awesome way, Insanity is fun and e-f-f-e-c-t-i-v-e. Does trying for a baby count?


Yoday is yoga. Ha! I'm leaving it like that.


I learned something and wanted to share. If you do hard core cardio for 10 minutes (you should be sweaty) then stop for 10 minutes your body will release a hormone that tells your body to use fat for further exercise rather than food. I've started implementing this into my workout schedule. I read it in New Rules of Lifting For Women, so I assume it's true.


:lol:  :lol: Yes. :lol:

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Hmm, favorite workout.....I think that depends.  For in studio/gym, yoga.  But for just "working out, running, but if time (and money) allowed, I would say hiking/backpacking.  I love being on the trail.  There is something about it that makes everything better.  Running gives me that runner's high, yoga makes me calm, but with hiking I feel as if I'm coming up for clean air.  



Today I did 90 minutes of yoga this morning (core focused, but it worked my arms more), and then this afternoon I ran 4 miles.  I'm such a wimp.  I could have went outside, it was just above freezing but sunny, but I decided to run on my treadmill and watch Elementary. :) 

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Favourite workout?  Walking with great scenery (for the soul) and great hills (for the heart).


Yesterday was lots of walking, none of it fast.  I walked between various obligations during the day, then should have hit the hills with the dog last night but wandered instead.  Oh well - active rest.


Today I'll be turning the compost pile - quite enough upper-body work for me.  It's about a cubic yard of compost.  

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quick easy cardio and kettle bell/abs  



I've decided I want to work my calves. I'd love to build muscle there and make them bigger. I have such skinny chicken legs that I can never find boots that are small enough to not have a big gap around the calf. So maybe I can increase the girth of my calf muscle so I can wear boots and not look like I'm playing dress up in my mommy's shoes. 

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Went for a run. Now I'm working the concession stand from 12-5 at a three way basketball tourney my daughter is playing in. Oh, the romance.

Favorite body part to work? 1.running so lower body? 2. Yoga-especially upper body. I like push ups and pull ups too.

I hate core work though I do it because all those babies have left me with a pretty good (bad?) case of diastasis recti.

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Mom-ninja, if you want bigger calf muscles, trail run.  My dh has done a couple of trail races, and when you see the women and men who trail run a lot (their main training) they have big calves.  I'm guessing it must be from the uneven surface.  


This morning was a 5 mile run.  It felt hard, probably because I ran yesterday afternoon.  I'm planning on yoga later, a nice sequence for my hips. 

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Yesterday- 2 mile walk was all I  managed so I ate a lot of Chinese food to compensate :confused1:   Not good for my arthritis. 


Today- 2 hours open mat.  Very fun time- lots of practice doing different things with different people.  Grappling was intense.  Maybe someday I'll get better....  I did manage to give myself bruises on my left cheekbone and brow line.  When I say gave it to myself I am not exaggerating;  I was so determined not to tap out of a shoulder lock that I rashly attempted to escape with a roll and did a face plant instead.  Talent, grace, and wisdom all in one package;)  My husband is so pleased with me, oh- NOT.


My 13 yo and I came up with a merging of a perfect workout if time and money were not a consideration: 1 hour warm up/conditioning/weights, 1 hour karate techniques, 1 hour grappling or sparring, 1 hour fencing, followed by swimming in a warm pool, massage (that was my idea), and racquetball alternating with dancing or climbing. This would all be followed up by a return to a clean house with a healthy delicious lunch prepared and effortless homeschooling done until dinner.

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I missed swimming yesterday, so I did Strong Body Ageless Body DVD I bought several years ago and never used because it was too hard to keep up. Well, now I can keep up. Not a bad, quick workout. 


I am interested in Kettlebells. Anyone do these? Can I do these on my own or invest in a personal trainer to learn how to use without getting hurt.



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I had some medicinal wine this evening, too!! It's the best way to round off a fun night of tennis. Who really cares about the win or lose after a nice relaxing glass of wine and some post-game socializing with friends.   :hurray:   The tennis was fun, but I made one complete and total failed smash that my dc would have enjoyed watching on youtube.  :ack2:   Thank goodness I didn't whack myself with the racquet after completely missing the ball.  :lol:

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My 13 yo and I came up with a merging of a perfect workout if time and money were not a consideration: 1 hour warm up/conditioning/weights, 1 hour karate techniques, 1 hour grappling or sparring, 1 hour fencing, followed by swimming in a warm pool, massage (that was my idea), and racquetball alternating with dancing or climbing. This would all be followed up by a return to a clean house with a healthy delicious lunch prepared and effortless homeschooling done until dinner.


I love the massage part!!! 


The activities sound wonderful, but it would be excellent to spread it out over a few days in a nice warm location. I think your "perfect work-out" would leave me a pool of sweat on the floor.  :lol:

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